
I Transmigrated Into a Messed Up Body

Jake Dane died in an accident. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a hospital. “It's good you're doing fine, Cadet Jadel Wayner." The doctor called him by a different name. Upon knowing where he was and who he was, he was shocked. ‘I got transmigrated to a novel that I dropped and to this guy’s body. He was transmigrated to the body of a character named Jadel Wayner that the protogonist and main characters absolutely despise—a supposedly dead character. But what shocked him more was that his body is a mess and he is basically a normal human. 'Fuck, how am I going to survive in this world with this body? I don't even know half of the story. SHIT!’ In his former world, Jake Dane was a coward. But now that he has transmigrated into a new body and a new world—a world ruled by power—will he still stay as a coward? __________________________________ Note: If you like my work please support me with power stones, that will be a great motivation for me This is my first work, and sorry guys if there are any grammar mistakes. English is not my native language. But I will do my best to not make any mistakes.

LightOfMoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Chapter 15 Strongest Duo



"She's dead" Taren said

"What did she drop"

"All are potions, 4 Healing potions, 4 Mana potions and 6 buff potions that's all"

"We have many potions now"

The VR battle is developed like a game; when we kill our opponents, they drop their items. I came to know this when I killed Efline. She dropped some potions, explosive arrows, and poison arrows.

"Here is your part." Taren gave me the drops, splitting equally.

"Thanks, let's go now" he nodded.

We started to walk since I don't have much energy to find monsters and hunt them down. While walking, Taren started a conversation.

"Hey Jadel, How do you know that she won't target me?"

"It's simple; I just ticked her off, and all her attention is on me."

When I came to know who she was, my mind instantly lit up with an idea, and in that spur of the moment, I didn't consider whether it would work or not and decided to go with it.

"So, did she like you?" I shook my head

"She used to, but not now"

"What happened?"

"Well, nothing happened; you know I like Alicia, right?" He nodded. "So at that time Efline confessed to me, I had already started to like Alicia. And I already knew she liked me, but I couldn't accept her feelings because of the issues in the family, and as I was dumb at the time, I said some harsh things to her so she wouldn't be persistent. And as you know, when you start to hate someone you love, the hatred is far more immense than love. That's the trick I used on her to divert her attention from you."

"Why pursue someone you can't get?" He asked in confusion, "I don't know why you like her, but I know one thing: you liked her from childhood. Well, I only heard rumors about it, but she would be dumb to not know you liked her. And now, with the condition of your body, you can forget about it…I'm sorry if I offended you" Realizing he offended me, he instantly apologized. But I didn't mind his statement since I'm not the real Jadel.

"You don't have to apologize, and I know that; that's why I stopped chasing her."


"Have you really stopped chasing her?" He asked, not believing my words.

"Yes," I confirmed. 'In the first place, these feelings aren't mine, so why should I pursue her?


'Fuck, it hurts; it fucking hurts more than when my girlfriend left me'

"Are you crying, Jadel?" he asked, surprised by a little.

"Huh, me? Why?" He pointed at my face.

I touched my face and felt a wet sensation.

'Huh, am I crying? No it's not me, is it Jadel?'

"Damn, whoever created the VR, that person is a hella genius." Looking at my face, he exclaimed in amazement.

"The fuck man, in a situation like this, shouldn't you console me?"

"Ahh, that's right, it's okay man, life is hard, and I know with that face you will get a better girl... But that guy is really a genius for—"

"Die, Fucker"





In a dimly lit room, few people closely observed the ongoing fights.

"The students from the Supreme Royal Academy are really exceptional " An instructor from the Elfilial Academy said.

"Especially the top 10 students; it's only been 30 minutes passed, and they already scored above 500 points," another instructor praised.

"You're praising our kids a lot," vice principal Sebastian joined the conversation, "but aren't Elfilial Academy students top?" He looked at the score screen hovering in the air.

"All the top 10 are from Elfilial Academy, holding 300 more points than our kids," Sebastian said.

"Indeed, they're top, but they aren't looking down on your students too much." Vice Principal Sebastian looked at the elf who spoke.

The elf is a nobility with silver and white hair mixed, wearing elegant clothes that speak volumes that he is not the same as the other instructors. Sebastian looked at him and smiled a little.

"No, vice principal Emein, I'm not looking down on my students; I'm just stating facts," he said.

"Stating facts?"

"Yes, for now our students don't have many points, but soon they will be in the top 10," he said as his smile widening, "or maybe our students will be at the top," saying that he looked at the screens still keeping his smile.

Slowly, the students from the Royal Academy started catching up with the Elfilial Academy students. Seeing that, Emein's mouth twitched.

All the elf instructors looked at the screen dumbfounded, with confusion and surprise evident in their faces.

"I told you right, vice principal." Sebastian looked at the elf students elimination screen. Seeing the number slowly increasing, a small smile bloomed on his face, clearly showing pride in them.

'I know my students better, and I know they will take the top 10 position, especially those two little monsters'

Sebastian's eyes focused on the screen displaying two kids fighting with a C- rank monster.






In a jungle where there was no sunlight, two young men engaged in a fierce battle with a ferocious monster. Their clanking weapons reverberated in the jungle.


The monster's howls caused nearby monsters to flee in fear. With a fierce cry, the monster rushed to the white-haired boy, whom the monster deemed to be the most threatening. A red hue covered the bear like a monster's hand, sharpening its claws to the extreme. With another fierce cry, it attacked the boy.

Krieger Style: Luminous parry


He deflected the monster attack, but his body sent flying backwards because of the sheer power of its strength.

"Asher now" he screamed at the other boy.

"On it"

He rushed to the monster, changing his weapon form to a spear. He jumped at the monster.

Astro Copy: Krieger Style: Luminous Thrust



The spear pierced the monster's skin but didn't leave a fatal injury.

"It's shallow"


His eyes widened at an unexpected attack by the monster, seemingly using the power generated by his attack to deliver a massive attack.


"Kuegh-" Bam

Asher sent flying and smashed into a tree, causing it to break and fall on him.

"Shit, it has a skill that can absorb and deliver powerful attacks." Aaron stood up as realization dawned on him.

"The red hue covering it's hands increases with our attacks, making its attacks powerful. We have to attack the monster without giving it a chance to counterattack," Aaron said to him.

"I get that…now" Pushing the tree on his body, he got up. Blood dripped from his mouth and chest as the monster attack left a big gash on his chest.

Wiping the blood from his lips, he took out a potion and drank it.

"I'm ready now" Asher said as his body started to heal quickly.

Changing his weapon to a sword, he took his stance. Gripping his spear tightly, Aaron too took his stance.

Astro Copy: Dream Art First Style: Double Light Slash.

Krieger Style: Luminous Triple Thrust

Both of them simultaneously launched at the monster and attacked.




The monster cried in pain. Absorbing their attack's power, the monster once again targeted Aaron.

Krieger Style: Luminous parry


Aaron deflected its attack once again. Seeing an opening Asher attacked.

Astro Copy: Dream Art First Style: Triple Light Slash.


Krieger Style: Luminous Double Thrust.

Astro Copy: Kiver Style: Piercing Sword

Krieger Style:....

Astro Copy:….

Aaron and Asher attacked the monster relentlessly, without giving it any chance to counterattack them.

As they continued their weapons clashing sounds and the monster pained cry echoed throughout the jungle alerting the nearby students.

Some students rushed to them, while others ignored them and continued to accumulate points.

Asher and Aaron panted heavily, standing while watching the monster take its last breath.

"Huff–Huff, that's a hell of a tough monster" panting, Asher said with a smile.

"Indeed" Aaron replied with a monotonous tone

"Sigh" Asher could only sigh at his impassive tone as he got used to hearing it.

"Let's go–"

"To where" A voice interrupted. Looking in that direction, he saw two human students approaching them.

"Who…are you guys" confused, Aaron asked.

"Well, what did I expect?" He started introducing him and his teammate.

"My name is Jake Olstrov Rank 11 and he is Nemises Rank 13 from Class A1"

"I'm sorry" Asher apologised.

"Nha, it's okay, since the whole A class is mixed up unlike other classes…and sorry"

"For wh–"Asher's words were cut off by a sudden, unexpected attack by Nemises.

Catching the throwing knife, he asked coldly.

"Why did you attack"

"Ohh, did you forget it's a battle, and before we start fighting I just wanted to introduce myself."

Gripping his double sickle, Jake rushed to Asher and unleashed a barrage of attacks..

"Fuck" cursing Aaron tried to help Asher, but his attempt was stopped by Nemises.

"You're opponent is me" Nemises declared.

"Tch" 'Should I use it…no, it's not time' gripping his spear, he rushed to Nemises.

'A weakling like him doesn't deserve it…I will end this battle quickly'

Krieger Style: Stardust

Aaron's surroundings lit up with a greenish-blue color, and stardust sparkled through the way his spear moved.

Extreme Thrust

Nemises eyes widened from the income threat, his body froze in fear, and a cold sweat dripped from his face. Knowing he could do nothing, he stayed there, embracing his death.


Nemise's entire body vanished instantly; the place he stood looked mesmerizing as stardust completely enveloped the place. Even Asher and Jake looked at it and were completely mesmerized.

"What are you looking at, end your fight idiot" the two of them jolted out by Aaron's words.

'As expected of my rival. I will end this fight quickly too'

Changing his weapon to sabre he took his stance

Astro Copy: Kiver Style: Whirlwind

His sabre glowed intensely.

"I won't allow you" screaming, Jake rushed him only to meet his end.

"Too late"

Condensed Mana Slash



A whirlwind formed as he unleashed his sword strike. The wind blades sliced Jake into multiple pieces, killing him instantly. Its aftermath caused the nearby trees to fall down.

"Huff–huff, We need to move from here before another problem come find us"

While they are moving to another place. A white haired young man smiled maliciously.

"Don't laugh like that, Jadel; it's disgusting," another young man said, feeling disgusted.

"Now let's wait for that to take effect" Jadel said.

"With this we might stand a chance…probably" Taren said, looking at the departing figures of Aaron and Asher.