
I Transmigrated Into a Messed Up Body

Jake Dane died in an accident. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a hospital. “It's good you're doing fine, Cadet Jadel Wayner." The doctor called him by a different name. Upon knowing where he was and who he was, he was shocked. ‘I got transmigrated to a novel that I dropped and to this guy’s body. He was transmigrated to the body of a character named Jadel Wayner that the protogonist and main characters absolutely despise—a supposedly dead character. But what shocked him more was that his body is a mess and he is basically a normal human. 'Fuck, how am I going to survive in this world with this body? I don't even know half of the story. SHIT!’ In his former world, Jake Dane was a coward. But now that he has transmigrated into a new body and a new world—a world ruled by power—will he still stay as a coward? __________________________________ Note: If you like my work please support me with power stones, that will be a great motivation for me This is my first work, and sorry guys if there are any grammar mistakes. English is not my native language. But I will do my best to not make any mistakes.

LightOfMoon · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 14 Speciality of my Soul Bound

"Dream Art First Style: Light Slash"



"That's my fifth kill; don't forget the bet, okay?" counting his skill and reminding the bet, the young man sheathed his sword. He has blue hair and blue eyes.

"Fucker, how many fucking times do I have to tell you that I didn't agree to the bet?" a beautiful girl with silver hair and hazel eyes retorted.

"If you want to flirt with a girl or lay on her bed, you can do it, but that girl is not me. This is your last warning; if you say this again, I will fucking kill you, Marcus," she fiercely said.

"Yeah, yeah, that's the exact thing you said last time to me… If you like Asher, say before he confesses his feelings to—" A lightningball passed before his face, nearly missing his face. Looking at her, he saw lightning passing through her body and her eyes shining with a fierce glint.

"I said many times I don't like him, so don't misunderstand and spread weird rumors."

"... Calm down, Shreya. I'm just teasing you; you don't have to get angry."

Calming herself, she said, "If you start a conversation about this again, I will be your enemy; you got that." She warned him.

"Okay, okay, I won't, and sorry"

It looks like they seemingly teamed up with each other as third and fourth in ranking.

"Isn't the teacher said top 2 students from every class so why the top 10 have to fight." Marcus asked her

"... I heard the Elfilial Academy wants to see our top 10 ranker capabilities, and they also have top 10 rankers in them," she answered.

"Really, no wonder some of them felt as strong as me. Will we be alright?"

"I don't know about that, but I'm sure Aaron and Asher could stand a chance… maybe" she said in a tone of uncertainty.

"Well, let's gather points and get into the top 10 rankings; facing them is the problem, but not accumulating points by hunting monsters," he said and started to walk.


Ten meters away from them, they heard a rustling sound, halting their step. They observed at that place.

Tap Tap


"No wolves, a pack of them," Marcus corrected her. After some seconds, all of the wolves emerged.

"Wow, a pack of 16 wolves, and all of them are E and E+ rank," Marcus exclaimed in surprise. Gripping his sword, Marcus took his fighting stance. Shreya too readied herself as electricity crackled from her body.


Sensing the danger, the leader of the wolves ordered the three wolves to attack. The wolves rushed and jumped at him, opening their maws to bite him.


Dream Art First Style: Triple Light Slash

As white light flashed three times, the three wolves were sliced cleanly into two pieces. Blood flooded out of them as their intestines slowly fell from their bodies.

"Eww, it's fucking gross as ever" she remarked in disgust.

"Can't you talk more like a lady"

"Fuck you, fucker" she sweared him.


The leader of the wolves howled loudly. As it howled, the other wolves' eyes became bloodthirsty and started to release bloodlust.

Two wolves rushed to him and attacked with their sharp paws. The sudden increase in its speed caught him off guard, and he hastily blocked its attack.


"Wha—" Marcus sent flying as he blocked the wolf's attack.

"Careful they are buffed" he shouted to her

"I can see that." Lightning crackled around her body. As the wolf approached her, she made a lightning spear in thin air and sent it to the wolf, piercing its body.


The wolf howled in pain. Seeing this other wolf rushed in, only to be pierced by a lightning spear.

The leader of the wolves howled angrily as he saw his comrades dying. Hearing the leader's howl, all the wolves dashed at them.

"Hehe, you made it easy for me"

"Dream Art Fourth style: Dream Of Chaos"

Hearing his sword technique name Shreya's eyes widened "Fucker" she cursed him and ran out of his range.


A fierce wind brushed past her. Stopping her tracks, she looked at the place and turned her head to the other side, as she couldn't look in that direction. The scene looked too gore for her to handle.

The wolves were sliced into multiple pieces; blood flooded out of them, and their brains and intestines fell out of their bodies through the sliced parts.

'Do they have to create the monster this realistically?' This was her only thought process.

"H-help me" She heard Marcus's voice.

"Hell no, I won't come to that place, you have a potion right drink it" She said.

The technique Marcus used is too strong for him to use now, and as a result, he damaged his hands and body.

"It's won't heal in one potion give me yours too"

"Fucker, then why use the technique"

"It's fun since its not real world"

"Sigh" she approached him

"Can you feed me with mouth to mouth"


A vein poped in her head. "This fucker," opening the potion, she bashed it into his mouth, forcefully making him drink.

Cough cough

"Can't you atleast gently put the potion on my mouth" he asked, choking the potion.

"Die, Fucker"

'The technique's destructive power is on par with C rankers or even above. He truly is fit for the sword genius title'




"Fuck, they are catching up with us," Taren exclaimed.

"We can't outrun them; they are clearly above our ranks."

"What should we do" he asked

"We have to face the—" Looking at Taren, I saw a line connecting Teren's head, and my hand automatically moved, tracing through the line.


"—Arrow, they have ranged fighter"

Suddenly, I felt a prickling feeling all over my back. Turning around, I saw a bunch of lines connecting to my body.

'Shit' I jumped to the side, avoiding the barrage of arrows piercing my body.

'Fuck, If I'm two seconds late, I would have become a porcupine.'

"Jadel are you okay"

"Yeah I'm fine…"


"I didn't think you could avoid that." Hearing a sweet, captivating voice, I looked up. There, I saw two elf girls standing on the three branches.

'Silver hair elves, they are pure blood… Wait isn't that leaf birthmark on her neck'

Smiling a little I asked "How are you doing…Sister Efline"

She frowned. "Who are you, and how do you know my name?"

"You don't recognise me sister, its me your lovely cousin, Jadel"

Hearing my name, her eyes widened in surprise, and she gave me a twisted smile. Efline is the daughter of my stepmother Evaline's sister. We met many times on the birthdays of my half siblings, other occasions, and regular meetups with family, and as Jadel's personality, he picked fights with her many times.

"Are you really Jadel? Hehe I thought I couldn't fight you, but I can beat you now you imbecile" she shot a arrow at me


Deflecting the arrow, I threw a paralyzing smoke bomb at her. But she avoided it.

"Cover your face" I hurriedly said to Taren. Taking out three paralyzing bombs, I exploded them in my hands and used mist to spread them. Using the mist spell will drop its efficiency, but it's still a good way to spread it quickly.

Activating my gravity field skill, I rushed to Teren. My eyes and senses are also trained for this, so I easily found him in the mist.


"Huh, arrow" two more arrows approached me.

'It's not a coincidence; she can actually detect me'

"Yes, I can detect you," she said as if she read my mind. "So don't think of running away from me, Jadel; I can always find you." Another arrow flew toward me.

'Well, only she can detect me' I ran to the other elf girl. 'She is with her' I cast a mist spell again. Taking out a poison dart, I threw it in the other girl's direction.


I heard a pained groan. 'It hit.' It's a slow poison that will gradually kill her in 10 minutes. 'One's story is over; now it's time for Efline'

Efline stopped attacking me as I attacked her teammate. Taking the opportunity, I rushed to her.


'she is changing her position'


I halted my steps as I felt something peering at me. The split second I froze, I felt a prickly sensation all over my body and saw a bunch of lines connecting my body.

I couldn't dodge the arrows as I froze on the place; the only thing I could do now was defend against it.

I traced through the lines that connected me.

Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank

Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank

I couldn't fully block the arrows; some of them pierced my hands, shoulder, legs, and abdomen. I couldn't move as pain coursed through my body. After some seconds, my legs gave away and I fell to the ground.

The mist slowly disappeared, showing a figure of an elf walking in my direction.

"Why came? Can't you just kill me from afar?" I asked with a groggy voice.

"There is no thrill in that, I want to kill you by facing you"

"How can you kill your cute little cousin?" I asked, making a cute face.

"Cute? You? An imbecile like you is cute'' she said with disgust

"Is that so? I still remember you kissing me on the cheek, clear as a day," her face flushed.

"B-bastard t-that was when I was a little kid, I don't have feelings for you now"

"I know that, but aren't you forgetting something?" Her eyes widened in realization. She quickly held her bow, but it was already late.


"Kugeh-" Taren stabbed her from behind, "Sorry I will give you a quick painless death" telling her that I covered her eyes and broke her neck for a quick, painless death.

"Now let's kill the remaining one."