
I transmigrated in Pokemon

A 16-year-old boy, Roland Moris suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar place looking like Zhongli of Genshin Impact. At first, he thought he was in Genshin Impact and despaired thinking about all the Gods and monsters. However, he was soon proven wrong by the sight of a shiny Magikarp drowning in the lake. This situation made him realized that he wasn't in Genshin Impact but in Pokemon!! Come follow Roland's journey in this vast world filled with wonderful Pokemon. Will he reach the top and catch this favourite Pokemon that he always wanted? Read to find out! Now, he won't catch real Legendaries not the likes of Dialga and Palkia at least. But, Mythicals are open game and he will catch the ones he can. Harem? Well I plan to make it, but the members aren't decided yet. You can suggest names however the girls must be proper adults (18+) As for Pokemon moves? This fic is based on the anime so there is no 4 moves limitation. Well, that's all there is to it. For more details, read the damn thing! Now the main topic, this is wish-fullfilment, there is not proper undate shedule. Also, don't expect regular updates I'll post when I can. This is my hobby not a job and if you want me to get more serious then support me. My paypal link is down below: paypal.me/pratik359 There is also a DxD fic I'm writing you can read that too. Join my discord if you wanna talk: https://discord.gg/hpe4SqYZKv

TheMilflover · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


"Damn it! It seems I'm out of luck." Complained Roland.

He had been roaming through the forest in search of a Bulbasaur for the entire morning. Because of this, he even deviated from the road to Viridian city. He wasn't worried though as he has a map. However, he still hasn't found a single Bulbasaur!

"It's already noon, I should take a lunch break." He moved toward a clearing and sat down under the shades of a big tree.

"Here eat up."

He gave food to Magikarp and Charmander. Magikarp's level went up by one in two day. Mainly because he's been fed top quality food.

The best way to quickly evolve a Magikarp is to let it eat a lot. Magikarp gathers the energy to evolve into a Gyarados through eating. Once it reaches level 20, all it takes is a bit of stimulation and boom!

You got yourself a freaking water dragon, or Gyarados.


Out of nowhere a green vine came rushing through the bushes trying to steal Charmander's food and it was successful in snatching Charmander's lunch.

Charmander was startled at first before turning red in anger. He started to chase after the vine, Roland was also taken aback but quickly ran after Charmander. He was curious to see which Pokemon it was.

After some time they were visited by the site of a Pokemon and it was none other than a Bulbasaur!

Seeing it Roland was really happy. He finally managed to find the Pokemon, he was so desperately looking for.


[Species: Bulbasaur

Gender: Female

Age: 2 months

Level: 9

Potential: Excellent

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed]

"Awesome! She's perfect!!" Roland bounced up and down in happiness. A level 9 Bulbasaur with excellent potential presented herself in front of him on her own.

It was the best!

"Charmander, get ready. She is stronger than you." Roland warned Charmander. This Bulbasaur is 3 levels higher compared to him, plus she has more experience.


Charmander too became serious. Since Roland said this enemy is powerful, he didn't dare to underestimate her.

In the meantime, the Bulbasaur launched a sneak attack on Charmander using Vine Whip.

"Charmander dodge." Roland commanded.

Charmander jumped away, however Bulbasaur followed with a Leech Seed.

"Charmander use Ember!"

Charmander used ember and it clashed with the leech seed. Buring the seed to smithereens, creating dust and smoke. This was Charmander's chance and Roland didn't plan to waste it.

"Charmander, use Scratch. Then Ember with full power!" Ordered Roland.

Charmander did as he was told and fired ember right after using scratch. As Bulbasaur was very weak against fire based attacks she lost consciousness.

Roland quickly threw a pokeball at the fainted Bulbasaur. The pokeball shock for a bit while he waited in anticipation. It finally stopped moving and the familiar sound of successful capture rang out.

"Phew~ I got Bulbasaur!" Roland breathed in relief. If Charmander didn't have the type advantage this wouldn't have been an easy battle.

There was another fact that, although the Bulbasaur knew 'Growth' she didn't have the time to use that move. Had she managed to use Growth, then her attacks might have overpowered Charmander's.

Roland went next to Charmander and patted his head. Before giving him some more food. Then he called out the newly caught Bulbasaur and gave her food as well, and caressed her head.

The female Bulbasaur happily ate the tasty food. Forgetting the fact that she just fought against them a moment ago. It was a Pokemon logic, 'enemies become friends' troop at its peak.

Afterward, Roland ate his own lunch and rested under the tree. It was noon and the sun was quite hot.


Next morning.

The next morning came, the sun rose from the east and the Pidgeys' chirping rang throughout the forest.

Roland was doing the morning training along with his Pokemon. This was one of his habits, even back on earth Roland used to exercise daily in the morning. He also realized, that his new body is incredibly fit when he was training.

Bulbasaur was level 9 and already knew four moves, all of them are physical attacks. She needs to level up before he can teach her new moves. Same for Charmander, both of them need to be at level 12 before he can teach them new moves.

Thus, he told them to practice the moves they already know. So they can become more adept at performing them.

While Magikarp chilled on the calm river water, without a care for training. He's priority as a Magikarp was to eat and level up anyway. So, he can quickly become a giant shiny Gyarados.

After Roland finished his training. He walked back near the tent and observed his Pokemon practicing diligently. He then started to create strategies for his battle with Brock.

'Geodude is not a problem, since I have Bulbasaur. The trickier one is Onix. It's a tank with absurdly high defence. Both Charmander and Bulbasaur won't be able to deal significant damage. Counting on Magikarp is not an option, even if he managed to evolve into a Gyarados. Gyarados would be at a disadvantage on the rocky terrain.' Roland thought hard. But, every time he arrives at the same conclusion.

"I need to level up Bulbasaur, before challenging Brock."

Yes, this was the most optimal solution. Bulbasaur is already level 9, moreover Roland believes, he can make her level rise faster.

It won't be long before she reaches level 16. She may even evolve into a Ivysaur. He can also choose the best moves for them with help from the system.

Onix's only strong point is its great physical defence. Ivysaur can dish out various special attacks which should be more than enough to deal with Onix.

Thinking of all this confidence filled Roland's heart as he could foresee a bright future!

"Alright, time to go plus ultra!!!" He balled up his fist and roared to the sky.


"Haah, at long last I'm here." Exclaimed Roland.

He finally reached the Viridian forest. He was trying to find a place to set up his camp in addition to training his Pokemon. In the end, he settled near a lake where he can rest and bring them out. He released Magikarp who directly jumped into the lake as soon as he got out.

Like before, he advised Bulbasaur and Charmander to train in their respective skills, especially Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur would be his biggest asset against Brock and his Rock-type Pokemon.

"Okay guys enough training. Here eat this and go to rest." Said Roland to Charmander and Bulbasaur.

After an hour of practice Roland let them rest. They were tired and totally spent, so he gave them some food before retreating them back to their pokeballs. Rest was an essential part of training.

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