
I transmigrated in Pokemon

A 16-year-old boy, Roland Moris suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar place looking like Zhongli of Genshin Impact. At first, he thought he was in Genshin Impact and despaired thinking about all the Gods and monsters. However, he was soon proven wrong by the sight of a shiny Magikarp drowning in the lake. This situation made him realized that he wasn't in Genshin Impact but in Pokemon!! Come follow Roland's journey in this vast world filled with wonderful Pokemon. Will he reach the top and catch this favourite Pokemon that he always wanted? Read to find out! Now, he won't catch real Legendaries not the likes of Dialga and Palkia at least. But, Mythicals are open game and he will catch the ones he can. Harem? Well I plan to make it, but the members aren't decided yet. You can suggest names however the girls must be proper adults (18+) As for Pokemon moves? This fic is based on the anime so there is no 4 moves limitation. Well, that's all there is to it. For more details, read the damn thing! Now the main topic, this is wish-fullfilment, there is not proper undate shedule. Also, don't expect regular updates I'll post when I can. This is my hobby not a job and if you want me to get more serious then support me. My paypal link is down below: paypal.me/pratik359 There is also a DxD fic I'm writing you can read that too. Join my discord if you wanna talk: https://discord.gg/hpe4SqYZKv

TheMilflover · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


It took Roland about a week to get out of the Viridian forest. He was visited by the sight of a gorgeous city, there were lots of trees together with many buildings.

"Haha, Rock badge here I come!" Uttered Roland.

He took out Bulbasaur and Charmander as well. It would be their first time in a city. A city is a huge place filled with lots of people and Pokemon alike. They were full of excitement and anticipation.

"Let's go."

Both Pokemon followed alongside Roland, as he headed toward Pewter city. After some time they arrived near the city gate as they came close they were blocked by a beautiful lady with short blue hair, wearing a police uniform and he knows who she is, she's officer Jenny.

"Please stop right there." Ordered officer Jenny.

"Is there a problem? Officer Jenny?" Roland asked in confusion. He still did as he was told and stopped in his tracks.

"Please state your purpose as well as show your identity proof." Instead of answering him, she asked for his identification.

"Oh, I am a new trainer. I came to challenge the gym leader." Replied Roland as he took out his trainer ID and handed it over.

Officer Jenny began to check his ID to see if it was legit or not. As she did, she didn't forget to admire the honest and handsome young man next to her. It was not everyday she gets to see boys like him. About a minute or two passed by and she was finished verifying his authentication.

"So, you're Roland Moris, sixteen years old. Am I correct?" She questioned him in stren voice. Trying to exert pressure on Roland.

"Yes, the one and only~" Roland said with a confident smile, without missing a beat. He knew, he had to appear calm or she might suspect him.

"Okay, sorry for the inconvenience. There have been several cases of Pokemon robbery lately. So, every new face is a suspect." She explained and apologized.

"Don't be. It just shows you're taking your job seriously. We should be thankful instead, thanks for your hand work."

"Hehe, aren't you a good boy. Anyways hop on, you must be heading toward the Pokemon center. I'll give you a ride." Jenny was in a good mood, thus she offered him a lift.

"That'd be great. Me and my Pokemon are tired after walking all the way." Roland didn't refuse her kind gesture. He was indeed somewhat worn out, a free ride to the Pokemon center was very welcoming.

After that, she gave some instructions to her fellow officer. Meanwhile, Roland positioned himself on the side cart comfortably. He already called back Charmander and Bulbasaur.

"Here we go hold tight." Warned Officer Jenny as she rotates the accelerator. Soon they went out of sight, leaving only dust behind.


"Thank you officer Jenny, please continue what you're doing." Roland thanked officer Jenny as he got out of the side cart.

After a long drive, they reached the Pokemon center.

"It's okay, see you around." She said and headed back to her post.

Roland then went inside the Pokemon center, he saw many trainers going in and out with their Pokemon. Some are sick, and injured while some are quite healthy appearing very strong.

He walked straight toward the reception where nurse Joy was standing.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Asked nurse Joy after greeting Roland.

"Hi, I'm Roland. Could you check on my Pokemon?" He took out three pokeballs and handed them over to her.

"Also, I would like a room to stay as well."

"Sure, Chansey please guide Roland to the trainers resting area and show a room." She said to the pink Pokemon standing right next to her.


Chansey did as she was told and led Roland to the resting area, next Roland chose a room that was empty. He laid down on the bed for a while before heading toward the park outside his room.

Many Pokemon were present there playing with their trainers or training for their gym battle.


"She's probably done with the check up." Muttered Roland as he went back to the reception. It has been an hour or so since he arrived here.

"Is the check up complete? How are my Pokemon?" He asked.

"Oh, you came. I am done with the check ups. Rest assured your Pokemon are in good condition." Replied nurse Joy with an amicable smile.

Chansey brought out his pokeballs. He called them all out.




All of Roland's Pokemon made great progress in the past week or so.


[Species: Charmander

Gender: Male

Age: 1.1 month

Level: 12

Potential: Excellent

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Dragon Breath]

[Species: Bulbasaur

Gender: Female

Age: 2.1 month

Level: 16

Potential: Excellent

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Seed Bomb]

[Species: Magikarp

Gender: Male

Age: 3.1 month

Level: 17

Potential: Excellent

Moves: Splash]

They have grown a lot in the past week. Bulbasaur is eligible for evolution. However, she needs more stimulation. Maybe the fight with Brock will push her in evolving.

Magikarp is close to level 20 just three more levels and Roland would be gifted with a red Gyarados. As for Charmander, he is the one who grew the most. He doubled his level in a week. It's understandable, Charmander is competitive by nature and loves to train.

'He would love to visit Charicific valley.' He thought inwardly. Recalling those battle maniac Charizards'. They are very strong though.

"Thanks again, nurse Joy. Good luck with your work." Said Roland, as he went back to the park.

There he released everyone except Magikarp as they headed off to play around. Roland then went next to the water area to release Magikarp. As time passed and sun went down Roland reached his room, took an evening shower because he was too sweaty after all that running and fooling around.

Afterward Roland headed out in search for a good restaurant that cooked food for both Pokemon and humans. Roland wanted for his Pokemon to experience other types of food. They had only been eating the same pokemon food given by the system. They should try new things.

He found a pretty good one not much far from the Pokemon center, it was a peaceful place with tasty food. Although, the prices of their dishes were somewhat high, it wasn't a problem for Roland, who has 10000 PK dollars.

After having dinner Roland returned to the Pokemon center and called it a night. He needed to rest properly because tomorrow would be his first gym battle.

{Sorry guys for not posting those few days. I have a pretty nasty fever and this is giving a solid headache whenever I sit in front of the screen. Therefore, I couldn't write at all. This chapter was mostly finished before the fever hit me. I somehow managed to put it together hence this update. As for the DxD fic; I haven't wrote any more chapters so it might take a while to post new chapter, this weekend maybe? Can't say for sure. It will depend on my health.

Hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget to leave powers stones and reviews as well as comments.}

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