

After disposing of the last guard, I strunk Miss naga and turned her into a doll before swallowing her. She will be of use at a later time.

Kicking down the reinforced metal door with ease, I walk out of my prison with a smile on my face. Taking a deep breath of air as I immediately get to work, turning everyone I come across into transfigured humans.

In this world, there are no sorcerers, but their are many, many, many heros and villains, each powerful in their own right. I normally wouldn't go after heroes, but I have no doubt that some of them will attempt to stop me on my cleansing of all evil humans.

The heros more affiliated with the avengers are less likely to try and stop me, they seem to be willing to kill if need be. That's why they seem to have some deep rooted tension with the justice league who strictly follows a no kill rule.

The core members of each hold their own ideals. The Justice League is more powerful from what I can get from my Maximus' side of memories. The only person that would be able to harm the strongest league members on the Avengers is the Norse god of thunder, Thor.

After stashing 50 or so inmates turned transfigured humans into my body I run through the halls energy flowing through my body as it seems all the negative energy in this world has gave me nigh infinite cursed energy due to me being the only curse/cursed energy user capable of absorbing it from the atmosphere

"Target spotted, fire!" I hear a muffled voice as bullets rain down onto me. Piercing skin but doing 0 damage since the only things that can harm me are overwhelming force -it can hurt but won't be able to kill him. Idle transfiguration is op asf- and attacks to the soul.

Grinning, I crouch down the metal floors indenting under the accumulated force I built before I leap towards the group of men. Both arms shifted into sythe like blades.

Ignoring every attack, I dismembered each and every member, leaving them alive and crippled. All of them missing limbs as I laugh, grabbing one of the guards heads. I shift his form into a grey monster similar to a horse.

Leaping on to my new horses back I smile and gesture forward "go horse go!~" riding my new pet forward we barge through a door that leads outside and im immediately blinded by lights cop cars swat trucks and helicopters surrounding the building.

'Of course they would be here... Oh, well.' smiling as I tell my new horse to charge forward as fast as he can. I ignore the polices shouting of fear and barge right through their formation.

Riding on my horse, ignoring the gun fire, I hear a whisp in the air, leaning back. I barely dodge a kick from... 'Oh its spiderman!' smiling, I wave to Spiderman.

"Hey, web head!" Laughing at Spiderman's narrowed lenses, I grab two of my transfigured humans from my body, throwing them onto the ground. One of them turns into a giant, and another turns into a replica of Spiderman.

'When I were just mahito, I wasn't capable of doing stuff like this, but due to the fact I'm the only one here capable of absorbing all this negative energy naturally...' smiling as the giant lays waste to the police.

"Hey! Spidey! Aren't u a bit more talkative? What's up with the black suit?" As I yell out to Spiderman, who narrows his lenses even more before shooting out two black webs that I make my replica counter with his own webs

"Sorry, that won't work! You see this guy right here? He's gonna be your opponent I have somewhere to be hehe." Laughing as my spiderman replica stops the original spidermans charge they begin to exchange blows as I ride my horse off.

Shaking my head in annoyance at the helicopters shining there lights on me 'hmm, how about a bird transfigured human to handle them' spitting into my palm I mold the humans soul into the shape of a large bird sending it soaring after the pest helicopters.

As my horse and I ride uphill from the facility I turn back one last time, to take a look at the place that I once called 'hell' for 2 months.

"Che, it's time I start giving certain wicked people a personal visit." Laughing as me and my horse ride down hill.

(Unknown pov)

'Tmiy (the mental institution for troubled youths) was broken out of recently, all on camera. Everyone in the facility was either found dead or not found at all. The only survivor is Maximus Light, the son of two business titans.

When recorded, the boy has shown superhuman capabilities able to heal from bullet wounds instantly. Capable of moving faster than the cameras can comprehend along with the power to shift his body into different objects.

The most terrifying ability of his is to seemingly shift humans into grotesque monsters that follow his every command. Such a threat should be extinguished immediately, but his whereabouts are currently unknown.

The hero who attempted to stop him was Spiderman, a well-respected hero in the community on both sides. Spiderman failed to even lay a hand on Maximus. The boy seemed to be able to mold his deformed humans into replicas of people perfectly.

The fake Spiderman he made was able to clash with the original for a little over half an hour. We can only assume the worst-case scenario with no known weaknesses, the ability to transform people upon physical contact, and superhuman abilities.

Maximus Light will be considered a new supervillain amongst the hero community. What if he got his hands onto someone like Thor or Superman? Would he be able to shift their bodies to his will? Can he create replicas of them upon contact? This boy is a threat. He is a massive one. His past points towards him, apparently raping and impregnating his aunt, but I have reasons to believe those are false allegations, minus his aunt being pregnant.

Maximus actively fed and tended to people less fortunate than him before the incident. He had perfect grades in school as well. Whatever happened to him to make him change so much must have been bad. It's really bad. The false accusations and torture in the facility may have changed his psyche, but what brought on the hair color change? Maximus originally had brown hair and blue eyes.

Now, he has blue hair with heterochromia eyes (gold and purple, respectively). He looks the same in the face, but his hair is blue, and his eyes are two different colors.

Along with his new abilities, I want Maximus Light recruited for the suicide squad effective immediately.'


My new hideout is in an abandoned candy factory on the outskirts of Gotham. I rode my horse from New York to Gotham. I mean, they are barely 3 miles apart, but it was still impressive if u asked me.

My encounter with Spiderman was interesting. Running into one of my favorite heroes and not even having to fight him was fun. He seemed uncharacteristically serious, though. Most likely, from the black suit, it radiates negative energy in pools.'Poor guy is getting corrupted slowly.' Shaking my head, I begin devising a game plan.

"Hehe, I think it's time to pay my dear dad a visit~" giggling to myself, I walked into the shadows for some well needed rest.

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Angelic_venomcreators' thoughts