
A curse!

Deep within the halls of a mental institution, a woman surrounded by four armed men in dark combat attire can be seen strutting through the halls with a scowl on her face.

"Why has the subject refused any form of food?" The woman demands the guard closest to her for answers. "We don't know, miss. He just suddenly stopped eating. He doesn't even react when we threaten to tase him."

"What did you fools do? You know who his parents are? The government is gonna have our heads if he croaks!" The woman's voice raises as alongside the fury in her voice if one payed strict attention they would also hear an undertone of fear.

"He won't die he's getting fed the proper nutrients via tubes but we fear that his psyche has taken even more of a toll, his previously brown hair began shifting blue and one of his eyes has turned grey something is changing within his body." The guard farthest behind explains as the leading woman's eyes widen.

"Are you telling me the boy is going through a mutation of sorts?" Shaking his head, the guard responded, "No, we already used our scanners to see if he were a mutant. He lacks the homo-superior gene; whatever is happening to him is purely 'natural'."

Suddenly, they halted at a white door titled "Maximus Light". The four-person party entered and were immediately met with darkness.

If not for a single dim lamp illuminating the white surroundings, one would think that not a single person was in the room.

Shining the lights on their M16s, the guards gasp as a boy, standing at about 5'8, with eyes that shine grey and blue, along with newly turned blue hair hanging from his head in untamed spikes, a fanatical look on his eyes, his cheeks bloating as if to hold in laughter.

"Max, dear. I'm sorry for not visiting you... How have you been as of recently?" The lady suddenly takes on a grandmotherly tone as she walks towards Max with the guard moving with her.

"Come closer, Auntie Naga," Max pleads, not noticing the boy's wicked smile.

(Max POV)

My name is Maximus Light, the bastard son of two corporate giants capable of competing with every company in the world minus LexCorp, Wayne Industries, and Stark Industries.

My parents are both married to different people and had me after a one-night stand. To my knowledge, my mother purposely allowed my father to impregnate her, hoping that I would take over his company and sell it to her side of the family or something.

Life was well, even though both my elder half-brothers (both of my father's side) hated me and treated me like dirt. Along with the fact that my father called me a waste of seed and my mother only saw me as a money bag, everything was fine.

Recently things were starting to brighten. My life was slowly getting better. That is until She decided to ruin things.

Mymothers younger sister is in her early 20s named Angelina. She's a slacker and has some form of a superiority complex. She triumphs both my brothers and father in mental abuse by multiple folds.

She takes every moment of the day attempting to treat me like shit. Angry that I would be the next in line to inherit the company due to being my mother's sole heir. She hated that fact to the core and made sure that I suffered for just being born.

While the verbal and mental abuse was bad, everything changed when I turned 13. She would suddenly start groping and feeling all over me in a sexual manner much to my chargin. Everytime I tried to push her away, she would threaten me with the fact that I sneak out and feed homeless people in Gotham.

My father sees anyone and everyone beneath him, minus his blood and other rich people. If he found out the weekly allowance he gave me was used to feed people, he would consider ants. That would be the end of me, literally.

So I kept my mouth shut at my aunt's sexual assault. I bit my tongue and sucked it up. Even though my aunt would feel over me every night, I still was able to help the poor homeless people of Gotham every weekend. I would just have to endure for the time being, for their sake.

When I turned 14, the sexual assault turned to me sexually pleasing her with my mouth. I hated that she forced me to lick her. I hated it.

Every night I'd be forced to please her, be it my tongue or my fingers, I had no choice every time I hesitated. She threatened the lives of my friends and the people I fed, claiming that not only would she tell my father what I did during the weekends but also hired someone to kill them all.

I endured even more after that, once I turned 15, my world came crashing down in a heap of flames.

My aunt went from me pleasing her with my mouth to her tying me up and riding me. She held no regard for my pleas of mercy. And only saw me as some sort of organic sex toy.

And of course things only got worse, she fell pregnant. She then claimed that I RAPED her and the kid she was pregnant with is mine.

Not believing my aunt a single bit, my mother forced us to have a DNA test and guess what? The kid was mine. I desperately tried to explain to my mother that she was the one who raped me and that I was being blackmailed. But my mother refused to believe me and immediately turned me in to the authorities.

My father disowned me after hearing the news, finally having a reason to no longer deal with my presence. Despite the fact that my mother was the one who turned me in, she managed to pull some strings and pleaded insanity. Barley keeping me away from Arkham but still putting me in a mental institution for troubled youths.

Life in the institution was absolutely hell. They fed me some grey mush and a small glass of water once a day.

As I sat with my arms bound, I slowly realized that this world was cruel. My life was filled with hardships, and I was punished for my suffering.

At that moment, I realized that my life wasn't cruel. Things happen for a reason. At that moment, I steeled myself for what I planned to do. I wanted to DIE.

As I slowly refused all types of food and water, I rejected everything even while being beaten. The only thing keeping me sane was the calming peace death might give me.

As I finally thought my body gave in to the hunger and dehydration, THEY forced-fed me. They didn't let me die. They refused to allow me PEACE.

As I slowly gave up my hopes of dying, my vision suddenly darkened, and that's when I got something interesting.


As the comforting darkness of sleep graced my vision, I slowly smiled, finally able to escape reality for just a moment.

I'm a vivid dreamer; I've always been. I remember each and every dream with perfect memory, and I control my every action.

Waking up in a train station, I gasped as I slowly got up from the cold floor, my arms unbound.

Rubbing the back of my head, I could briefly hear rumbles and see explosions of dust as I looked up at a nearby sign. Everything was written in what I could decipher as Japanese.

'How could my mind conjure Japanese so well? I barely know how to introduce myself in that language.' Shaking my head, I walk towards where I can hear the sound crashing. There is no fear here. This is my dream.

After walking through the train station for 5 or so minutes, I spot an armored monster moving at speeds faster than I can even see. Within the crater is a boy probably about the same age as me -15- kneeling with his fist at his side.

Gasping as the purple monster moves around the kid my age rapidly before closing in. I notice a man with large muscles and black hair on the horizon, yelling something in Japanese before clapping his one singular hand into his blood gushing stump.

The next thing that happens is a whirlwind as the pink-haired kid lands a punch so hard that I'm nearly thrown off my feet by the resounding wave of air and sparks of black electricity dancing.

Nothing interesting happens after that except for the armored monster revealed to be a blue-haired feminine-looking guy with fur legs running from the pink-haired boy.

Following after the two, I spot the blue-haired man eventually run into a tall, imposing figure with long black hair and monk robes. Stitches lining across his forehead and an indescribable glint in his eyes.

"Uzumaki," I hear the robe-wearing man say as the blue-haired dude is sucked up and turned into an orb.

Holding the glowing orb, the man opens his mouth, seemingly going to eat it, but suddenly, the orb flies out of his hand and rushes towards me, much to my fear.

Attempting to run away, I gasp as the orb impacts my back, causing red-hot searing pain to erupt from the impact spot. I writhe on the ground, hearing the black-haired man approach me, but I feel my body fade away.

Waking up with a gasp, I roar in absolute agony once again, as the pain from my dream seems to have followed me to the real world. It's like my body's structure itself is changing. Like my soul is getting a brand mark or something. Tears unwillingly spill from my eyes as it's like someone slowly rubbed lava along the surface of my entire body and then doused me in lemon juice while I had no skin.

Memories flooded my mind about 7 months. I remember being born as a curse called mahito. I remember fighting beings called sorcerers. I remember turning humans into my playthings.

I can't tell if I am mahito or Maximus. Either way, my new goal is to kill humans who are undeserving of living. Mahitos ideologies to kill all humans is flawed. I have first-hand witnessed how good some of them can be. "But the truly wicked ones will be turned into my pets," I giggle hysterically, feeling tiny almost non-existent negative energy signatures approaching my chamber.

As the woman I remember as Miss Naga enters, surrounded by guards carrying M16s with serious looks on their faces, I hold in my laughter as my mahito half can't help but giggle hysterically at the humans thinking their little weapons can harm me.

"Max, dear. I'm sorry for not visiting you... How have you been recently?"

Mentally laughing at the woman's fake sincerity, I calm my emotions and ask her to move forward. 'She's going to be the first transfigured human in my collection.'

As she gently touches my shoulder, I enhance my arm with just a little cursed energy and my arm suddenly bursts out of my restraints, grabbing Naga and ignoring her screeches of terror as the four men immediately open fire on me.

As their bullets pierce my skin, I smile. "Do those bullets attack the soul?" Laughing at the men's confused expression, I turn Naga into a grotesque purple monster as she walks in terror, much to my glee.

"You people don't deserve to live, you tortured me and falsely imprisoned me despite my pleas, I will be killing everyone affiliated with you." I take on a dark undertone as I command naga to attack them as they yell in shock and fear.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?" the last remaining guard yells slowly backing away from naga who is currently devouring the corpses of his allies.

"Hahahaha hahahahahahahaha!" Laughing as naga rips the men to shreds in front of my eyes, I feel my purple cursed energy flash and cover my entire body as I move forward towards the last one, shifting my arm into a large blade.

"I am..." Appearing in front of the man, I swing in an arc. "A curse!" My blade arm splits the man in half.