
I Summoned Death Itself!

In the clutches of an unyielding arranged marriage, Journee's life takes a treacherous turn as she ventures into the unknown. Leaving behind all she holds dear, she embarks on a journey to wed the enigmatic Montgomery Lewis, a privileged heir with secrets untold. Amidst the overwhelming chaos, Journee seeks solace by a secluded waterfall, unaware of the ancient forces that lie dormant there. In a moment of desperation, she unknowingly summons Ma'oz, the King of Demons and the Master of Death. Drawn to her unique aura and the irresistible pull between their souls, Ma'oz bestows upon her three coveted wishes. Yet, as each encounter binds them tighter, Journee finds herself ensnared in a perilous web. Ma'oz's abyssal eyes haunt her, captivating and chilling her to the core. Their connection, a mystery woven by the hands of fate and the whispers of destiny, ignites questions of true love, enslavement, and an eternal bond. As the stakes rise, their choices become fraught with consequence. The price they must pay, unbeknownst to either of them, looms larger than they could ever imagine. Will they succumb to the intoxicating allure of their connection? Or will they resist the entanglement that binds their very souls, braving the untold sacrifices that lie ahead?

Kim_Lee_2002 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 2: It's Goodbye

Journee's POV

The week flew by, seemingly too fast for Journee's liking. And just as the week was coming to an end, the same black car that had caused Dorthy's panic appeared again, this time right in front of Journee's house. Stepping out of the car were the members of her soon-to-be family.

"Come here, my dear. Our previous meeting was far too brief. Let me take a closer look at you," the silver-haired grandmother beckoned.

In a robotic state of mind, Journee forced a smile and walked into the embrace of the grandmother. "It's good to see you again, ma'am," she lied.

"Now, don't you think it's time for you to call me granny?" the grandmother insisted.

Inhaling sharply, Journee obediently replied, "Yes, granny."

"That's a good girl. Have you packed your things?"

"Yes, granny."

"Very well then. Robert, fetch her things. Say your goodbyes, Journee dear." A man in a black suit and black shades silently entered Journee's house, resembling a character from the movie 'Men in Black' with his attire and somber expression.

Under different circumstances, Journee might have laughed at the thought. But now, she could only pretend, consumed by her inner turmoil. How would she live? Would Montgomery Lewis even like her? Was this the kind of marriage he truly desired—a union with a complete stranger he had never met? More importantly, how would her father cope? Would he carry guilt for the rest of his life? Oh, no... What if he blamed himself? He nearly drank himself into a stupor when Mommy died. No! Journee couldn't let that happen again.

"Dorthy, can I talk to you in private?" Journee asked, and her best friend nodded, leading the way to the kitchen.

"What's up?"

"Doe, when I'm gone, could you please check on my father from time to time?"

"Of course! I was going to do that even if you didn't ask."

"Oh, Doe... you're the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for."

"Jo, you know we've shared one heart since we took our first steps. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't consider your father as my own?"

"Thank you... thank you so much."

"Now, just don't forget about me once you become a sickeningly wealthy Mrs. Lewis, okay? Throw some loose change to your dearest friend here." It was typical of Dorthy to make jokes even in such moments. She had been the light in Journee's life, albeit irritating at times. "And don't forget to call me when you get there, Jo."

"As if you'd let me forget? Not a chance." They laughed, understanding that this parting needed to be filled with laughter, if only for her father's sake.

"Will I not get a hug, honey bunny?"

"Of course, Daddy." Journee rushed into her father's arms, cherishing what she believed would be the last embrace for a long while. "Don't worry about me. Once I'm married, I'll have all the money in the world to make your life comfortable. You can just watch TV and enjoy yourself."

"Oh, you little rascal. I love you, my precious daughter."

"I love you too, Daddy." With a smile as wide as she could muster, Journee reluctantly let go and headed toward the waiting black car. Mr. Man in Black was already holding the door, ready for her. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps she would get used to it. After all, the family seemed quite nice, even if a bit formal.

They headed straight to the nearby airport to board the family's private plane. Along the way, Granny attempted to make Journee feel comfortable with her chatter. However, Journee was too nervous to truly pay attention. Boarding the plane seemed like a normal process until she stepped inside and was greeted by a luxurious interior, adorned with leather finishes and gold accents—her kind of interior design.

Seated there was a young man impeccably dressed, his back facing her. He possessed an imposing figure, with midnight black hair and broad shoulders that made his tailored forest green suit look exceptionally good.

"You'll sit here, my dear. Take these two hours to get to know each other," Granny instructed, motioning toward a seat opposite the young man.

"Hi..." Journee smiled and took her seat. He briefly looked up, and she found his black eyes captivating. It was probably the only thing she liked about him since he only nodded and buried himself back into the piles of reports between them. She glanced around, considering asking to sit with Granny instead. She felt much more comfortable around her.

"Um... where's Granny?"

"She's in the back room. She's not fond of flying, so she usually sleeps," he answered in a deep voice that sounded almost like a growl. His displeasure was evident from his expression.

"I see."

"If you can, please try to be as quiet as possible. There's work to be done before the wedding."

Wow... That's quite cold. But then again, what did I expect? Warm embraces and charming smiles? No, not really. I observed him a bit more intently, taking in his furrowed brows, tense posture, and overall appearance that might be considered attractive by many women. However, it just didn't click with me. I prefer my man to have a more relaxed demeanour.

Perhaps he isn't enthusiastic about this marriage either... or maybe he's genuinely swamped with work. I can't really blame him, I suppose. After all, he's the future Chairman of Lewis Bank. It's undoubtedly a demanding position. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for him. No one would willingly enter an arranged marriage in this day and age…would they?


Montgomery's POV

I hurriedly made my way to the plane this afternoon, fully immersed in work. My father won't be pleased if these tasks aren't completed soon. He has always emphasized how I'm a disappointment to the Lewis name, never quite measuring up. Lost in my own thoughts and responsibilities, I barely registered the presence of others boarding the plane. It was only a slight movement in front of me that caught my attention.

"Hi..." she greeted me with a smile.

She was a vision of beauty, the epitome of my ideal woman. I managed a quick nod in response and shifted my focus back to my reports. I can't allow myself to get distracted. She is undeniably distracting...

"Uhm...where's granny?" Her sweet voice, like honey, stirred excitement in me. If only she knew... I had the urge to pounce on her and give in to my desires right then and there. But I mustn't... I cannot indulge in inappropriate behaviour.

"In the back room. She's not fond of flying, so she prefers to sleep," I replied, my voice unintentionally gruff and harsh. Perhaps too harsh. Fuck! She must think I'm some kind of uncultured swine.

"I see." I could see the disappointment as her face fell.

"If you can, be as quiet as possible. These need to be done before the wedding." I hoped this is reason enough and that is rational to know work is important. I did say that they need to be done before the wedding. Yup. It's an acceptable reason for my behaviour.

But...right through the next hour, all I could think of was her beautiful heart-shaped face, her hair cascading down to her waist like the majestic waves of the sea...and her body. God...she will be the death of me. No, Monty. You mustn't. Work is all that matters right now. Romance can come later when I have become the Chairman. Tonight...tonight I will show her just how she affects me. I promised myself.

WHEREAS the parties intend that the Seller shall sell to the Buyer the Entity for the price, terms and conditions described below, and pursuant to the attachments and exhibits, if any, annexed to this main document.

NOW THEREFORE, for the reasons set forth, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the parties hereto, and intending to be legally bound, the Seller and the Buyer agree as follows:

1. Sale of Business. On the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, the Seller agrees to sell, assign, transfer, convey and deliver to the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to purchase and acquire from the Seller all rights, title, and interest of the Seller in and to the Business, including:

> The assets described in Exhibit A attached hereto.

> ALL inventory, receivables, equipment, patents, trademarks, licenses, business records, goodwill, going concern and other assets of the Business, whether tangible or intangible.

> The following assets only....

The following assets only cash and cash equivalents of the Business on hand or in financial institutions, receivables...inventory...

Only... Assets sold as per...

As I reread the same line over and over again of this blasted business purchase agreement, I couldn't help but notice my bride-to-be, Journee...such a beautiful name. "Journee" I whispered softly. I loved the way her name is shaped, the way my voice sounds when I say it. It's almost as if, she is meant to belong to my body. My eyes travelled across her sleeping face. Those luscious lips that begged to be kiss beckoned me. Maybe... I could continue this later. Would she allow me to kiss her? Surely, she wouldn't reject me.

I contemplated her lips, the little sounds she made as she shifted uncomfortably. How I wanted to take her in my arms...

Stop being a pervert, Monty! You will have time enough to perform your husbandly duty after the wedding. I focused myself on the boring business purchase agreement. There are easily another 50 of these to go.


Journee's POV

Lightning flashed several times, so brightly that I woke up with a start. Oh. I was stunned at how beautiful lightning is up-close. Dangerous as it might be. I have always been fascinated by danger. So much so, my mother had always teased me about having a bad boy or a rake for a husband one day. Prff! If only she knew...this man before me looks like such a goody-goody. I can't believe I was so bored looking at him that I fell asleep. How on earth am I going to survive this marriage...?

Lightning flashed dangerously close, so much so I could almost feel the electrical charge it emitted. Waves of turbulence came next. I looked at Montgomery, wondering if he too might be worried about how near we came to being shot down from the sky.

He didn't even flinch! Is this man so brave? Or is he too engrossed in his work to notice? I decided it was time to speak, even though he had forbidden me to just before.

"Should we check on granny?"

"She won't notice. Sleeping pills." So, he did notice the lightning and turbulence after all. But what flippant off-handedness. He didn't even bother to complete the explanation in full sentences. We aren't even close yet. I shuddered at the thought of how much worse he could get once we were married.

"Sir...we need to make an emergency landing." A supermodel-type flight attendant came to inform Montgomery.

"Excuse me." He looked at me, but I didn't feel like looking back. Instead, I pretended not to have heard him. I think I heard him sigh before walking away to the cockpit.


Montgomery's POV

Journee jumped up with a start and stared out the window at the multiple flashes of lightning. I am totally mesmerized by how her skin captured the light. How it shimmered. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she watched.

I think...I might be falling in love with her. Love...such a wretched curse for the living. Definitely not. It is a sorry excuse to be weak, my father had told me. I am not in love...no, no, no. I will not become a pitiful excuse of a son!

The sudden wave of turbulence had me worried, and at that moment, Journee turned to look at me. Unwilling to get caught staring, I quickly flipped the page of the agreement.

"Should we check on granny?" she asked, uncertainty lacing her voice.

"She won't notice. Sleeping pills," I said as casually as I could. I want so much to speak to her. I know everything there is about her. We had reports coming in each month to notify us about her whereabouts, her character, likes, and dislikes…

"Sir...we need to make an emergency landing." I was agitated by the sudden interruption, but I knew the pilot needed my permission to land the plane. It is simply too dangerous to continue flying in this weather.

With a sigh, I stood up and spoke to my bride-to-be. "Excuse me." I noticed that she had neither moved nor acknowledged me. How rude. This is what we get from the lower classes. But no matter. We will make a lady out of her yet.

I could feel her eyes boring holes into my back as I walked to the cockpit.

"Mr. Lewis, sir," Robert greeted me. "We need to land. Immediately, sir."

"If we make a stop now, we won't arrive home by midnight."

"Right...and if we continue, we may never reach home alive."

"Shush now, Robert." The flight attendant said in a shaky voice.

"Sir, we might as well take a rest. It will be easier on your granny. You know she can't take the whole journey home."

Journee...her name is one that will never allow me to forget her presence.

"He is right, sir. Let's stay the night and continue tomorrow when the weather improves."

Women...always thinking about spending money. Does she think I don't know? Of course, she wants to stay at The Datai. Every one of my staff only thinks about spending money. What about saving and planning something better?

Robert didn't look at him, but he knew how worried the man is. "Very well. Do what you need to do, Robert." He has been my granny's faithful man in arms. Bodyguard, pilot, chauffeur, secretary, emergency medic. I admired this man. He has always been calm during a crisis. For him to voice a tinge of worry, it is something he cannot handle. But sometimes, I think this man is a machine to be able to manage it all and still look so calm during an oncoming storm like this.

Trusting our pilot, I made my way back to my bride-to-be. She looked worriedly at me with her dark brown eyes.

"We'll be landing shortly." I announced.

"Okay." She fastened her belt and stayed silent for the rest of the time we were on the plane. The next time she spoke, we had landed safely on the island of Langkawi. We had not even left Malaysia at this point. Godforsaken barren land. I have hated Langkawi for its unnecessary heat for the longest time. Sure, it has beautiful hotels. But that was about it. I didn't like the overfriendliness of the locals, nor the fact that most of them are farmers and fishermen. But for today, we must make this stop or be lost to mother nature's whims.

The aircraft door opened, and Granny ushered Journee towards it. She's going to burn under that sun! I quickly grabbed a hat and placed it on Journee's head.

"What the..." She turned to face me, surprised.

Without saying a word, I took a shawl from the cabinet and placed it around her, wrapping her arms in.

"...Just what are you doing, Mr. Lewis?" She questioned me. I knew from the tone of her voice that she didn't like what I had done. But no matter. Once she starts walking in this blistering sun, she will thank me.

I then quickly dragged her across the road base and half carried her into the limo that awaited us a short distance away.


Journee's POV

If I didn't like his tone when he said we'd be landing, I most certainly hated how he manhandled me. Just what is with the hat and the shawl?! Is he so afraid the locals would stare at a little skin? I had lived in Langkawi for a short time when my father was transferred here to look after one of the hotels. The ozone layer here is a little thinner than the rest of Malaysia, and there is hardly any breeze as it's blocked by the surrounding 99 islands.

When he half carried me into the limo, I nearly shouted at him. *I AM NOT A BABY!!* Surely, I can walk on my own. I have a pair of legs! I was beginning to dislike him, very, very much. I wasn't pleased either that granny didn't say a word.

Once in the limo, I removed the shawl and crossed my arms.

"Are you alright, my dear?" Granny asked kindly.

"The heat has gotten to her, granny," Montgomery answered. Great! Just great! Now he answers for me. Do I not have a mouth of my own? Bloody bigot! Oh God...why am I trapped in such a fate? Why do you continue to allow people like this to walk the earth? Why?!