
I Stole the Villain Male lead From the Female lead

Female lead: Fu Jiaoxian (Person with beauty, passion, and lively presence) The female lead is a sarcastic fun-loving girl with a golden spoon she can be wild mischievous, and rude but loyal to her people. Male lead: Lu Mingze (“tea leaf benevolence.” kindness and goodness) The male lead is a rude, sharp-tongued person who doesn’t care about anyone emotionless, obsessive, and cold villain. Fu Jiaoxian is an 18-year-old genius who just finished the college entrance exam just as she was leaving her orphanage, she got hit but lightning and was transmigrated into a baby of a book she read “Cold Villain is Obsessive” that she loved but now she is the extra that got bankrupted by the villain because of the daughter treated the villain rudely. Fu Jiaoxian looked at her 7-year-old self in the mirror and looked outside to see the maids welcoming the villain who was supposed to live with them for the next ten years. “I will help him so much that he will remember me as he leaves and wants to repay me.” Sneak peek! What do you mean we are best friends who were the ones who took a bath fed me, slept with me, and kissed me every day? Said Lu Mingze as he cornered me in the wall. “What... I… that was when we were kids” I squeaked out as I tried to go under him. “Regretfully so but Xian Xian didn’t miss it the same I missed it,” Lu Mingze said as he held my waist looking at me with obsessive eyes. Oh no what have I done I think I took the female lead role instead of the little sister role. “No…. N…No stop it I thought of you as my broth...” I couldn’t finish my sentence as Lu Mingze swooped down and silenced me with a kiss while looking into my eyes as if daring me to say he was my brother.

littlespicyrabbit · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Chapter 5

As I lay in my bed, I wondered how much the little villain knew. He looked like he knew what I was doing.

"Hold on a second," I tell myself as I get out of bed and take out the diary from under my bed to read. Everything I can recall about the book is in the diary, and as I read through it, I realize that only nine or ten years remain before the female lead transmigrates. However, nothing in the diary describes how the little villain treated the Fu family when he first arrived.

*knock knock*

"Who is it?" I ask while tossing the book under my pillow.

"It's me." Papa Fu says.

"Come in," I say as I get up from my bed and stand while Papa Fu enters.

"I like to ask you a favor." He says as he sits on the bean bag chair.

"Go ahead," I say as I nod.

"You know how you're going to the mountain resort with us and your friends." He continues when he sees me nod. "well I want you to invite Mingze to it because you guys are the same age. And it will help make him fit in more quickly."

I didn't want to be the one asking the little villain but when I saw the look in Papa Fu's eyes I nodded.

"Good because we're leaving tomorrow so pack up and go ask him." Papa Fu says as he leaves the room quickly so I don't refute him.


After I finished packing, I texted in a group chat called Fate that only consisted of my five other friends who went thick and thin with me.

Xia: I just finished packing. How about you guys?

Li: I finished packing yesterday after finding out we were supposed to go tomorrow.

Chen: Done.

Yan the Future Superstar: You peasants I have done finished mine since we decided. Hmm.

Ting: I'm Done.

Ting: But brother you know Yan just called you a peasant.

Jin: I still haven't finished.

Yan The Future Superstar: Brother Chen I wasn't talking about you (>-<)< p>

Xia: So you were talking about me Yan?

Yan The Superstar: No….No xian I wasn't talking about you I was talking about Jin… YES JIN.

I shook my head laughing as I exited the group chat. These people were my close friends. They are all from the Aristocratic family and the top families in Beijing. The Gu family, The Mo family, and The Su Family.

Lu Mingze's Maternal family is the Ming Family and the Ming Family is the first, then the Lu family, the Fu Family, the Gu Family, my mother's Family Mo Family, and Then the Su family.

In Beijing, we are named the Wealthy 6 because no one knows how rich the Su or Ming family is and how everyone wants to be a part of our family.

Gu Chen and Gu Ting are twins and my distant relative

Mo Li and Mo Jin are twins and my cousins.

And Su Yan is the youngest

All of us became friends with each other when we were 4 years old when we all got kidnapped.

I shake my head at the memories

No not the time to remember you need to go to the little villain and tell him about the camping trip

As I head upstairs. I go to a complete stop in front of the little villain room. As I give myself calming breaths I knock on the door.

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it." The Little villain says.

"It's Fu Jiaoxian," I say.

The door opens as the little villain looks at me with suspicion.

"Hey I just wanted to tell you the family and my friends are going on a camping trip to a mountain resort and nobody is gonna be at home, so do you want to come?"

The little villain paused and looked at me deeply like he could see through me. As I shifted my feet uncomfortably he finally replied.


"Cool, you don't have to pack anything because it was last minute everything is going to be packed for you by the butler," I say as I smile.

I leave when he finally nods at me and closes the door. I couldn't believe the little villain was going to come on the two-day camping trip.

As I walked I remembered that I needed to inform my friends in the group chat. I pull up the Fate group chat.

Xia: There is gonna be an extra person who will be with us on the trip

Yan the Future Superstar: Really. Is he our age?

Xia: Yea he is 2 months older though.

Chen: Okay.

Ting: Is it the one that's acting like your distant relative?

Xia: Yup and he's super handsome.

Li: Please don't tell me you called him future husband (-_-).

Jin: Why are you asking if you already know?

Xia: I DID NOT (>^<).< p>

Chen: really.

Yan the Future Superstar: Even Brother Chen finds that hard to believe.

Xia: FINE I only said it halfway and not the whole word so technically I didn't say it.

Ting: Whole word or half the same thing.


Jin: Yes it is just admit it.

Li: Hate to break it to you that's the same thing even if you want to deny it.

Chen: Denial is bad for the mental state.

Xia: Even you Chen everyone ganging up on me and you're adding salt to the wound.

Xia: Hmmf.

Jin: It's okay because Brother Chen is trying to help your mental state not go bad.

Xia: Eff of.

Ting: Now now no need to say harsh words.

Xia: (Middle finger) (<^ >)

As I shut off my phone I wonder

I can't wait to get close to the little villain

Step 1 of not dying in the hands of the little villain down