
I Shall Break The Seals

He had a plan: Make money and not die. Plans don't always work out and now he's going to break seals in a novel about sealing celestial things. the protagonist has no problem relating to men and women. men will be much more effeminate and women will be slightly hotter. the chapters with r18 of men, It will be very obvious what will happen there will involve men and the same with women and also with men and women on the same level., don't expect sex full of lines or scripted like a Brazzers movie. the fanfic tag written very large at the top clearly says that I Shall Seal The Heavens does not belong to me.

monzes_maron · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

8 - I, Meng Hao, will not violate the sect's rules

Half a month passed, during which Meng Hao became quite famous among the low-level disciples. Everyone knew about the Cultivation Pill Shop in the low-level Public Area and how close Xu Qing was to Meng Hao. Stories of the 74 massacre were also linked to him but like everyone else's cultivation, they were debunked and exaggerated.

One afternoon, Cao Yang left the house with a pale face. Despite his poor appearance, his wounds had healed. The pills he bought from Meng Hao for an exorbitant price, all of his spiritual stones and magical treasures, were quite effective in helping him recover.

He had been hiding for the last half of the month and today was the first day he was able to walk around. He seemed hesitant at first, but he finally made his way through the Outer Sect, eventually reaching an area with few buildings. He stopped in front of one of them.

"Cao Yang requests an audience with Elder Brother Lu," he said, standing outside and folding his hands respectfully.

Sitting inside, cross-legged, was a man of around thirty years of age, wearing a green robe. He was not a handsome man, but he had an appearance of excessive arrogance. His eyes opened and he looked at Cao Yang appraisingly.

"What happened?" he said coldly.

"Well, big brother Lu, I… was robbed a few days ago." Cao Yang blurted out, feeling nervous. People outside said that Elder Brother Lu was his cousin, but in fact they were not related. Elder Brother Lu usually meditated in seclusion and didn't really care about Cao Yang.

He knew that whenever Cao Yang experienced any difficulties, he would come and call him.

Upon hearing his words, Senior Brother Lu seemed a little irritated.

"Who stole you?" he asked coldly.

"It was an Outer Sect disciple named Meng Hao," replied Cao Yang.

"Meng Hao?" Elder Brother Lu thought for a moment.

"He is completely ignorant and incompetent," Cao Yang said hatefully. "But he opened a shop on the plateau, selling medicinal pills to disciples who were injured in battle."

"Selling medicinal pills?" said Senior Brother Lu with a frown. His eyes blinked.

"Yes. Now he is one of the most famous disciples in the lower level. He opened that store and then forced people to buy from him. Now, everyone is complaining and embarrassed to be associated with him. They all despise him. He has awakened the wrath of heaven and earth! I ask Elder Brother Lu to administer justice." Anger covered Cao Yang's face as he thought about his own miserable experience that day.

In fact, Senior Brother Lu didn't care at all about the things Cao Yang had just said. And yet, his eyes sparkled.

"My cultivation base has reached this level because of all the low-level disciples I stole. How come in all my years in the Reliance Sect, I never thought of opening a shop and selling medicinal pills…" He sighed and slapped his thigh.

Hearing the noise inside, Cao Yang looked at the building in confusion, not knowing what it meant. He didn't dare ask. Moments later, Senior Brother Lu sent him away, without any guarantee that he would help him seek revenge.

The next morning, at dawn, Meng Hao headed towards the plateau carrying his flag. He was in a good mood, Lu Hong certainly already knows about him and the original script already follows without unnecessary complications. He had gotten used to walking the path to the plateau. When he got there, he sat down on the stone.

As soon as he appeared, the faces of the other cultivators on the plateau turned pale. In the last half of the month, they had been tormented by Meng Hao until they were completely despondent. But if they didn't come, how could they rob other disciples? Killing outside this area was not allowed, so they had no choice but to come. What they usually did was stop fighting as soon as Meng Hao appeared.

But people's murderous spirit would inevitably arise and animosities would be fueled. Although Meng Hao's business had slowed down, he still made a profit.

It is worth mentioning that since Meng Hao opened his store, there have been far fewer deaths. He was quick to point this out, and it became a key feature of his sales pitch. Meng Hao's supply and demand was very high, and he was the one who had the most dominance in this super lucrative business field. Meng Hao was happy, with a pale white smile that always terrifies those who see it but his smile grew wider when he saw a certain person: Lu Hong. With a flag written (Cultivation Pill Shop 2) and without knowing why, Antony hated it even though he knew it would happen.

"Is this how the Kings of Central America felt when the Spanish began to take territory?" He thought, with anger and a indignation growing dangerously.

The other cultivators on the plateau looked at each other for a moment and then returned to the fight. About an hour later, Meng Hao spotted two fighters. He ran and planted his flag beside them. At the same time, Lu Hong rushed over and planted his flag.

When the two flags were planted, the combatants broke into a cold sweat. For them, the people who were there were very powerful. Normally, one would be enough to make them uncomfortable, but here were two, standing there and watching.

"Brother, buying a medicinal pill will ensure your safety," Meng Hao said hurriedly. "One Spiritual Stone per pill. I treat all customers fairly."

"Buy Lu's pills, they are equally effective," said Lu Hong on the other side. He looked at the two of them, murderous intent briefly flashing in his eyes.

The two combatants shook deeply, having lost any desire to fight. They produced spiritual stones and handed them to Lu Hong, then rushed out. Meng Hao frowned. 'Fuck, I'm going to kill him,' he thought. There were times when Antony would normally follow the script but Antony was many things, but too patient was not one of them when it came to money.

"Tell me, you poor thing, do you like your life?" Meng Hao said as spiritual energy was released and his peak qi condensation cultivation was released like lava pouring out of a volcano.

"If I see your banner tomorrow, I will destroy your cultivation." Meng Hao killed the studious smile and closed his eyes, and a tight-lipped smile grew. 'Finally you annoying dog'

Meng Hao left for his immortal's cave and cultivated overnight. First he released months of spiritual energy gathered in the cave and along with a massive amount of spiritual energy adjunct from demonic cores that he hunted outside the dark mountain which for plot convenience could not be used, there were also spiritual condensation pills in abundance that he He got it thanks to Xu Qing, he had more than in the original script, a hundred pills and dozens of cores all together just to reach the fourth level of qi condensation. Meng Hao like crazy ate the pills and cores, his dantian was flooded with spiritual energy and the limit was reached and excruciating pain filled him. Antony at that moment took advantage of another one of his tricks given by the hedonistic God, when he goes to surpass a level and breaks the bottleneck from one level to the next, Antony feels a large amount of energy he has, the same one that makes him have energy spiritual as if you were at the top of the first step almost at the second step.

Antony couldn't see his spiritual lake where all the spiritual energy was gathered but he felt it and when he reached the third level of qi condensation, he saw that it was not his dantian that had spiritual energy but something different. It was like a symbiote sphere connected to his dantian that maintained all the supply of spiritual energy but he only maintained it and did not supply it, he could not cultivate because that energy was not spiritual energy for cultivation for immortality but another energy! Just as powerful, Antony knew that the hedonistic God didn't just give a bigger dantian but something more powerful.

As the mysterious energy took over him completely, Meng Hao felt his body explode and then a lightness came over him, the smell of impurities staining the outer disciple's green clothes and spiritual energy circulating through his body with more freedom and strength. His senses were amplified and slightly spliced together like a weak, malformed sixth sense.

"The fourth level of Qi Condensation!" He felt his cultivation base churning like a huge river. When it spun, it sounded like a thunderous thunderstorm, surprising and frightening.

With a calm expression, he retrieved five flying swords from his bag of holding, spoils from the last half of the month. They were all Treasury Pavilion products, standard edition, and they all looked exactly the same.

There were some other magical items that he had acquired. He took a deep sigh, then closed his eyes and began to meditate, waiting for dawn. But as a man who was born in a tropical and highly hygienic country, the smell bothered him and he went to wash in a lagoon near his cave, he did not take baths of the type in his bathtub for fear of the smell remaining in the cave.

Dawn. The plateau. Considering Meng Hao's months of sales and Lu Hong's days of dominance, there were few cultivators present, especially so early in the morning. There were just two or three of them, sitting cross-legged.

When Meng Hao arrived, they opened their eyes and each of them sighed inwardly, wondering when things would go back to the way they were before.

Moments later, they gaped in astonishment. Meng Hao did not enter the plateau, but sat outside, cross-legged and eyes closed. He remained there, motionless.

This strange sight left them surprised. They looked at each other, then seemed to remember something, and then started gossiping like ladies.

Time passed and soon it was late in the morning. More and more people arrived on the plateau and they all noticed Meng Hao and his unusual behavior. People began to guess what was going on. Everyone was so intrigued that none of them struggled.

"Did big brother Lu's words really work? Meng Hao is very scared, so he doesn't dare sell goods?"

"I don't believe it, big brother Lu is powerful, but Meng Hao has shown himself to have talent and strength beyond the ordinary, he is not someone who goes without a hitch. His total strength has never been seen before and his relationship with big sister Xu has given him some "

"Since when are you like this?"

"Like this?"


"Since always"

"The devil you've been wise all along, you exchanged 10 spiritual stones for a god emperor mantra from that old man who happened to be a disciple here 100 years ago!"

"I killed him!"

"10 months later! He was wasting away from having his spiritual stones stolen"

"You who stole my spiritual stones from him!"

"This is the world of cultivation!"

"Now I remember why I'm here, you owe me 100 spiritual stones!"

"I stole 10 not 100!"

"I'm being merciful by not giving the true interest! You know what, it's 10 grand with full interest!"

Meng Hao heard the entire conversation, but his expression remained as neutral as ever even as he laughed like a hyena inside. Of course, his reason for meditating outside the Public Area was not because he didn't want to enter, but rather because his cultivation base was now at the fourth level of Qi Condensation, and he couldn't enter even if he wanted to.

In the middle of all the discussion, someone appeared at the bottom of the mountain. He wore a green robe, looked to be around thirty years old, and had an incredibly arrogant expression. It was Lu Hong, approaching slowly, hands clasped behind his back.

As soon as he appeared, Meng Hao's eyes opened and glowed brightly. Everyone watched as he stood up and slapped his bag of holding. A small white sword appeared. The sword aura shone, with a cold pressure. Meng Hao charged forward, and the sword aura headed straight for Lu Hong.

As soon as this happened, a buzz of conversation rose. Everyone was surprised by Meng Hao's lack of fear… Was he really going to cause trouble for the low-level number one disciple, Lu Hong?

"He… he's going to fight Lu Hong!"

"Damn I said that just now!"

"Big brother Lu has been at the third level for years. Meng Hao will definitely lose." They didn't know that Meng Hao's cultivation was at the fourth level of qi condensation, in fact they weren't surprised by the lack of spiritual energy coming from Meng Hao, it was natural for them not to feel it.

Even as Meng Hao advanced, Lu Hong's eyes shone. He had already planned to rip Meng Hao's head off if he saw him today. And now, his opponent dared to take the initiative. It was actually helpful. He snorted, and his body seemed to transform into a rainbow as he sped toward Meng Hao. His right hand slammed into his bag of holding and a purple-colored flying sword appeared.

When the flying sword appeared, it was accompanied by a piercing whistling sound and radiated a purple-gold color with a diameter of approximately 30 meters.

"It's Senior Brother Lu's Purple Yang sword!"

"It's true! I heard that he was awarded the Purple Yang sword by the sect for some special service he performed. It has a very pure spiritual power coming from it."

Two people, one mountain. At the foot of the mountain, they attacked each other.

The swords clashed, the blades sang their songs with painful high notes. Lu Hong was thrown back violently, his back slammed against the ground and his ribs pressed hard against his lungs, gasping for air and his torso in pain, Meng Hao took advantage of the opening and once again attacked, his blade was broken and cracked by the power. upper part of Lu Hong's blade, and when they once again clashed, Meng Hao's blade shattered and the shards flew into his face and pierced his eyes, entered his mouth, and tore his cheeks. Lu Hong tried to scream but the pain and lack of air stopped him, he tried to suck in air even with the remains of a sword in his throat but a punch, a heavy and powerful punch collided with his dantian and the spiritual energy within him became disordered. and the pain increased more and spread like flames to every corner of Lu Hong's structure. But Meng Hao had a free hand, and an even stronger punch hammered Lu Hong's nose with brute force and a fountain of blood came out.

From that moment on, Meng Hao didn't stop and a sequence of punches followed: A punch to the left cheek exploded his teeth, a punch to the temple knocked him out for a moment, one to the rib shattered him and breathing became more difficult and Lu Hong woke up from the punch to the temple, more punches to the stomach destroyed his dantian now cracked and leaking spiritual energy. Lu Hong tried to use his gourd given by Wang Tengfei but Meng Hao took his arms and broke them using the combustion of the flaming serpent initiated when casting the spell, the meridians ruptured and Lu Hong screamed louder and Meng Hao angrily destroyed his vocal chords with a punch even harder. At the end of that massacre, Lu Hong had all of his bones from his navel upwards completely destroyed and his meridians has destroyed. Meng Hao took his bag of holding and the jade gourd and spoke into Lu Hong's still good ear, "Tell Tengfei, this gourd will be his wedding dowry, I'll love using that hard and smooth little body of his on the night of nuptials"

Meng Hao stood up and said, "I, Meng Hao, will not violate the sect's rules and will not kill you outside the Public Area. However, you said yesterday that it would harm my cultivation base. So today I will do the same to you." Appearing completely calm, he raised his hand and sent a flying sword piercing through the Qi passages of Lu Hong's dantian, destroying his cultivation base. So he stood there amidst Lu Hong's hoarse but loud and miserable screams, spreading fear and awe throughout the entire plateau.

A great way to write hand-to-hand fights is to watch MMA and UFC fights. Learning about MMA itself helps a lot, I hope I wrote it well and Google translate translated it well too.

For those who didn't understand the MC's cheating: He has a body completely dedicated to cultivation and his most dantian and meridians are very amazing, he has everything to be the most powerful. but beyond this talent that I gave him, there is also something else, but related to those around him and his future. This little gift is something that he will use but it is not something that will limit him, it will actually help him and his other lovers, friends and family. Let's just say my plans for Antony aren't just in ISSTH, that's why I put this cheat on him.

And I had to go through my browser favorites on my second phone, where I have personal stuff on it to create the scene of Wang Tengfei being tamed. hitomila is the best website in the world.

monzes_maroncreators' thoughts