
I Shall Break The Seals

He had a plan: Make money and not die. Plans don't always work out and now he's going to break seals in a novel about sealing celestial things. the protagonist has no problem relating to men and women. men will be much more effeminate and women will be slightly hotter. the chapters with r18 of men, It will be very obvious what will happen there will involve men and the same with women and also with men and women on the same level., don't expect sex full of lines or scripted like a Brazzers movie. the fanfic tag written very large at the top clearly says that I Shall Seal The Heavens does not belong to me.

monzes_maron · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

9 - He seemed almost like a wild beast

The faces of the surrounding cultivators turned pale. Meng Hao's attack was decisive and also filled with fierce hatred in such a calculated and extreme way that his name was truly branded into the minds of the Outer Sect disciples. This kind of thing was really becoming a trend. First it was a massacre of 74 disciples, then senior sister Xu Qing acting like her lover in public, and now the death of the most feared man in the Low-level public area. In the eyes of the spectators, Meng Hao was now the number one person on the plateau. Perhaps in the entire Outer Sect he was now one of the tallest figures.

Many of the cultivators thought about the last half of the month. With such a high cultivation base, Meng Hao could have stolen and taken at will. It is true that the customers at his store were not happy, but he treated them leniently. People now began to look at him with admiration.

There was no fighting on the plateau that day. After Meng Hao left, news of the destruction of Lu Hong's cultivation base spread like the wind. The fact that he mentioned Wang Tengfei's name was especially talked about and caused the news to spread even faster. By nightfall, everyone in the Outer Sect had heard of what happened, and by now, everyone knew who Meng Hao was.

East Mountain, covered in colorful clouds, was the highest mountain of the Reliance Sect and also the base of activity for the Inner Sect. It had more spiritual energy than the other mountains and was where the sect leader, He Luohua, sought meditative isolation.

At the height of the Reliance Sect, the four peaks were completely occupied by the Inner Sect. Disciples of the seventh level of Qi Condensation were abundant. Now, only East Mountain was occupied by disciples Xu and Chen, while the other peaks were abandoned.

In the East Mountain there was an Immortal's Cave that was much larger than Meng Hao's. In fact, it was the best Immortal's Cave in the entire Outer Reliance Sect, rivaling even the abodes of Inner Sect disciples.

Inside was a Spiritual Source that was anything but dry. It gurgled dense and fragrant spiritual energy.

Of course, among all the Outer Sect disciples of the Reliance Sect, the only one qualified to occupy such a place was the blessed Wang Tengfei.

He sat cross-legged in his white robe, his face placid, looking at Lu Hong lying in front of him. Lu Hong's face was pale and his body was shaking. His cultivation base had already been destroyed by Meng Hao. He literally crawled there, some assisted him with some medicinal pills and his injuries were treated to some degree but a phantom pain from each punch was tormenting him, reminding him of the moment of torture at Meng Hao's hands.

"…I beg Elder Brother Wang to administer justice," he said with bated breath. "He is more than cunning, more than you could imagine. He will run away from the sect." Every time Lu Hong saw Elder Brother Wang, he couldn't help but feel that the other man was perfect, beyond ordinary, he had thick, pink lips, round, rosy cheeks that were purer than his lips, and big, thick eyelashes. light with thin eyebrows. Lu Hong wouldn't admit it, but he had already thought about kissing Wang Tengfei's lips as passionately as he would kiss a woman, that was the extent of his beauty. This feeling grew stronger and stronger over the past two years, in which Wang Tengfei's cultivation base grew more and more powerful, the more his beauty strengthened.

"If he runs away," Senior Brother Wang said after a while, resplendent in his perfection, "it will be a violation of the Sect's rules, and I will send some people to kill him." He wore a kind smile that would make anyone like him, and he spoke with a lightness that made him seem even more noble.

Lu Hong had nothing more to say. He bent over, still lying on the ground with his feet shaking under their own weight, his face full of pleading, his body shaking uncontrollably as he tried to stay conscious.

"Very well," said Wang Tengfei. "His methods are very cruel. An example should be given. I will discuss your case with Senior Brother Shangguan and make a trip there, although I will be careful not to offend Senior Sister Xu. Meng Hao will cripple his own cultivation base, distribute his treasures, and cut off an arm and a leg. This will be his apology. Good enough?" He spoke as if he had control over all matters within the Reliance Sect, as if with a single word he could take command of Meng Hao's cultivation base, as well as his arms and legs. His smile was so lovely as always, perfect and flawless.

"My deepest gratitude. This guy… he is full of evil…" Lu Hong gritted his teeth, with the heart filled with enmity, still remembering his words to Wang Tengfei before he stole the jadeite gourd.

"Then I will expel you from the sect," Wang Tengfei said coldly, as if he was talking about an incredibly insignificant matter. "He can go wherever I know the body drops dead and things will take their natural course."

At that very moment, Meng Hao was sitting cross-legged in the Immortal's Cave in the Southern Mountain, looking at the jadeite gourd in his hands with a grim expression. Meng Hao looked at the jadeite gourd, thinking of the Outer Sect's number one disciple, the blessed Wang Tengfei. Thinking of him in all his perfection, he thought about how his next fight will occur and at the same time creating a plan good enough for his dominance over that young master of the Wang clan to be absolute. He really liked Wang Tengfei and wanted him as his young wife.

Ever since he came to this world and tasted how power and strength gave him everything he wanted, like Xu Qing and her beauty and the young cultivator's heart, riches and glory among everyone in the Outer Sect.

There is a moral side within Antony, a tired and dead side that cries out for help and understanding, a representation of his will and his honors acquired in the army and police, this side at this moment is being consumed by Antony's instinct. An instinct that every man has, to take what he likes by his own strength.

All men have this, when they are young and want to prove their worth in search of "I'm proud of you my son", this side lives to conquer these words and as life goes on and seeing that the modern world hates this masculine side of protect and want to be loved, as this side is killed by people's schemes and deceptions.

Most men simply become a shell of themselves, without rights and wants while the rest of men keep a lie alive in exchange for accepting urban modernity and its surviving society of masks and lies. The side that remained dead in Antony has now revived and is thirsty and hungry to conquer what is rightfully his. Men, women, money and power are his food and the way he hunts his food is through conquests by the edge of the sword.

Still in thoughts of what to do next, Meng Hao remembered what will happen now, the original script unfolded: "This sect is not from the mortal world. It's easy to lose your life here. If I can avert the disaster by handing over the gourd, perhaps I should do so...As he struggled with these thoughts, an ominous voice came from the dark night, passing through the sealed door of the Immortal's Cave." He repeated the words engraved in his mind.

"I am Shangguan Song, I am here to help big brother Wang get justice. Meng Hao, please come out of the Immortal's cave and prostrate yourself before me."

The dark voice seemed to fill the cave with icy shadows. Meng Hao's eyes lit up and he raised his head. He didn't seem surprised at all; he knew someone would come looking for him.

Meng Hao was silent for a moment, then said slowly, "It's late at night, not a convenient time. Brother Shangguan, if you have something to say, just say it."

"How arrogant," said the voice, clearly displeased. A cold snort sounded.

Meng Hao said nothing, remaining silent.

"If you don't open the door, fine. I will pass on Elder Brother Wang's instructions. Outer Sect disciple Meng Hao did not focus wholeheartedly on cultivation. He caused disturbances in the Low Level Public Area, arousing mass complaints from fellow disciples, and used cruel methods towards others. However, he is young, so these crimes cannot be considered worthy of the death penalty. Hand over your treasures, destroy your cultivation base, and leave the sect. Henceforth, you are not a disciple of the Reliance Sect." As Meng Hao heard the ominous voice, his face darkened. So when he heard the final words, he was filled with anger but also amusement, he licked his lips and came up with a good plan on how to tame Wang Tengfei.

"Senior Brother Wang's decrees are not in accordance with the sect's rules," Meng Hao said defiantly.

"Senior Brother Wang's word is the sect's rules," said the person outside, indifferent to Meng Hao's interruption. "Tomorrow is Pill Distribution Day. You will bow to Lu Hong and apologize, then await your punishment." With that, the man flicked his sleeve, turned and left.

Antony sat in silent contemplation. Time passed and dawn approached. His eyes were tired, his hands were on his penis and there were several white cloths beside him, fully used and with a strong smell of semen, he couldn't regulate his blood when he thought about what to do, he couldn't have control over his own body and his lust. He laughed thinking he had returned to the times as a teenager when he masturbated for the femboys at his school and how he felt the night before his date with a blonde femboy who, on the same day after spending the night masturbating, had sex with strength and passion. It wasn't his first time nor was it August's, the femboy he had sex with but the feeling was as if he was having sex for the first time again. "How should he be now?" He thought out loud.

He waited a little longer, regulated his breathing and took a bath, hot and with soap that permeated the delicious smell of flowers and honey. When he finished, he closed his eyes, adorned a lip smile and decided to leave his immortal's cave. Bells rang in the distance. The day of pill distribution had arrived, He looked around the Immortal's cave, then opened the main door and looked at the blue sky and the emerald sea of trees. Some time passed and then he took a step forward. He only took a few steps when he noticed a person coming out of the jungle behind him, looking at him coldly.

"You didn't run away. So you're not stupid after all." It was Shangguan Song with his cold tone that every cultivator has acquired over time in the cultivation world. Meng Hao sighed in contempt at him.

Meng Hao had seen him before. He was one of the disciples walking with Wang Tengfei that day on the East Mountain. His grandfather was one of the sect's elders, the old man Shangguan Xiu who distributed a dry spirit pill on Meng Hao's first pill day and made him everyone's target at that time. He clearly stayed behind to see if Meng Hao would flee. If he had done so, he would have been considered a traitor and would have lost his life.

Meng Hao turned and headed toward the Outer Sect.

Shangguan Song laughed coldly, his eyes filled with mockery. In fact, he had gone out the night before to visit his grandfather Shangguan Xiu. Even if Meng Hao had chosen to flee during the night, he would have been trapped and suffered a horrible death.

Shangguan Song followed Meng Hao the entire way. When they arrived at the Outer Sect, other disciples were spotted one by one, and many different expressions filled their faces. Regardless, it seemed like everyone was expecting this and no one seemed to pity Meng Hao. Most actually made fun of him.

Soon he arrived at the Outer Sect square. The dragon-carved pillars shined brightly and disciples were everywhere. In the distance, he saw Wang Tengfei, dressed in white, surrounded by a crowd of disciples.

The sun shone on her white robe, making it shine like snow, and her long hair fell over her shoulders. He looked perfect, flawless, like an immortal being from a painting. His attitude made people want to meet him. He truly looked like a Chosen One.

Meng Hao once again licked his lips at Wang Tengfei and looked into his eyes, like a wild beast staring at his prey. He chatted amiably with the disciples around him, friendly to everyone regardless of their cultivation base. He nodded, giving tips on Cultivation, making everyone treat him with the utmost respect. In the scene ahead, there were only men around Wang Tengfei. Meng Hao frowned and realized something: weren't there women in the Reliance Sect during the novel?

He used all his reasoning at that moment and realized something: there are no women in the Reliance Sect!

Upon realizing this, Meng Hao smiled heartily and let out a laugh that released his anxieties. He didn't think that the Hedonistic God would accept his sexual preference but upon understanding the scarcity of women there, Meng Hao laughed and his plan seemed perfect now!

When all the disciples arrived and the pill distribution was complete, the kind and cordial Wang Tengfei didn't even glance at Meng Hao. He knew that Meng Hao was watching him, but that meant no more to him than if a cricket were watching him. He wouldn't stoop so low as to look back.

When everything was completed and the dragon-carved pillars darkened, Wang Tengfei's gentle voice filled the air.

"Come here!"

It was a simple sentence, but the instant it sounded, everyone looked at Wang Tengfei, watching his gaze fall upon Meng Hao.

Meng Hao smiled, and looking at Wang Tengfei, he saw his hero's expression and exposed his shining teeth as his tongue licked them. He seemed almost like a wild beast in that tense moment.

I ended up jacking off to dozamura's hentais. His experience in anatomy is impeccable! His characters are thin and open up more, they are smooth and beautiful. His bisexual sex is wonderful and you feel really horny watching his doujins. I loved remembering the old times and I even saw his new doujins.

In the next chapter, I felt like I had written a BL Drama script.

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