
I See Love In You

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. -The loud house fanfiction- ____________________ You can find 2 extra chapters with 40K words on My kofi account: ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 My patreon account: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 16: Eyes that do not see, hearts that feel. Part 1 (1)

Chapter 16: Eyes that do not see, hearts that feel. Part 1

Whoever fights monsters should be careful not to become one himself. If you look into the abyss, the abyss will look into you.

-Friedrich Nietzsche-

It had been a few days since the wolf joined the Loud family. Albert and Lincoln left him in the yard and adapted the barn for the wolf's comfort. With his money, Lincoln bought an industrial refrigerator that they set up in the basement and filled it with meat for the White-Flame.

It was even better when the twins, Lisa and Lily, visited him because the great animal loved them. Lisa found the animal adorable and baptized it with the scientific name "Loud Wolf" in honor of their family name. Lincoln agreed. From now on, White-Flame was part of the family.

Lily seemed to be the closest to the wolf since she was the first one to let her ride him. Lily climbed onto the back of White-Flame. "Yes, go, White-Flame"

"Why does she always go first?" Lola asked.

"I'm the big sister now, so I have the right," Lily replied.

"Are you dreaming? You are four years old, and you think you are months older than us" Lana admonished her.

"Yes, chronologically, but I'm eleven now, and you're ten. So I'm older. So. Annn" Lily sticks her tongue out at her sisters as the wolf walks with her on his back in circles.

"When will Lisa finish the treatment to return Lily to her real age?" Lola asked, already annoyed.

"I hope soon. I'm starting to feel self-conscious about this situation." Lana received a lick from White-Flame, which encouraged her.

On the other hand, the Louds were preparing everything for the New Year's party. They invited everyone they knew—the Casagrande family, McBride, Sam, Myrtle, and Albert. But there was someone who wasn't invited this year. Luan would always take Benny, but this year that wouldn't be the case. The only good thing is that, as she learns from Robbie in their chat conversations, Benny's parents, after finding out what he did and being people who take commitment and loyalty seriously, sent Benny to live in Arizona, where his father's cousin lives—Russell, son of Martin and Vera. A former Marine, current personal trainer, and police trainer with his own military academy and YouTube channel. He trains with Russell, demonstrating his most challenging exercises with his new assistant, Benny. Although Ruby was amused to see how Russell made Benny sweat and attacked his masculinity by giving him nicknames like Princess, Little Gardener, or Miss Apple Blossom, just like he called him his training doll.

Although the Hindu girl enjoyed seeing this, Luan didn't feel the same way. Not that she feels sorry for Benny, but because the sight of him made her feel bad. That reminds her of when they were happy.

For his part, Lincoln never felt the same as before. Well, since Leni's rejection, he hasn't had the same spirit. He didn't bother preparing for the fight he was going to have in a few days.

While Mr. Loud was in the kitchen, he prepared smaller versions of the feast that would be served at a New Year's Eve party to use for tasting, thus determining which one would be served before preparing the dishes. "Son, could you come and help me in the kitchen? I'm very busy; I could use some extra hands."

"I'm coming, Dad"

The only times Lincoln could clear his mind were when he was exercising or cooking, although lately he has been more into the latter since he didn't feel like training.

"Thank you for your help, son. Can you cut the mushrooms while I marinate the meat?"

"With pleasure, dad."

"Thank you, son. This will be the best New Year's Eve the neighborhood has ever seen."

"Neighborhood? Don't you mean family?"

"No, the neighborhood. You see, for two years now, all the families in the neighborhood have come together for an elegant party on New Year's Eve. We dress up in our best clothes and wear masks. And the best thing is a New Year's kiss."

"New Year's kiss?"

"Yes, it's when you kiss the person you're dancing with. Since everyone is wearing a mask, you don't know who you kissed until one minute after midnight, and you can take off your mask. That's why, during that time, your mother won't let me separate from her."

"Kissing someone you don't know, don't you think it's risky?"

"What's life without a little risk?"

As Lincoln was chopping vegetables, there was doubt in his mind. "Dad, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, son. What's going on?"

"Like, okay. Instead of... what can you do when you love someone but their family and society, in general, don't approve of their union?"

"Uh... what's the reason for that question, son?"

"Uh... I... that's... well... to be honest..." Lincoln hesitated, not knowing what to say. 'But my suspicion was about Leni. Damn it. Why did I ask him about that?'

"Lincoln... maybe?... Are you in love?"

"What?... No!... I... I don't know..."

Mr. Loud hugged his son tightly. "Oh. My son has fallen in love. You have to tell me who she is. And what do you mean by society and their parents disapproving of them? Are they more than one? Oh. Are they the albino twins? Are you suspicious because you don't know which one to stay with? Because you can "choose both. You can move to Utah and marry there. This is where polygamy is inherited."

"No! Dad, it's not that... wait... how do you know about Utah and polygamy?"

"Lincoln. I was a teenager too. I did crazy things... a lot, actually." Mr. Loud pulled up the waistband of his pants to hide a tribal tattoo of a butterfly he had on the crease of his buttocks.

"Forget it, Dad... Forget I said anything."

Lincoln's sad face hinted at what was really going on. "Lincoln... son... maybe... have you been rejected?"

"I never considered myself the most attractive or the most popular boy when I was a kid. In fact, I was lucky if a girl would talk to me and ask me out on a date. They all always wanted to be my friends or were just dates planned by my sisters... Since I lost my sight, they tell me I've become handsome, but I don't gloat about it. What's the point if I can't see myself? The point is that either in my childhood, when I was a loser, or now that I'm blind to confirm what they say about my appearance, I never felt like that. It's not a hit on my pride like the stereotype of a guy who thinks handsomeness is worth all his feet, and if he doesn't get it, he gets depressed or crazy and plots revenge on a socially complex narcissist. Or like when I was a kid, I just got rejected and felt like a failure... This... This really hurts so much here." Lincoln put his hand on his chest. "Why, Dad? This has happened to me before. But why does it hurt so much now?" Lincoln started to cry. For the first time in three years, his eyes filled with tears. "Dad... I... I... I'm crying. I can't see... but... I feel the tears."

Mr. Loud hugs his son and begins to cry next to him. "Listen to me, son. You are a very sweet, sensitive, and affectionate boy. You are a great catch, and whoever that girl rejected you is, she loses it."

Lincoln hugs his father. "Thanks, Dad."

"I love you, son."

"I love you, Dad."

Mr. Loud wiped his son's tears with a handkerchief. "Cheer up, champion. How about we cook a feast that will make Gordon Ramsay green with envy?"

"Wasn't that your high school classmate you always talked about who always beat you in cooking competitions?"

"I didn't always win. Sometimes I lost because they kicked me out of the competition. I know it was his fault!"

"Sure, Dad… and the fact that you always come in and bang your cowbell like crazy has nothing to do with it."

"This is called 'You Have an Entrance Song,' Lincoln. These judges didn't have good taste, neither for cooking nor for music."

"It's true, Dad; it's true."

Lincoln pats his father on the back. He was in a good mood again. He could even train, but now he has another commitment. So both men started cooking. What they didn't know was that someone was listening to them.

On the other side of the door was Leni. The seamstress girl felt the same way as Lincoln. She was crying too. "Linky... forgive me... but it's better that you don't love me anymore. I don't want you to put yourself in danger because of me."

Back with the Loud men.

Lincoln and Mr. Loud were unstoppable in the kitchen. Together, they prepared up to twelve different dishes. Thanks to the remodeled kitchen, the range held up to eight pots and pans.

"Phew. This was really hard work," Mr. Loud said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Considering all the guests who will be attending the party, I think we are remiss, Dad."

"I hope not, son. Well, from now on, I'll take care of it. Go rest."

"Thanks, Dad," Lincoln left the kitchen when his cell phone rang. The boy left the house so that he could answer and so that his family would not hear him. "Hello, Professor. What can I do for you?"

"Lincoln. There's been a slight change in plans."

"What do you mean by slight? Aren't I going to fight anymore?"

"Of course, you will fight. But not with the competitor you had in the beginning. The original agreement was for exploration rights in a certain area where there was a lot of platinum. The original company you were going to fight wanted the rights to the land, but now there is a third party that wants it. A Russian company, a multinational called Petrovic Mining, The limousine will pick you up in the afternoon." Venomos ends the call.

"Damn it. I said that on the day of the battle that I had already scheduled, I would have already overcome my depression. But now I have to go to one today? Fuck... Oh my God... since when have I said so many rude things? "

Meanwhile, in Lucy's room.

The house goth was lying on her bed, talking on her cell phone with her friend Haiku.

"No, Haiku. I won't forget the annual ritual."

"Yes, I will be there."

"I'll get the blood pudding."

"No, it won't be like last year with the jet black sails."

"Yes, yes, I understand. Not jet black, not charcoal black. Not raven black. Night black."

"No, last year was Voris's fault. I told him we had to go the long way, but he wanted to get there sooner rather than later, and we took the short route."

"I don't have anything against his look. Quite the opposite. I like his look. But if you were like him and you were chasing an 11-year-old girl down a dark street in the middle of the night, heading to the cemetery, some nosy with bad intentions would call the police."

"What if I already have a candidate to join the club? Well... I have someone in mind."

Lucy pulls one of Lincoln's shirts from under her pillow and begins to sniff.

"I will ask if he is interested in joining and if he can attend. I will propose that he be accepted at the meeting tonight and put to a vote."

"Good. See you tonight, bye."

Lucy covers her face with her brother's shirt and begins to inhale deeply as she puts her hand under her underwear. "Hmm. My dear brother. I can't wait to share our nights together." Lucy breathes in the scent of her brother's shirt as she moves her hand faster until she climaxes. "Mmm, ahh, that was nice. But the smell isn't enough for me anymore. I need the real thing."

Lucy changed her underwear because the clothes she was wearing were completely soaked.

The goth was about to leave her room to take her clothes to wash, but the moment she opened the door, she bumped into her brother.

"Ouch... is that you, Lucy?"

"Yes, that's me. Sorry, I didn't see where you were going. Huh?" Lucy noticed that she no longer had her dress in her hands and began searching for it until she found it. At her brother's "damn" head, Lucy's face turned from its normal paleness to a phosphorescent red.

"My head feels wet." Lincoln was about to take off the wet cloth that was on his head, but Lucy quickly removed it.

"Don't worry, bro. It's just a dirty rag I wiped the windows with. Better rinse your head off. Hahaha."

"Lucy, are you okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well... you laughed. And you never laugh. Except at me when I was eleven."

"Did I do that?"

"Lucy. You're hiding something, aren't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Lincoln."

Lincoln stood at Lucy's eye level, brushing his bangs aside, revealing his eyes. Lucy, captivated, couldn't help but admire them.

"Damn. Those eyes are so beautiful."

"So you really like my eyes?"

"Er... did I say it out loud?"

"Yes, you did. Besides, you already confessed your feelings to me, remember?"

Lucy's thoughts drifted back to the painful memory of her brother's rejection.

"So that must be the reason, right? You still feel uncomfortable around me?"

Head bowed, Lucy admitted, "Yes... I know I may not have a sexy body like Luna, Lynn, or Leni. But."

Before Lucy could continue, Lincoln gently placed a finger on her lips.

"Lucy... it's best we talk about it in private. The hallway isn't exactly the best place for that."

Taking Lucy's hand, they entered her room, where Lucy discreetly stashed her wet underwear in her sweatshirt pocket.

Seated on her bed, Lucy and Lincoln began a heart-to-heart.

"So, Lucy... are you really in love with me?"

"I understand that you may not like me. I know that I am strange and unattractive."

"Lucy, don't say that. You're beautiful."

"You're not serious."

Lincoln sat next to Lucy, holding her hand. "Lucy, you're my little sister. We were close, but the truth is, I never thought of you the way you thought of me... at least not for long…"

"What do you mean by that?"

Lincoln chuckled. "I remember when we were kids, Lori and Leni threw a wedding for us."

This revelation surprised Lucy, but Lincoln showed her a picture from that day.

"Awesome. We looked so cute." Lucy examined the black dress Leni had made for her.

"Why are you telling me this, Lincoln?"

Blushing, Lincoln confessed, "Well... since that day... I've always said you were my girlfriend. And when we grew up, I was going to marry you for real."

Lucy's ears twitched at this revelation. "You... did you seriously say that?"

"Yes… I even kissed you on the mouth."

Lucy had never smiled so much before. Her cheeks hurt, but she didn't care.

"My mother and father thought it was just a phase. Over time, I realized that this was a mistake and that I could not marry you. So I buried it deep in my memory."

Lucy's smile completely faded upon hearing that.

"I've lived my life for a long time without remembering those days when I was attracted to you. But... on the day I missed the visit, I had some strange dreams, or rather some memories. Including those days. And when it was my first time with Lynn... I knew that... That's what attracted me. I don't know if it was a fetish or some kind of sexual attraction, or if I was just born with these feelings, but...I think the more of you that admit that you love me, the more this awakens. And I can't say no to any of you"

"So... does that mean you love me too?"

Lincoln comes face-to-face with Lucy. The boy caresses the goth girl's cheek and approaches her.

"Lincoln? What?" Lucy was silenced by her brother's lips on hers. "He... he... kiss me." Lincoln hugs Lucy without separating their lips, placing her on the bed to deepen the kiss, and sticking his tongue into Lucy's mouth. "Oh. God. His tongue is inside my mouth. I can't anymore. My head is spinning. I feel like I'm going to die. No. I'm not going to die today. Not without giving myself to him first." Lucy started to unbutton Lincoln's shirt, but the boy grabbed her wrists and started kissing her neck.

"Lincoln. I don't want to wait any longer. Let's do it."

Lincoln pulls away from Lucy's neck, breathing hard. The girl marveled at her brother's fangs, which added to his attractiveness. Lucy spreads her legs, waiting for her brother to take her as his own. But she only got one response.

"I can't do this, Lucy."

"What? But you said…"

"I know what you said. But I can't do that to you... at least not yet."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just... a certain way it relates to... your body."

"physical...?" Lucy brings her hands and gaze to her chest. "I knew it"

"No! Don't get me wrong, Lucy. I want you so much. But... I'm afraid... you're not ready."

"Of course I am, Lincoln. Do you think I don't know what sex is? I even have condoms I found in Lori's new room."

"Okay. I didn't need to know that. But I don't mean on an emotional level. I mean on a physical level."

"Oh..." Lucy's cheeks turn red as she realizes what Lincoln was talking about, "Well, I know I'm shorter than you... but I think I can. I mean... I've already seen it once."

"What, what, what? When?"

"Okay... remember when you helped me out of the vent and I crushed your 'parts' with my knee?"

"How could I forget that? It hurt me to urinate for three days."

"O-Okay... when you pressed this... well... I saw... I saw a bulge in your underwear."

"Oh, so you didn't see it directly?"

"I have an idea of what it looks like."

"Do you want?..."

"Great! Do you want me to? With it not covered?"

"Oh, only if you want. All you have to do is be more informed."

Lucy looks away with wide eyes and red cheeks. "Ah... well... I admit I'm curious. A glance wouldn't hurt." Lucy gets up from her bed and closes the door. "Good. That way, we won't get into trouble."

Lincoln stands up. The boy was really nervous. "So... do you know Lucy? We're still on time. We can pretend this conversation didn't happen, and... I don't know... kiss again?"

"No. If I didn't see it, I wouldn't be able to sleep all night out of curiosity. So let's go. Show it."

"Okay... here we go. I already have the zipper on hand. I'm unziping it... and I'm going to show my pre-teen sister my dick; damn it, I look like a pervert... uh... okay... I'm going to pull the front down, and get it out.

"...." "Stop spinning and show it now!"

"Okay, don't yell at me. They'll hear you." Lincoln took a deep breath, followed by a long sigh. "There it is" He finally pulled his dick out of his pants. "Happy?"

Lucy didn't answer. Well, she was completely shocked."

"Lucy? Everything okay?"

"I... this... this... is it real?"

"What if it's real? Of course it is. Why do you ask?"

"It's just… it's…" Lucy brushes the strand of hair covering her other eye to see better. "It's huge. It should be at least six inches long."

Lucy's words make Lincoln blush very red. "G-G-Good. You already saw it" Lincoln pushes his 'friend' away again. The boy was steaming like a kettle and then kept his parts inside his pants.

"Maybe you're right, Lincoln. I'd better wait until I'm a little older" Lucy pulls out her phone and takes a picture before her brother puts his 'friend' away again.

"Lucy... don't tell me you took a picture of it."

"Well. I won't tell you."

"Lucy, delete that now." The last thing the albino heard was his sister opening the door and running out of the room. "Devil, take me"

Lucy was in the basement vents. The girl was breathing heavily with her mobile phone in her hand when she remembered that she still had a pair of wet panties in her pocket. "I'm going to need another change of underwear."

Back with Lincoln.

The boy had a complete hurricane of emotions. He underestimated Lenny's rejection and his nervousness about the fight he was going to have that day. The excitement of the intimate moment he spent with Lucy and the embarrassment of the event after the make-out session. But what the albino didn't know was that it was just the beginning of a bigger, more dangerous passion.

It was already late afternoon. The limousine hasn't arrived yet. Lincoln was reading one of his books on the couch. He was at home all alone.

Messrs. Loud were at a neighborhood meeting to approve the dishes to be served at the neighborhood party; Lori traveled to Great Lake City to personally invite the Casagrande to tomorrow's New Year's Eve party; instead of sending them a letter, Leni didn't say where she was going. Luna went to Sam's house. Lynn practiced karate. Lola, Lana, and Lily were at the grandparents' house playing with White-Flame; Lisa held a conference at the university.

Lincoln remained in charge of the house for a while. To pass the time, he started reading, but his reading was interrupted when he felt someone hugging him from behind. His fighting reflexes almost got the better of him, but he stopped when he felt a kiss on his cheek.


"You guessed it, baby."

Lincoln hugs Lucy and lies down with her on top of him. "You've become so sweet. This goes against your dark style."

"It's still dark, but now I'd like a break from it." Lucy cups Lincoln's cheeks and kisses him on the lips.

Lincoln returns the kiss, caressing Lucy's head with one hand while placing the other under the gothic skirt, squeezing her ass and making Lucy jump.

"Hey. What are you doing with that hand over there?"

"I was just checking to see if what they say about goths is true. It sure is."

Lucy smiles mischievously. "Do you like my ass?"

Lincoln holds Lucy like a bride; he gets up from the couch smiling. "How about if we continue this somewhere more private? My little vampire."

Lucy doesn't answer. She is lost in her brother's smile, more specifically in his fangs.

"I'll take your silence as a yes."

In Lucy's room.

They were both kissing passionately. Lucy bit Lincoln's lower lip while he didn't take his hands off the goth's ass. A three-minute fight of tongues ensued until the lack of air forced them apart.

"Oh. You're an amazing kisser, Lucy."

"I trained a lot with the Edwin statue."

"And tell me, who kisses better? Edwin? Or me?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I need to compare a little more before giving my verdict."

"Oh. I see. Then" Lincoln hugs Lucy and brings her face close to his. "Let me show you something Edwin didn't even do." Lincoln starts kissing Lucy's neck, giving her small bites with his fangs, causing the goth girl to shiver.

"Oh, that feels good."

"It's just the beginning. Tell me something. Has Edwin ever done this to Griselda?"

"What's? Whoa!..." Lucy couldn't finish since Lincoln was going to get intimate with her. "Lincoln... uh... that wasn't... I wasn't ready for... well. Lincoln. Feel your tongue. I have to..." The pleasure of the albino's licking caused Lucy to start moaning as she covered her mouth to drown out her screams. "Hmm," Goth pressed against the sheets, her legs shaking and her heart beating so fast it seemed like it wanted to come out of her chest.

In her mind, Lucy thought. "How pleasure. I can't breathe. My head is pulsing and spinning. Please, I don't want more. Please. Don't lick anymore. I'm going to..." She felt better than stimulating herself.

Lincoln came face-to-face with Lucy again. "Good? What do you think about that?"

Lucy grabbed Lincoln's cheeks, squeezing them hard. "You owe me... a new pair... of... clean panties... you idiot."

Lincoln kisses Lucy's forehead. "Do you want to make it official?"

"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked.

"Good. If Luna and Lynn can get girls into the relationship, why can't I?"

"Wait. Will there be more?"

"It doesn't depend on me."

"It's amazing that you can't say no, but I don't think we'd be together without that. So, what are you waiting for? I want to hear you say it."

"Lucy Loud. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, my love. Yes, I want." Lucy hugs Lincoln, tears of joy falling from her eyes. "I love you, my big wolf."

"I love you too."

That day, Lincoln added another girl to his harem and perhaps found a cure for his post-rejection depression. What he didn't know was that it wouldn't last long.

Lucy and Lincoln spent the rest of the afternoon watching Lucy's favorite vampire series, lying on the couch holding hands. Lincoln hugged Lucy from behind, occasionally kissing her on the head.

Although Lincoln may not have known what was going on in the show when there was no dialogue, it didn't bother him too much because he was content to spend time with Gothic Lolita.

Suddenly, the sound of the family truck alerted them. They quickly separated and sat next to each other on the couch.

Mr. and Mrs. Loud entered the house.

Rita looked noticeably tired.

"We came back. Wow, what a long meeting. I can't believe they discussed for two and a half hours what kind of stuffing to stuff the turkeys with."

"The annual Franklin Avenue New Year's Eve Dinner is a very important event. For two years, they chose other people's stuffing, but this year it's my turn. It's my time to shine. This year I will prove that Lynn Loud is the king of stuffing."

"As Your Majesty says, but did you know that you have to prepare several kilograms of stuffing for each turkey?"

"Don't worry. That's why I have my first assistant in the kitchen. Lincoln, would you like to help your father prepare the most delicious food for tomorrow's dinner?"

"I'd love to, Dad. But I have a business meeting today."

"Oh. Well, yeah, I get it. You're in big business now. You don't have as much time as you did when you were eleven years old."

The sound of a trumpet alerts the Louds.

"They came for me."

Before leaving, Rita stops Lincoln. "Wait, aren't you wearing a suit? It's a business meeting after all."

"The professor has a new suit for me. I'll wear it in the office bathroom."

"Can you use the office bathroom now? Cool. It took me a year to get that privilege. I had to go to the gas station across the street." Mr. Loud was very proud of how much progress his son had made in his business.

"Yes... thanks for the image, Dad. I'm going."

"Good luck, dear."

"Bye mom. Bye dad. Bye Lucy." Lincoln left the house and took the limo to his 'work'.

"Okay. What do you say, Lucy? Do you want to help your father in the kitchen?"

"Unfortunately, Dad. I have a club meeting." Lucy gets up from the chair and starts making her way to her club meeting point.

"Huh... I guess... it's just you and me, love... in this big house that's just for us for a while longer." Mr. Loud said

Rita makes sexy turkey noises and then goes into her room, moving her ass, followed by her husband.

That night in the cemetery.

Members of the Morticians Club held their weekly meeting at the cemetery. Chaired by its current co-president, Haiku.

"Welcome, dwellers of darkness."

"Let's start with the list of potential candidates. Does anyone have someone in mind to join the club?"

Morpheus was the first to speak. "I would like to suggest a girl who moved in next to my house. Her name is Hel. I told her about the club, and she said maybe."

"We'll take it into consideration. Someone else?"

The next word was from Lucy: "Instead of proposing a new member, I would like to appeal for the reinstatement of my brother Lincoln."

"Your brother? Don't get hurt, Lucy. But he didn't fit in here the first time."

"I know Haiku. But these years away from home have changed him. I think he could be a member with great potential."

A plump, dark-skinned boy rose from his seat to object, "I believe what I see, Lucy. Your brother has only had contact with the club twice, and it doesn't seem like he has any interest in the club."

"I know, Dante. But."

Before Lucy could finish speaking, Persephone interrupted her: "I'm sorry, Lucy, but this is not a compassionate club. If you really want your brother to be a part of us, you have to prove his worth. There are also details about whether your brother wants to join or not."

"Okay. If there are no more suggestions for new members, let's move on to the next topic."

Suddenly, the meeting of the goths was interrupted by something unheard of in the cemetery. The terrible sound of people from Vitoria and the screaming of emotions. In addition to the strong artificial light that drowned out the moonlight.

"What the hell?" Haiku said, turning to the tower of light that was projected in front of them.

"Who dares to spoil the beauty of this sacred place with cheerful lights and noise?" Voris said.

The group did not want to stay with suspicion and headed towards the source of the light and noise.

They finally arrived. This came from behind a hill. The group climbed the hill carefully and discreetly so as not to be discovered. When they reached the chasm, they hid behind some bushes. The source of the light and noise was a group of people wearing very elegant suits, so colorful and decorated with jewels and gold and silver decorations that it could not be a funeral.

Things started to take shape a little when a man wearing a striped shirt, like a football referee's shirt, stood up in the middle of the crowd and started speaking.

"Tonight, it will be decided which of these two companies will be accepted to sign the ownership contract for the land in question."

"According to Article Three, Fifteenth Paragraph of Article Twenty-Eight of the Organization Law, if three companies want the same land, two of them must resolve the conflict."

"These are selected based on the number of deals their current representatives have closed."

"The two with the fewest number of closed deals should compete for the right to be one of the two companies that will bid for control of the final asset."

The Goths understood what that was.

"It is merely a petty party of shallow capitalists coming together to line their greedy pockets."

"Shut up, Dante. They'll hear us" Persephone hushed the big chick as the rest of the group took notice.

The man wearing the referee's uniform spoke again.

"Representing the Petrovich Mining Company: Ivan Sokolov (Siberian Hammer)"

A muscular man emerges from a shrine with a blond military haircut.

"Representing Venomous Industries. Lincoln Loud (White Wolf)"

Upon hearing this name, the Goths paid more attention to what was happening.

From another shrine came a boy covered in an animal skin robe. His head was covered with a hood. But when the cloak was removed from his body, Lucy couldn't believe it and screamed.


The other club members covered Lucy's mouth. The girl raised her fellow club member's hands from her mouth. Apparently, no one noticed the scream she let out because everyone was doing the same thing.

"What the hell is Lincoln doing there?"

Club members had mixed reactions.

While Voris, Dante, and Morpheus looked curiously at the albino boy, Haiku and Persephone had red cheeks that stood out thanks to their pale skin.

"Will your brother fight this (Mastodon)? Lucy, they will kill your brother." Morpheus looked genuinely afraid of what could happen to his friend's brother. But he received only a smile in response.

"I bet fifty dollars that my brother wins."

These words confused the goths. But they accepted the bet anyway.

For his part, Ivan was talking to his boss.

"Boss. You didn't tell me anything about fighting a kid."

"Don't trust yourself, Ivan. This boy has four victories in less than a month."

"Wow. American fighters think they're insensitive. Don't worry, boss. I'll finish this kid off before he can attack me."

Both fighters face each other at a distance of one meter. The referee stands ready to start the match.

"Fighters ready? Fight!"

Both are launched against each other. Ivan tried to land a direct hit, but Lincoln dodged it by turning his head to the side and connecting a blow with Evan's nose, which began to bleed.

"Oh my CHERRT NARRIS" (he cursed in Russian) "he broke my nose with one blow. The boss wasn't exaggerating. This kid is stronger than I thought. It would be better if I fought seriously from now on."

Ivan started landing hook strikes, but none of them reached Lincoln. For his part, Lincoln avoided Ivan's blows while his own hits reached Ivan.

When Ivan landed a hook, Lincoln dodged it and responded with a strong punch. When he received a direct hit, Lincoln dodged it and countered it forcefully. When he threw a big punch, he dodged it and countered with a strike. When he landed a jab, Lincoln would dodge it and counter with a straight punch.

This was Lincoln's combat system. Dodge, push, and hit. The key was to use the power of the move to dribble and not counterattack with the same strike as his opponent.

Ivan was fed up with the boy who constantly made fun of him by dodging punches, which made him feel ashamed. To the person who was once a national champion in mixed martial arts. It is named as a symbol of the power of Mother Russia.

Ivan tried to land another blow, but was caught by the arm and fell to the ground with a judo submission.

He and the Morticians Club couldn't believe that a kid half the size of the Russian was controlling the fight.

"That move. I knew your fighting style was familiar to me. Tell me. Do you know a certain Alexa Volkova?"

"Of course. She was the one who taught me judo and boxing," the albino answered.

"Absolutely yes. The legendary Volkov fighting style. Used by the secret military police during the time of the Communist Party. It was created and perfected by the Volkov family. When the party fell silent, many were promoted."

"Alexa. She survived, but she lost sight in one eye from the gunshot wound. I think I know why she was shot now."

"She taught you well, mate. And where is she?"

Lincoln clenched his fists, containing his anger. "She passed away."

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't the one who killed her."

Lincoln launched himself at Ivan, but he used the same move that Lincoln had used at the beginning of the fight, connecting his right hand to the albino's stomach forcefully, causing him to kneel, clutching his stomach in pain.

"There is no doubt that you are Alexa's student. I would recognize that mood in anyone."

"You... have you met Alexa?"

"My real name is... Ivan Volkov."

Upon hearing that name, Lincoln looked up, but a kick from Ivan brought him back to the ground.

"Alexa was my older sister. Despite being a woman, she earned the sympathy of the party high command for her martial skills. My father's pride was wrong. On the other hand, I was a disgrace to my family. That's why I trained to be better than my sister. That wasn't enough for that bitch." Even though she was able to outshine everyone and be the commander of the military police, my stubborn father chose her as the heir. This is how he made a mistake. Once he makes a decision, nothing will stop him from changing his mind. That's why I changed my family name to my father's worst enemy, to cut off all... relations with him."

"On that day, I swore that I would make them pay for depriving me of my rights."

Ivan stomped with his foot, but Lincoln dodged it by rolling over and pushing himself to his feet.

The Russian threw a hook, but Lincoln dodged it and countered with an uppercut, but Ivan deflected his punch, landing a punch to Lincoln's cheek.

"Have you forgotten that I am a mixed martial arts champion in my country?" Ivan kicks Lincoln in the stomach and then gets behind the boy, catches him in a guillotine lock, and he falls to the floor. "You just lost, comrade. This is a bloody guillotine submission."

The guillotine is the most effective submission in mixed martial arts. Once subdued, the opponent has no chance of breaking free.

The angle at which it is located prevents the opponent from striking the person being subdued. In addition to losing consciousness due to a lack of oxygen, it is better to give up.

However, Ivan's guillotine submission is different from them all. His large muscle mass squeezes more and more around his windpipe and neck. The pressure exerted by Ivan's powerful arms destroys his trachea and cervical spine.

"This can end anytime you want, boy, just give up."

Lincoln placed his hands on his arm around his neck, meaning he had no intention of giving up.

"You asked for it, boy."

Ivan pressed harder and harder, to the point where Lincoln's mouth began to foam. But he's not satisfied with that; Ivan starts punching him in the face.

The Morticians Club members closed their eyes so as not to see this brutality. But one of them was still watching the fight. Because of the adrenaline at this moment, she couldn't help but scream.

"Lincoln. Don't let yourself be defeated. I trust you!"

Once again, her friends covered her mouth.

Ivan decided to end the match with one final push. Silence was present on the battlefield, and the Goths opened their eyes wide when they saw blood staining the ground. Suddenly, a shrill scream of agony broke the silence. It was Ivan. The arm holding Lincoln's neck had exposed bone, muscle, and sinew, and the albino's fingers were buried in his flesh. Lincoln had pressed so hard that he could tear the skin apart like a plastic bag.

"Ahhhhhh. You filthy son of a bitch!"

Ivan kicks Lincoln in the jaw, but the albino grabs him by the thigh and squeezes him until a piece of muscle is torn off.

"Ahhhhhh. My leg, my fucking leg."

Before Ivan knew it, Lincoln had already buried his fingers in his neck and managed to close his hand around the Russian's windpipe and esophagus, squeezing and cutting off all oxygen supply.

Ivan fell face down on a drawing board with the inscription, Rest in Peace, but this was not over yet.

Lincoln raised his leg at a 90-degree angle, preparing to finish it off with a downward kick.

"Sevdanya, Russian"

(Translator: Sevidania in Russian means goodbye)

Lincoln lowers his foot and stomps on Ivan's head, causing the bronze plate to shatter and bury Ivan's head in the dirt.

Lincoln kicks him in the face. Ivan's face was bloodied, his nose was broken and crooked, and all his teeth were missing. His mouth was open, so Lincoln ended up spitting into it.

The referee approached Lincoln, grabbed his wrist, and raised his hand in the air. "The fight is over! Winner: Lincoln Loud!"

While everyone was cheering for Lincoln, Venomous approached Mr. Petrovich.

"It was an excellent fight, Igor. I hope there were no hard feelings."

Venom's sarcastic tone made Petrovich even angrier. "Venom I always thought your name was just a Persian name. You are more dangerous than I thought. You are poison to respectable companies. You monopolize all markets and leave others without opportunities. Which I would expect from an American dog. You are all equal. You were never satisfied. You always want more and more."

"This is what capitalism is about, Igor. Love it or leave it."

After Lincoln showered in one of the prepared cars and healed his wounds, Venomous wanted to talk to him.

"You were great today, Lincoln. Keep it up, and we'll put the platinum mines in the bag."

"As you say, boss."

"Shall I take you home?"

"Nop, I prefer walking."

"As you like. See you in the next battle."

"See you later."

Meanwhile, with the Morticians Club.

The group was thoughtful, trying to process what they had just witnessed.

"The face of... the man... was buried in the ground... with a bronze plate in the middle." Morpheus went over this part of his mind. "Well, that was the first time I'd seen something so brutal"

Voris rubbed his throat, remembering how Lincoln buried his fingers in that man's neck.

Lucy and Haiku talked about what they saw.

"I don't get it. What was Lincoln doing there? Lucy, how long has your brother been involved in street fights?"

"This surprises me as much as it surprises you, Haiku. My brother was supposed to be in a business meeting."

"Business meeting?"

"Yes, he got a job a few days ago. That's what he told us."

"What did he tell you?"

"Something about Professor Venomous being appointed Lincoln as his assistant. He's brought in large sums of money since he's held that position."

"Wait, did you say Venomous?"

"Yes, why?"

"Didn't you hear what that guy in the referee's uniform said? Lincoln was representing his company, Venomous Industries."

"Haiku... you won't believe that..."

"What if this is your brother's real job?"

Suddenly there was a sound.

"You guessed it."

Hearing this, the goths jumped and let out a scream in unison.

"No wonder you connected the dots. After all, you're so smart, Haiku." On a tree branch, Lincoln was squatting, like an eagle circling. The boy does a front flip and lands on his feet in front of the girls and boys. "You saw something you shouldn't have seen. And for this, you will pay with your life. Starting with you." Lincoln holds out his hand to Dante. The stocky boy closes his eyes in fear, while the rest of them are frozen, even Lucy.

Lincoln's hand was already a few inches away from Dante's, but no one expected what followed.

"Honk honk" Lincoln pinched Dante's nose with his fingers while making horn sounds. "Pfft... hahahahaha, you believed it. Buhahahaha, I can't believe this buhahahahahaha."

"What are you laughing at, animal!? You almost scared me to death!" Dante was really upset by the joke. He was not one of those people who had a great sense of humor.

"Sorry Danny. I couldn't resist."

"My name is Dante."

"I'm sorry. Anyway. Tell me, how much have you seen?"

"Everything. From the beginning," Lucy answered, "Lincoln. What have you gotten yourself into?"

The albino's appearance changed to a more serious one at the club. "I'll explain everything to you. But not here. Let's go. I need a restaurant."

The Goths and Lincoln were in a cafeteria of a restaurant—one of the restaurants that wasn't too chic for millionaires, but it wasn't too bad either, a place where you could see friends hanging out, couples on dates, and families celebrating birthdays.

With circular tables and booths for more privacy.

Goths drink a cup of coffee. At least those who are old enough to do so. They all looked at Lincoln in amazement.

On the table was a pile of dirty dishes, while the albino was devouring a T-shaped steak.

It was a terrifying and wonderful sight to see as the flesh was torn from the bone. A mixture of literature and wilderness. Finally, it was the flesh and bone that ended up being destroyed by Lincoln's sharp fangs and powerful teeth.

Lincoln made a gesture to call the waiter.

One of the waiters was talking to his partner. "This kid eats that steak bone like it's a cookie."

"You take care of him. He scares me."

The waiter approached the group, a little frightened. "Did you enjoy your meal, sir?"

"It was delicious."

"Is there anything else you want?"


"Immediately, sir," the waiter rushed out to get as far away from the boy as possible.

"How much meat can you eat?" Morpheus asked.

"It depends on how hungry I am after each fight. I wasn't that hungry today."

The goths look at the four-inch pile of dishes.

"Are you a wolf?" Persephone asked.

Lincoln thought for a moment and answered. "I guess yes, technically." Considering the impact the wolf image had on his life since he started his training, one could say it was in a certain way.

Persephone rested her elbows on the table and rested her head on her hands as she looked at Lincoln, her eyes filled with sparkle.

Lucy noticed this and decided to interrupt the moment by changing the subject. "Then. What was that at the cemetery?"

Lincoln saw no problem telling the whole story about the Dracoviam fight. Fortunately, the booth they were in was far away from the rest. So no one can hear them.

After he recounted how he met Venomus, his recruitment into the battles of Dragoviam, and his reasons for agreeing to enter, the group of Goths were puzzled.

"You... fell into this... for our family?" Lucy was touched by her brother's story.

"Yes. When we lost everything in that fire and the insurance company refused to pay dad, I had to accept Professor Venomous's job offer to become his fighter." Lincoln took a sip of his coffee.

"But there's something I don't understand."

"What, Haiku?"

"If you said you had to accept being a representative of Venom Industries because your house was destroyed, why would you continue to do that if they had already rebuilt it?"

"Because Professor Venomus was the one who rebuilt it. He invested his money in it. He set a trap. He did it in small installments."

"Pay little by little as a person with an average salary does. If I decide to stop paying, they will get the house back. In other words, if I decide to stop fighting for him, he will leave my entire family homeless."

"You are amazing, Lincoln Loud," Voris said, tears streaming down his cheeks. "You are putting yourself in danger for your family. You are a role model."

"Believe me, Voris. There is nothing honorable in what I do."

"The end always justifies the means," said Dante.

"You will find a way to free yourself from the contract you made with Venom. After all, you are the man with the plan," Lucy encouraged Lincoln.

After finishing drinking their coffee, the Goths and Lincoln left the restaurant and took different paths towards their homes.

Lucy was walking side by side with Lincoln; they both decided to shorten their paths through the park when they passed a bench. They both sat down to relax a bit and clear their minds of everything they had seen and gone through that night.

Lincoln breathes deeply into the scent of the trees on a winter night. "These moments are what I value most. In the chaos and fire of battle, a warrior unleashes his potential, but in the calm and peace, he appreciates what is necessary."

"Raise your fist and hold your head high. Face adversity with determination and conviction. But don't forget that dedication is where the heart is."

Lucy stared at him in surprise. Lincoln always had the potential to be a great poet. His reading of the competition that took place in the Black Café left no doubt.

Lucy could no longer resist and pounced on Lincoln, pressing her lips to his.

The albino was taken aback for a moment but returned the kiss by hugging Lucy.

Everything seemed fine at that moment, but as if it were a curse, an armed man came out of the bush and motioned to them, "Hands up, lovebirds!"

Lucy was going to break away from the kiss, but Lincoln grabbed her by the head, keeping their mouths together. Lincoln was tired of so much human garbage. This time, he wouldn't let them spoil his session. So he took his cane and inserted it into the barrel of the gun. With a twist behind this, he snatched the weapon from the thief's hands. When the cane came back up even with the weapon at its end, it was used to hit the man's testicles, which made him bend over to clutch his body parts in pain, but it didn't end there. Because the cane followed its upward path with the weapon, hitting the thief's chin, causing him to throw his head back. The weapon separated from the cane thanks to the sudden stop.

Lincoln took advantage of the thief's head position to place the tip of the cane inside his nose, below his sinuses, finally lowering his cane sharply with everything, sending his head crashing to the ground, leaving him unconscious. With a possible skull fracture.

Lincoln broke the kiss.

Lucy was breathing hard, with a string of saliva connecting her mouth to her brother's mouth.

Lincoln got up from the seat with Lucy in his arms and calmly walked away, leaving the thief dead on the floor.

As they walked, Lucy came to her senses. The kiss Lincoln gave her shut her brain down for a few minutes. Lucy realized how Lincoln was holding her. As if she were a princess. And she reacted.

"Lincoln. Can you please put me down?"

"Oh, you're awake. Why do you want me to put you down? Are you embarrassed that your big brother is holding you?"

"N-Not that. It's just that I'm not used to these things. Also, I can walk on my own."

"Fine. I'll put you down, but in return, I ask you for one thing."

"Sure, Lincoln. What do you want?"

"Say in a soft voice, 'Please, Onii-chan, can you put me down?'"

This request made Lucy blush: "I can't do that. It's too shameful."

"Okay. Enjoy the rest of the trip."

"Ok! I'll do it. P-please Onii-chan... can you put me down?" Lucy's face was as red as a tomato.

For his part, Lincoln contained the urge to laugh. That sweet voice in which Lucy spoke, added to that stutter, was so cute. Lincoln kept his end of the bargain and put Lucy on the ground to walk on her own. Not before he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

Yes. Everything indicates that nothing can break the boy's good spirits. What he didn't know was that his good intentions and noble spirit would confront a side of him he never thought he had.

The goth and the albino finally arrive at Loud's house. Before continuing on his way home, Lincoln said goodbye to Lucy with one last kiss.

Lucy entered her house and quickly ran up the stairs to lock herself in her room. The girl was lying on her bed.

"This is the fourth pair of underwear I have to change today."

As Lincoln walked home, the boy thought about how good he felt after having a good time with Lucy, even when that man tried to steal them.

At that moment, Lincoln felt like he could do anything if he put his mind to it. He felt strong and invincible. With great self-confidence. He ran back to the Loud house to go to the girl he loved the most. All his girls were his own. But now he could only think of one. His beloved Leni.

Maybe if he explained his relationship with his other sisters, Leni would change her mind.

He did not expect miracles, nor did he expect her to understand or accept him. But his self-confidence screamed at him to go all or nothing.

Lincoln was in front of the door of his old house. With his strong hand, he knocked on the door and waited a few seconds until his mother came to him.

"Hey, honey. I thought you were going to your grandparent's house. Did you forget something?"

"No, Mom. I just want to talk to Leni. It's very important."

"Oh... well... I'm afraid you'll have to wait."


"To come back from her date."

"A date?"

"A date."

"A date."

This word echoed in Lincoln's mind as he felt his heart breaking.

To put the final nail in that coffin, Lincoln heard his dear sister laughing as she approached the house.

Leni sees her mother and brother at the door. Next to her was a boy with light brown hair, combed back. The boy was wearing a brown jacket over a dark green turtleneck sweater and blue jeans. Interestingly, he looked like Scott, the boy she fell in love with when they traveled to Scotland.

Leni stopped when she saw her brother. She knew she would have to tell him sooner or later, but she never thought it would be so soon.

"Ha... Hey... Linky."

"Love, won't you introduce me to your friend?" The boy next to Leni said.

"Yes. I would also like to meet... your friend," Lincoln said, hiding his jealousy.

"Lincoln. It's Scoods. He's... my boyfriend."

She silenced Lincoln like a bucket of cold water in the middle of a blizzard. Unlike Rita, who seemed very happy that her daughter had found a good boy.

"Hey buddy," he says, reaching out and shaking Lincoln's hand.

"I'm glad you came, Leni. Lincoln had something to tell you."

Leni looked a little worried. She knew what Lincoln wanted to tell her.

"Oh, what's up, Lincoln?"

Lincoln clenched his fists so hard that they turned white, but then he relaxed them.

"I guess... I forgot. Maybe it wasn't that important."

"I have to go now. See you tomorrow, Mom. See you tomorrow, Leni."

"See you soon, Scoods," Lincoln said reluctantly.

The boy left for his grandparents house and left the adults alone.

Lincoln was in his grandfather's backyard, looking sad. His pet, White-Flame, was lying next to him as Lincoln stroked his head.

White-Flame noticed his owner's sadness and licked his cheek.

"Thank you for your support, buddy. I think Leni meant it when she said we should forget what happened." Lincoln pressed down on the snow-covered grass as a few drops fell on it, causing it to melt.

Unlike previous times when the phenomenon was subtle, with a few very limited outbreaks, this time was different.

For the first time in a long time since the accident, Lincoln cried profusely.

White-Flame licked the tears from his owner's cheeks to clean his face, but they did not stop coming out, as if they would make up for all the time they had accumulated.

It was already daybreak.

Lincoln woke up with a really bad face because he didn't sleep well because of what happened last night with Leni and her new boyfriend. "I don't know why. It shouldn't hurt me that Leni has a boyfriend." He knows he has, like, five girlfriends. Although three of them are his sisters, why did it bother him so much that Leni had an accomplice?

She wasn't his. She had every right to date whoever she wanted. But then why did the thought of Scoods make his blood boil? He didn't even know the boy, and he already felt like he hated him. He didn't know how to explain it, but something inside him didn't feel good, and he shouldn't let that discourage him. It was December 31st. New Year's Eve, and it's the first time he's spent with his family in years. It must have been a happy occasion for him.

Lincoln got dressed and got ready to go to school. His grandparents hadn't woken up yet, so he made breakfast and left for school. But when he went out into the yard, he felt someone approaching, so his reflexes went into overdrive, giving the intruder a powerful kick. He fell to the ground, but Lincoln didn't know who he was until he started talking.

"Ah, that hurts, damn."

"Andy? Is that you?"

"But what's wrong with you? You son of a bitch."

"I'm sorry. But you approached me from behind. You know how I react. With everything that's happened lately,"

"I just came looking for you to go to school together, but you go and give me a kick. Damn, what a pain."

"I'm sorry, Andy. Do you want me to check on you?"

"How the hell are you going to do that if you're blind?"

At that time, a person wearing a sports uniform consisting of blue pants and a sweatshirt was approaching. It was Clyde who was running when he saw the two boys arguing.

"Andy, Lincoln, what's going on?"

"Oh, hi, Clyde. Oh, nothing happened. Andy and I had a little misunderstanding."

"Tell that to my nose, you idiot."