
I See Love In You

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. -The loud house fanfiction- ____________________ You can find 2 extra chapters with 40K words on My kofi account: ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 My patreon account: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 15: The Facts, Part 2 (2)

"Lord Julius went mad. He claimed to have seen spectral wolves roaming the lands surrounding the castle. Although the few visitors he received at the time saw nothing, he became so mad that he confessed to killing the guests at the opening banquet. Some said that these wolves that he saw were the spirits of the guests, British citizens, whom he killed that night, and that their spirits tortured him for not keeping his promise and killing their souls."

"Lord Julius, later known as the Madman of Carverlane Castle, supposedly had the same fate as his family, thanks to a letter he left behind stating that he could no longer bear the guilt and the haunting eyes of the spirit wolves he saw every night from his castle garden, some of them roaming the corridors. This led him to isolate himself in his room, almost without being able to eat. The last thing he said was that he was going into the forest, and they never found him again."

"It was decided to keep the castle because it is considered a historical, albeit much forgotten, heritage." Clyde finished telling the horrific story of the ruins, leaving Andy and Lincoln impressed.

"Fuck, man. What a bad feeling."

"Ghost wolves?" Lincoln kept thinking about every detail, remembering a conversation he had with Edenshaw a year and a half ago, the day he got the tattoo on his back.


Inside a cabin deep in the woods, we find thirteen-year-old Lincoln. The boy was sitting shirtless on a chair, with Edenshaw sitting behind him. The old Indian dipped a thorn in natural ink and hit Lincoln with it with a small hammer, no larger than a hand.

"It is ready. It is finished," said the Indian as he put the tools away.

Lincoln stood up and tensed his muscles, which were already cramping from the lack of movement. "I hope it's good. It's not that I doubt you, master. But…"

"I've done this tattoo many times, Lincoln. Don't underestimate the power of this old man's memory. By the way, it didn't hurt, did it?"

"Not at all." Lincoln had teeth marks on his bottom lip, which meant it was sore. "It's a wolf, isn't it? My totem?"

"Yes. Very powerful." Edenshaw lights his pipe and starts smoking. "However, you are already part of the tribe. When my spirit ascends, you will be responsible for protecting the heritage of my people."

"Master. Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead, little wolf. Ask with confidence."

"Master Wan-xiu said something very strange to me in our last training. Something, according to him, only you can answer."

"Oh. And what is it, little wolf?"

"He told me something about my destiny. Which has to do with my totem. Do you know what he meant?"

"Wan-xiu never spoke clearly, nor did he give direct or concrete answers. But when he says something, you'd better take it seriously. Come closer, little wolf."

Lincoln approaches Edenshaw. The old man places his hands on Lincoln's face, his thumb over his eyebrows. Suddenly, the old man shook his head back as if he had been hit. He begins to move his head in all directions while bulging veins are marked around his eyes, reaching up to his eyeballs. For a moment, they resumed their old color, as if sight had been restored to his eyes, but it did not last long, for his eyes began to grow until the Indian's eyes were turned into black obsidian mirrors. A violent spasm caused Edenshaw to fall back, and he released Lincoln, and he fell onto the bench, crushing it.

"Master! Are you okay?" Lincoln fills a cup with water and helps Edenshaw sit up so he can drink. "Master, what happened? What was that?"

Edenshaw finished drinking the water. His hands were shaking, and he could barely speak. "Never... I've never witnessed anything like this..."

"Master, what are you talking about? What did you see?"

"Your future, little wolf. Your future."

"My future? What's up with that?"

"There are wolves. Black wolves thirst for blood and power. Gray wolves are searching for a leader. And in the middle is a powerful white wolf."

"It's a sign. In your future, there is darkness and light surrounding everything, trying to control your soul, little wolf."

"It's an omen. A war you have to wage. Good and evil want to take the power that runs in your blood."

"Many wolves, gray and dark, surround the white wolf. He must choose which team to lead."

"Master. The white wolf in your vision... is it me?"

"That's right, little wolf. In time, you must choose whether you will lead the black wolves and allow them to control your soul. Or guide the gray wolves. But there are not just wolves. There are more monsters. Monsters that live only in nightmares and that will seek... your destruction"

"What? Destroy me?"

"Yes, little wolf. I'm afraid your future is very dark."

"But I don't want to. Master, there must be something I can do."

"Look for the wolves. Where there is injustice, they will be there to claim the light."

"Just...look for...the wolves."

-End flashback-

"Okay, enough stories, guys. We have to find Chandler's gang."

"Hey guys. I think I found them." Andy looked into a hole in one of the walls, which was covered by a fallen tree, leaving space for one person to pass through at a time. The boys were huddled together and hugging each other, shivering. "Aha, yes, you are afraid."

Clyde and Lincoln approached the hole, but before they could get there, someone landed on the tree, splitting the trunk in half and raising a cloud of dust.

"But what the hell?"

As the cloud dissipates, it is revealed that what destroyed the tree was Hideki.

"I have finally found you. Now you will pay for your sacrilege" Hideki reached into the hole when someone shouted at him.

"Hey, fantasizing."

Hideki turns to see who spoke to him, but instead receives a kick to the cheek that sends him through the wall, leaving him lying in the castle garden.

Hideki stands up easily, brushing the dirt off his clothes. "What's that supposed to be?" The Asian boy asked.

"Your worst nightmare, you idiot" Andy was about to walk in but was grabbed by the shoulder by Lincoln. "And what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm asking you the same thing. You and Clyde take the boys to the car and then get out of here."

"There's no way I'm leaving you with this man."

"I told you I had unfinished business with that bastard. Go. Right now!"

Andy stares at him seriously. "If that bastard kills you, I swear it doesn't matter where you go. Either to heaven or hell. I'm going to bring you to kick your ass to get my revenge."

"Don't worry, Andy. You'll get it."

Andy helps Clyde get the boys out of the hole in the wall, while Lincoln gets inside the castle walls.

Hideki has an expression of annoyed ecstasy on his face when he sees Lincoln. "My god. You have come to me."

For his part, Lincoln had an expression of deep hatred toward the Asian boy. "I have a personal matter with you, you motherfucker."

"If this is divine will, who am I to ask? Oh, my God. I will fight you to prove that I am worthy."

"I offer my body as your deer. As an offering for judgment. Let the trial begin!"

Hideki runs towards Lincoln, extending his fingers to use as a knife. Once he was close, he was about to pierce Lincoln's chest with his hand, but Lincoln stopped the attack by grabbing Hideki's wrist and delivering a blow to his chest, causing him to fall back, followed by a kick to the left cheek and another to the right cheek and the right arm, ending with a kick to the jaw that raised the boy two meters off the ground, causing him to fall forward several meters."

Hideki was bleeding all over his face. But the expression of joy did not leave him. "Your strength is overwhelming. No one has ever managed to hurt me like this before."

In a second, Lincoln was already in front of Hideki. "I'm not done yet. You're going to pay for what you did to my Masters, you son of a bitch."

Suddenly, that expression of joy left Hideki. It is replaced by one of anger. "Those idiots? You... are doing this... because of those trash?!" Hideki gets up from the ground, disappears for a moment, and reappears behind Lincoln. The Asian boy punched Lincoln in the face, another in the stomach, and another in the throat. Lincoln blocks the hits by putting his arms in an X shape, but Hideki is not satisfied and kicks him directly in the stomach, knocking Lincoln backwards. Hideki disappears again and reappears in front of Lincoln, grabbing him by the neck with one hand and slamming him to the ground before standing on his chest and starting to hit him in the face. "Don't you understand that I did that for you? They were ruining you."

"Your divinity was in danger of disappearing. I couldn't let my god walk away! Do it! Shatter this shell of humanity that has formed around you to house your divine power! Show me this form you were in when you promoted my bastard of a father. When will you free me?" Hideki hit Lincoln between sentences. "Don't make me do this. Don't make me kill you, Lincoln."

While Hideki was still screaming and hitting him, Lincoln fell unconscious and began dreaming.

The boy was in a dark place. It looked like a snow-covered pine forest in the middle of the night. The boy turned to look in all directions. "It's interesting here that I can see. What is this? This place... is familiar to me" Lincoln walked through a group of primitive torchlights that gave a bluish light to a tree-lined clearing with a large mountain wall in front of him. There was a statue that was three meters deep and three meters high. In this statue, there are thirteen statues of wolves carved into the rocks. The statue's mouths were open, and inside were small clay pots filled with a phosphorescent blue liquid that glowed, illuminating the wolves's mouths. It overflowed and fell into a large fountain on the ground, and on the edge was a small bowl no larger than his hand.

Lincoln walks into the cave, looking at the statues and the glowing blue liquid.

"I do remember. That was two years ago, also with Hideki. And his father" Lincoln, picks up the bowl, dips it into the pot, and fills it with liquid. "To your health, Master Edenshaw." The boy sees his reflection in the liquid one last time before returning to that world of darkness and proceeding to drink it.

In reality. Lincoln was still being beaten by Hideki. Blood covered the albino's face as Hideki continued to attack him.

Hideki cried as he hit him. "I'm sorry. But this is the only way for my god to wake up. I have to kill your human form" He prepared his hand, spread his fingers, and pointed to Lincoln's heart. "I'm doing it for you." The Asian boy lowered his hand, preparing to pass across Lincoln's chest, but was stopped a centimeter before he touched him. "What the?" Hideki takes a punch to the stomach that lifts him into the air, facing Lincoln.

The Asian boy spat out blood but looked very happy. "Is this possible?"

Tears of joy poured from his eyes when he saw Lincoln.

The albino grabs his shirt and jacket, then rips them off, leaving him shirtless. The albino's skin became pale, his muscles became more pronounced and larger, and veins appeared all over his body.

"Oh, my god... finally" Hideki cried buckets of happiness. "My God has finally awakened!"

Lincoln wipes the blood from the bottom of his face to his hair. Which remained upright, exposing his eyes, which also had bulging veins.

"This is how I expected to see it! Let's fight in the honor of your  greatness."Hideki runs towards Lincoln, but he is knocked back by the albino once again. Lincoln hits him in the stomach.

Lincoln appears behind Hideki and attacks him with a series of blows that destroy his clothes, leaving him with only his pants on. Finally, Lincoln lands a direct hit to the face that sends him spinning around and flying away.

in the meantime. The boys were waiting in the car outside the castle.

"Hey. Your friend Lincoln is strong, isn't he? Can he stand against this guy?" Troy asked.

"Don't worry. Lincoln can stand against him" Clyde had a lot of faith in his friend. "Although it's ironic, when we were kids, Lincoln was the calmest, most peaceful boy I'd ever seen. Not to mention the weakest. I remember one time when we..." Before he finished speaking, one of the trees was destroyed by Hideki's body, which crashed onto the ground. The boys watched from the car as the Asian boy was covered in blood. "What the hell?"

Lincoln emerged from the trees and ran as fast as he could until he reached Hideki, took him by the neck with one hand, and lifted him off the ground. Lincoln began to squeeze Hideki's neck as he stroked his face. The Japanese boy's pale skin had turned purple from lack of air and was bloody from the blows, but the expression of ecstasy did not leave his face.

"This is it. Show me the power you have. Give me a sample of it." Hideki once again received a blow to the stomach that sent him crossing the sidewalk until he reached the drain that was under the street.

Lincoln's friends and Chandler's gang watched Lincoln, terrified, until the boy collapsed to the ground.

"Lincoln!" Clyde got out of the car and ran to his friend. Lincoln was full of bruises on his face, but his body was back to normal. "Lincoln? Lincoln, answer me."


Clyde sighed in relief to see his friend conscious. "Lincoln, are you okay?"

"Yes, just a little tired. Where is Hideki?"

Clyde looks through the hole left in the dock, but no one is there. "It seems he... has escaped."

"Sneaky Damned Mouse" Lincoln tries to get up but falls to the ground, and Clyde catches him.

"You better not try so hard, bro. Come on, let me help you." Clyde puts Lincoln's shoulder on his to lean on and helps him walk to the car.

Inside the car, the boys were traveling tightly. Since Andy and Chandler's gang were sitting in the back together, despite the fact that there were few boys, most of them crowded behind Clyde's seat because they were afraid to be behind Lincoln. Except Andy.

"Hey, Lincoln. How do you feel?" The orange-haired man asked.

"I'm fine, Andy... It's just…" Lincoln's stomach gave a growl that could be heard even behind the car. "I am hungry"

"You can eat at my house. After you take a shower and bandage your wounds," Clyde hurried towards his house.

In the meantime, on a road next to a river where a large sewer pipe was blocked off with a grate, a man wearing a suit was found with three larger men who could have been his bodyguards. It seemed like this person had been waiting. The man looked visibly upset.

"Where are these trio of incompetents? A week ago, they told me that by today at this time, they would have the merchandise. How hard can it be to bring in three teenage girls?" Suddenly, the men turn towards the sewers at the loud sound of it. "What the hell?" Before finishing, the fence is torn from its place, decapitating the men in the process.

Hideki comes out of the tube. The boy was very hurt, but also very happy.

"My lord, that was amazing! The time has truly come when all your divine power will appear before the eyes of mortals!!!

-Back to Clyde's house-

The boys looked at Lincoln in amazement. The boy had bandages on his cheek, chin, forehead, nose, and eyebrow. But that wasn't what surprised them. What surprised them was the way he ate.

On the table was a large pile of dirty dishes, and Lincoln was sitting in front of it, eating a chicken leg in one hand and a potato in the other.

"Hmm. This is delicious. Hey Clyde, can you get some more?"

"Er... sure, Link" Clyde said, entering the kitchen while Lincoln was still eating.

For his part, Andy looked at him with a cold expression. "Even the raw potatoes were eaten. This guy looks like a termite."

"Hey. Don't you think it's bad for you to eat so much?" Troy asked

"Isn't that normal? After a fight like that, I get really hungry afterwards," Lincoln replied with his mouth full.

"Swallow first and then speak, pig."

Clyde arrives with a tray of baked piglet with vegetables. "Here you go, Lincoln."

"Thanks, Clyde." Lincoln salivated as he smelled the delicious dish and began to eat.

The boys were amazed when the animal disappeared from the plate in thirty seconds.

"He... he... ate a roasted pig... in thirty seconds!" Chandler couldn't believe his eyes.

Lincoln loosens his belt and relaxes in the chair. "Ugh... I'm full."

"How could you not be? You swallowed almost all the food in the house," Andy scolds Lincoln.


"Don't worry, Lincoln. It's the least I can do for my friend. Although I'll have to explain a lot of things to my parents"

"No, nothing like that. Take it, buddy." Lincoln puts his hand in his pants pocket and places a wad of money on the table. "You can buy more food. If you want, I will go with you."

"Where did you get this much money?" Troy asked.

"I work for Professor Venomous. I'm... his assistant."

"Wow, thank you, Link. Now for you." Clyde watches the men from Chandler's gang.

-Next day at school-

Students were in the hallways when televisions hanging from the ceiling in the hallways turned on for school news. In this, you can see the news collection as in professional newscasts. Complete with a desk, sitting at the table was Clyde.

"Good morning, Royal Woods High School. This is Clyde Luther McBride with today's news."

"On today's menu, the cafeteria will serve chicken nuggets, French bread pizza, turkey sandwiches, and spaghetti with meatball sauce."

"Physical education classes have been suspended indefinitely."

"New members of the clubs will be announced."

"All that and more are below. But first, it's time. the Truth Report With McBride!"

"Oh great. I love the truth report with McBride. I love the way he revealed the person who stole the toilet paper from the bathrooms," said one student who was watching the report.

"On this day on Truth Report With McBride, we will expose the biggest lie ever told here and perpetrated by everyone."

"Nearly three years ago, a boy left our town. Since then, much has been said about him. I'm talking about Lincoln Marie Loud, considered by many to be the most dangerous boy in town. But. What will you say if I tell you that was all a lie? To clear it all up, we have Lincoln Loud himself as a guest"

Lincoln was sitting next to Clyde.

"Lincoln, can you tell our audience what happened three years ago and why you left Royal Woods?"

Lincoln was frustrated and hesitant to answer.

"Lincoln. Don't hesitate anymore. I know you don't care what others think, but it's time for them to know the truth. You've already endured so much for others. Let others help you now."

Lincoln sighed and looked at Clyde with a smile. Although the boy could not see and his eyes were hidden behind his hair, they showed great determination. This is where his story began.

"Three years ago, on the first day of a wonderful winter vacation, I was heading out into the backyard to use my new snow sled. My sister Lynn had broken the other one on a trip to the beach when"

Lincoln paused in his narration, which took on a sad tone. After another sigh and another drink of water,

"It's no secret that my house wasn't the best cared for or the most structurally stable. But we liked it that way. Until that day."

"That day, I smelled propane gas coming from the room of my younger sisters, Lisa and Lily. My sister Lisa entered the room because she also recognized the smell. We knew it was one of the house's internal gas pipes. We tried to warn our parents, but a spark generated by a short circuit in the internal wiring ignited it. When we realized we were being shot by the explosion, I reacted as quickly as I could and was able to cover myself and my sister with my sled as a shield."

"The explosion pushed us into the tree across the street, where we were both seriously injured. She broke her arm and went into a coma. Considering what could have happened to her, I think it was for the best."

"I see. This is very strong. Right now. I know there are those who may not believe what you say. But this news is not just about words; it is about facts. So tell us, Lincoln. What happened to you? What price did you have to pay to protect your sister? Show our audience What did you have to sacrifice?"

Lincoln had come a long way in retreat. He couldn't get it back anymore. So he got up from his chair and flipped his bangs back, exposing his eyes.

For the first time in its existence, Royal Woods High School was completely silent. Even the principal noticed, if a needle fell to the ground, it would sound like a metal pipe falling somewhere with a lot of echoes.

For their part, the students had different reactions to each other. Some people's jaws fell off. Others spilled the soda they had been drinking; girls who wore makeup at that time ended up with a line of lipstick or mascara tracing half their faces; those who watched the news briefly while walking bumped into doors, walls, and cabinets or ended up tripping into a trash can or falling down the stairs; others put down their cell phones, something that is almost impossible for a teenager to do. But what they all have in common is shame. Shame on themselves. Well, the person who was considered by everyone for a long time to be the most dangerous boy in town was actually a blind guy.

Lincoln closed his eyes with his bangs again and continued to tell his story. "I suffered some burns and a hit to a vital point in my head. The latter is what made me go blind."

"And tell us, Lincoln. What happened after you recovered from your injuries?"

"The doctor told me that since there were no schools for children with physical disabilities like mine, I would get a scholarship to a good school where his sister was the principal. The problem is that this was in Canada."

"And you had to leave the country and leave your family behind because of that?"

"Yes. This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life."

"I guess yes."

"Right now. There may still be those who are still firm in their belief that what is being said here is false. Well, know that we are here searching for the truth even beneath the stones." Clyde picks up a file folder that was on the desk. This logo bore the Royal Woods Hospital logo. "I have in my hands the file of that day, which was generously donated by the hospital administration with their approval of this report. We also have a recorded interview with the same doctor who treated Lincoln that day"

The screens showed one of the hospital offices. There was Clyde sitting in front of the doctor, who was the same one who had treated Lincoln three years ago, only with less hair and a thicker mustache.

"Well, Dr. Palmert. You were the head of operations and monitoring for the emergency room and intensive care for ten years, right?"

"That's right, little McBride."

"And you'll never forget the most dangerous cases you've worked on, right?"

"The truth is that all the cases here are serious, but yes. There are things that you never forget."

"So, do you remember a certain Lincoln Loud?"

"Oh yes. I remember him well. It was winter three years ago. A gas leak in his house caused an explosion that sent him and his four-year-old sister flying out the front window. He arrived with burns and bruises on his body, and his sister with a broken arm."

"What are the most dangerous situations? Or, in other words, the repercussions of that incident."

"The girl fell into a coma that lasted a month and a half. As for Lincoln... he... lost his sight permanently."

"And tell me after he recovered from the wounds that befell his body. What happened?"

"Well, since there were no schools for blind children in the Royal Woods at that time, which was a shame, by the way, I called my sister in Alberta, Canada. She had a school for blind children, and I asked her if she could accept Lincoln there."

"Tell me, were you the one who sent this letter to city hall complaining about the lack of special schools in the city?"

"That's how it is. I find it a shame that a city, no matter how small, does not have the proper institutions for children, as in the case of Lincoln."

"I completely agree with you, Doctor."

The video ends, and we see Lincoln and Clyde again.

"On the same day, I went to the city hall, where I had an interview with the mayor."

Another video started playing.

In this, Clyde can be seen dressed very elegantly as he came face-to-face with the most powerful woman in the city. Mayor Davis.

"Thank you for granting me this interview, Madam Mayor."

"All to help a young reporter and future voter."

"Of course. Then tell me. Three years ago, you received a letter from a local doctor complaining about the lack of schools for students with special needs and physical difficulties. Is that true?"

"Oh yeah. That letter opened my eyes. I always took pride in the fact that, even if Royal Woods wasn't a very big city, I almost vacillated between calling it a city or a town, and I always said this was a good place to live. I'm ashamed that I thought in such an ostentatious way. But I was always thinking about the residents who would vote for me, so I got to work and started contacting some companies that had happily invested in our town and that had gone unnoticed for a long time."

"This caused an exodus of large companies that turned this place into what it is today."

"That's right, young man. I never knew who the boy the letter was talking about was. But if it weren't for that, we wouldn't have progressed as far as society and wouldn't have the economic bubble we live in today."

"What happened to him was sad. But he is definitely a local hero."

"That's all. Thank you for the interview, Madam Mayor."

"You're welcome, young man. Don't forget to vote for me when you're old enough to do so."

This concludes the video.

"Now to finish. You may be wondering where the rumor came from that turned Lincoln Loud, the local hero he was supposed to be, into a criminal. Well, the answer is right here," he glared at Chandler, who looked embarrassed. "Chandler McCann. Is it true that three years ago you created multiple accounts and used them to spread rumors about Lincoln Loud, causing him to be suspected of being a criminal and suspected of being a threat to public welfare?"

Chandler wanted to disappear; if he had any trace of dignity and respect from others, he would definitely lose it now.

The boy sighed and replied, "Yes, I did." From his bag, he took out several cell phones, showing different accounts. They were all from three years ago and showed the messages that started the rumors.

"You do realize that spreading harmful rumors about a person and creating multiple accounts is illegal. Correct?"

"Yes, I knew that. But at the time, I didn't care."

"Why did you do that? Why would you create rumors about someone you'll never see again?"

"I was... bored. I thought it was funny then. Now... I feel like a big idiot." At that moment, everyone saw something they never expected. Chandler started crying.

"Lincoln. Is there anything you want to say to Chandler for everything he put on you?"

Lincoln walked over to Chandler and extended his hand. "Admitting our mistakes is the hardest thing, but that doesn't make you any less of a man. On the contrary, I'm proud of you, Chandler."

Chandler wiped his snot away with the sleeve of his jacket and then shook Lincoln's hand.

"And there you have it. Two boys so different from each other, with rivalries in the past. One of them started rumors that tarnished the good name of a guy who only wanted to save his sister at the cost of his own life. Now they've both reconciled as good friends? Only time will tell."

"Clyde McBride was with you. The truth has come to light."

At the end of the first half of the school year, Lincoln, Clyde, and Chandler left the classroom. Once outside, the three boys started talking.

"Good. It went well, guys. Thanks for your cooperation. By the way, how are you, Lincoln?"

"Actually... I feel fine. You were right, Clyde. Telling the truth feels good."

"Hi Link"

"Huh? Yes Chandler? What's going on?"

"I... I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for being... you know... such a... Jerk all these years. If it wasn't for you and your friends, that crazy Japanese guy would have killed me and my gang. Or well... those who are still among us"

"Yes. The police are still investigating the crime scene, so if there is evidence that leads them to Hideki, they will find it. I wanted to cover this story too, but the police wouldn't let me."

"And what are you going to do now, Chandler? Half of your gang is dead; the other half is in the hospital, and the police have closed your hideout."

"I suppose I go back to classes more frequently. Gang life takes up a lot of my time."

Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by the sound of the speakers.

"Chandler McCann! Report to the principal's office immediately!"

Chandler swallows hard. Something told him he would have to answer the principal more often. "This is going to get bad."

Lincoln pats him on the shoulder to calm him down. "Real men bear the consequences."

"Just in case, I want to thank you for forgiving me. Despite the jerk I was to you"

"Don't worry. Lincoln and I aren't the spiteful type."

"Okay, just in case," Chandler pulls out his phone and deletes videos. "Tell Christina not to worry about the videos anymore."

"What videos are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter. They're no longer there; she'll understand."

"Okay... I guess this is goodbye. Thanks for everything." Chandler leaves for the principal's office to face his fate.

"I'm amazed at how quickly he changed in just a few days," Clyde said.

"Sometimes, a near-death experience is necessary to open our minds. I know from experience."

"You mean you have an experience like this, Lincoln?"

Lincoln smiles and strokes Clyde's forehead with his middle and index fingers, like he did with Tabby. "I'm hungry. Let's go find Andy and then get a snack."

"Sure. I can eat something," Clyde said, rubbing his forehead.

Five minutes later, Lincoln and Clyde found Andy, who was talking to Troy, Ralph, and Mark.

"Hey Andy," Lincoln said, raising his hand in greeting.

"Hey Lincoln, Clyde. Hey guys, how's it going? I saw you on the institute news. What a bastard that fox is."

"Let it go, Andy. At least he admitted it."

"Dude, you're so soft. They've been talking sh*t about you, and you don't care, and now that your name's been cleared, are you taking it easy? If I were you, I'd shove it in the faces of all those assholes."

"Andy, it's all over. I'm not rejoicing about it; I'm just grateful that it happened that way."

"Bah. What a sanctimonious person!"

"Let it go, Andy. This is Lincoln's way of being; don't think about it anymore. We'd better go eat."

"That sounds good. Hey, assholes. Take a step forward!"

Troy, Mark, and Ralph obey the order and stand next to each other in front of Andy.

"Yes, boss," they say.

"Boss?" Clyde asked.

"Yes, now they seem to see me as their leader. Since Chandler stopped being the toughest one."

"Bring me orange juice and a turkey sandwich."

"Yes, Boss." The three boys ran to the cafeteria.

"And don't skimp on the mayonnaise. I hate dry turkey."

Clyde stares at Andy with a reproachful face.

"I'm sorry. Do you want something too? I can call them."

Lincoln laughed as the three friends walked towards the cafeteria to meet Andy's new entourage.

At the end of classes, the boys met Chandler outside of school. He had news to give.

"They expelled you!?" The three friends and Andy's new henchmen shouted at the same time.

"Yes. Honestly, I saw this coming when you asked me to confess, Clyde." Chandler looked resigned.

"I didn't want this to happen to you, Chandler... at least not anymore. I just wanted to clear my friend's name."

"I made his name dirty just because I'm bored. The truth is, now I'm too ashamed that I did it. Even more so now that I know what happened to you, Lincoln."

"Now, where are you going?" Lincoln asked.

"My parents think I need to learn discipline and respect. So they sent me to a military academy in Texas."

"Texas? But Boss, I mean Chandler, that's a long way away," Troy said, sadly.

"He says some time away would benefit me, guys. Look how it's benefited Lincoln."

"Hey man, I just noticed you were talking normally."

"Yes. The swelling from the beating they gave me has gone down a bit, and my father knows a dentist who works quickly. He says this will be the last thing he will fulfill for me."

"And when are you leaving, Chandler?" Lincoln asked.

"Okay. Since I can't go back to this school anymore, I'll spend the next week and a half packing. That's how long the transfer process takes."

"We'll miss you, ex-boss." Troy, Ralph, and Mark hugged him while crying.

"Me too, guys" Chandler hugged them and started crying too.

"Hey, this is really weird. Shall we leave them alone?"

"Yes.. I think it is most appropriate."

The three friends return home to give the former gang members privacy in this emotional moment.

Upon arriving at his grandfather's house, Lincoln went up to his room and lay down on his bed. The boy sighed and began to think about everything that had happened since his arrival in the city. "What's wrong with these days I've spent here? When I was a kid, I thought that as I got older, my life would get easier. But the problems only escalated. Who knew that I would go from making crazy plans to live with my sisters to coming face-to-face with crazy men in order to survive. I miss the chaos of when I was eleven. In comparison, that was a day at the beach. Today, at least I can rest." Lincoln began to close his eyes to take a nap before lunch when someone knocked on his door. "Forget it... okay? Come in."

The door opens, and Grandpa Albert enters through it. "Hey Lincoln"

"Hello, Grandpa. What's going on?"

"Your parents called. They're asking if you'd be interested in going to the movies tonight with the family."

"To the cinema?" Lincoln remembered the tour Clyde had taken when he arrived in town and mentioned to him that day about the technological advances in the entertainment industry that allowed blind people to enjoy the movie theater experience. "You know what? That seems appropriate. Tell them I'm going."

"Excellent. I'll tell them we'll be waiting for them at the entrance at eight o'clock." With that, Albert left the room to call his daughter on the phone, leaving only Lincoln behind.

"Ahhh... a classic family outing. Cinema, and then a hamburger. Wow, how nostalgic. Maybe this is what I need to unwind. It would be nice to have a normal day for a change."

A few hours later, Lincoln went out to meet his family. As always, three of the sisters vied for the spot next to Lincoln, and Lucy was the winner.

During the trip, Lucy was kind to Lincoln, grabbing his arm and rubbing her cheek against it, which made his sisters jealous and Lincoln a little uncomfortable, though the boy couldn't deny that he liked it.

When they finally arrived at the mall, where they would watch the movie of their choice, on the bulletin board, there were four movies shown.

The first was "Harem," a spicy comedy in which a twenty-year-old discovers he is descended from a Middle Eastern noble and inherits all his land. In addition, a harem of twenty-five women was chosen, one of whom would be his wife.

The second is "In Search of the Heart," a romantic drama that tells the life of a girl searching for the boy she loves and whom she is separated from because of her class-based parents.

The third is Princess Pony. This explains itself. Needless to say, Lucy was longing to see it, but for obvious reasons, she couldn't say it.

The fourth is "Mars." A family comedy about an alien who tries to pass himself off as a high school rapper.

The family chose the last one to see. But Albert and Myrtle chose to search for the heart. Leni and Lori decided to go for it too.

Once inside the room, the loud sat down. Before entering, Lincoln was presented with a black circular ribbon with circles visible inside it.

"What is this?" Lincoln asked as he held the tool in his hands.

"Let's enlighten you, big brother." Lisa reaches out and places the tool around Lincoln's head. "ready"

"What does this do?"

"It's the latest invention in the Shooting Vision Imaging Program. This neurotransmitter is wirelessly linked to the projector. The waves project the eyelashes directly at them. This way, blind people can enjoy a movie."

Lincoln was surprised by this wonderful device. "Really. Who invented this is unique."

"Thank you. But I prefer the term genius."

"Wait. Did you invent it?"

"With this, I was able to pay part of the debt"

Lincoln hugs Lisa and kisses her cheek. "You're the best, little sister."

Lisa blushes at her brother's display of love, making Luna, Lynn, and Lucy jealous.

The films finished around the same time. The family couldn't stop laughing at the alien's hilarious performance, while Albert and Myrtle fell in love like a couple of teenagers. Then they went to a hamburger restaurant in the mall to finish the family night.

The Loud family left the mall very late, as the movies were two hours long. The parking lot was almost empty, except for a few cars in the distance. The family headed towards Vanzilla, not knowing that their perfect family night would be ruined.

Suddenly, a group of six people in masks intercepts them from behind and takes Leni, Lori, Luna, Rita, and Myrtle, pointing guns at them.

"Hands up" the person who looks like the leader, takes Leni as a hostage. "Put everything of value in the bag. Wallets, watches, cards, and phones. And if anyone wants to play hero, I'll blow this cutie's head."

Lincoln and Lynn felt helpless. They could easily take care of the six men, but with their sisters, mother, and grandmother, they had to obey."

"The man who remained of the six carried a bag where the Louds put all their valuables.

"And the keys to the truck quickly!"

Mr. Loud obeyed and gave him the keys, with which the owner of the bag opened the door.

The criminals free Rita and Myrtle. But not Lori, Leni, and Luna.

"Get on the truck," the boss said, groping one of Leni's breasts.

"Leave my girl, you rotten!" Mr. Loud was running towards him, but he put the gun on his forehead. "Try it, bald guy. Come on. What are you going to do? Hey?"

Mr. Loud can't move. Not because he was afraid, although he was. But the fear was of leaving his daughters traumatized by seeing their father get shot in the head.

The leader smiled with hatred and victory. "That's what I thought." The criminal lowered the gun as he ran his tongue across Leni's cheek, but he was pushed away from her by a swat from the albino.

"Ahhhhh" Lincoln's blow caused the affected person's jaw to close, causing him to bite down and pull out a piece of his tongue.

The five criminals raised their weapons and freed Lori and Luna. The Louds were terrified of what might happen to Lincoln. This was the most difficult situation Lincoln had ever faced. But fortunately for him, there is something else that caught the criminal's attention.

Suddenly, a roar made the six criminals turn around. However, nothing prepared them for what they saw. In front of them was a terrifying creature. Both of its claws were like daggers, long and extremely sharp, as were its fangs, which resembled swords. His yellow eyes, like those of the full moon, could see through their souls, eager to devour them. Those present couldn't believe their eyes at what was in front of them. A giant, snow-white wolf, the size of a horse or more and with impressive muscles similar to those of pitbulls, made an attack position.

The man who was carrying the bag shouted loudly and boisterously, then he dropped the bag and started running because he was the only one who was unarmed and he could not fight this monster, but that would be of no use to him because the wolf ran after him. On the other hand, the others started attacking the wolf with gunshots, and he evaded them. Although he was very large, he was also very agile and fast. The wolf was lost in the dead of night as shots echoed through the parking lot until, at a certain point, the thud of gunshots was replaced by clicks. Out of bullets.

The older sisters, except Leni, approached the criminals, who smiled nervously.

"Hehehehehehehe, it was a joke," said their leader.

"I know about pranks. This wasn't fun," Luan replied.

"But I know a funny kind of joke." Lori reached into the chair and pulled out some golf clubs that she kept under the seat in case she forgot them at home. Then she proceeds to distribute it to her sisters. "Physical banter"

"It's my favorite," Luan replied.

The sisters beat up the attackers, who fled, leaving only their leader. For the latter, the worst punishment was planned. Lincoln would be the one to take care of him.

The albino clenched his fist so hard that his bones cracked. The attacker swallowed hard. He knew what was coming wasn't fun at all.

Lincoln stood face-to-face with the person who couldn't move out of fear. Lincoln was breathing very hard, building tension until he spoke.

"Nobody...nobody ever... touches... my... Leni" Lincoln hit him so hard in the face that he knocked out several teeth and lifted him into the air, sending him spinning. The force of the turns was so intense that the criminal's pants, shirt, and mask came off, leaving him in his underwear until he crashed into a billboard hanging five meters away and finally fell face down on the sidewalk.

The Louds were shocked by Lincoln's punch. They already knew that he knew how to fight. But they never imagined that he could deliver such punches. But now they have another problem. The giant wolf was slowly approaching them. The Louds locked themselves in the truck, but Lincoln stayed outside.

"Lincoln! Come quickly! Let's get out of here!" Rita screamed at her son as Mr. Loud searched for his keys to start the car. But he remembered that these were in a bag that had been dropped on the ground.

The wolf was already face-to-face with Lincoln. The monster bared its teeth and then pounced on the boy.

The Loud family had different reactions. Some covered their eyes, others screamed, and Mr. Loud fainted. But what followed was something no one expected.

"Hahahaha, no, haha, enough. Hahahaha. It tickles." Contrary to what he expected, the monster was not attacking him. He was licking him.

The family couldn't hide their faces of astonishment. So much so that their jaws touched the ground.

The wolf got away from Lincoln and sat down in front of him, panting. For his part, Lincoln wiped the drool off his face.

Lincoln touched the face of the great wolf, who seemed so docile before the boy. After a moment, a smile lights up Lincoln's face. "White-Flame?" The wolf howled and licked Lincoln again. "White-Flame, it's you!" Lincoln hugs the large animal, licking his face and leaving his bangs up. "It's okay, girls. Mom, Dad. Everything is all right. "You can get out"

The door opened, and she slowly and cautiously stepped forward into Lincoln.

"Lincoln... what is this thing?" Lori asked.

"He... is... a wolf?" Rita was terrified, like her family, but she also felt a little confident seeing her son so calm next to the monster.

"The Loud Family, I present to you White-Flame. White-Flame, they are my family."

The wolf looks at Loud and then at Lincoln.

"My family"

The wolf walks towards. When they saw the animal approaching, they almost ran, but Lincoln stopped them with a hand signal, meaning they shouldn't move. White-Flame walked in circles around the family and smelled them one by one. From oldest to youngest.

Finally, he approached Lily. The wolf spent more time sniffing her, until he gave her a lick that, like Lincoln, left her with her hair standing up from the drool. He then proceeds to lick Lana.

The girls laughed at the flurry of licks they received from the great wolf, who was acting so docile.

"He seems to like you," Lincoln said upon hearing his sisters laugh.

"Lincoln... you have a lot to explain," Rita said, looking fearfully at the large wolf.

The Loud headed home with the giant wolf running after the truck. They had to take long routes and alternate routes so that no one would see the animal until they reached their destination.

In the newly renovated Loud House.

The Loud family were talking to Lincoln in the living room. They had to do this on their knees around the coffee table as White-Flame rose onto the sofa, and because of its sheer size, it occupied everything.

The little ones who caressed White-Flame. "Okay son. Now tell us... What the hell is this thing!?"

Lincoln took a sip of his tea and responded. "He is White-Flame, father."

"Not, what is his name? What is he? Where did he come from?"

"Its structure and physique do not match any wolf species recorded by biology or paleontology. We could be encountering a new species that has not yet been cataloged," said Lisa.

"Why is he so big?" Lana asked.

"He's so soft." Lily rubbed her face and hands against the wolf's fur.

Lincoln took another sip of his tea and replied, "Okay, I'll tell you. White-Flame is a waheela."

"What?" Everyone asked at the same time.

"The waheela is a wolf-like cryptid. They inhabit the Nahanni Valley and northwestern Canada. Although there have been sightings of them here in Michigan, the people of Canada consider them a ferocious beast or spirit. On the other hand, cryptozoology believes it is a rare species of extinct wolf bear. Although its existence has not been proven yet"

The Loud was surprised by the description of the animal. But there was something about it that they didn't like very much.

"Lincoln... did you say... ferocious?" Lori feared for her family's safety, but her brother reassured her.

"Don't worry, Lori. He's very docile. Otherwise, he would have eaten us all by now. Ha ha ha ha" Lincoln's words, far from calming Lori down, made her feel even more insecure about the matter.

"And... how... did you meet him, bro?" Luna asked.

"Well... that's a long story" Lincoln took a sip of his tea, followed it up with a sigh, and proceeded to tell his story. "It all started a year and a half ago"

"That year, we had the biggest snowstorm seen in years. For a month, there was no choice but to stay home and wait for the storm to pass. But in the second week of the storm, Grandpa had a very bad fever."


Albert was sitting on the bed with a cloth on his forehead. Lincoln was next to him, feeding him some soup.

"Come on, Grandpa. You barely took three spoonfuls."

"I'm sorry, son. I don't have much of an appetite."

"But you have to eat. You have to maintain your strength."

"Cough, cough, cough... that's funny. I should be taking care of you. Not the other way around."

Lincoln put the plate on the table, then wet the cloth with water and placed it back on Albert's forehead. "Really. At least drink the medicine."

"Should I do this?" The old man sometimes acts like a child. Because he didn't like the taste of the medicine.

"Yes, Grandpa, I know it tastes bad. But you have to take it."

Lincoln fills the spoon and holds it out to his grandfather. The old man was initially reluctant to take it but then relented. At first, he had trouble swallowing it, but he succeeded with a little effort.

"Well done, Grandpa. Rest now." Lincoln tucked his grandfather in and then left the room with the bowl of soup.

After washing the dish, he sat on the sofa. The boy felt helpless. Just by touching his grandfather's forehead, he could feel his temperature increasing day by day. The combination medications didn't seem to work, and the storm was so bad that it knocked out phone lines, making it impossible to contact the doctors. But that won't stop Lincoln. He would never again allow his weakness to cost another member of his family, as it did to Lisa. "If we can't go, I'll bring them here."

Lincoln put on his thick coat and snow boots and headed into town with the help of his cane. Even though they lived far away from the town, Lincoln knew the way instinctively. He knew every number of steps he had to take and every curve he had to take in the city to get to the clinic, but the boy underestimated the storm.

It was so strong that the wind uprooted some trees. Lincoln buried his cane to keep his steps steady, so he wouldn't be pushed around by the force of the storm. But the wind grew stronger, and Lincoln was sent into the woods, where he hit his head on a tree and lost consciousness.

Slowly, Lincoln woke up to a warm fire in Edenshaw cabin. The old man was roasting a chicken in the fireplace when he heard the boy groaning in pain.

"Oh, you're awake, Lincoln."

"Mr. Edenshaw? What happened to me?"

"I found you behind my house. I think you hit your head. Here, drink something to warm you up." The Indian gives Lincoln a cup of tea, and the boy accepts it.

"It's the second time in my life I've been flying and crashing into a tree."

"Things happen for a reason. Perhaps spirits have a very great destiny planned for you."

"Well, I wish they were less painful to do that for. By the way, how long was I unconscious?"

"About an hour, more or less."

"An hour!?" Lincoln suddenly stood up from the couch where he was lying and said, "I have to get to town. I left my grandfather home alone."

"Why do you want to go into town in this storm, Lincoln?"

"My grandfather has a bad fever. He is barely eating, and the medicines we have are doing nothing for him. I am really worried."

"I'm afraid it won't do you any good to go into town, Lincoln."

"What? Why do you say that?"

"I went there a few days ago. The entrance bridge to the city was completely frozen. If you tried to cross it in this wind, you would slip and fall to one side. I almost fell that day."

"What? The bridge!? But it's the only way to get into town."

"I'm sorry, Lincoln. But under these circumstances, no one can enter or leave."

"Now what will I do? My grandfather is very sick."

"Okay. There's a way to help him."

"What? Really? Tell me which one, Master."

"I can prepare a potion of medicinal herbs that will cure your grandfather in a few days. But there is a problem."

"What is it, Master?"

"I'm missing an ingredient. I need sap from a very specific tree. This is the main ingredient of the medicine."

"Sap? With this climate, it would be impossible to extract it. The trees would have to be frozen."

"Not this tree. It's the only tree whose roots are so deep that it's fed by geothermal water sources, so it's always at a warm temperature."

"So it's a tree that likes hot water."

"That's right, Lincoln. It'll be easy to find because it gives off a nice temperature, and in this climate, you'll feel it more."

"What do we expect next? Let's go for this sap." Lincoln got up, but Edenshaw stopped him.

"Not so fast, Lincoln. You stay here."

"What? No, of course I won't."

"Lincoln, the place where the tree is is too dangerous for a child."

"It's my grandfather we're talking about. I don't care how serious it is; I won't sit by while others have a problem. I've already failed my sister. I won't let you down, Master. I don't care what you say. I'll go with you."

"You have a will that goes far beyond your age, Lincoln." Edenshaw gives Lincoln a thicker coat. Really warm. With freshly cooked and packed chicken, a sled, and a container for storing the sap, as well as a backpack with ropes, they set out in search of the tree and its valuable sap.

The wind was blowing stronger and stronger, and the snowflakes felt like icy shards of glass that sank to the bone. The wise old man and the albino boy entered the depths of the Devil's Forest, named for its great danger.

Nobody knows why. But whoever entered that forest never left it. Neither the government nor logging companies set foot in this deserted place. Which made it an ideal place to grow a rare tree.

There was only one man who made it in and out alive. This was Edenshaw. He went there as a kid and came out with a big jar full of sap.

"It's been fifty-five years since I last came here, when I was your age."

"And do you still remember the way to the tree, Master?"

"This body may not be young, and these eyes may not see. But I will never forget a place I visited."

"How do you know they didn't already cut down the tree?"

"No one here dares to come. I even heard one of the greediest businessmen in the world say, Not even for all the money in the world multiplied by infinity would I set foot inside that forest."

"Why is everyone afraid of this forest, Master?"

"Many say that there is a series of underground sinkholes that swallow people up. Others say that the forest is so dense that you get lost. But I know the truth."

"There is a monster in this forest. Faster than a deer and stronger than a bear. A spirit that devours everyone who enters here. Contrary to the name, it is not a demon roaming here. It is a waheela."


"A big wolf. When I was a kid and my eyes were still working, I saw it."

"Larger and stronger than any monster ever hunted before. My weapons couldn't pierce its skin, and its claws and jaws snapped logs like branches."

"They are equally powerful and dangerous monsters."

"And... that waheela... is it still hanging around here?" Lincoln asked, a little nervous.

"It's possible, Lincoln. That's why you need to be alert."

Lincoln and Edenshaw walked for an hour. They actually consumed chicken to regain their strength. When they suddenly felt something different in the environment.

"Do you feel it, Lincoln?"

"Yes... it feels like warm air."

"Yes. That means..."

"The tree is close!" Lincoln ran to where the heat was getting stronger, but Edenshaw's scream alerted him.

"Lincoln, wait!"

Lincoln didn't hear Edenshaw scream until a large, unknown mass landed in front of him, causing a shock wave that sent him rolling several meters into the snow.

"What? What was that?" Lincoln wondered what could have had such a strong impact that had thrown him off balance and pushed him to the other side of his path. "What the hell is this? Is the tree going to fall? No, it's smaller. Falling rocks? No way. There are no mountains nearby. I can hear breathing. It's an animal! But what kind of animal can weigh so much? Would it be a bear? If it were, I'd better not move." Lincoln had not fully developed echolocation, so the mental images were somewhat distorted but still distinguishable. Little by little, an image began to form in Lincoln's mind, until he was able to identify what was in front of him. It was a four-legged monster with large muscles. "Is it a fucking wolf!?"

The monster lunged at Lincoln. The boy was paralyzed with fear when he heard a voice calling him.

"Lincoln, get down." Edenshaw suddenly appeared and threw a rock at the wolf's face, then grabbed Lincoln by his coat collar and pulled him away from the wolf before the wolf bit him. Lincoln was in shock at the situation. "I told you to wait. This monster is protecting the tree we're looking for."

Edenshaw uses his cane to keep his distance with Lincoln from the wolf. But the monster jumped and landed behind them. "What? How long have you been able to do that?" Edenshaw didn't have time to react when the wolf managed to bite his leg. "Ahhh! Damn!" The old man attacked the monster with his cane until he finally let it go. Edenshaw's right leg was paralyzed, and he could no longer stand. "Lincoln, run. Run away from here." Just as the wolf was attacking Edenshaw, he received a blow to his snout, wounding him. Lincoln was in front of the old man, holding his staff like a samurai's katana.

"Lincoln, what are you doing? Run away."

"Not yet, Master. I will not abandon you."

"Don't be a fool, boy. I told you to run. You won't be able to fight him alone."

"No! I won't run away. I won't let anyone else down. I couldn't protect my sister from herself, and that's why she fell into a coma. I came here to help my grandfather, and now, because of me, you're getting hurt. If I had listened to you, we would have avoided falling in with this monster. And now you're telling me to run while it eats you. No, I won't let him. I've already failed with my little sister. I won't fail with my grandfather and even less so with you, Master." Lincoln's legs trembled, but he still didn't let himself be overcome by fear. "I'll distract him. Treat your leg and go get the sap."

Edenshaw took his cane and used it as a crutch to head towards the tree.

The wolf lunged at Lincoln, but the boy hit him again in the nose and started running. The wolf started chasing Lincoln. The boy didn't know where he was going. He was just running until he fell into a hollow tree trunk buried in the ground. The wolf stuck his nose into the hole, trying to bite Lincoln, but the boy took his cane and stuck it into one of the wolf's nostrils, which quickly stuck out his snout while shaking his head at the same time as his palm. He rubbed his nose. Lincoln let go of the tree trunk and started running again. But this time, the wolf was waiting for him and pounced on him. Lincoln used his cane to push the wolf away, but he bit the cane and split it into two parts, and before he split the next thing, which was Lincoln's neck, Lincoln took a rock that was next to him and hit the wolf with it, causing him to be stunned and confused. Lincoln took the opportunity to run, but the wolf, who was still confused, decided to follow him. But because of the hit, the wolf began to see things double, so he did not know which of Lincoln to follow. Lincoln turned left, and the wolf tried to do the same, but his dizziness made him fall, and he slid until he collided. On a tree from which an ice stakes was hanging, the shock caused them to fall, causing one to suffer an injury to his thigh and the other to his ribs.

The wolf's cry alerted Lincoln. The boy heard the wolf screaming with the usual noise that any injured dog would make. He may have returned to Edenshaw, but his love of animals, perhaps influenced by Lana, made him walk toward the noise the wolf made.

"What is happening to you?" Lincoln slowly reached his hands toward the wolf. "Don't bite me, don't bite me, don't bite me," Lincoln repeated out loud to himself until he felt something soft and warm. It was wolf fur. "Wow. You're really soft." Lincoln felt a sticky spot on his fur. The strong metallic smell indicated it was blood. Then the solid-ice formation allowed him to understand what the problem was. "Calm down; I'll help you." Lincoln grabs one of the ice stakes and pulls it. The cold air combined with the stake injured Lincoln's hands, but with one pull, he was able to free the wolf's claws. "That's it; now the other." The second peg remained between two ribs, but it did not touch any organ. Lincoln grabbed the other stake and pulled it out. The wolf screamed in pain at the pull, but not feeling the stinging touch of the ice stakes made him feel better.

Suddenly, Lincoln heard someone calling him.

"Lincoln... Lincoln." Edenshaw was looking for Lincoln. The old man was holding the vase tied to the sled on which he carried the sap.

"I'm here, Master."

Edenshaw goes to Lincoln when he hears a second breath with the boy's. This was more exciting and deeper.

"Lincoln. Who else is here?"

"Master. We must help him."

The old man approached, and when he noticed where he was coming from, he recoiled. "Lincoln, get away from that thing!"

"But he's injured. He needs us."

"Lincoln. He tried to kill us!"

"He was only protecting his home, Master. He is the guardian of this forest. Without him, this place will be destroyed."

Edenshaw thought about it for a moment. It is true that without the wolf here, the forest would be at the mercy of loggers and unscrupulous companies, and that would mean the end of the healing tree sap. "Good. Help me put him on the sled."

The task of getting the big wolf on the sled was difficult. They had to tie him up so he wouldn't fall and tie him to the back of the sled so he wouldn't drag his head along the ground. Fortunately, the wolf was too weak to attack them.

Due to his leg injury, Edenshaw was unable to pull the sled, so the task fell to Lincoln. An hour and a half later, Lincoln and Edenshaw arrived at Albert's cabin. Just when he woke up.

Lincoln entered the room to see his grandfather. "How do you feel, Grandpa?"

"A little better, after that nap."

"You will recover very soon, Grandpa. I promise." Lincoln gave his grandfather a cup of water and then went to the kitchen, where Edenshaw was preparing the midecine.

"How is your grandfather?"

"He just woke up."

"Really? Well, he slept for a long time. You were gone for over three hours."

"That's good. If he had woken up and I wasn't there to take care of him, I do not even want to think about what would happen to him if he tried to do something in that case."

"Don't worry, Lincoln. With this medicine, your grandfather will recover."

"Please allow me to help you prepare it."

Edinchao has stained some juices on the leg and stretched it. This has antibiotics and analgesics, so it will be numb for some time. So while the medicine is sitting, Lincoln passes the ingredients.

Thanks to Edinchaao's knowledge of herbs, he told Lincoln about the plants that he should offer him based on their tissue, thickness, shape, and smell. After fifteen minutes, the medicine is almost ready.

"You just need to add the sap" Edinchao pours the liquid into a cup and mixes it with a tablespoon of the sap. "Ready. Make your grandfather drink it, and within a few days he will be better."

Lincoln gives Edinchao a hug as a sign of thanks. Thank you very much, Master.

"Don't thank me, Lincoln. If it wasn't your idea to find out for help despite this storm, I will not be here to prepare the medicine."

"But you were hurt too."

"small price. Go now and give your grandfather the medicine"

Lincoln entered his grandfather's room and gave him the medicine. This was bitter, and it was not good. But after drinking it, Albert slept.

According to Edenshao, when Albert wakes up, he will feel better, and his appetite will return. While waiting for his grandfather, Lincoln was inside a small fold behind the house, which was adapted to be a small, primitive gym.

On a pile of breach and straw was the huge wolf covered with wax fabric. Lincoln walked to him with a bucket filled with something that was a red liquid.

"Hey, big man. I brought you a snack." Lincoln leaves the bucket in front of the wolf. This was one full of chicken bones, fats, and meat residue. "It is food residue, but they will do it until I get something better for you."

The wolf put his nose in the bucket and began to eat. When he felt satisfied, Lincoln changed his bandages after using some sap.

The storm calmed down a little the next day. Which allowed Lincoln to go out and find more food for the wolf after giving the medicine and breakfast to his grandfather. This was a Lincoln routine for the rest of the month. Take care of his grandfather, and take care of the wolf.

The month ended with the storm. Albert was already improving, thanks to Edenshao. Meanwhile, the wolf finished eating a deer killed by Lincoln for him.

"I will not be used to killing animals. But at least you feel better." Lincoln was playing with the wolf, who had already trusted the boy after he saw how he was fed and sponsored. The wolf got up, licked Lincoln's face, and left his hair strand standing. "Hahaha, you are a nice giant, right?" Lincoln scratched the wolf's chin, which lied on his stomach, until Lincoln stroked his stomach. You are not a monster. You just care about your home. I know how you feel about protecting your place. But while you are here, who protects your place?"

Suddenly, he heard a loud sound, and the wolf responded to the howling.

"It seems that they covered you"

The wolf rubbed his head against Lincoln's body.

"I also admire you, Wolf. Although we're going to become friends, I cannot continue to call you a wolf... I will give you a name. But... what can it be? The wolf he saw years ago. Was you? Or are you from his descendants?"

The wolf licks Lincoln's face again.

"I will consider it yes. Well, it will be something in white. Snow white? No, it's a girls name. Ghost. Nop"

During thinking, Lincoln feels a cold current.

"Burrrr... how cold it is" the wolf wraps his body around Lincoln as if it were a puppy. "Wow, how exciting! Who needs fire when you have a wolf weighing three hundred pounds? Hmm. Flame? I like that; it sounds tough. From now on, your name will be White-Flame; do you like it?"

The wolf howls in approval.

"Well, that will be your name from now on"

The White-Flame licks Lincoln's face again. "No, no, it's disgusting, dude"

-The end of the flashback-

"This is the whole story."

The tears of the Loud family were in their eyes, and some could not hide their amazement. Especially Albert, who did not know what his grandson should do to treat him.

"So... is this wolf like your pet?" Lori asked.

"It is more than just a pet. He's my friend"

"Can he stay, mom?" asked Lily.

"Daughter, it's a wild animal. It is huge. Where can we put him?"

"He can stay at the grandfather's house. It is huge," Lincoln suggested.

"Do you want to have this wolf in our house?" Mertel was somewhat skeptical of this idea. More because it will be impossible to care for such a large animal. In addition, they had to make sure that the neighbors had not seen him.

"It is okay. The wolf is very bound. And don't worry about the food. What I gain from my work, I can buy meat for him every day."

"It will be interesting to be able to study this animal to get more detail."

Lana and Lily made the puppy's eyes. Their parents could not do anything when their daughters did that.

"It does not depend on us, girls. The wolf belongs to Lincoln and remains with his grandparents. The decision is up to them."

Albert and Mairtel looked at each other, then saw the wolf and its compatibility with their grandchildren. More than a monster, it looked like a home puppy.

"Well, if Lincoln says he can take care of him, I think this is good," Albert agreed. But the approval of his partner was missing. "What do you think, my love?"

Martel thought for a moment, until the White-Flame licks her cheek. "It seems very friendly. Well, Lincoln. You can get it."

"Yes!" Lincoln, Lana, and Lily shouted in harmony, followed by a joyful shout from White-Flame.

"Welcome to the Loud family, friend." Lincoln played with the wolf when he jumped on him and began to lick his face.

The family was very excited. After the deaths of their pets in that fire, Lily and Lana were not the same as before. But when they saw how happy their daughters were, they thought it might be a good idea. Even if it isn't at home, they can always go visit the wolf.

When the family was associated with the new pet, Leni went out to the backyard to get some fresh air and stay alone with her ideas. The girl was looking at the stars longing when she heard one of them speaking.

"How do you feel?"

She turned, Leni saw that it was Lincoln. The boy handed her sterile wipes. Leni accepted and took one because she still smells the smell of the cigarettes that this man left on her face with that lick.

"Thank you, Linky." Leni began to wipe her cheek.

"How long has this town been full of deviants?" Lincoln complained. Well, while he is here, they have already wanted to offend his sister three times.

"You shouldn't have done that. They could have killed you."

"But they did not. Besides... I don't want another pig to try to touch you again." Lincoln is approaching Leni and embracing her from behind. "It makes me more than crazy to think of another person wanting to touch you. I don't even want to think about it. I don't want it." Lincoln begins kissing Leni's neck while he caresses her head. The boy had been holding himself back for several days about his desire to be with Leni. He believed that she was acting distant with him these days so that she did not raise suspicions. "I love you, Leni"

What followed baffled Lincoln.

"Stop. We cannot do this," Leni said, looking very upset.

"I am sorry, Leni. I know you are angry at me, but"

Before he ended, Leni said "No, Lincoln. I mean, we cannot do this. We are siblings."

"I know, but... I cannot stop thinking about what we did on that day."

"That day was a mistake. My mistake. I should never force you to do that."

"Leni, you did not force me to do anything."

"It is better to forget that, Lincoln. Believe me. It will be the best."

Lincoln hung his head, discouraged, and turned towards the house. Not without saying something last first. "But... what if I don't want to forget it?"

"Then I will leave and never come near you again."

Lincoln enters the house sad while leaving Leni alone in the yard. The girl embraced herself, and tears soaked in her face. "I'm sorry, Linky. But this is the best for you."

"I don't want you to put yourself at risk again for me. I prefer to see you alive, even if it hurts me not to be with you. Instead of not seeing you again."

"Because I love you"

Do you want to read chapter 16 and 17? Go to my patreon or ko fi, you'll find the chapters there.

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