
I Saved the World of Dragon Ball

After a mistaken transmigration, the MC is dispatched to quell an unknown threat! What will happen?

OneShotMonk · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Guardian (5)

'What am I supposed to do about him?'

Kami was honestly terrified, performing the Namekian equivalent of shaking in his boots, scared dumb at the threat that had strolled into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

As a member of the Dragon Clan, Kami had access to magic and could develop an understanding of various things supernaturally, this ability manifesting in Shenron, the Wish Dragon that was based off of his powers.

Using his magic, Kami had discovered the various beans that the youth had consumed, his body shaking with fear once he understood the full ramifications of what was going on.

As far as he could tell, the youth was also telling the truth, a figure that was identical to what he eventually became helping him become what he currently was.

'A Majin with peak Arcosian, Namekian and Saiyan DNA?'

It was an incredulous notion but truth was stranger than fiction, a storm of powerful genes only getting stronger inside the Time Chamber.

'What am I supposed to do?'

The youth's Power Level had unknowingly spiraled out of control, far eclipsing what Kami was personally capable of.

This was a double tragedy as Kami could not take physical action or magical action, completely helpless before the youth.

'How troublesome'

The only thing that granted Kami a reprieve was that the youth stated he wanted to bring peace onto Earth.

'The situation on the ground is quite bad in all truth'

Kami did admit he had been quite lenient on the Red Ribbon Army, allowing them ample time to repent and change their ways but that seemed more and more unlikely as the situation progressed.

'I guess I should intervene'

For Kami, stopping the Red Ribbon Army in their tracks wasn't a big deal, the bulk of the Red Ribbon Army's forces were robotic, meaning a simple spell could be use to transmute all their machines to water, another spell erasing the knowledge from the minds of evil scientists.

'The Androids aren't yet a problem either'

Kami's thoughts were interrupted, his heart dropping as he sensed a figure behind him.

"Y-You're coming out already!?" he exclaimed.

From Kami's perspective, no longer than a few minutes had passed yet that youth had already emerged, no visible change.

"I don't need to stay any longer," the youth replied.

He then walked towards Kami, staring intently at him before stopping a few inches away from him, Kami swallowing his fear as he met his gaze.

"How would you like to re-unite with your people on Namek?"

Kami's mind went blank, the words of the youth so far away from what he considered possible, he was stun-locked.

"I want to alleviate your burden as Guardian of Earth," the youth rephrased, causing Kami to regain his senses.

"Who are you?" Kami blurted, saying what he truly felt.

Nothing about the youth made any sense at all, as far as his magic was concerned, the youth mysteriously appeared out a thin air a few days ago, a whirlwind of events resulting in him becoming a threat that couldn't be stopped.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I explained it to you, now answer my question, do you want to go home or not," the youth said, his tone slightly heavier.

Kami weighed the question.

It would be a lie to say he didn't long for his home but he had removed the possibility of rejoining his kin from his mind, accepting it to be his lot in life.

"The better question is, what qualifies me to leave the Earth in your care?" Kami responded, his curiosity peaked.

The youth frowned, thinking for a second.

"I don't want to be too impolite but I actually want to take over as Guardian, if you're unwilling to relinquish you're role, we can always fight for it," the youth said bluntly, causing Kami to shake.

'He's not backing down at all'

Kami already knew he had no chance of taking down the youth, his simple and relaxed demeanor shaking him the more.

Although the matters they discussed were incredibly serious in his eyes, the youth showed no sign of worry at all, he too knowing he could erase Kami with the twist of a palm.

Kami weighed his options, his mind spinning quickly before he eventually exhaled.

"A-Alright, I'll retreat back to Namek but I will be watching you, in the event the Earth is jeopardized, I can-"

Kami stopped speaking.

Truthfully, if he and all the Namekians gathered the magic together, it was possible to overpower the youth yet announcing such to the youth's face was so idiotic, he felt like slapping himself.

"I understand this isn't pleasant for you, all I can do is assure that the Earth will prosper," the youth repeated.

Kami nodded again, his heart heavy as he retreated backward, closing his eyes.


'Kami knows Kai Kai too?'

Surprise jabbed me as I watched Kami disappear into thin air, using a technique his canon counterpart definitely wasn't aware of.

'I should have asked him to take me to Namek!'

All I needed was to learn what the atmosphere looked like before I could use the Kai Kai to teleport freely.

'He'll probably come back at some point'

A relaxed smile stretched on my face as I looked around the surface of the Lookout, a territory which I had claimed for myself.

'I think he knows about me'

Throughout our conversation, Kami was shaking, gripped with fear at my every motion.

'Well, it's not like he can do anything to stop me'

Even if all the Namekians fused together, increasing their Power Level several folds, it still didn't match the boost granted by a single Ensenji Fruit not to speak of the Tree of Might.

'And I know they're being farmed quickly in the Time Chamber'

I really was pleased with the exploit my future self had helped me set up, I didn't know what mysterious forces waited for me in the wider world but I was sure they couldn't rival my power and resources.

'Especially after unlocking Ultra Instinct'

My suspicions were proved correct, only more time and clones needed to develop enough mental experience to tap into Ultra Instinct. The type I unlocked was the transformation that Goku initially experienced in the Tournament of Power.

The problem Goku experienced in that form was that it put a massive amount of strain on his body. The difference between me and Goku though, was that my body could actually adapt to that strain, using it to quickly develop and grow even stronger.

'Just from adapting the technique, my base has jumped again, by a greater extent than all my training added together'

I wasn't sure what was waiting for me in the wider world but I was confident that they stood no chance at all.

'Now onto my agenda'

The first thing I wanted to do as Guardian was establish peace on Earth and form my own organization. 

'It's ridiculous that this planet has the technological capacity to develop time machines yet the general tech level iso low'

What I really wanted to do was merge the Red Ribbon Army and Capsule Corporation together, monopolizing the scientific power of geniuses like Dr Briefs and Dr Gero for the interests of the whole planet.

'That will probably mean overthrowing the existing government'

Technically speaking, Earth actually did have a government but it was relatively worthless all things considered, vastly inferior to anything I could put together.

'I just need to find the Red Ribbon Army's Headquarters'

I levitated up off the ground, ascending high into the air and setting my eyes upon the landscape around me, my red pupils quickly honing on the right building north west of the Lookout. 


'How did this guy get here!?'

Commander Red didn't pay attention to any of the words the muscular dark-skinned youth opposite him said, too flabbergasted by the fact that the armed guards he had hired were tossed aside like toys.

"Commander Red!"

Commander Red's hairs stood up on end as the youth's tone turned harsh, a heavy aura radiating off of his body. If he didn't know any better, he would have sworn that the gravity in the room increased.

"I've already given you my proposition, I don't desire to annihilate the Red Ribbon Army but I will do so if you give me no choice," the youth explained.

'You want me to pull out of all my territories and hand control over my empire to you!? Why don't you ask for my wife as well!?'

Commander Red was angry on the inside but didn't dare voice his discontent, the youth in front of him appearing to be some kind of cyborg monster, capable of tanking bullets and bending metal.

He couldn't say yes but was too afraid to verbally say no, causing silence to persist into the room.

The youth sighed, exhaling softly.

He raised his palm, Commander Red's expression changing as a dark pink orb emerged from it, quickly ascending to the ceiling.

A loud boom echoed in the environment, Commander Red's eyes widening as he saw the roof of the room had been completely destroyed, gone without trace.

"I don't want to kill you but if you don't want to co-operate, it can become a possibility," the monster retorted.

Commander Red quickly wet himself, body shaking as another energy orb emerged from the palm of the youth.

"Alright! Alright! I-I'll do what you say!" he said confessed fearfully.

"Excellent," the monster retorted.