
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CHAPTER 4- A day of shopping. Part 1.

CHAPTER 4- A day of shopping. Part 1.

My life has been very long and difficult ... And also painful ...

I've suffered from everything ... I've seen horrible things in my life ... I am tired of that...

I want to live a normal life ... Having friends, maybe a wife and a baby ... A quiet life.

"It's harder than I thought."

If I could, I would travel to world 15 and live there. In that world there is technology and there are no monsters that screw my existence every week ... But I can only be in another world for a month, and then I must return to recharge my magical energy.

If I travel to another world, for example a month, when I return to this world, I must be here for a month to be able to travel again.

It's very troublesome, that's why I decided to stay here.

I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yuik, I know you can't talk, so hit the wall once if you're done bathing, and twice if it's going to take longer."

She hit it once... She's finished.

"I'll leave you some clothes. Don't worry, I won't look."

I closed my eyes and opened the door.

I put my clothes on the floor and went outside.

"Ah... I must build another room."

There was a knock on my door and I yawned.

I hope she's not one of my old stalker partners ... I don't think they can find me, but nothing is impossible.

I opened the door. Ahh... My boss... A beautiful 40-year-old woman ... A Sliper woman ... But I prefer to call her Slime Woman.

Her body is literally made of Slime, although she wears normal clothes ... Sometimes I forget that there are very rare species in this world ... That makes it a more interesting world.

Her slime hair is cute ... I must control my desire to ask permission to caress her.

"Hello, Miss Neik."

Ah, the names of the believers of the God Rauk have strange and short names.

... Well, Dreimo is very weird too, so I have no right to criticize other people's names.

"And the books?"

"Ah... Ahh... T-the books ..."

Shit, I forgot.

"Why didn't you go? I told you to go immediately."

"But I already went. I've just arrived."

The city is a bit far, it is a two-day carriage ride, but I can lie to her by telling her that I was on a very fast horse.

"Really? Then give me the books."

"Please wait."

I quickly entered my room.

"[Teleportation. Carmei City.]"

A portal appeared in front of me.

"I promised myself never to use magic unless necessary, but this is an emergency."

After traveling and returning, I handed the books over to my boss.


Tentacles came out of her back and took the books.

"Good work, see you tomorrow."

"Y-Yes. Good bye."

She left and I closed the door.

Ahh... And I did it.

My legs started shaking and I fell to the floor on my knees.

I lost almost all of my magic power when I defeated the Demon King ... I used a large amount of magical energy healing Yuik and turning her into a Vampire ... And now I used teleportation magic ... Shit, it's the first time in years that I feel so tired.

Someone touched my shoulder.


I looked up and saw Yuik, wearing the clothes I gave her. A simple sleepwear.

"Did you like it? Are you comfortable?"

She said yes.

"I'm glad. I didn't know your size, so I bought the first thing I saw. It looks very good on you."

I got up off the floor and sighed.

"Ah... I have a headache. Lets go to sleep... Tomorrow I'll take a bath ... I'm really very sleepy."

I put a pillow on the floor and stretched my arms.

"You can use the bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

She said no and pointed her index finger at the floor.

"Don't you want me to sleep on the floor?"

She said no.

"Ah... Please use the bed. Although it may not seem like it, the floor is more comfortable for me ... Please use the bed ..."

I could no longer bear the dream and lay down on the floor.


When Dreimo fell asleep, Yuik nervously glanced at the bed. "Is it okay for me to use his bed? He won't be mad at me if I mess it up?" She wondered that. Her slave mentality is not going away yet.

She watched Dreimo sleep.


She covered her mouth, remembering that she could not speak.

She wanted to thank him for giving her a place to sleep, so she wrote a note and left it on his chest.

"T-than ... T-than ..."

Just saying those words made her too tired.

With one last effort, she took a breath and spoke.

"T-thank you."

She lay down on the bed.

She observed everything around her... There was no one else... It was only the two of them in the room ... A nice room and a comfortable bed.

She was afraid that Dreimo would rape her while she was sleeping, but she regretted thinking that for two reasons.

Number 1: Dreimo is the strongest man she has ever known. If he wanted to, he would have raped her without a problem, but he didn't.

Number 2: He gave her food, gave her back the parts of her body that she lost, and now he gave her a comfortable bed. To mistrust the person who did so much for her would be disrespectful.

She decided to trust him and sleep.

She closed her eyes and tears came out of her eyes.

For the first time in a long time, Yuik slept without fear of being raped.

She slept without fear of being tortured

She slept on a bed and not on the floor.

For the first time in a long time, she felt like a human being and not an object.