
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CHAPTER 3- First day of freedom.

CHAPTER 3- First day of freedom.

"I have finished my masterpiece! They should give me a food award for this!"

And my great masterpiece is ...

"Instant soup with Orc meat ...! Something simple, but delicious."

Where did I get the instant soup from? It doesn't exist in this world, so I went to another world to buy it ... Well, it don't matter.

Orc meat is edible in this world ... In fact, the Orcs are almost extinct already, so it can be considered rare meat ... Although it tastes like pork.

"Let's Eat!"

I sat down at the table, and Yuik took the food and wanted to sit on the floor.

"Hey, you're not my slave, you're my friend. Eat at the table with me."

Slaves are used to being treated like objects or pets ... And sex slaves have a worse fate, because they are doomed to suffer from the disgusting fetishes of their owners.

She eyed the chair nervously ... Getting used to being treated like a normal human being is hard for her after all she suffered ... The same happened to me... She still does not believe that she is finally free ... I can see that in her eyes.

"Hard to believe, isn't it? I understand you very well."

Too good.

"Okay... The floor is comfortable."

I took the food and sat on the floor next to her.

"Ready... Yes. We seem like good friends who are eating together after a long day of school."- I said smiling.

I started eating and she looked at her food.

I wanted to prepare something better, but I don't know how to cook.

"I'm sorry... I always eat alone, that's why I don't know how to cook."

My daily meals consist only of instant soups and Orc meat. I must learn to cook other culinary recipes.

"But I promise you I'll give you something more delicious tomorrow."

She looked at me for a few seconds and looked at her food.

... Yes, she already took her fork.

This food does not exist in this world. I want to see her reaction.

My old colleagues did not like it, they said it tasted strange ... Well, they were noble and used to fancy and expensive food.

Will Yuik like it? I hope so.

... She is not eating... She stopped when she was going to have some soup.

... She's shaking too much ... I can feel scared ... Too scary in her ... I think she's remembering something.

... I have a theory. Maybe she thinks I'm feeding her worms ... Or that the food is poisoned or something like that ... I've seen slaves being fed animal excrement, among other disgusting things ... She must have been fed very disgusting things, so she thinks I'm doing the same.

... Well, instant soup looks like very thin and long worms, but it's food ... She is afraid to eat.

"Oh, it's true… Friends share food. Let's do this. If we are to be friends, we must do things that friends do."

I took some of her instant soup with my fork and stuffed it into my mouth.

"Simply delicious! It's cheap, basic food, but it's delicious. Can you give me some of your meat?"

She looked at me and nodded slowly.


I took some of her meat and put it in my mouth.

"Simply delicious! You should taste the food while it is hot."- I said smiling.

After seeing Dreimo eat, Yuik's fear lessened and she decided to eat.

She took some of the instant soup and popped it into her mouth.

Tasting it, she realized how delicious it was ... It was very different from what she ate before she met Dreimo.

She remembered the disgusting things that made her eat. "Look at the bitch, eating dirt!" "Eat all the dog poop!" "You're going to drink all of our milk, bitch!" "Don't throw up your food, it's rude! Eat the vomit on the floor! "

The bandits forced her to eat very disgusting things and they laughed watching her suffer and vomit.

All those disgusting memories invaded her mind in that instant ... And compared to what she ate before, eating delicious food after a long time made her cry.

She was crying because she realized that she was finally free.

At last she was treated like a normal person.

And all thanks to Dreimo, the person who saved her.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

She's crying... I guess she's crying with happiness ... I hope so... Is the food disgusting ...? What if the people of this world taste disgusting ?!

My old companions were in love with me ... Maybe they told me it tasted weird so as not to tell me it tasted disgusting ... Maybe they said that so as not to insult my favorite food ... Uwaaaah! I ruined it!

"I-I'm sorry! Does it taste disgusting ?! Sorry, I didn't want to force you to eat that! It tastes delicious to me, that's why I thought ... Ah, I'm an idiot ...! huh?"

She began to eat faster.

"H-hey, if it tastes gross, don't eat it. Please, stop. I'll prepare something else for you."

"Ah... Ah..."

She tries to speak and approaches me.

"Ah... T-than ... T-than .... T-thanks."

... Yuik's curse does not allow her to speak clearly, but if she tries hard she is able to say a word ... She must have tried too hard.

Her curse is very powerful ... She shouldn't have been able to say that... She is the first person I turn into a Vampire ... Did she become very strong? I don't know.

—... "Wait."

I took out a notebook and pencil from my [Magic Storage] and handed it to her.

"Please write. Don't try so hard."

She started writing and showed me the notebook.

She says: "Thank you for giving me delicious food and not something disgusting."

—... "Is it really delicious? Please be honest, I don't want you to eat something gross."

She said yes and wrote: "It is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life. Thank you so much."

"Did you like... Thank you.. Well, keep eating!"

I started eating.

I was scared because I thought I screwed it up, but she liked it ... I didn't ruin it!

... Wow... She's finished... She ate exaggeratedly fast.

"Do you want more food?"

She wrote: "May I repeat?"

"Fufu. You're talking to an instant soup junkie."

I took a lot of instant soups out of my [Magic Storage] and showed them to her.

"There are different flavors! Which one do you want?! I have spicy, normal, with lemon, extra spicy, and a long etcetera!"

Despite having the same expression, I can tell that she is less afraid of me ... Little by little I am gaining her trust.

"You can eat whatever you want and all you want."

... Wow... She ate 6 ... She must have been very hungry.

"Well, we've finished dinner now. Come, follow me."

I went into the bathroom and turned on the electric light ... I made secret modifications to my house. In this world there is no electricity, so I had to improvise. The electric light bulb does not use electricity, it uses magic. I keep calling it electric out of habit.

The bathroom is very modern, unlike the bathrooms of this world.

"I'll show you how to use the bathroom."

She is watching everything around her nervously.

"Don't be afraid. Come."

She went into the bathroom.

Okay... Now I must explain how to use it.

Ahh... I finished explaining to her and she is already taking a bath.

"It was a long day."

I climbed on the roof of my house to gaze at the stars ... Ahh... This world is so different from my original world ... The world of the Gods is beautiful, but this world is also beautiful ... Although it has negative things, such as the sale of slaves.

"I wish to eliminate the sale of slaves."

"Fufu. Why do not you do it? Oh right, the so-called hero wants to live a quiet life and avoid trouble."

"Ah... Now what do you want?"

A woman appeared behind me and hugged me.

Santmanei ... Or just Sant ... The Goddess of Hell. Her long, tousled blonde hair, combined with her dark circles, make her look weird ... That's part of her charm, though.

"Why do you use that tone with me? We are very close. You must treat me better."

"If I could kill you, I would ... I'll repeat it again, what do you want?"

"Ah... Sometimes I forget that you are difficult to conquer."

She stopped hugging me and walked away from me.

"Did you fall in love with that prostitute?"

"Don't call her that ... And I'm not in love with her, she's just my friend ... My only friend."

"It's true, you don't fall in love with anyone ... Not even from me, who am a Goddess, a being superior to you."

"Oh, here we go again."

"Do you know how many men wish they were in your position? I am one of the most important Goddesses and ..."

"I am a virgin. Blah, blah, blah. You are my first love. Blah, blah, blah. I want to have you all to myself. Blah, blah, blah. I've literally been hearing that for over 8 years."

"And I'll keep repeating it until you get tired and agree to be with me."

"I don't hate you, but your mother raped and tortured me."

"And should I pay for her sins?"

"No, but you are identical to her ... Same appearance ... I don't want to be involved with her descendants ... Now go."

"One day you will be mine."

She disappeared and I sighed.

"I want a normal life ... This is all I want."