
I Reincarnated into a Dark Queen

Once an average girl living in a small village, she was just a simple farm girl who barely got buy in life selling crops to the local townspeople. One day she gets into a fatal accident beyond recovery, but wakes up in a strange castle. Apparently to her people she was just having a small nightmare, but to the girl it was real. She looked in the mirror and noticed she was a Dark Queen.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Ninjas of Genten Part 1

The next day, Saya and the others took a train towards the Northern parts of Genten. They were curious about Azami and wanted to know more about her and her training. As they went to the northern parts of Genten, Saya was looking up information about them. Miyuna loomed over Saya's shoulder and looked at the screen.

"There are four ninjas in Genten, all master of the Dark Elements. The Head Ninja, Nene, seems to be the most powerful of them all." Saya said.

"Certainly not strong enough for Stella." Ashe said.

"Looking at her power scaling, it says that Nene's abilities from 1 to 10 is a 7.4...She's powerful, above average but there are better Warlords. Like this girl. The Warlord of Cragspur, Lady Hayakawa. Her power ranking is an 8.1. She takes on after her father who is dead now named Ujiyasu. He was one of the three Titans of Genten. If he were still alive, he would be 9.1." Saya said.

"Who's the strongest in Genten?" Miyuna asked.

"This guy." Saya pointed at a picture of Nobunaga. "His power ranking breaks the charts. It's an 12.9!"

"That's basically a 13 out of 10! He's that powerful?!" Tia asked.

"That's not even as high as it goes either! His information is constantly being updated! No one knows how far his abilities go! Wait look here! His battle records updated just now!" Saya said.

Everyone got closer to her and they were shocked with what they saw. They blinked a couple of times to make sure what they were seeing was real.

"Stella vs Nobunaga...and the battle ended up in a draw with Nobunaga nearly taking his first lost in History! Well in history while he was in Genten, but still! Stella basically defeated the strongest man in Genten!" Tia said happily.

"Yeah but to Stella, she doesn't count that as a win at all." Miyuna said. "She said a battle that ends in a draw is no true battle to her. She knows no equals. She is either stronger or weaker than her opponent."

"Yeah but here it was said by Stella herself, she acknowledges Nobunaga as her slight equal..!" Saya smiled.

"Mother has been fighting..?" Kotome glared. "Does she not realize the risk she is putting herself in..?!"

"She will be fine. She's put herself in way more riskier situations." Saya smiled. She really believe in me.

"That's the issue...She knows the risks and she chooses to ignore them! Doesn't she know--"

"Calm down, she's only fought one battle here in her time in Genten. It isn't like she's been fighting in every kingdom she's been in." Ashe said.

"Yeah against the STRONGEST Warlord in Genten. They ended up in a draw!" Kotome said. "If he had pushed her--"

"It's fine. You're way too paranoid. You act like if she fights one battle she will just instantly die. She's had these drawbacks since she grabbed that Seven Suns Sword. She's been fighting nearly everyday and she hasn't been at risk once." Ashe said.

Kotome sat back in her seat and crossed her arms. She sighed and looked out the window and soon the train came to a stop. The girls looked outside and saw they were at a kingdom that smelled like poison. They got off the train and walked towards the kingdom and saw Azami talking to a woman. Azami looked back and waved. They went towards her.

"Hey there! Welcome to Shikakiyo! The Warlord of this Kingdom is Nene, and she's my teacher." Azami smiled.

"Hello girls, Azami has told me about you all." Nene said and smiled. "I am Nene, a Master Ninja. I am named the motherly figure of all ninja in Genten."

"A Master Ninja. That's impressive actually." Ashe said.

"Mhm! Nene is the best teacher to have if you wanna improve in speed and other things ninja do!" Azami said.

"Saya is best for this then." Miyuna said.

"Uhm wrong. I am an Assassin. I don't do ninja stuff. My sole purpose for being an assassin is to kill if Stella is in danger. I'm not the one for being a Spy." Saya said.

"Right right. I forgot Assassins and Ninjas aren't the same thing." Miyuna smiled.

"It still wouldn't hurt to train with us, ninja or not. You might learn a lot about the ninja." Nene said.

"Mmm alright." Saya shrugged.

They all walked in the kingdom. They headed towards the training grounds and saw three other ninja. One was female, and the other two were male.

"Meet the other three ninja of Genten. Kunoichi, the Prankster. Hanzō, my Junior Warlord. And Kotarō, the main troublemaker." Nene said.

"It isn't my fault I find thrill in stirring up trouble in this peaceful land. Seeing everyone's reactions to my schemes is the highlight of my day." Kotarō chuckled.

"He's a bit s-scary.." Tia took a few steps back.

"Oh? I'm scary to you?" Kotarō took a step forward.

Tia cried out and hid behind Ashe. Ashe sighed and looked to Tia. Saya, Miyuna, and Kotome laughed nervously.

"That's enough, stop scaring the new guests Kotarō." Nene said.

"Alright alright." Kotarō backed off.

"Hello! I'm Kunoichi! I'm one of the best Ninja in the entirety of Genten!" Kunoichi smiled.

"We love the confidence, we don't appreciate the lies you spill through your lips." Hanzō said.

"They aren't lies! Nene said I was!" Kunoichi said.

"Taken that there are only five of us who are Master Ninja, Nene saying you are one of the best is barely a compliment to be proud of." Hanzō said.

Saya averted her eyes and pointed at a tower. They looked at where Saya was pointing.

"U-Uhm, what's that tower there?" Saya tried to divert the situation.

"That's where we all train. The Shinobi Tower. We all train extremely hard there. There are 50 Floors and the challenge is you must make it to Floor 50 in less than 24 Hours." Nene said.

"Oh? That seems simple. What's the fastest time?" Saya asked.

"30 seconds." Nene said.

"Haha nice joke. Be serious what's the fastest time?" Saya said, a bit nervous.

"30 seconds." Nene said again, in the same tone.

"30 seconds...like no joke..?" Saya asked.

"30 seconds. We ninja are intelligent and we find solutions in everything. Just because the task is hard, doesn't mean we have to make it hard." Nene said.

"Who got 30 seconds?" Saya asked.

"I did." Nene smiled.

"And how did you complete such an accomplishment if there are 50 Floors..?" Saya asked.

Nene took out a grappling hook and showed it to everyone. They all looked at it carefully and it was your old run-of-the-mill grappling hook. It looked no better than the one Saya uses from time to time.

"You're joking right..?" Saya looked at Nene skeptically. "I have the exact same hook."

"Come to the tower and I'll show you I'm not kidding." Nene said.

"Oooo, she just challenged you Saya." Azami said.

"Hmph! I'm the second fastest person in Arcania! Like I'd lose to some Ninja! You're on you MILF!" Saya pointed.

Nene's face got extremely red and smoke came from her ears as she was called a milf. Azami looked at Nene and shook her gently.

"Sensei! Hellooo?? Saya I think you broke her." Azami said.

"Eh? I did nothing--"

"You called her a milf..." Miyuna said.

"Shouldn't that be like a compliment?" Saya asked.

"You are one special girl." Ashe said.