
I Reincarnated into a Dark Queen

Once an average girl living in a small village, she was just a simple farm girl who barely got buy in life selling crops to the local townspeople. One day she gets into a fatal accident beyond recovery, but wakes up in a strange castle. Apparently to her people she was just having a small nightmare, but to the girl it was real. She looked in the mirror and noticed she was a Dark Queen.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Banished Dragon: Eldre

Nobunaga stopped at the Kingdom of Securia and noticed something off. Ranmaru looked at Nobunaga and felt the same off energy. Uchi looked at them and felt her dragon energy going out of control. Zain walked up and stopped then Nō looked at Zain.

"Our mission of defeating Fafnir isn't so simple now is it?" Nō asked.

"Nothing we do is ever simple." Nō's partner said.

"I know, Okuni. I was just stating the obvious." Nō giggled.

Nobunaga closed his eyes and dodged a dragon beam at high speeds. He appeared again and summoned his sword then looked at the sky. A dragon with black scales was flying in the sky and roared. Zain looked at the sky then at Uchi who couldn't contain herself anymore. She began transforming into her dragon form and Paulla pulled Zofia away from the battles.

"I want to fight with them!" Zofia said.

"But we will get killed." Paulla puffed her cheeks at Zofia.

"Stay behind me then. I will protect you." Zofia said and the symbol on her arm shined brightly and a bright blue light shined. Everyone looked at Zofia and was surprised. "Arise, Icestorm. I summon thy to battle!"

Zofia yelled and a portal opened in the sky and a blue undead dragon flew out the portal and gargled loudly. The black dragon looked at Icestorm and roared.

"Icestorm! You know what to do! Blizzard Force!" Zofia commanded.

Icestorm opened its mouth and a blue ball of energy began forming. The black dragon did the same, but the ball of energy was purple. Both dragons blasted their beams at one another. The beams collided and generated a constant repulsive force of energy until an explosion happened in the sky. Zofia grunted and got in guarding stance covering her face from the raging winds. Paulla was astonished by Zofia.

"I won't let my family leave me in the dust..! Mama! Papa! I will be strong as well!" Zofia bellowed and her blue eyes glowed.

"Zofia.." Zain looked at Zofia.

"Icestorm! Go! Eternal Frost!" Zofia commanded.

Icestorm summoned a powerful blizzard and the black dragon roared and dispelled the blizzard with a roar then blasted Icestorm and destroyed the undead dragon. Zofia glared and aura flashed from her eyes.

"You destroy my fwends, I'll just summon more!" Zofia bellowed. "Rise, Knight of the Roundtable: Sir Lancelot!"

A portal opened and a knight walked out the portal. The portal closed and Nobunaga was impressed with Zofia's summon abilities. Sir Lancelot had destroyed silver armor and wielded a Dragon Slayer Lance. He opened his eyes and both eyeballs were red.

"Lancelot! Attack Mode!" Zofia commanded.

Lancelot got ready to strike and the black dragon landed on the ground and roared in rage. Zofia pointed and glared.

"Go!" Zofia yelled.

Lancelot dashed towards the dragon at high speeds and thrusted his lance forward. The dragon used its wing to block and pushed Lancelot away then slashed its talons at Lancelot. He blocked the slashed with his shield but the dragon was stronger than his defenses, so he was blown away. Lancelot recovered and stood up. Zofia looked at Lancelot. Lancelot tossed his shield aside as it was destroyed. He got in a stance and blue lightning crackled around his arm and lance. A magic circle appeared under Lancelot and he awakened his power then lightning surged around his arm and lance then he dashed towards the dragon. Zofia was shocked by this technique. Lancelot let out a loud growl and vanished as the dragon slashed and reappeared then was able to get a direct hit. Lightning surged powerfully and the dragon was pushed back.

"Whoa...I never knew he could do that.." Zofia said.

"Don't underestimate Eldre. That attack was impressed but not enough to defeat him." Nobunaga said.

"Eldre?" Zofia asked.

"The dragon in front of us. The Banished Dragon..he was banished from the Dragon Continent because of his extreme violence against the other dragons." Nobunaga said. "He's come back with a vengeance and a thirst for blood."

Eldre looked at Lancelot and grabbed him then roared, crushing Lancelot until he shattered. Zofia was shocked then held out her hand. She was prepared to summon another undead spirit then Zain stopped her.

"Papa! Why are you stopping me?!" Zofia asked.

"None of your spirits can defeat Eldre. Your necromancy is impressive, I admit, but it won't be enough to stop Eldre." Zain said.

"How do you know? We have to try!" Zofia said. "Mama always said that if I put my heart to it I can complete any task!"

"Zofia...Your mother is a Goddess...no task is impossible for her. She only said that to boost your mindset and your confidence. She's being a good mother, but this task is something that you can't do with necromancy alone. You'll only tire yourself out." Zain explained.

"Big Sister Kotome is so powerful, Saya and Miyuna has a form called Arcania's Guardians, you have a Requiem Mode, and mama is a Goddess! I'm the only one who's fallen behind! I won't let anyone leave me in the dust!" Zofia said and looked at Zain.

Uchi panted and looked at Zofia. Everyone looked at her and saw she was trying to summon something beyond her power limit.

"The Dead are my fwends...My guardians! My creations! They don't disobey me, they don't turn against me! They don't stop fighting even if I can't fight anymore! They will can and will surpass any threat imaginable!" Zofia said and the sign on her arm glowed brighter and the ground shook. "I will show you all TRUE Necromancy!"

"Zofia! Stop it! This is beyond your powers!" Zain said then reached forward and a dark barrier repelled Zain and caused him to be thrown back.

Zofia's eyes emitted sparkling blue aura and her aura surged powerfully. Everyone was in awe by her power. She was only 13 years old generating power of this caliber. Zofia bellowed.

"ARISE! Axia! Titan of Ruin!" Zofia yelled and a portal opened then black aura surged from the portal and released a powerful gust of wind.

Everyone covered their faces from the wind. Zofia smiled widely and a female rose from the portal and had long flowing blonde hair, wore a black dress with black stockings and black heels. She opened her eyes and her eye color was red. The portal closed and Axia landed on the ground. Axia didn't look undead at all. She looked like the rest of them. Axia is Zofia's closest friend since she was abandoned at the Graveyard. Axia is a Titan, not like the Titans that eat people. A Titan that are seen as Gods.

"About time you show everyone your true powers." Axia said.

"Mhm..." Zofia felt extremely tired then fell forward. Axia caught her and looked at her.

"Rest now...I will handle the rest." Axia said then laid Zofia down and summoned at portal around her.

"A Titan..?" Mitsuhide asked.

"Zofia can summon something this powerful..?" Nobunaga asked.

Axia summoned her Dragon Slayer Sword and looked at Eldre. Eldre roared flew toward Axia quickly and gripped her then squeezed. Axia looked at him and her grey aura flowed around her body then Eldre was blown away by the sheer power of her aura alone. Axia landed on the ground and got in a stance. Eldre flew up in the sky and charged a beam. Axia looked at Eldre and grey lightning surged around her hand and then she teleported behind Eldre and touched his back then Eldre was sent crashing down to the ground at high speeds.

"What power.." Uchi said in awe.

"Her friends don't disobey...her friends don't turn against her...and her friends keep fighting until the opponent is dead or they are destroyed. Axia seems to be the only summon that is actually immortal. The others were merely reanimations, Axia is the only summon that is...real." Ranmaru said.

Axia came down and drove the sword into Eldre's back. She jumped up and stomped the sword deeper in his back then her demon wings appeared and she floated in the sky. She held her hand up.

"I am the Goddess of Ruins...The Titan of Ruin and Disaster. I, Axia, will end your life here dragon! Nether Arts: Supreme Ruin." Axia said and made her hand into a fist then held her fist out towards Eldre and opened her hand. A small ball of black energy floated towards Eldre.

"What the..?" Nobunaga looked at the ball of energy.

"It's a Chaos Element Spell! Take cover!" Nō yelled and ran off.

Everyone followed her lead and took cover them the black ball of energy exploded and the repulsive force was powerful and huge. The black ball of energy grew into a massive barrier of black energy that destroyed everything in the area then shrank into nothingness. Everyone looked up. Axia smirked and snapped her fingers and a faint light shined where the black ball of energy was and a massive explosion happened and the move destroyed nearly half of Securia. Eldre's body was nowhere to be found. There was a gigantic crater in the ground, a crater that was so big that it seemed like a meteor crashed down. That wasn't even the full extent of Axia's power. That was only a slimmer of her power. Axia landed on the ground and looked behind her and heard a roar of rage.

"Fafnir." Axia said and turned around.

Fafnir was floating in the sky and looked at Axia. Zofia woke up and saw the destruction. Luckily for everyone her attack didn't cause a Continental Spacial Burst. If it did, there's no telling what would have truly went down. It's a miracle she can even control the Chaos Element in such a manipulative manner.

"That move was so powerful.." Uchi said.

"Is everyone alright?" Gracia asked.

"Yeah...We managed to dodge a heavy bullet." Ranmaru said.

"The people of Arcania are really something else.." Nobunaga said.

Nobunaga looked at Zofia and Axia. If he wasn't impressed with the power Arcania holds, he is now. He looked up and focused his attention on Fafnir. Uchi stopped Nobunaga and stood up. She wanted to be the one to take down Fafnir. Paulla looked at Uchi and was a bit worried. She was worried her mother would end up dying. She didn't want to be reminded of her parents dying. She held Uchi's arm and looked at her.

"It's fine Paulla...I won't die. I will be alright." Uchi said. "We just have to save Fafnir from his trance...it shouldn't be too hard."

"But.." Paulla protested.

"I promise I will be fine. I will not die nor lose this battle. I will do whatever it takes to win." Uchi said.