
I Reincarnated in Another World as a Wolf

In the world of Eldoria, pro gamer Eric finds himself transformed into a dire wolf amidst a wild pack. Adapting to his new reality, he harnesses his gaming skills to survive and grow stronger. As he leads his pack through treacherous dungeons, Eric must navigate battles, uncover ancient secrets, and confront the harsh truth that this is not just a game, but his new life. Determined to honor fallen comrades, Eric vows to lead with wisdom and courage, uncovering the mysteries of Eldoria along the way. ----- "Upload Schedule: 7 Chapters / Week" ----- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Pc9RYG5h Hey everyone! I’ve just created this Discord server, so it’s pretty empty right now. This is also my first time creating a server, so there might be some errors. The server is dedicated to this novel, and I’m excited to share it with you all and hear your thoughts! Feel free to explore and let me know if you have any suggestions or if you encounter any issues. Welcome, and enjoy your stay!

Zodiac_Drago · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 7: Princess Elysia

Chapter 7: Princess Elysia

The days following Eric's evolution were filled with intense training and strategic planning. He spent time understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each member of his new pack. With his enhanced senses and newfound abilities, he quickly learned to coordinate the group's movements and strategies.

Eric's pack consisted of 27 wolves, with levels ranging from 9 to 16. Each wolf brought unique strengths to the group, making them a formidable force in the Verdant Forest.

One morning, as the first light of dawn pierced through the dense canopy of the Verdant Forest, the Mystic Wolf approached Eric. "Eric, now that you have evolve into an Elite Rank and now lead a pack. The only thing left is your own territory."

Eric, curious and ready, nodded. "What is it?"

"The territory surrounding the ancient oak grove to the east has been left unguarded for too long. It is a vital area, rich in resources and strategically important. That will now become your territory"

Eric felt the weight of his new responsibilities pressing down on him. "We'll secure it immediately. Gather the pack."

Moments later, Eric and his pack set out towards their new territory. The journey was swift, thanks to Eric's Wind Dash ability, which allowed them to cover ground quickly while remaining alert for any signs of danger.

As they approached the oak grove, the pack moved silently through the underbrush. Eric's keen senses picked up the sounds of a struggle nearby. He signaled for his pack to halt and listened intently. The sounds of muffled cries and harsh voices grew clearer. Following the noise, they came upon a disturbing scene: a group of human mercenaries, rough and heavily armed, were capturing an Elf, who was bound and struggling against his restraints.

Eric's eyes narrowed. He stepped forward, his pack following closely behind, their growls low and menacing.

One of the mercenaries, noticing the wolves, drew his sword. "Back off, beasts, or you'll be next!"

Eric's growl deepened, and as he faced the human mercenary, he emanated an aura of authority and menace. His eyes flashed with the promise of swift retribution. Without uttering a word, Eric unleashed his Intimidate skill, channeling his newfound power as a Tempest Wolf.

The air around Eric crackled with electricity, and a gust of wind swirled menacingly. The human mercenary, caught off guard by the sudden display of primal dominance, hesitated for a moment. The Elf, sensing an opportunity, seized it and broke free from the mercenary's grasp.

The mercenaries flinched, clearly affected by the imposing aura radiating from Eric. However, their leader remained steadfast, his expression contorted into a sneer as he swiftly caught the fleeing elf once more.

"This Elf is our bounty. We're taking him to our client, and you wolves won't stand in our way," the mercenary leader declared with a cold, unwavering tone. Drawing his sword in a fluid motion, he pushed the elf towards one of his comrades, emphasizing their resolve to fulfill their mission despite the formidable opposition.


[Name: Rick]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: Mercenary]

[Race: Human] [Tier 3]

[Level: 24/39]

[HP: 89%] [MP: 89/125]

[Strength: 24] [Defense: 20]

[Agility: 22] [Intelligence: 16]

[Vitality: 26] [Element Affinity: None]

Without another word, Eric signaled his pack. With swift, coordinated movements, the wolves closed in around the mercenaries. Eric, without hesitation, leaped towards the mercenary leader, his Lightning Claw tearing through the air with lethal precision. As the wolves engaged the mercenaries in a fierce battle, Eric focused solely on the leader, his eyes locked on the mercenary's every move.

The fight unfolded with ruthless efficiency. The mercenaries, caught off guard by the coordinated assault of the wolves, found themselves quickly overwhelmed. Eric, fueled by the primal fury of the tempest within him, engaged the mercenary leader in a deadly duel. Lightning crackled around his claws as he lunged at the leader, their clash echoing through the forest.

With lightning-fast strikes and agile dodges, Eric pressed his advantage. The mercenary leader, skilled but outmatched by the Tempest Wolf's ferocity and speed, faltered under the relentless assault. With a final, decisive blow, Eric's Lightning Claw pierced through the mercenary's defenses, bringing him to the ground.

As the mercenary leader fell, the remaining mercenaries, witnessing their leader's defeat, attempted to flee into the forest. However, the wolves, driven by their alpha's command and the need to protect their territory, swiftly closed in. In a matter of moments, they captured every fleeing mercenary, ensuring that none escaped.

As the last mercenary fell to the ground, defeated and surrounded, a deep, primal howl echoed through the forest. It started with Eric, his voice resonating with power and triumph. One by one, his pack joined in, their howls blending into a chorus of victory that reverberated through the trees.

The howls carried a message, a declaration to all who dared threaten their territory: they were the ruler of the ancient oak grove, united under Eric's leadership. The sound of their unified voices echoed into the distance, a warning and a testament to the strength and unity of the pack.

Eric approached the bound Elf, who looked at him with a mix of fear and awe. "Are you alright?" Eric asked gently.

The Elf nodded, still shaken. "Thank you. I thought I was doomed."


[Name: Elysia]

[Title: Princess of Elvendale]

[Job Class: Beast Tamer]

[Race: High Elf] [Tier 2]

[Level: 17/79]

[HP: 69%] [MP: 89/125]

[Strength: 15] [Defense: 12]

[Agility: 19] [Intelligence: 19]

[Vitality: 20] [Element Affinity: Nature]


Racial Skills: Night Vision, Enhanced Senses, Nature Affinity.

Basic Skills: Basic Archery, Improved Accuracy.

Job Skills: Bonding, Empathy, Shared Experience.

Unique Skill: Elven Sovereignty (Locked) Spirit Magic (Locked)


High Elves: As the royalty among elves, they wield powerful magic and possess a deep affinity for nature.

Night Vision: The ability to see clearly in darkness or low-light conditions.

Heightened Sense: Increase abilities like sharp vision, keen hearing, acute smell, sensitive touch, expanded taste, and intuitive awareness of danger or hidden presences.

Improved Accuracy: Enhanced precision in medium-range shooting.

Bonding: This refers to the establishment of a strong emotional connection between individuals, such as a beast tamer and their beasts. It involves trust, mutual respect, and understanding, fostering a deep and meaningful relationship that enhances cooperation and communication.

Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. In the context of a beast tamer, it allows them to sense the emotions and needs of the creatures they tame, facilitating effective training, care, and interaction based on a deep emotional understanding.

Shared Experience: Each successful mission or battle grants both the beast tamer and their beasts a portion of experience or power, leading to gradual improvement in both parties.

Elven Sovereignty: ???

Spirit Magic: ???


High Elves were known to be formidable, and Elysia, as a princess of Elvendale, embodied that strength and nobility. Eric could see her potential, her determination, and the untapped power within her. He recognized that saving her could mean forging a significant alliance with the Elves, who were the strongest faction in the forest.

With their territory now secured, Eric and his pack had not only protected their new home but also earned the gratitude of Elvendale.


Tell me if the story pacing is slow, fast or it's just alright.

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