
I Reincarnated in Another World as a Wolf

In the world of Eldoria, pro gamer Eric finds himself transformed into a dire wolf amidst a wild pack. Adapting to his new reality, he harnesses his gaming skills to survive and grow stronger. As he leads his pack through treacherous dungeons, Eric must navigate battles, uncover ancient secrets, and confront the harsh truth that this is not just a game, but his new life. Determined to honor fallen comrades, Eric vows to lead with wisdom and courage, uncovering the mysteries of Eldoria along the way. ----- "Upload Schedule: 7 Chapters / Week" ----- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Pc9RYG5h Hey everyone! I’ve just created this Discord server, so it’s pretty empty right now. This is also my first time creating a server, so there might be some errors. The server is dedicated to this novel, and I’m excited to share it with you all and hear your thoughts! Feel free to explore and let me know if you have any suggestions or if you encounter any issues. Welcome, and enjoy your stay!

Zodiac_Drago · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 6: Verdant Forest

Chapter 6: Verdant Forest

The first three options had varying degrees of success, each with its own set of advantages and potential pitfalls. The rest, however, were completely out of reach with a 0% success rate.

Eric's mind raced as he weighed his choices. The Elite Wolf offered guaranteed strength and reliability, ensuring his growth in a straightforward manner. The Mystic Wolf, while more challenging, promised profound mystical abilities and a deep connection with nature.

But it was the Tempest Wolf that truly called to him. The storm's power resonated deeply within, promising a blend of agility, speed, and elemental mastery. It was a riskier choice with its 76% success rate, but the potential rewards were immense.

Taking a deep breath, Eric made his decision. The thrill of the tempest and the allure of its power were too strong to resist. He selected the Tempest Wolf.


[Evolution into Tempest Wolf initiated. Success rate: 76%.]

A surge of energy enveloped Eric, his body glowing with a brilliant light. He felt his muscles tense, his senses heighten, and his connection to the elements deepen. Wind swirled around him, lifting him slightly off the ground, and sparks of lightning crackled in the air.

As the light faded, Eric stood transformed. His fur had a slight silver sheen, and his eyes glowed with a stormy intensity. He felt the power of the tempest within him, a perfect fusion of wind and lightning.


[Evolution Succeed]

[Dire Wolf (Common) --> Tempest Wolf (Elite)]


[Name: None]

[Title: None]

[Job Class: None]

[Race: Tempest Wolf] [Elite]

[Level: 21/40] [Exp: 0/2,500]

[HP: 100%] [MP: 280/280]

[Strength: 26] [Defense: 12]

[Agility: 28] [Intelligence: 12]

[Vitality: 14] [Free Attributes: 0]

[Element Affinity: Lightning, Nature, Wind,]


[Racial Skills: Pack Coordination, Heightened Senses, Intimidate]

[Basic Skill: Charge]

[Advanced Skills: Lightning Claw, Thunder Fang, Wind Dash, Gale Shield,Tempest Strike]

[Unique Skill: Devour, Nature's Blessing, Storm's Wrath]


Intimidate: Causes fear in weaker creatures and potential prey.

Wind Dash: A rapid movement skill that allows Eric to dash quickly over short distances, dodging attacks and repositioning in battle.

Storm's Wrath: A Unique ability that summons a fierce storm, dealing massive damage to all enemies within a wide radius and stunning them.

Tempest Strike: A powerful attack combining wind and lightning, striking multiple enemies in an area.

Gale Shield: A defensive skill that creates a barrier of wind around the user, reducing incoming damage and deflecting projectiles


Eric reveled in his new abilities, feeling the tempest's power flowing through him. He knew that with this evolution, he could lead his pack to even greater heights, facing any challenge that lay ahead with the fury of the storm.

The Mystic Wolf watched him, momentarily speechless, as he had expected Eric to evolve into either an Elite Wolf or a Mystic Wolf. Eric's choice had defied expectations, demonstrating his unique path and the potent potential of the Tempest Wolf.

As they exited the heart of the Ancient Tree, the pack gathered around Eric, their eyes filled with awe and curiosity. His transformation had not only altered his physical appearance but also his presence. He now exuded an aura of strength and confidence that resonated deeply with the pack.

The alpha wolf stepped forward, nodding in approval. "You have successfully evolved, Eric. The power you now possess will serve you and the pack well in the challenges ahead."

The Mystic Wolf then called Eric aside. "Eric, the pack you led through the dungeon trial was merely a test. You have proven your worth and are now ready to lead your own pack."

Eric's eyes widened in surprise. "My own pack?"

The Mystic Wolf nodded. "Yes, but remember, leadership is earned, not forced. You must inspire and gain the trust of those who will follow you."

Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, Eric nodded at the Mystic Wolf. Taking a deep breath, he raised his head and began to howl. His voice carried through the forest, a call of strength and invitation. One by one, other wolves started howling in response, their voices joining his, signifying their acknowledgment and acceptance of his leadership.

As the echoes of their howls faded, several wolves began to walk towards Eric, choosing him as their leader. Among them were seasoned warriors, young hopefuls, and those who had seen his courage and determination in the dungeon.

Eric felt a profound sense of responsibility and pride as the wolves gathered around him. This was his pack, and he was ready to lead them.

The Mystic Wolf spoke once more, "Now that you have your pack, it is time for you to understand the world in which we dwell. The Verdant Forest, our home, is just but one small part of Eldoria. There are various factions and races within this forest, each with their own strengths and territories. Understanding them will be crucial for your survival and success."

Eric nodded, his attention fully focused on the Mystic Wolf's words. He knew that understanding these factions would be crucial for his role as a leader and protector of his pack.

The Mystic Wolf continued, his voice steady and authoritative. "In the Eastern Glades, you will find the Elves. They are wise and deeply connected to the forest, wielding powerful nature magic and skilled in archery. They protect their territory fiercely and are invaluable allies if earned."

Moving on, he gestured towards the Northern Highlands. "To the north dwell the Bear Clans. Formidable in strength and endurance, these bears are highly territorial but can be respected allies or formidable foes depending on how you approach them."

Pointing towards the Southern Swamps, the Mystic Wolf's eyes narrowed slightly. "In the southern reaches lie the Serpent Kin. They are masters of poison and stealth, cunning adversaries who strike swiftly and without mercy. Caution is advised when dealing with them."

Turning westward, towards the vast plains, the Mystic Wolf spoke of the Feline Tribes. "The feline tribes roam the Western Plains. Agile and fiercely independent, they are skilled hunters and form strong community bonds. They value their freedom and are formidable allies if their respect is earned."

Finally, his gaze lifted towards the Central Canopy, where the forest reached high into the sky. "Above us in the Central Canopy reside the Avian Watchers. Birds and bird-like creatures, they are messengers and spies, possessing keen eyesight and the ability to travel swiftly through the air. They observe all that transpires below and hold valuable information."

Eric absorbed the information, feeling the weight of responsibility settle upon him. Each faction presented its own challenges and opportunities, and it was up to him to navigate these complexities wisely for the sake of his pack.

The Mystic Wolf concluded solemnly, "Remember, Eric, leadership in Eldoria is not just about strength and power. It is about understanding, diplomacy, and earning the respect of those who share this realm with us. With the power of the Tempest Wolf and the trust of your pack, you have the potential to unite these factions and forge a path of prosperity for all."

The Mystic Wolf's teachings gave Eric a deeper understanding of the dynamics within the forest. He realized that leading his pack would require not only strength and strategy but also diplomacy and alliances.

With his new knowledge and his pack by his side, Eric felt ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. The tempest within him was not just a symbol of his power, but also a reminder of the storm he could unleash upon those who threatened his pack.

As the Mystic Wolf finished, Eric stood tall, his heart filled with determination. He looked at his new pack, their eyes reflecting trust and anticipation. Together, they would navigate the complexities of the forest, conquer their enemies, and forge their own path in Eldoria.