
I reincarnated in a cultivation world as a omnipotent villain

Author: LazyBlack
Ongoing · 1.9M Views
  • 182 Chs
  • 4.4
    40 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is I reincarnated in a cultivation world as a omnipotent villain

Read ‘I reincarnated in a cultivation world as a omnipotent villain’ Online for Free, written by the author LazyBlack, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, R18 Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Tian Shen, an ordinary boy reborn in a cultivation world after a fatal accident, expects the classic tale of acquiring i...


Tian Shen, an ordinary boy reborn in a cultivation world after a fatal accident, expects the classic tale of acquiring incredible powers. However ... [source of knowledge activated] [Identity: the origin of darkness/nothingness-the origin of knowledge-one of the three true omnipotent beings] [Ability: Reality Manipulation - Dimensional Manipulation - Immortality - Soul Manipulation - Telekinesis - Telepathy -Teleport- Annihilation - Life and Death Manipulation - infinite Speed ​​- Time Travel - Omniscient - Dream Into Reality - Fate Manipulation - Time Manipulation - Space Manipulation - Creation of concept - Annihilation of the concept - infinite persistence - omnipresent - Limitless energy - ] [Notice your strength cannot be measured by cultivation] how can he have a journey to reaching the peak of power when he is already beyond the peak? Well then, it's better to find a wife than not to be alone at least! ~ Discord : https://discord.gg/HWttWX9N

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Table of Contents
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Volume 3 :Tales Of The Upper Realms


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Well, after 120 chapters I finally decided to write a review, I don't have anything special to say except that the first ten chapters are really garbage and if I had a chance, I would re-write them again, but unfortunately I can't, apart from that, I think the novel is not bad and can be considered at average level and acceptable, cough cough, anyway if you have any questions please ask


I really like this novel. I love how OP he is and hope it stays like that.


please upload 2 chapter per day . . .


please can you update this novel I like this kind of novels


In one word: Tasteless Tasteless Tasteless Tasteless Tasteless Tasteless Tasteless Tasteless


This novel is BS ngl I expected more not the same thing we see on webnovel everytime MC is op but doesn’t have any sense at all Instead of him to travel around multiverse Create worlds or new races,do something new he first decided to take revenge I’m really disappointed


Completely unrelated to the story and a completely random thought: Whenever a mc falls in love or is interested in a women and he makes it verbal he is termed as SIMP , this just kills good romance . All these ppl complain uselessly for everything and that make him seem pathetic . Becoz these ppl are ok with mc sleeping with every curvy woman with a good face and let the mc call it as a one time thing and act all emotionless and edgy . But has anyone ever thought how it would be - A romance between a edgy and cold mc who only shows his feelings to a single woman and she responds similarly . (U stupid's will call it as mc being simp and kill the romance anyways , Coz all u guys need is " mc treats woman like tools for pleasure release and woman go crazy due to it " . But that is the true definition of simp - a man who drools and lusts for every single woman , even if he gives grand excuses and his attitude is cool and edgy .) All authors write harem coz they want to keep u guys reeled in and invested in the PLOT ( Mc making different types of woman his property and not a single one has a fully flushed personality . All woman will have a single label and will follow it down to a T. Like a tsundere always keep rejecting his advances even though mc already done the deed . A cold beauty always becomes loose both in the head and below when mc is in the vicinity . Almost all of them will be overprotective and obsessive of him , and after mc is introduced they will lose their own life , fate and story. The woman are just a part of mc , i.e. , they are tailored into his story and are always available for him no matter how important of a position they can be in ) BTW GOOD NOVEL AUTHOR IS A 3.5 STARS FOR ME , BECAUSE I AM STRINGENT WITH THE RATINGS , DONT MIND ME . I WANTED TO VENT MY FRUSTRATIONS WITH THE READERS .


Novel is very good. Mc is overpowered and domineering and the harem has good women in it. World building is well thought out and the power system is easy to understand. Writing is decent and updates are consistent.


Bro I love his OP starting.But still please give him worthy opponents.If he can see through and destroy everything there won't be much fun..... Add some: (just suggestions)✓ mysteriosus girls/goddess charecters✓ Another hidden identity (clone?) with low power.(else can't see others true face)✓ great lovely harem. yandre is good but can't cross line.✓ plot twists✓ Yet adventure another multiverse. Great job anyway.keep up.


Reveal spoiler


I love everything about it and the top thing is there is a yandere or multiple obsessive girls😍


This novel really has an interesting and well-done premise from OP mc. Author san really has a good taste in nomenclature, which pleases me a lot. The only point I didn't like very much was the pseudo "break" of the fourth wall related to "authors" and "readers". And at the moment I'm reading (cp 40) the update stability really leaves something to be desired. The author said that he had problems with the Web novel, and that it has already been resolved. So I will trust my 5 stars to you author san. Congratulations and keep up the work well done! And improve the refresh rate! Of course, please lol


what can i say its uhh interesting ... basically uhh ahh if u like it u like it... i can only read up to ch 15 umm yes big and monstrous sigh ..




Reincarnated as a literal god and your first plan of action is to avenge the original bodies owner (reasonable) and then to pretty much establish a harem. Boring.


So Is Young Demon dead or... I bet you feel disconnected from the story after almost two months of hiatus😂 The motivation is not there right? I might be wrong... #ReturnOfYoungDemon... I also kind of like this fic since it brings me memories of my first ever story in this platform "Traversing the Omni-realities" before Webnovel messed with my first acc💔 RIP


Dropped?………….or a break, why did you stop releasing chapters in all your novels all of a sudden


Hey Author, what did you decide for the mother? 😉 I have a GREAT SUGGESTION, 😊 Just make the mc's mother virgin, now there is a question of how she gave birth. Just say the mc's father has a physique which can't get close to women, which was solved after the mc birth after the father improved his cultivation(or not solved if you want). So the mc's mother took three fruits to give birth to the three children(or smth like that)🙏 I'm sure everyone will be satisfied with it.🤤 If you have have already added the mother to the harem, Then PLEASE change the mother character setting when she was introduced. And, if you have not, then please change the character setting and add her to the harem. EVERYONE WILL LOVE THIS SETTING (I think)👍👍 Lastly, I LOVE this work of yours. Hope you consider my suggestion.


novel ini bagus, saya juga punya rekomendasi novel fantasi sihir bahasa Indonesia "Kehidupan Bebas dari Yang Mahakuasa (Indonesia Version)"


a great novel but not everyone's cup of tea, here you are not going to see the pov of the main character and that he always do things, when he himself enters, everything ends with des*truc*tion and de*at*h.The upload schedule has been regular for three months and I did not encounter grammatical problems


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