
I reincarnated as an OP Class, so what?

Hey, hey, are we live already? We are? Good hello there, reader. This is Akira, AKA your best host and protagonist. This story follows Yui, the less critical protagonist. As per the primary goal, it depends on who you ask. Some seek pleasure on this land, and others seek glory. However, some want a quiet life as an ordinary individual, and while I respect that, I don't get it. As per me? Well, what I want is to find my old master and friend that left me behind. I want to see them again, and I will do everything to find them. This story is somewhat based on real-life events but is not historical fiction, so don't worry. Written by: Misami_ne Artwork by: MistyTheWolf Note to reader: You might have noticed a drop in chapter updates. I ask for your forgiveness. This drawback is temporary. Recently, I have been working 80+ hours without much time to work on my novel. I still try to keep up with updates, but as more and more expenses keep pouring into me, I have been struggling to keep up. I’m sorry you have to wait so long for chapter updates, and I will try to perform better. Please have patience with me. With love and care Misami_ne

Misami_ne · Fantasy
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31 Chs

What was that?

I'm suddenly asleep, back again into the dream world. Suddenly, while falling into the dark, unending void, I hit the bottom, a dark pit full of some weird liquid-like substance. There's nothing in this place but this liquid. I walk a while until I see a silhouette, then a little closer to reveal a girl with pale skin and long golden hair disappearing slowly into the pit, like the liquid that surrounds her was her decomposing body, quite a disturbing sight already, but then she starts speaking, what? The divine voice? 

- Proficiency has reached the required level, experience has reached the required level,

Proficiency has reached the required level,

Skill points acquired, experience has reached the required level,

please stop it. It hurts. *Grunts of pain*.

She mutters at the end as she looks straight up at me with dead eyes, like those of a slave. Not a single second passes, and then she just goes back into speaking those exact words, repeating over and over again until I just wake up, confused and still waking up. I manage to wake Kars up as well in the middle of the night basically, so he, of course, calls me out to hear me say if I'm okay, to which I just don't answer for a while. I couldn't; I just couldn't let that image of that woman out of my mind. It's like she was personally asking me for help; why was something like this so suddenly revealed to me? I did have a new title in my appraisal last time, that new title being "Ruler of Justice," a ruler, uh? but why me?, I get that it seems like my MP is maxed out, so again, what could I do? Whoever sent me to this world and was powerful enough to give me what seems like maxed-out MP could easily obliterate me, couldn't they? Oh man, what does the dream mean?! Again, why would there be an actual woman vanishing out of existence? Is she the all-powerful being of this world? After all, she gives everyone their skills and powers, but if she is that powerful, how powerful is whatever makes her suffer so miserably like that? What kind of massive, all-powerful being could enslave such a powerful being like the divine voice? Nothing of this makes sense.

I thought ever since I got reincarnated and started hearing the voice. Oh well, it's a fantasy world, so that's just how it works here, but this dream, and the fact that this world is so game-like, with levels and skills, makes me think otherwise. Maybe there is programming in place, like just recently the appearance of administrator E, he confirms that there is something higher up than this whole world's system, which then makes this problem unreachable for me right now, as it stands even though I have maxed out MP, all my other stats would one shot me, you know?!, like my HP, a single wolf attack would end this all-powerful mage with maxed out MP, so what good is it?!, I also only know intermediate attack magic still, even if my maxed out MP makes it super powerful, my attacks are still intermediate rank, uuuhgg!, my heady hurty now. :(

- Proficiency has reached the required level, skill, concentration has increased from level 1 to level 2.

Oh, just on time, divine voice! Yay, at least my efforts are paying off! At least my skill level went up again! Did I mention that I'm kinda of awesome? Speaking of awesome things, after a few days with Kars at home, he has definitely been changing his attitude. He no longer calls me peasant girl! That's a good start for me. He does, however, push my dad a lot when it comes to taking us to the nearest city so he can self-appraise himself. I guess he has something registered that only royalty would be able to have, you know, like a particular skill or something, man I can't believe I could totally help him get to his goal faster, but since he's still kind of an ass to me, he can go suck a [redacted] because he's such a [redacted, redacted].

I will tell you all about his stats, though, since you leave your precious reads and likes, of course, unlike this jerk Kars, so here it is, "Kars" appraisal card!

Human archive, Kars Di Giovanni

- Male Human -

Name: Kars

Age: 13

HP: 840/840

SP: 750/750

MP: 10/10

Strength: 2750/2750

Skills: None

Titles: None

Information: No available data.

I don't wanna sound arrogant or something, but are his stats miserable or what?, you know he's a real disappointment, with that attitude I was expecting all his stats to be closer to Ronnie's, but I guess my expectations were just too high, anyway geez, really?, no skills or titles?, isn't he supposed to be royalty?, something seems off as well looking at his MP, I have never seen a lower MP bar in my life before, this guy can barely summon magic, like light during a night fight, why is it so low though!, it does make me curious to know, what could be the meaning of it being so low?, it's clear from his strength that his MP, if he had any, would be maybe higher than his strength, so does that mean he got his MP stolen?!, that is possible on this world?!, oh no, that is terrible news, what if someone like a god finds about me, a girl who seems to have maxed out MP, won't they try to just steal all?!, oh no, please no!, that's all that makes me unique!, although the chances of it happening are low, since I had appraisal level 10, and the fact that Great sage just got created as a skill, I can assume that whoever uses appraisal and not great sage, will just see the same message I saw in my MP, just an Error, number cannot be read, yeah let's just say that's what will happen and be calm, phew buddy, that would be scary though, Speaking of scary stuff, I'm still stabbing myself in secret, I know I know now it's just seems like I'm a weird psycho, but trust me!, it's for my own good! If I keep leveling up my HP auto recovery, won't I become just like invincible?! Like those bosses in the video games! The one you think you just killed, and then they just come back like, ahahaha! You thought I was dead!, but it was I DIO!.

Kars, Uhmm, I am curious about his personality changing; maybe it's my dad doing his thing? I don't know, but he does act more polite now. I don't want to seem too pushy either, so I mostly leave him alone unless he needs something. However, Dad seems to really like him since his strength stat is crazy high for a kid. Dad really loves training with him! Uuhhhg! That does make me a bit jealous! Hey, you impostor! That's my daddy! Not yours! Though if I'm being honest, it's kind of my fault for always ignoring my dad when he wants to physically train me with the sword. Oh well, there's not much I can do now, so let's just move along!.

Weeks go by, and only a few changes. Dad is still collecting money for a city trip. He says he has enough now, but he's collecting more for Mom, so she has enough to not struggle even one bit. Ah, my dad is the best in the world, or what? Did you all know that by now?! I like the guy; he always treats me nicely and has never really yelled or hit me. Mom, on the other hand! Ugh, I hate/love Mom. She's the one that does strike me! And punish me! Puts me to do chores and doesn't let me go out to play or laze around! Ugh, yet I still love you, mother! Even if you make me feel like stabbing you once in a while, hey, don't look at me, Mr. Reader! Like you never felt like striking your parents back when you were a kid!. This is normal kid behavior; shut up! I don't wanna hear it! Plus, I know I'm not going to, so calm down!.

Today, as any other day, well, you guessed it, it's stabby stabby time! Since last time, about a couple of days ago. I reached level 10 on HP auto recovery, so I don't know if it is worth hurting myself. However, granted by appraisal evolving, I think it's worth it. Speaking of which, here comes the divine voice!

- Proficiency has reached the required level arithmetic processing has increased from level 9 to level 10, experience has reached the required level, tiny Human has now increased from level 16 to level 17, all basic attributes have increased, experience has reached the required level HP auto recovery has now evolved into, HP super Auto recovery.

Really?! HP "Supa" auto recovery? Whoever is the writer of this novel really is lazy, ain't them? Oh, wait a minute, duh! It's me, I forgot about that. Well sorry, okay?!, coming up with names isn't easy!, - Corrupted text -

[ We are having technical difficulties. Please wait for your show, so I reincarnated as a prodigy, so what?]

Let me out!

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