
I reincarnated as a God in the Nasuverse.

A man who is a history teacher finds himself in ancient Mesopotamia. Now he has become a God. he saw this as luck, and instead of being an ordinary person, he will rise to the top as a God.

eternal_angel12 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 9

Southern Mesopotamia

2818 BC, Agade City-state

God damn it!! You have failed!! All you had to do was follow my orders!! You should have saved me time!! But it's my fault, how can I win a war when there are incompetent men like you!! Alright what do you see me as!! An ordinary king, No, Everytone should see me like a God!!" Atun, filled with arrogance, scolded his soldiers in the throne room. Everyone, including Gulan. hated Atun, but they kept quiet so as not to lose their lives.

Looking at the angry king, Gulan finally decided to intervene."My king, there is no need to blame anyone. The Akkadian army was very successful. Only the treacherous attack from behind made us lose the war."

Atun, who was boiling with anger when he heard Gulan, calmed down and smiled strangely. "No, there is someone to blame. And this lucky person is you, Gulan. You have now been removed from the army command. You can leave now."

"Didn't you hear me, Gulan? You can get out of here now."Atun looked with his sharp eyes at Gulan, who was looking at him in a confused way. Gulan was angry when he heard what his king said. Then he walked out of the Throne room in an imposing manner.

seeing the Akkadians watching what was going on, Atun said in a cruel voice."The show is over. What else are you watching! Come on, spread out!!"

Hearing Atun's angry voice, the Akkadians immediately fled in a cowardly manner. Then Atun returned to his Throne." I need more power..."

Atun's eyes got even colder. When he thought about the war he had lost, he longed for more power. Atun, no matter what, would be freed from the curse called mortality and become a God. "When I become a God, no one will be able to stand in front of me!"

After, Atun wanted to experiment to learn the limits of his power. Then the animal went out to find the body.


"The ant seems to have forgotten that it is an ant."Jehovah said in a calm voice from behind Atun. Jehovah thought about the battle of Akkadian and Uruk. Predicted that Akkadian would lose, but not that it would take so much damage. When Jehovah saw Atun's incompetence, he wanted to use force, but in the end he gave up. Jehovah thought that Atun would learn a lesson, but the opposite happened to what he expected.

When he saw that Ishtar's Akkadian army was blocking his way, he decided to intervene. He first found the material world using his connection with the Root. Then he manipulated the Mana he had taken from the Root and he used it to control the water in the lake. first time that Jehovah used such great power in the material world for the first time, he could not fully control the water, but he was still able to break down Ishtar's wall.

He took the body of water back to the lake so that his soldiers would not die. Then he watched what was going on. He also saw Gilgamesh's father Lugalbanda among the soldiers of Uruk. At first, Jehovah wanted to kill, but he did not kill to avoid creating a butterfly effect. After a while, the armies returned to their cities.

The Akkadians were defeated again instead of finding victory. Naturally they were angry, they protested to Atun. In response, Atun scared the Akkadians with his Flame. The Akkadians immediately dispersed. The Akkadians asked Ningul for help, but Ningul refused. The akkadians, who could find no other way, gave up. They were content with just praying to Jehovah.

Of course, Jehovah, who saw all this, did not care.

His attention was on Atun all this time. That's why he didn't care about other people.


"There are sounds of animals suffering coming from the king's room!" A little boy told his friend in a scared way."I heard from my father yesterday. The king is mad. He even thought he was a Great God!"

The children who had been talking until evening began to disperse when evening came.

Saying goodbye to his friend, the boy went towards his house. A little scared because it was night, the boy went towards his house faster.

The running boy's foot was caught by a branch and pulled away. The boy fell to the ground. The frightened Boy wanted to scream, but the branch closed the boy's mouth."hmmmm!!!"

the boy crawled on the ground and was pulled towards a man. The boy tried to open his eyes but could not focus due to the pain. After a while, the boy who opened his eyes was glad when he saw that the man in front of his eyes was King Atun."Thank you, my King, for saving me!!"

"Who said I was helping!" The Boy who looked at the smiling Atun froze. He wanted to scream, but it was too late. Atun hit the boy on the head. The boy fainted. Then Atun took the child and went towards his palace.


"A Child was kidnapped last night,Did You Hear?!"

"Yes, I heard,it's a very bad thing!!" The woman who felt sorry for the child put her hand to her mouth.

The child abduction incident had a big impact on Agade yesterday. This is something that happened for the first time during your period in Agade. For the first time, the Akkadian people were afraid to walk around at night.

Some officials complained to Atun about this situation, but Atun made up a stupid reason and got away with it. Nashal and Gulan, who wanted to intervene in this situation, were suppressed by the king. Lamir, on the other hand, that the king had the power of prayer given by God, he thought that Atun was the chosen one. That's why he didn't intervene.

The first dictatorship period, which will be in the history of Agade, has begun.


Southern Mesopotamia

2806 BC, Agade City-state

The 12-Year period had been a nightmare for the Akkadians. The population of Agade, which had increased by 4 times under the rule of Ningul, had now almost come to a standstill. Every day the crime rate started to increase. Agade, whose harvest is abundant, it is now necessary to buy grain from outside

Unable to withstand these hardships, the Akkadians rebelled, but they were bloodily suppressed by Atun. The only thing that was good in the 12-year period was that the Akkadian border increased by 3 times. Of course, he had problems with that. To suppress the revolting tribes in the conquered places, Atun had to deploy soldiers. This also shook the central authority.

Finally, Jehovah sent a prophecy to Ningul for the end of the dictatorship period. Ningul, who received the prophecy agreed. Then he met with Gulan, who was loyal to him, and the soldiers. The soldiers who accepted the coup decided to attack at night when Atun was weak for the coup.

Ningul ordered his soldiers to stay outside and went to the Throne room.


"Fail again!! Atun that threw the body of the person he was experimenting with in his hand burned everything that was in the experiment room." But these are only pawns for my rising. There's no need to care too much!!

Atun, who was about to return to his experiment, noticed people coming this way in his palace. "How dare you!"

The angry Atun quickly went to the Throne room. When he came to the throne room, he saw Ningul looking at him." Why did you come here, Ningul?"

"Can't I pay you a visit?" Looking at Ningul, who spoke calmly, Atun looked at Ningul as if he was seeing a fool."I'm not stupid, Ningul, Are you here to get me killed?"

"*Sigh* I wish we hadn't ended up like this, Atun." Looking regretfully into Atun's eyes, Ningul raised the sword in his hand. He took a stance to attack and jumped towards Atun at a speed that no ordinary human could see.

Barely escaping Ningul's sudden attack, Atun launched his Flames towards Ningul. The flames went towards Ningul, but Ningul jumped nimbly to the side. The flames hit the palace and damaged it.

Atun, who fought with Ningul for the first time, was in a difficult situation. Atun, who had drawn with Lugalbanda, was losing to Ningul. Every time Ningul attacked, cuts were formed on Atun's body. Ningul, on the other hand, was increasing his speed without even getting a wound. Atun was getting worried.

Realizing that he was going to lose, Atun decided to run away."This isn't over yet! I will come back stronger...!!"

Lowering his hand to the ground, Atun began to focus Mana. Then he blew it with great force. Ningul threw his sword to stop Atun, but Atun stopped him with his shield.Then the whole palace exploded.


The people of Agade woke up in the morning with a big explosion. Everyone went towards the palace to find out what had happened. When they arrived, they saw Ningul standing injured."Sir, are you all right!?"

"I'm fine,it's okay."Looking at the woman who asked about her condition, Ningul replied. Ningul stood upright and said majestically."I, Ningul, will ascend the Throne again from now on. Does anyone have any objections?"

When the akkadians heard what Ningul said, they were happy instead of angry."We have no objection, my king,please, your have ruled us again!"

Hearing of the Akkadian's support, Ningul shook his head."Good"

Then he gave orders to rebuild the destroyed palace.