
I reincarnated as a bully.

This book is an original work by the author. A man reincarnates into a modern world in the body of infamous bully Jared Myers, but his memories didn’t come with him? Who was he before reincarnating? It doesn’t matter… now I am Jared and your past is a burden I have to carry, bullies want to beat me up? Bring it on, I’ll teach them a lesson, rap battles? That’s my specialty, damn, the original Jared’s personality is influencing me /// Hello readers, author here, the question you are asking yourselves, what to expect from this new novel? The world into which our MC reincarnated is a reality similar to ours, with some differences that will be explained throughout the story, he faces normal everyday problems, school, streets, gangs, fights, passions, besides that our MC will also follow a path of music, more specifically a RAPPER, it is an engaging novel that covers various topics, have fun!

Worldofimagination · Realistic
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13 Chs

End of the battle

"Here it is, folks! Let's move on to the second round! J-Smooth, show us what you got!"

J-Smooth takes his place in the center of the stage, staring down Slim Viper with intensity. He raises his hand, urging the crowd to make some noise.

"You thought you had control,

But today, I'm in charge, that's my role.

You may have tried, but you failed to stop me,

The truth hurts, you can't hide it anymore.

Look at you, an MC without fire, without spark,

Your flow is outdated, your talent so stark.

While I shine like the sun in the sky,

You sink into the shadows, with nothing left to try.

Audience, you saw how he lost his way,

In his own words, no escape, no pathway.

Accept the defeat, I am the future,

And you? Well, you're just another barrier."

"Do you hear that, hear the crowd? They want more, more J-Smooth! More J-Smooth!" (Says J-Smooth, pointing to the crowd.)

The crowd responds enthusiastically, with applause and cheers. J-Smooth gets ready to continue.

"Your arrogance won't save you,

In the ring of words, I will dominate you.

Your flow is weak, your rhymes faded,

While mine are sharp, always well-rated.

You flaunt, but you lack any substance,

A wolf in sheep's clothing, thinking you're the essence.

I am the real deal, no room for a copy,

I'll leave you speechless, in an empty lobby.

So face reality, it's time to confront,

Today I'm the lion, and you're just a kitten to taunt.

Audience, cheer with me, we're in the arena,

Because this battle is mine, this is where you suffer."

Before anyone can react, Slim Viper grabs the mic, with a malicious grin, he turns to the crowd and confidently steps toward J-Smooth.

"Look here, folks, I'll show you how fake J-Smooth is,

He thought he could shine, but I'll throw him in the abyss. (At this moment, he reaches J-Smooth and quickly grabs the notebook from his pocket.)

Oh, what do we have here in your pocket, J-Smooth? A notebook? (Shows it to the crowd)

A diary of secrets, where you hide your internal fear?

Let me take a look at this, let's see these notes, (Flipping through.)

Fragile and insecure verses, like the poetry of a defeated child.

J-Smooth, you delude yourself with empty rhymes and false bravado,

But I see through you, it's just a cheap facade.

So face the truth, you're just an apprentice,

While I'm the master who owns the stage with essence.

Audience, witness the unmasking of this amateur,

Slim Viper is here to show who the true master is.

Here it is, folks, J-Smooth's little secret,

A notebook of weak rhymes, which are nothing but grief.

He writes his fears, his doubts, his failures,

While I uncover his disguise, his rhymes are hollow shells.

J-Smooth, you hide behind meaningless words,

But deep down, you're just a lost boy, without a defined path."

J-Smooth, still adapting to the charged atmosphere of the battle, feels the pressure of Slim Viper's taunts and the audience's laughter. He quickly steps forward to confront Slim.

He snatches the notebook from Slim Viper's hands with a swift motion, the two standing face to face. "You think you can make fun of me in front of everyone?"

There's a pause as Slim responds with sarcasm. "Calm down, kid. It was just a joke."

J-Smooth, visibly irritated, doesn't accept the answer. "A joke? That was an insult, man. You wanted to expose me and make the crowd laugh?"

In a fit of rage, J-Smooth shoves Slim Viper, who quickly recovers.

"Watch it, rookie. Don't think I'm the only one with something to lose."

The crowd gets excited with the intensity and potential fight between J-Smooth and Slim Viper. Some spectators lift their phones, eager to capture every moment of the clash.

Razor steps in to calm things down and get the event back on track. "Hey, hey! Let's keep this to the rhymes, folks. We've got an audience waiting. J-Smooth, Slim Viper, back to the center stage to show what you can do."

"Alright, folks! Who thinks Slim Viper did better today?"

The crowd responds with enthusiastic cheers and applause, showing that Slim Viper won over the majority.

"And who enjoyed J-Smooth's rhymes? Let's hear it!"

Some applause and whistles are heard, indicating that J-Smooth also gained some fans.

Razor, after hearing the crowd's reactions, announces the result: "Slim Viper took this second round, so we're tied 1-1. Now let's move on to the third round!"




"Alright, folks! The moment you've all been waiting for has arrived. Third round!"

The crowd responds with cheers of excitement, clapping as J-Smooth and Slim Viper take their places in the center of the stage.

"J-Smooth, Slim Viper, show us what you've got! It's time to end this battle with a bang."

Slim Viper grabs the mic with his usual confidence and smile, raising his hand up and down.

"Look who's here with his rhyme book, J-Smooth, thinking he can compete, but he's just a lost kid. Your diary is your weapon, but it's just a refuge, you write your pains while I turn my rhymes into blows that destroy."

The crowd reacts with murmurs as Slim Viper continues to provoke.

"You cry to your diary, J-Smooth, trying to be a real MC, but you're just a boy who still needs his mommy. While you play at rhyming, I live the reality of the streets, where each of my rhymes is a sharp blow that leaves you beaten."

J-Smooth is visibly bothered by the attacks; he's not used to taking insults without reacting but tries to keep his composure.

Slim Viper, noticing this, decides to intensify his attacks and engage with the audience to increase the pressure.

"Look who's squirming on stage, J-Smooth, all nervous because his rhymes are as weak as a sigh. Do you guys think he's ready for this? He doesn't even know what a real battle is, he just wants to show off."

The crowd reacts with laughter and applause as Slim Viper continues to provoke.

"You're mad, J? Thinking of quitting? I get it, it's hard to deal with the truth. While you get lost in your emotions, I'm here dominating with my sharp rhymes, like a true master of the game."

"Look at J-Smooth here, trying to be someone, but deep down, he's nothing but an amateur. His rhymes are weak, his style is pathetic. J is nothing!"

"Hey, crowd, have you ever seen anyone as weak as J-Smooth? He thinks he's the king, but he's just a fool, a nothing. His rhymes are empty, his presence is a joke. J is nothing!"

The crowd, caught up in the dynamic of the staged rhyme battle, responds to Slim Viper's provocative command.

Crowd: "J is nothing!"

"Hey, folks! Pay attention here. J is nothing!"

He cups his hand to his ear, urging the crowd to repeat his words.

J-Smooth, facing the pressure from the crowd and Slim Viper's taunts, grabs the mic. Everything around him seems to slow down as he observes the reactions: the audience's laughter, Slim's mocking look, and Razor's worried expression. Internally, he mutters, "To hell with it."

He hands the mic to Razor, ignoring his expression, and leaves the stage.

The crowd remains agitated as Slim Viper watches with satisfaction, knowing he managed to destabilize his opponent.




Reader-Kun: This scene seems familiar... Wait a minute! Author-Sama!!

Author-Sama: Please! I can explain!!

(>'o')> Copyrights.