
I reincarnated as a bully.

This book is an original work by the author. A man reincarnates into a modern world in the body of infamous bully Jared Myers, but his memories didn’t come with him? Who was he before reincarnating? It doesn’t matter… now I am Jared and your past is a burden I have to carry, bullies want to beat me up? Bring it on, I’ll teach them a lesson, rap battles? That’s my specialty, damn, the original Jared’s personality is influencing me /// Hello readers, author here, the question you are asking yourselves, what to expect from this new novel? The world into which our MC reincarnated is a reality similar to ours, with some differences that will be explained throughout the story, he faces normal everyday problems, school, streets, gangs, fights, passions, besides that our MC will also follow a path of music, more specifically a RAPPER, it is an engaging novel that covers various topics, have fun!

Worldofimagination · Realistic
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Day of the battle

On the day of the battle, Jared was in his room getting ready. He opened the closet and grabbed a loose white t-shirt. He put on baggy jeans and laced up his worn-out high-top sneakers, white and well-worn.

He tied a black durag around his head, adjusting it carefully. He looked in the mirror, approving the simple look.

He grabbed his rhyme notebook and tucked it into the back pocket of his pants. He adjusted the durag once more and left the room, feeling ready as he descended the stairs.

Jared went to the kitchen to tell his mom, "Mom, I'm heading out."

She turned, drying her hands on her apron. "Want me to come with you?"

Jared shook his head, smiling. "Better not, mom. You'll feel out of place among that crowd."

She chuckled softly, agreeing. She approached and kissed his cheek, holding his face tenderly. "Go out there and show them what you're capable of, my Jay."

Jared smiled, feeling a bit more confident. "Thanks, mom."

Jared arrived at the rap battle venue. The atmosphere was charged with energy, heavy hip-hop beats echoing through the space. Razor, the host, spotted Jared and approached with a wide smile.

"Hey, man! Was afraid you'd chicken out, but looks like I was wrong."

"Told you I'd come." Jared responded with a laugh, fist-bumping him.

Razor laughed, giving a fist bump in return. "That's the spirit! Come on, let me introduce you to the crew."

As they walked around, Jared noticed several groups, some girls and guys talking while others were relaxed, drinking something, while others were kissing each other.

Razor led Jared to the DJ, a tall man with colorful dreads and stylish sunglasses, who was fine-tuning the sound.

"Jared, meet DJ Sonic. He's on the beats tonight."

DJ Sonic looked up, smiling as he greeted Jared with a nod. "What's up, man? First time here, right? Curious to see what you bring."

Jared smiled back, fist-bumping DJ Sonic. Razor then guided him to his opponent for the night, Slim Viper, a rapper with a somewhat confident demeanor.

"This is Slim Viper. You'll be facing off tonight."

Slim Viper gave Jared a brief look, nodding slightly and smirking. "Alright, man. Let's see if you can handle it."

Jared nodded, choosing not to comment on the slight jab, beginning to mentally prepare.

Seeing he was a little nervous, Razor gave his back a light slap. "Just go out there and do your thing, brother. The night's young."

POV in the third person

On stage, Razor, a tall man with short hair and a well-groomed mustache, held the microphone naturally.

"Good evening, everyone! We're here for another rap battle that's gonna be lit! Tonight, we've got two newcomers on the scene: Slim Viper, who's already shown his skills, and a rookie ready to impress, J-Smooth! Let's see who takes this!"

The crowd erupted, cheering and clapping. Razor, always energetic, raised the microphone and engaged the crowd with his signature shout.

"When I say 'Rap', you say 'Battle'! Rap…"




"That's it! Now, let's start the battle! Tonight, we've got Slim Viper against the newcomer J-Smooth!"

The crowd exploded into shouts and applause, creating a lively atmosphere. DJ Sonic, behind his turntables, gave a signal to Razor.

"Let's do this! Slim Viper, you're up first. DJ Sonic, drop the beat!"

DJ Sonic started playing a beat, and Slim Viper grabbed the microphone.

"Yoh! Yoh, Let's show this kid what rap really is, come on" Said Slim, shaking his arms calling to the public.

"J-Smooth, who are you with that uncertain name?

A newcomer around here, no talent discovered.

If it weren't for Razor, it would be a complete zero,

I've never heard your rhymes, you're just an awkward guy.

Talking about softness, but you're just an unlucky man,

I'll show who the king is here, without any doubt, every way.

So thank Razor for giving you this chance,

Otherwise, you would be out of the circumstances.

I'll show who the king is here, without any doubt.

No, actually, don't thank Razor,

He only brought you here to see you embarrassed, a future flop."

The crowd reacts with shouts and applause, energizing the environment.

Razor, excited by the crowd's energy, holds the microphone firmly.

"There it is, folks! The battle's heating up! J-Smooth, it's your turn, show us what you got!"

"Ho, Ho, Ho."

"Slim Viper, you think you're the owner of the scene,

But your rhymes are weak, not even worth it.

Talking about me, but your words are lies,

I came to show I'm fire, not just a breeze.

Watch what you say, I'm the furious dog of the microphone,

My rhymes are bites, sharp as a cyclone.

You may be experienced, but I'm the new era,

I'll show you the true meaning of chimera.

You attacked personally, now it's my turn,

I'll destroy your image, throw you at my feet.

Slim Viper, your arrogance is your weakness,

I'm the future of rap, and you're in my sights, your belief.

Your arrogance won't save you,

Your flow is basic, rhymes without soul, without applause.

You think you're the king, but you're just a puppet,

Spitting empty verses, no stock.

I entered this ring to break paradigms,

Show that in rap, the truth is that the minimum details make the difference between being a legend or being nothing,

And you, Slim Viper, will feel my journey.

Your personal attacks don't shake me, I'm firm,

In the battle of words, you lose dexterity.

I'm not just a rookie, I'm the new flame,

That will set this arena on fire and leave your fame in flames."

After the intense exchange of rhymes between J-Smooth and Slim Viper, the crowd erupts in applause and deafening cheers.

"Wow! That heat, folks! These guys are on fire! Let me hear you! Who thought Slim Viper killed it, make some noise!"

A deafening chorus of shouts and applause echoes through the arena.

"Now, who thinks J-Smooth killed it, show him some love!"

Another wave of even more intense applause and cheers resonates through the space.

"Let's go! And the winner of the first round, by the noise of the audience, is… J-Smooth! This guy's on fire tonight! Get ready for round two, which promises even more excitement!"

J-Smooth smiled as he drank from his water bottle, while Slim Viper stared at him, not very pleased to lose to a rookie.

As Slim returns to focus on his upcoming rhymes, he notices a small notebook in J-Smooth's back pocket…




Leitor-Kun: I say "Rap" and you say "Battle", RAP! (ง'̀-'́)ง

Autor-Sama: BATTLE! ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ

Leitor-Kun: Rap! (ง'̀-'́)ง

Autor-Sama: Battle! ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ