
I Refuse To Be An Archon [Genshin Impact]

Ivan figured he must be one of the most unlucky people to walk the face of the Earth. One day in particular cemented that opinion for him when he found himself falling into a world he found familiar, Teyvat. Specifically, Inazuma. What happens when somebody who only played Genshin Impact casually ends up stuck in a world fraught with danger around every corner for the average man?

TrashHeap · Video Games
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28 Chs

Chapter 27 - A New Room

"Fascinating," Yae Miko said upon seeing the completely different scenery in front of her. 

Less impressed by the change in scenery after teleporting to the Kamisato Mansion and back, Ivan glanced at Yae Miko's hand still holding his shoulder. After testing a few times, he found out that he could only bring her with him if they were making physical contact since he did not have a screen to create parties. 

'How convenient, I guess.'

Quickly shifting topics, Yae Miko suddenly said, "Now that I've sated my curiosity, now might be a good time to mention that another patient will be using the shrine's guest room tonight, meaning you will need to find other accommodations."


"Yes. I know you became quite comfortable using the guest room, but I hope you won't mind showing some consideration to another person who requires the aid of our shrine by relinquishing your claim on it?"

"I don't mind at all. It's just a bit sudden. And late at night."

"I apologize for the late notice."

Ivan sighed and shrugged before saying, "It's fine. I'm just thankful you let me use it for a couple days in the first place. Hm… got any camping supplies?"

Briefly giggling, Yae Miko raised a hand to cover her mouth and retorted, "I never said you needed to leave the shrine."

"Huh? Is there another guest room?"

"Not exactly. Follow me."

Raising a brow, Ivan hesitantly followed her inside. When she led him to the door he had seen her retire to at night before, he frowned. He could not figure out what this fox woman was thinking. Of course, his thoughts wandered to some inappropriate things for a moment, but he quickly cast those aside. Yae Miko never struck him as being so thirsty as to drag somebody she had only known for a few days into her bed chambers.

In front of him, Yae Miko casually entered her personal quarters and removed her sandals. Then, she turned her head to look at Ivan who stopped outside the door. While smirking at his expression of hesitance, she said, "Well, come in. What are you waiting for?"

"...Excuse me for the intrusion, then," Ivan mumbled while doing his best impression of Japanese etiquette. 

Stiff and awkward, he tiptoed inside and followed suit in removing his shoes. Yae Miko lent him a pair of indoor slippers to use that barely fit his feet before leading him further inside. 

Unable to withhold his curiosity, Ivan let his eyes wander around the small living room. He could also see a tiny kitchen through an open doorway across from him. Two other doors could be seen to his left and right. Aside from some simple furniture and decorations that suited the Electro region, he saw almost nothing else.

Yae Miko approached the door at the left side of the living room, opened it, and gestured for Ivan to follow. Inside, he saw a small and empty room containing only a closet and a dresser. 

Ignoring Ivan's somewhat puzzled expression, Yae Miko slid the closet cabinet open, pointed at a folded futon within, and said, "You may sleep here for the time being. I do keep this room clean even though it has not been used in a while, so no need to worry about dust."

'This all feels rather strange. Why is she offering such a thing so easily?'

While keeping such thoughts in the back of his mind, Ivan responded, "Uhm… Thanks, but is it really okay to use this room? I'm not even a priest or anything."

Yae Miko crossed her arms, stared blankly into the distance, and replied, "Since this room has not been used in a very long time, you may as well use it.

Then, she paused, moved her eyes to meet Ivan's gaze, and continued, "Because my friend who used to use this room occasionally has avoided me for so long, I may as well offer the space to you until she changes her mind and decides to visit me again. I do not believe she will want to use it for the time being, however."

"...This is Raiden Shogun's room?"

"Does that bother you?" Yae Miko asked. Then, she smirked and added, "Or does it excite you, perhaps?"

"Neither, but now I have other concerns aside from just being a mooch…"

"You really don't need to worry about it. As long as it is you, it is not a big deal."

Raising a brow, Ivan asked, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Who knows?"

Ivan sighed, shook his head, and mumbled, "Whatever. I'll be traveling to other places soon, so I guess I won't have to worry about offending her. Thanks for offering me a place to stay for the time being, Lady Yae."

"Mhm. You are very welcome. Now, do you by any chance know how to cook?"

"I might blow up the kitchen if I try."

"Pft! Is that coincidence or fate, I wonder? Nevermind cooking, then. Anyway, as long as you keep things clean, feel free to use this room whenever you need."

"No problem."

"Now, do you have the items I commissioned for you to obtain?"

"Ah, yeah. Almost forgot."

After Ivan handed over the items, Yae Miko wished him a restful sleep and retreated to her own room straight across from the door of his new room. When she slid the bamboo door shut behind her, Ivan looked up at the ceiling and pondered the previous interaction with the pink-haired fox woman. 

'Well, I guess I at least haven't made a terrible impression by activating the waypoint. Really not sure what is going through her head right now, though.'


A/N: Apologies for the short break. Since I only played a little bit of HI3 in the past and felt that I was missing important lore details that could help me write this story the way I want, I went back to start where I left off a couple years ago, right around chapter 4ish. (I had stopped since I wasn't a huge fan of how it played back then and only read the wiki from time to time to give myself context for Genshin and Star Rail stuff).

Chapter 9 broke me even though I was spoiled on it. If you haven't played HI3, I recommend trying it. It's worth it. 

The pain Mihoyo stories give me is why I love them so much. 

Anyway, I'm back with lots of motivation and a clearer understanding of the HI3 elements that I wanted to have a better understanding of.

Next chapter will have more substance. This one was more like an interlude of sorts before I start moving the main plot into focus.