
I reborn for revenge

[WARNING: R18+, MATURE CONTENT ] Love is an unreasonable feeling, which can be both bright and authentic at the same time. It can be both embarrassing and comforting. It can be warm enough to withstand its possession at times, or it can be strong enough to destroy the personality. And occasionally, it turns into an unwanted miracle of a long-forgotten wish being fulfilled at precisely the right moment. Misunderstanding is the biggest crisis in the universe, which can easily destroy the lives of people. ____________________________________ 'You hurt me over and over again. You subject me to punishment which I don't know. ' 'Why do you hate me so much?' 'Were there flaws in my love?' While she was slowly losing consciousness, she asked when she saw his face in front of him. She was able to hear his unsteady heartbeat, which was anxious and wild as he was holding her in his embrace. But she was confused by his unsteady behavior. She thought her death would bring him happiness, which he thought she had taken away from him. So why was he showing different behavior which was unknown to her? ___________________________ This is a story of love, hate, and betrayal. Will they be able to find their peace and forgive each other? You'll find out in the next few chapters. Love Dream Fairy

Dream_Fairy · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Why is he here?

"When I was a child, I heard a song that had lyrics about death. I don't know why but I felt a sudden desire to save the female singer who had so much pain infatuated with her song and wished for death. From the lyrics of her song, anyone can see her hidden desire for life over death.

I didn't know why she was wishing that way. Back then, I was a kid, and the time when I heard that song was the most peaceful time of my life. I had everything at the time. That's why I never understood the song and the singer."

"Now I know why she was like that. " The sheet under Yin Lan's palm was hardly squeezed. The scene in front of her caused her face to violently contort, and she wished she was dead.

Sometimes it is difficult for someone to have desires for life. But that doesn't mean that someone wishes for death.

The surroundings of that person made him wish for that.

The problem is that the living, It is sometimes more difficult to live a life than to wish for one.

Sobbing sounds started to produce through Yin Lan's mouth unconsciously, and her eyes were just focused on locating the shadow movements in the dark room.

The shadow is the people who came here to ruin her. She suddenly remembered feeling a slight pain in her stomach when she awoke on the bed she was currently lying on. She was in pain, but the pain was not severe as she was perfectly able to move her body, which is why she did not pay attention. And now, after paying attention, she understands she is in that condition because of some drug. and that drug too, take some time before making its appearance. Now is the time.

She now remembers that in her past life, she once got kidnapped. And it was the day when she was literally happy for the second time in her life because all of her hard work somewhat got paid. But those moments of joy did not last long. she was abducted when she was leaving the hospital.

The most beautiful day of her life turned into a hellish nightmare. She grieved and grieved, but her prayers were ignored, and no help was offered to her.

Yes, it was the evening of her last life when she got the report in her hand about being pregnant. But those happy times did not last long, and she became one of life's jokes. Even before breaking the news to her husband, she found herself being humiliated and being naked and her legs were spread by the man, who was not her husband but some beast who enjoyed her.

And it wasn't just one person who lusted for her and abused her body and soul; it was a group of people. That whole night, her body was getting touched by them one after another and she was lying still like a dead body on the bed. The only thing she was able to do was cry. She doesn't remember when she fainted out of trauma in her last life. All she thought about dying was the next day when she woke up on the bed with her naked body, which was bruised everywhere.

she run into the bathroom and looked inside the mirror then without even thinking she broke the mirror and grab the piece of it. Staring blankly at it, she started screaming. She started cutting her own flesh with it. The parts of her body that men touched. Even thinking about last night was distorting for her, but she couldn't help but recall it all. She scrawled on her arms, thighs, and neck in every single place they touched. It was as if she wanted to erase their touch from her body with those nightmares if possible, but that was just wishful thinking.

The floor of the bathroom was painted red within a minute with her clothes, but she didn't stop scratching. She even scraped her face as she screamed, "Why me?" as she fell on the floor.

She was so devastated and determined to kill herself as she breathed faintly while about to force the piece of mirror on her stomach, but moving just a few inches, she stopped in the middle.

In the end, she couldn't bring herself to kill her body. In front of her eyes, the ultrasound image of her unborn child breathing materialized. The little seedling's audible and distinct heartbeat. Something living and her own was taking shelter in her body. How could she kill that child? It was not his fault. It is totally innocent. Because of the child inside her. She screamed and scratched her skin, feeling utterly loathful toward her own flesh.

She cried and yelled, but things can't be changed. She wrapped her hands around her stomach as she fell, without realizing that her child was no more. The cruelty that her mother witnessed was too much for him, and he was unable to bear what had happened to her mother. She had miscarried because of those beasts. The fact that the courage YinLan gathered was totally in vain was the biggest joke of her life.

And now in this life too, they are here to defile her again.

Upon realizing this, she began to shiver after sobbing nonstop. That's only because if those things happen again, that means she's pregnant again. and the thought of losing her child is really heartbreaking for her. She had been eagerly waiting for a child in her life for so long after getting married. She wished to see her child's face, for whom she had woven so many dreams. She doesn't want that child to die again in her womb without even seeing the world.

Her lips, which were all wet with her tears, quivered as she let out a whisper, "No! I don't want my child to get hurt again, please!"

While she was crying uncontrollably like a broken doll, a very loud sound came from outside.

Extreme lighting, which can be heard even in a closed room, flashes the light of it, producing a loud sound. And after a fraction of time, the lightning sound is produced, and the heavy sound of drops falling on the ground makes its breakthrough.

Her attention was pulled to the sound, and she thought to herself, "It's raining! Then it's the same day without a doubt. "

She felt so miserable and heartbroken, with her tears flowing like a river.

It's like her tears are falling through the sky.

But what's the point?

Even if they cry, The sky won't help.

Things will go back to how they were before, and she will be humiliated and lose her child. The child, along with her mother, will become a victim.

She looked towards the window as she screamed in her head, "If God wanted to send me back to my life, he could have sent me sometime earlier, but why did he pick this time?"

"Does he want me to go through the same pain?"


"And what did my child do wrong that he is being punished along with me?"

"Why are you doing this, God?"

"I thought of you as my guardian and protector, but this..."

"Now it seems you are not my guardian at all." Yin Lan abruptly stops sobbing.

Her eyes become blank upon realizing that there is no hope for her. Her hand even stops struggling to touch her stomach because it is useless. She can't even move a finger. It was like she had accepted her fate and given in.

But all of a sudden she raised her eyes again towards the windows, which were now filled with rage. She yelled in her head, "If you want me to go through the pain, then bring it on, God."

"I swear this is the last day you have your way of tormenting me and after that, I won't let you hurt me."

"But...!" All of a sudden, her eyes lowered in despair again as she thought to herself, "Even if I say that. My child! He will die again in my womb. "

All she wants right now is to just run away, but she can't do that either.

"Pathetic!" she shouted.

Upon staring at the ceiling blankly, she murmurs, "Then it settled."

She made a vow with her eyes filled with fire, "If you let those things happen again, this time I will kill myself. And if you send me back again this time, I will kill myself over and over again until you are satisfied and stop sending me back this time. "

"I will not let you have your way, and enjoy my pain."

"I will make you regret sending me back."

"I will make your efforts go to waste."

"You hear me!" she exclaimed as she finished.

Her vow was firm this time because she didn't want to be miserable anymore.

Her strong exhalations were the only source of noise in the room.

Outside the room, while she was cursing God, thunderclaps followed one another, with strong winds rushing in through the window.

Through the small opening, where the little air is allowing the heavy curtain draped on the window to move.

A ray of light began to shine through the opening, revealing the entire shadow lurking in the hide.

The lighting, shines in the pause, revealing the man standing near her bed.

Seeing that person, her eyes widened, but she was a little relieved too. Because it was not a group of people but only one person.

That means the group of men who defiled her that night, whose faces she doesn't even remember but who still made her suffer a lot, are not here.

She noticed that her body, which had been struggling earlier, now began to feel lighter.

But if she remembers correctly, wouldn't it be that night? Then why is this night different?

"Did I guess it wrong?" she whispers silently.

"Is it not the same day?" She contemplated and thought again, "I don't remember any other day of my life other than that night in which I experienced drugs inside me like this, and outside, even drops of rain are falling. Then it should be that day, shouldn't it? What exactly is going. On?"

Before she can think of anything, the clock on the wall produces the midnight strike.

Making her perplexed by the sudden sound but giving her relief in return too.

She became the victim of those kidnappers' lust at midnight and remained their toy until morning. All she could remember was the sound of the clock on the wall, which was striking on and on while she was crying in her last life.

"Does this mean God has not abandoned me yet?" she thought to herself grinning slightly.

But before she could get too relaxed, the thunderstorm light revealed the face of the person who was standing in the room.

And Yin Lan, who had just become more relaxed, reverts to terror, and her face, which had become a little more alive, returns to its previous state of paleness.

"No !" she screamed and grasped hard, saying, "Why is he here?"