
I reborn for revenge

[WARNING: R18+, MATURE CONTENT ] Love is an unreasonable feeling, which can be both bright and authentic at the same time. It can be both embarrassing and comforting. It can be warm enough to withstand its possession at times, or it can be strong enough to destroy the personality. And occasionally, it turns into an unwanted miracle of a long-forgotten wish being fulfilled at precisely the right moment. Misunderstanding is the biggest crisis in the universe, which can easily destroy the lives of people. ____________________________________ 'You hurt me over and over again. You subject me to punishment which I don't know. ' 'Why do you hate me so much?' 'Were there flaws in my love?' While she was slowly losing consciousness, she asked when she saw his face in front of him. She was able to hear his unsteady heartbeat, which was anxious and wild as he was holding her in his embrace. But she was confused by his unsteady behavior. She thought her death would bring him happiness, which he thought she had taken away from him. So why was he showing different behavior which was unknown to her? ___________________________ This is a story of love, hate, and betrayal. Will they be able to find their peace and forgive each other? You'll find out in the next few chapters. Love Dream Fairy

Dream_Fairy · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: The terror of the night

The warm warmth of the bed was so familiar to her that she assumed it was her own bed due to the sensation she was experiencing. She became comfortable, retiring to her pillow, thinking what she saw might be a dream. She panicked again as she paid attention to her surroundings after a brief moment of rest while remaining in the same posture.

She had her doubts from the start about the room. Because it was dark. While sleeping in the dark, she enjoyed seeing the stars at night. Since her childhood, she has been afraid of the dark. But after her mother's death, she started liking the dark sky because the stars were so consoling. beautiful and twinkling now and then. Whenever the stars twinkled, it felt to her that her dear mother was talking to her and giving her a response. So every night she talks to her mother before sleeping and tells her about her day. So, each night, she left her window curtain open so that she could see the stars clearly, even on nights when the moon was full. She doesn't close her curtains at all because moonlight doesn't bother her; instead, seeing the sky while sleeping gives her a calm slumber after a miserable day.

Slightly clenching the pillow near her chest, she silently whispers, "So, if it's my room, shouldn't the curtain be open? But why is the curtain drawn? "

'Unless, of course, this is not my room.'

Her bones tremble as waves of unknown fear wash over her body.

She moved her hand all over the place, touching everything, just to make sure it was definitely her room.

As her hand brushed through the pillow, she murmured softly to herself, "Maybe I'm overthinking things. She tried to calm her heaving anxiety. But her hands were not moving silently; instead, they were violently rubbing through it, confirming her suspicions. She grasped deeply as she found no pattern on the pillow. No way in her life has she ever bought a plain pillow. So where did that plain pillow come from, and also, why is the curtain in the room drawn too? That only means one thing. This is not her room.

"Where am I?" she thought to herself. Dry sweat started to rush down her back, and her cheeks blushed with warmth.

This is when she realized her body was not even fully covered with clothes. She might be modern, but she never ever in her life slept in her only undergarment because that was somehow uncomfortable. Then why on earth was she lying on the bed with her bra and underwear? If she is not lazy enough to forget to put on her night dress without a doubt, then where is her whole cloth? How could she be stupid enough to not pay attention to this important detail? Out of fear, she jumped out of bed just to run to the door. but the darkness was not helping her at all. She doesn't know which way the exit door was situated in the room. And the worst thing that made her collapse on the bed again was her sharp headache. What a futile effort! She did not even manage to properly stand on the floor of the room and fell again on the bed.

"I was clearly fine a few moments ago, then why? she said.

Her body was half-dressed, and now she was feeling a sharp pain in her head. That pain was even making her breathing uneven. If she was not ill, then why was she feeling those ailments? Huffing in confusion as she clenches her chest, she wishes to scream for help.

"But why is my voice not coming out? Her fear started to cover her spine as she found only a blow of air coming from her mouth. What could be the reason for all her conditions? She started thinking about her situation. All the events led her to only one conclusion. There might be some drugs in her body.

"What kind of drug could be this effective? She was feeling like she was losing control of her body. It was as if her body was slowly becoming paralyzed. But the good thing is that she is still able to feel her body. Earlier in her dream, she was not even sensing a single part of her body, controlling it; it was really far away to talk.

Her panicked situation made her remember a few scenes from her dream that were very similar to her current situation. It was very painful. Sad emotions started to engulf her. The question is, Why would those scenes that never happened to her even appear in front of her eyes?

The things she witnessed might not have been dreams; instead, it was like she had actually been through them. So those experiences were not actually dreams. Did that mean she actually died? That can be the only possible answer for why the situation she is in and the drug she is feeling in her body seem quite familiar to her.

With her uneven breathing, her heart started to pound loudly. and her eyes, which were roaming around the room, dilated like an animal's. Soon after, she found heat sweeping through her body, starting from her toe and slowly embracing her whole body. All her senses started to react differently. She found herself engulfed in a sudden desire for something. She quivered her back and let out a soft moan. After that, she discovered that all of her strength within her body had vanished as quickly as a puff of air. She struggled for movement, but nothing came out of her effort at all.

She came to a conclusion as she found herself lying on the bed like a dead body again, deprived of any movement.

"Yes, this is it, and I can't deny it anymore. I actually did die. And now I think I've awakened in some period of my life, but where? Blankly staring at the ceiling, Yinlan thought.

Even though she has sensations back in her body and the feeling of numbness has gone, she has no strength at all. She cannot even make a single move from her body, which is as good as dead.

She started to recall her previous life events just to confirm at what point in her life she had awakened. She became cold all of a sudden.

Her body scar and many other wounds on her body were not inherited; she acquired them during her previous life. Now, if she doesn't have them on her body, that means she might have become so young. but these tragic events led her to conclude that she might be in her mid-twenties.

"This is not that night when I got kidnapped, right?" She felt her whole world crumbling before her eyes as a few scenes from the night of her nightmare jumped before her eyes.

She suddenly moved her eyes all over the place again. Now the relief on her face turned grim, as the fear was controlling her emotions.

She screamed violently, "No, no, no, no!"

"This is not what I am thinking."

"God can't do this to me again. I have already been to hell once, and I cannot go through it again."

"Someone! Please help! "

She started to force her body to move so she could run away from the place, but after violently struggling for a while, she found no result. Her eyes were all covered with tears, and her body was soaked with sweat. She started to sob in her position after her failure, making her nose run over through her mouth. She was really feeling hopeless, with her eyes desperately watching the ceiling.

She screamed in her head, Did I do something wrong, god?"

"This is the same as before, and I now understand that this is the same night as before."

Biting her lips ferociously, which were meant to rip it off, she demanded, "All these years of prayers, do they mean nothing?"

"Why are you doing this to me again?"

"No! Someone, please put a stop to it."

"This is something I will not accept."

"Please, please, please!"

"Why am I going back to the worst day of my life again?"

Her hysterical sobbing stops as her attention is pulled toward the shadow when it moves. This is when she realizes she is totally doomed.

She was not alone inside the dark, closed room at all; there was someone else in the room beside her.

She all of a sudden remembered the touch on her body earlier on, which she had previously forgotten about.

"So it already begins. And I do not have time to run at all. That was the reality. And someone really touched me for a while. This is the worst nightmare of my life—the day that has shattered my soul and haunted me over and over again throughout my life.

"And they are not even ashamed of doing all those things to me. Instead, they even enjoyed that," she shouted in her thoughts, clenching her teeth as tight as she could.

Because this is the day when she got set up by the people she trusted most. One of her own people. But one thing she doesn't understand is why they have so much hatred for her that they didn't even have the haste to make her life this miserable. What was her fault, after all? All she did was love them from her heart, but what she got in the end was their scorn, their bullying, and their betrayal.

"I am unable to move like earlier, which means it is the same day."

The stream of tears never stopped flowing through her eyes out of fear.

Now her heart felt like it was breaking apart. She was really on the edge of her emotions.

"So my hell is not over yet, and my serenity was just a fleeting illusion. The throbbing pain crushed her heart, and her face contorted in disgust.

On this day in her previous life, she lost her dignity and all hope for her life.

And now it's the same in her hell, which could repeat at any moment.

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