
I Really Dont Want To Be A Trainer (MTL)

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of inverse attributes, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Lu Ye, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone UP owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!” The book is also known as: “Five-division Lu Ye”, “Adolescent trainers will not dream of a Shenao champion”, “Miss Zhulan wants me to confess”, “Becoming a world champion starts with the anchor”… [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] ps: it's MTL so don't comment some nonsense I just want to share my 1 of fav Chinese pokemon fanfiction pss: if you really want too read it in advance here's the link: https://comrademao.com/novel/i-really-dont-want-to-be-a-trainer/

Sticky_Finger · Video Games
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110 Chs

Chapter 3

As soon as Luke's live broadcast room opened, the barrage began to refresh.

"It's dinner, brother is cute!"

"Yes? Why didn't the anchor turn on the camera?"

"From Bilibili Video, Substitute-Toxic-Protect -Paralysis is really dirty!"

Luke opened "Pokemon: Battle" while reading the barrage.

"Why didn't the anchor turn on the camera-I need over 100,000 subscriptions to show up."

In a blink of an eye, a series of question marks flashed.


Is this anchor so unique?

Although the sound is good and pleasant, are you afraid that you are also a beta tank driving?

"Ten years old fan, Teacher Luke is definitely a good-looking anchor!"

"No one really pays attention to Teacher Luke just to look at his face, right? No way No way! "

"There is Teacher Luke's screen recording in the post bar. Although it takes less than five seconds to appear on the screen, it is definitely a male Divine Grade. No wonder, just barely count the actor's face."

Luke's face is not red and heartbeat.

"Thank you for the plane that'Teacher Luke's new movie will be released'... It's coming soon. I will discuss the script with Diantha first."

"Thanks to'Teacher Luke and mother Machamp posted the ten cards sent out... Today, let's not talk about Machamp."

"Today I will continue to bring you the teaching of Pokémon Battle."

The voice of the curtain was surprisingly unanimous.

"I ask the host for a Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis teaching!"

"My Starter Pokemon happens to be Bulbasaur, ask for a detailed tutorial!"

Luke glanced at the barrage.

"Thank you for the airplane sent by'Bulbasaur How Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis'."

"For those who can afford Three Initial Starters, it shouldn't be a problem to evolve into Venusaur... …Then let's talk about Venusaur's tactical positioning."

Luke opens the team editor and drags Venusaur into the team.

"Venusaur has many different styles, such as the Sun Team system, which uses Chlorophyll to speed up the output."

"Or on the basis of Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis, Learn about Synthesis and Leech Seed and play the role of the station."

"It's useless to say more, I'll show you a good demonstration."

Cut into the game screen, Luke matched one An international friend from Johto Alliance, ID "Billiard Boy with Wind".

"Wow, digging out the mud."

Luke greeted friendly in Japanese while Locking On Venusaur.

The first Pokémon that opponent played was a Typhlosion named "Exbo".


Kanto, Pallet Town.

The girl with orange ponytail, gently patted her flushed cheeks, took a deep breath.

"It's okay, it's just watching the movie together. He shouldn't be thinking much..."

Put up the courage, Yellow of Viridian Forest rang the doorbell nervously After a while, a male voice came from the intercom.

"It's you." Red said with a smile, "The door is open, you can go straight to the second floor."

Into Red's house?

Yellow of Viridian Forest only feels that my cheeks are red hot, but I am a little curious in my heart.

At this time, he should be training right?

Opening the door somewhat cautiously, a silhouette jumped down from the second floor and rushed into the arms of the Yellow of Viridian Forest.

"Pika tweeted~~!"

"Long time no see, Pikachu."

Yellow of Viridian Forest smiled and stroked gently Pikachu.


Pikachu happily jumped down, followed the wall and leaped up the stairs flexibly.

lifts the head, the face of Yellow of Viridian Forest turned red in a moment.

At the entrance of the corridor, a young man with short black hair and firm eyes caught Pikachu, stopped Pikachu on his shoulder, said with a smile:

"Yellow, I found out today A very interesting Trainer!"

In Red's room.

The room is clean and tidy. The cupboards are full of trophies, but the furnishings are simple, with only one bed and one computer.

"Just sit down!"

As soon as he spoke, Red found embarrassingly that the only chair was occupied by himself.

"I, I just sit on the bed..."

Yellow of Viridian Forest blushed, and whispered in a soft voice.

"That's okay."

Red scratched his head, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Yes, Yellow, you come and see this!"

Yellow of Viridian Forest leaned over, pulled up the hair on the side of the ear, said curiously: "This is not your usual Did you play that game?"

""Pokemon: Battle"."

Red said with a smile: "It's very similar to a real battle. It needs to be directed by a microphone in real time. I use this to relax when I'm tired from training."

"You...Even when you are resting, you are still full of battles."

Yellow of Viridian Forest's cheeks are slightly Flushed.

But Red didn't pay attention, and excitedly said: "You watch this person's live broadcast!"

"This person has a great understanding of Venusaur's tactics!"


"Unless you are also a powerful Trainer in reality, it is impossible to have this kind of consciousness."

"ahhhh, I really want to play against him and exchange Venusaur's breeding experience!"

"Pika tweeted~!"

"haha, Pikachu, you want to fight him too, right?"

Yellow of Viridian Forest looked at the live broadcast curiously .

The classic 6V6 matchup, Master Rank Match matchup, ID "Teacher Luke has dinner today" vs. "Wind Billiard Boy".

Because it is an international live broadcast, the platform comes with real-time subtitle translation, so that these two people can also understand the "Teacher Luke" commentary.

"How dare this person send Typhlosion! It's also Exbo? It's over if I don't want Toxic or Toxic!"

It's obviously a Defying Attribute battle, but Venusaur uses "Toxic +Protect" Typhlosion was consumed alive.

Subsequently, Venusaur defeated Ambipom and Sunflora one after another.

From beginning to end, the red "Teacher Luke" only sent a Pokémon from Venusaur, but completed a feat of wearing three pieces.

A series of question marks filled the screen.

"I'm stupid, Defying Attribute defeats Typhlosion, can I still be full!?"

"Teacher Luke is not eating anymore, my youth is over!"

"Stop, this is not Pokémon Battle at all!"

Yellow of Viridian Forest muttered: "Red, this ID, shouldn't it be..."

"Ah, It should be Gold." Red coughed, "I remember he loved playing this game."

In the virtual video, Leech Seed of Venusaur formed a vine and plunged into Togekiss's body. Continuously drawing energy.

Togekiss wailed and flapped his wings, but the Air Slash he waved was resisted by a layer of crystal clear barrier.

During the live broadcast, Luke's commentary came: "hold on and stall, the other side explodes on the spot!"

"Toxic can be replaced by Leech Seed, one piece is better!"

Togekiss has a purple symbol of poisoning, but he is still tortured by the vines formed by Leech Seed.

Even if the offensive made a fluke and the wound on Venusaur's body was not as big as a pinky finger, Luke let Venusaur use Synthesis...

The barrage of hiding the sky and covering the earth drifted past .

"Please be your own person!"

"Is this Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis? I love it!"

"One Wear four! Venusaur wears four!"

With a thump, Togekiss in the live screen fell from the air.

On the other hand, Venusaur is not only refreshed, but also wants to have another Synthesis and do a SPA...

Yellow of Viridian Forest can't help but sigh softly: "The timing is very good! "

"Yes." Red nodded, "Even Gold is not his opponent at all."

The layman is watching the excitement, and the layman is watching the doorway.

"Pokemon: Battle" is a real-time command simulation battle, which is enough to reflect Trainer's tactical qualities.

Different from ordinary viewers, Red and Yellow of Viridian Forest, the two powerful Trainers, saw something deeper——

In "Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis "Behind the tactics is the precise control of timing, which extremely tests Trainer's commanding ability.

It is certain that the anchor of this ID "Teacher Luke has dinner today" is definitely an experienced Trainer.

Even... even Gold is not his opponent!

"Now you know why I don't go training today." Red said with a smile.

"Watching the trainer's battle, this is an important part of training!"

Yellow of Viridian Forest wanted to complain, this is obviously a game!

But even for a game, this is no less than a high-end Pokémon Battle.

Yellow of Viridian Forest, where curiosity is burning, and Red watched the live broadcast completely with concentrated attention.