
I Really Dont Want To Be A Trainer (MTL)

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of inverse attributes, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Lu Ye, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone UP owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!” The book is also known as: “Five-division Lu Ye”, “Adolescent trainers will not dream of a Shenao champion”, “Miss Zhulan wants me to confess”, “Becoming a world champion starts with the anchor”… [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] ps: it's MTL so don't comment some nonsense I just want to share my 1 of fav Chinese pokemon fanfiction pss: if you really want too read it in advance here's the link: https://comrademao.com/novel/i-really-dont-want-to-be-a-trainer/

Sticky_Finger · Video Games
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110 Chs

Chapter 2

After calming down, Luke went online to collect relevant information.

First, we must figure out what this World has become.

Due to the tightening of the world line, Luke's world and Pokémon world are merged into one.

But it seems that only Luke is aware of this.

Even the history textbooks have changed.

According to the appearance of Pokémon, it can be roughly divided into ancient times, middle ancient times, modern times and modern times.

Far Ancient Era, the number of Mew gradually decreased, and the oldest prehistoric Pokemon was born.

Middle Ancient era, Meteorite fell in the Hoenn Region, triggering the awakening of the ultra-ancient Pokémon, which was finally subdued by Rayquaza.

In modern times, Professor Nishino Mori of Celadon University invented Poké Ball in 1925, which became the beginning of modern "Pokémon Studies".

"These are actually compulsory content in history." Luke looked strange.

Even the history of Pokémon, there are endless memory points.

For example, the Parfum Palace was built in 1700, and the first Pokémon Alliance tournament was held in 1896...

It would be a bit painful to let Luke one after another remember it.

"It seems that even if it is Pokémon world, it is not so good to be a master!"

Luke sighed and opened the online "High School Political Compulsory Three".

Due to the emergence of Pokémon, a centralized organization represented by Alliance has gradually formed.

In this parallel world, Luke is located in Magic City of "Orient Alliance".

Other Regions, as well as "Kalos Alliance", "Unova Alliance" and so on, are just as good as Luke's memory.

"It seems that Pokémon world is really fused with reality."

Luke froze for a long time, putting out a breath for a long time.

"Is it possible that...I have a chance to be a Trainer?"

Becoming a Pokémon Trainer has always been Luke's dream.

But when Luke went online to collect information, he suddenly hesitated.

"The mortality rate is so high!?"

In this World, becoming a Trainer is by no means an easy task.

Being proficient in many foreign languages ​​is just the basis. Chinese, Japanese, French, English and even Trainer's compulsory languages ​​are required.

Financial strength, academic qualifications, resources, and contacts are indispensable.

The extremely high mortality rate makes Trainer classified as a "high-risk occupation" and Pokémon Battle even becomes an "extreme sport."

Compared with other industries, the restriction of high risk and high threshold makes the number of Trainers extremely scarce.

Of course, the popularity of Poké Ball is still quite high.

The general public can also conquer Pokémon, and there are not a few people who love Pokémon and own Pokémon.

Luke froze for a moment, as if reacting suddenly.

"Being a trainer...does it not fragrant when being a plagarist?"

Due to the emergence of Pokémon, the cost of special effects in movies, games and other industries has been greatly reduced, but the quality of the film is hard to say.

Like this commercial film called "Brycen-Man" starred by Unova Icirrus Gym Leader Brycen and produced by Pokéwood.

The old-fashioned plot and templated heroism have actually made it to IMDB TOP250.

Luke can't think of a reason for not being popular.

In the field of games, due to the parallel world, none of the works of the previous world fire appeared.

The most popular game is "Pokemon: Battle" which is developed by Hoenn Devon Corporation and Luke broadcasts live every day.

"Pokemon: Battle" refers to the reality of Pokémon Battle, using Virtual Imaging Technology to make a real-time system, and the audience is quite wide.

Some Trainer Academy even use this game as a teaching material to exercise students' command awareness.

Many well-known Trainers, including "The Fighter" Red, are loyal users of this game.

Due to the threshold of Pokémon Battle, the major tactics that Luke is familiar with have not been popularized.

This is also the reason why Luke can gain millions of views only by relying on the "Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis" tactics.

"It seems that I will be able to make two videos in the future. 100 Great Content Host is just around the corner..."

Based on Luke's understanding of Pokémon Battle, I will make several more videos of millions of quality , It is really with no difficulty.

But before that, you have to figure out the operating mechanism of Bilibili in this parallel world.

Luke followed Leek, while gnawing roast duck, while continuing to browse Bilibili.

Different from previous lives, Bilibili, Youtube, Twitch, Nexus and other major platforms are almost the same batch of bloggers.

For example, the Content Uploader, which is currently on fire on Youtube-

The Water Type Gym Leader from Galar Alliance, Nessa, known as the "Black Pearl", is also a fire in Bilibili .

Slim and healthy legs, healthy wheat-colored skin, Nessa in the video jumped out of the sea while riding on Milotic, splashing with crystal water.

This beautiful scene made Luke a little surprised.

"Actually...it really is Nessa!"

"Think about it, even Red has appeared, and Gym Leader should be the same."

This photo video is the top of the Bilibili Fashion District, and the publisher is Nessa himself.

There are many talents in the comment area.

"Nessa took a photo of LV, and my youth is back!"

"wu wu, Nessa little angel, mother loves you!"

"Do you like that? You are greedy for her body, you are mean!"

In line with the principle of practicing true knowledge, Luke opened the dance zone.

Luke, who thought he would see traditional performances in the dance area, regretfully saw a man.

The popular internet celebrity of INS, the dark-skinned Galar Dragon Type Gym Leader, Raihan.

The body is well-proportioned and slightly ruffian, Raihan wears an orange red headscarf, showing a hearty smile and white teeth.

Although he is not as handsome as Luke, but with his dance and Dragon Type Gym Leader identity, Raihan has extremely high popularity on social media.

In the category of film and television, the cover is the Hollywood actress, and Diantha's new film announcement...

"It seems that the profession of Content Uploader is still very promising."

Luke muttered.

"Luke will continue the live broadcast tonight, let's wait and see for a while, and then make plans..."

Luke has a general plan for the future direction.

When Trainer is impossible, it is impossible in this life.

Only by writing novels and making videos can I make a living.

Although there is no plan to become a Trainer, Luke is very excited about keeping a few Pokémon as pets.

"What kind of Pokémon is it good to raise..."

"Since it is inappropriate to play against the party, cuteness must be the first!"

"Eevee? Pikachu?"

"From now on, I will smoke Eevee and Pikachu at the same time, isn't it elated!"

The market price of a Poké Ball is 500 yuan.

I checked the balance and counted the incentives of millions of videos played, Luke still has about 2W yuan.

Luke plans to go to the Pokémon store in Magic City tomorrow to buy Poké Ball.

That night, Luke broadcast live as usual.

Due to the fermentation of the video, Luke's popularity broke through 20W as soon as it started broadcasting.