
I Raised Transmigraters and Regressers

A 20 years old man named Noah who is an average looking guy with good personality and a popular vtuber he is in the hospital suffering from a very rare disease which caused him to be unable to move outside his bed. as time goes by he still chose to smile despite his end coming near. on his deathbed he wished he would reincate in a world where he could walk freely everywhere he go, his wish was granted and soon he reincarnated into the body of the boy Eren watch as he discover new things and unbeknownst to him about the children he would encounter, Join him in his epic journey to become the strongest while being a father to his children. (A.N yes it's confusing since it says a boy not a man but please look forward for the story)

Wanderingcelestial · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 39: Cynthia Hardwood (Part 3)

The shockwave of Cynthia's attack caused the entire fog to disperse and give her the chance to see the full appearance of the attacker,

He was wearing full black armor with horns on his helmet and his sword was still in its sheath, He stood up and shrugged the dust off as if it was nothing then taunted Cynthia to come,

"Huh! your underestimating me aren't ya? very well! I'll make you regret it!" she charges at him but, instead of the front she took him by surprise and slashed him at the back slightly giving him a small cut,

"Tsk, you're really lucky aren't ya" she said as she slashed the air creating a large crescent moonlike shape, [Air Blade] + [Glacial Strike] = [Glacial Crescent Moon Strike].

The being drawed its sword attempting to parry her attack, fortunately it managed to parry it but it's not without consequences.

It damaged the armor and the flesh inside it not only did damage it, it began to rot slowly and right after that, a terrible scream was heard.


The deafening shout shook the earth, causing the earth to tremble, Cynthia Shook her head and said.

"You're quite noicy huh?"

As she lunged forward slashing her enemy.


The Black knight or creature deflected it and growled angrily at Cynthia.

Grrrrrrr!!!!! Raaaaggghhhh!!!!

"Tch! tough bastard"






The sound of their battle was heard far and wide, causing a massive amount of damages around them beasts and monsters alike instinctively ran, knowing death awaits them if they go near that certain place.






Both of them knocked each other back, both of them severely injuring each other.

<Cough> "Izzat all ya got!" Cynthia said mockingly slightly struggling to stand up wiping the blood from her mouth.

The Black knight or creature did the same as well, Before it could even stand suddenly a blinding light appeared right before it.

"Oh Mother Of Light! Give me the strength to slay thy tarnished, Let me purify thy enemy under your name! Grant me the Authority to Bring Light in the darkest hours...!"

Come Forth! Sedün's Blade!! Glorious Mystery! Gloria Estēfan Drastia von Destorya!!!

Suddenly the darkest night was engulfed by a sudden burst of light, and there... a woman descended from the heavens...

As she walked down towards the the very Earth, time seems to stop as if time and space bowed to her will.

Cynthia and the black knight watched the woman walk towards them mesmerized, Cynthia instinctively bowed as she saw the woman approaching.

As the woman drew near, the black knight shivered violently to the point it fell on its legs unable to move.

As the woman stood in front of the black knight, for the first time she opened her mouth and said.

"Follower of Darkness, I hereby banish you to oblivion, return to the void you once belong... BEGONE!!!"

As she was about to place her hand on the black Knight's head a sudden red flash appeared and deflected her hand.

"Sorry, I'm not letting you kill my new toy just yet" The mysterious man covered in a very thick cloth from head to toe said.


With just one word the woman disappeared, not out of fear but because of being forcefully unsummoned.

Cynthia stared in fear, paralyzed and exhausted, as the man walked towards her drawing his sword from the darkness.

"Shame... you'd be a perfect specimen but... you're no longer of use... Die" the man said coldly as he raised his sword upward to kill her.

As the blade was nearing her head, Cynthia Closed her eyes accepting her fate, but then...



The man screamed in pain and blood spewed in the air as it landed on her face.

Cynthia opened her eyes flabbergasted by this sudden sensation, and slowly opened her eyes... and there she saw... a very tall figure towering over the man grabbing him by the neck.

"Gah! Let me go! Let me go! you... bastard! Gaahh!!!" the man yelled having his other arm ripped off by the tall mysterious man.

"You enjoy bullying the youngins are ya? hahaha! pathetic... you just unsummoned a superior mid tier being, and suddenly you're all high and mighty... hahaha!"

"You're just lucky to get the fragment of darkness and chaos, and you have the audacity to brag and bully a youngin? and that very fragment even struggled to fight against this battle sister hahaha!" The man said mockingly while laughing.

Chop! Gush...!

The head of the black knight fell and turned into ash

"Noooooo!!! My masterpiece!!!" the hooded man shouted crazily trying to break free from tall mysterious man.

"not this one either..."


The sound of neck breaking took Cynthia by surprise.

Cynthia looked at the man shocked and mesmerized at the same time.

'So... Tall...' Cynthia said before passing out.