
I Promise To Love You Forever

Credit to the owner of the photo. ... Her love for him is pure and true but revenge is his motive

Placidity · Urban
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4 Chs

It's A Prank

Calix read in between the lines just to make sure that there was nothing attached to his uncles request. Marcus is greedy as well as as cunning. After reading everything, he signed the document and gave it to Marcus. Marcus quickly handed the folder to Calix.

"I hope everything here is legit?" Calix asked as he got up from his seat.

" Of course..." Marcus replied.

Even though Marcus is a cunning and greedy old man, there were things he wouldn't joke with. For example, his life. He knew how important Sophie was to Calix and even in death, she still has a strong hold on Calix. So he wouldn't dare give him false information. Besides, he went to great lengths just to get this information.

Calix didn't say anything else and just left. He entered the car and asked Andrew to start driving.

Meanwhile, Marcus was grinning from ear to ear. Suddenly, he received a call from one of his friends telling him about the decision to demolish S&T mall.

"What did you say?" Marcus asked in disbelief.

"I said S&T mall will be demolished by the end of this month"

Marcus ran outside the door but Calix's car was already gone.

"Damnit!" He shouted as he smashed his phone on the ground..


Back in Jason's apartment, the sounds of giggling became louder and louder as she made her way towards the bedroom. The door was wide open. The first thing she saw were the messy clothes on the floor. Her heart broke into a million pieces when she saw Jason in bed with another woman.

"Wait...condoms...I don't want to get pregnant" the woman said.

It didn't take long before Addilyn realized btgat the woman in bed with her boyfriend is Amy, his colleague at work.

"Ok....wait for me" Jason said as he hurriedly got out of bed. His body became stiff when he saw Addilyn standing beside the door.

"Addilyn" Jason said in shock

Amy who was lying comfortable on the bed quickly sat up when she saw Addilyn.

"Addilyn" she said in shock.

Addilyn looked at the both of them. Their faces were as a blank as a sheet of paper especially Jason's.

"Addilyn...baby...I....I...mean..we..were.... it's not what you think...I..." Jason tried to look for an excuse but right now, his brain could not think of one.

"Really?...how do you know what I'm thinking?...tell me Jason...what am I thinking..huh?" Addilyn asked.

"I can explain" Jason said swiftly

"Go on...I can't wait to hear this one" Addilyn retorted.

"Addilyn listen...um...we... it's a prank" Amy quickly said.

"Yes...yes..... it's a prank.." Jason quickly agreed. As he could not think of any excuse, he decided to follow what Amy said.

"Prank?" Addilyn asked as the both of them nodded.

Addilyn sighed.

"You must really think I'm stupid"

Addilyn stared out the window for a while before turning to the both of them.