
I Play Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game

Yuei Vu, who was attempting to create a second account in the VR trading card game “Yu-Gi-Oh! World Link Online”, inexplicably travelled to the game world, and even had his own NPC identity. Time went back to one month before the game was launched, the nameless Pharaoh was still sleeping in the body of the high school student Yugi Muto, and the Duel City with cross-generational significance had not yet started. When the game was officially launched, players logged in and found that there was a new NPC in the game that was not in the original game. Yuei Vu: Do the players over there want to buy a booster box? Fifty-one packs, five hundred and ten cards, fair price, no cashback! The players stared directly at the Pot of Greed marked as UR in the product list, their eyes were burning, and the same thoughts came into their minds… ____________ Will post around 7 chap every week. Also, this novel is not mine, nor did I translate it. I am only putting it up at webnovel for my own convinence. Support the translaters at 'foxaholic'. If anyone has any problems with me putting this up, just send a review telling me to take it down.(make it a good reason)

SkyRokket · Anime & Comics
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473 Chs

The Circuit That Leads To The Future

"My turn!"

It was Yusei's turn again. At this moment, Siegfried waved his hand and said: "At this moment, the effect of 'Nibelung's Ring' is activated!"

After the words fell, the ring on the Junk Warrior's hand lit up golden. The Junk Warrior half-kneeled on the ground, and the electric current jumped out of his body, it seemed that he was struggling more than before.

"Monsters equipped with the 'Nibelung's Ring' cannot attack, be Tributed, or change their battle position, and their effect will be negated. And as long as that monster exists on the field, you must draw 2 cards in your Draw Phase, and discard the drawn monster card to the Graveyard."

Siegfried waved his hand: "Okay, let's draw cards. You can draw two cards this turn! But if you have monster cards, please show me."

Yusei remained silent, drew two cards, glanced at them, and then turned one of them over to show the other party.

"Monster card." Siegfried narrowed his eyes and chuckled triumphantly, "Then please throw it away to the GY."

Yusei silently sent that card to the graveyard but then waved his hand: "Open the set card – Reckless Greed. Draw two cards from the deck, and then skip the next two Draw Phases."

"I see. Indeed, if you draw a card like this, the effect of the 'Nibelung's Ring' will not be triggered." Siegfried shrugged indifferently, "Then you'd better pray that you draw a usable card."

Yusei still ignored it and continued with the Main Phase. He took out three cards from his hand: "Summon the 'Ghost Gardna' in defense position.

Then set two more cards, and I end my turn! "

A white mechanical warrior appeared on Yusei's field, taking a defensive posture. At the same time, his back row also had two more set cards, which seemed to be his last line of defense.

[Ghost Gardna, DEF 1900]

"I see. Is this your last monster?" Siegfried snorted and laughed, "Because of the effect of 'Nibelung's Ring', you have no way to draw new monsters into your hand. In other words, there is nothing you can do.

Of course, being able to reach this point is already very commendable. To my surprise, you seem to be a first-rate duelist… It's just a pity that you met me, Sieg Lloyd.

My turn, draw!"

Siegfried drew the card and raised his voice: "Although it's short, let's let this duel end here! Valkyrie Sigrun, tear up the Junk Warrior for me!"

The Valkyrie warrior received the order and charged fearlessly! A meteor-like purple trail was left in the air, and the long sword dragged a silver light and slashed at the suppressed Junk Warrior.

However, at the moment when the sword was about to strike, a white afterimage flashed out, blocking in front of the Junk Warrior.

That was Ghost Gardna!

The Valkyrie's sword sharply sliced through the steel body of the Ghost Gardna, and the latter was blown into countless pieces with a "pop".

"The effect of Ghost Gardna." Yusei said, "When the opponent's monster attacks, the attack target can be forcibly changed to this card."

Siegfried frowned: "A meaningless move…"

"And," Yusei interrupted him, "When Ghost Gardna is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, until the End Phase, the attack power of a monster on the opponent's field will drop by 1000 points!"

The shattered mechanical warrior released a ghostly white beam of light, wrapping around Sigrun's body like a long ribbon. Sigrun was restrained in her movements, and she swung her sword angrily to try to disperse it, but her sword couldn't touch the light belt at all.

[Valkyrie Sigrun, ATK 2200 → ATK 1200]

Siegfried sneered: "Hmph, my Sigrun has already attacked this turn, so what's the point of reducing her attack power?

It seems that I overestimated you. After all, you are only a second-rate duelist. If you choose to lower Elda's attack power, Elda's attack power will drop to 1000, which is lower than the Junk Warrior, and I can't continue to let her attack…"

Before he finished taunting, Yusei waved his hand immediately: "Open the set card: Trap Card – Counterattack Beacon!

Activate only when an opponent's monster destroys a monster I control by battle. Target a monster I control, it gains 500 ATK until the End Phase. Conduct a battle between the target monster and the monster that attacked! " (animation card)

"What!?" Siegfried was surprised.

"I increased the attack power of the Junk Warrior by 500, and forced it to fight against the Valkyrie Sigrun!"

The Junk Warrior who had been listless for a long time yelled and made a gesture of accumulating energy. His whole body was ignited with energy flames, and he looked like he was going to regain his glory.

[Junk Warrior, ATK 1300 → ATK 1800]

"So that's how it is!" Siegfried suddenly came to his senses, "The Junk Warrior who is equipped with the 'Nibelung's Ring' can't take the initiative to attack, so you use the effect of the trap card to force the battle…

No, not only that, but before that, the effect of the 'Ghost Gardna' was used to reduce the attack power of the Valkyrie, and by the way, the attack power of the Junk Warrior was increased…

Are all of these within his plan! ? "

Siegfried couldn't help but take a higher look at the guy of unknown origin in front of him. At this time, he looked at the funny rabbit headgear on the other side again, and couldn't help but wondered in his heart what kind of person was hiding under the headgear…

"It's beautiful, Yusei!" Judai praised his younger generation without hesitation, "Let's fight back in one go!"

"But it's useless!" Siegfried quickly regained his composure, "Open the set card: Trap Card – Ambush Shield! Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 monster on the field. It gains ATK equal to the DEF of the Tributed monster!

I took the 'Valkyrie Erda' as a sacrifice, and added its defense power to Sigrun's attack power! " (animation card)

The Valkyrie in red armor disappeared under the effect of the trap, turning into a beam of light and attached to Sigrun's long sword. The power of the sword surged suddenly, layers of sacred aura enveloped the whole body of the Valkyrie, and her aura was also boosted out of thin air.

[Valkyrie Sigrun, ATK 1200 → ATK 3400]

"But when the 'Valkyrie Erda' leaves the field, her effect will disappear." Yusei said, "The attack power of the Junk Warrior has increased by 1000 again!"

[Junk Warrior, ATK 1800 → ATK 2800]

"It doesn't matter, Sigrun's attack power is higher in the end." Siegfried chuckled gracefully, and waved his arm lightly, "Go, Sigrun, and destroy that inexplicable eye-obscuring monster!"

Sigrun launched the final charge, and the Junk Warrior also faced her fearlessly!

There was a flash of light in the red eyepiece of the Junk Warrior, and the tail flames spewed out from behind him, his right fist was shrouded in a burning golden light, like a flying meteor, it hit the Valkyrie fiercely!

An electric spark was knocked out in mid-air, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye erupted. The two warring parties retreated respectively, but neither side was knocked down.

[Yusei, LP 2600 → LP 2000]

"What?" Siegfried was surprised, "Why hasn't the Junk Warrior been defeated?"

While speaking, he saw a phantom appearing in front of the Junk Warrior at some point. A warrior with a spear and shield loomed before him like a ghost, resisting the blow and the damage.

"I banish 'Shield Warrior' in the GY to activate its effect. It can protect my monsters from being destroyed by battle once." Yusei said calmly.

Siegfried: "!?"

Shield Warrior… Is this the card that was thrown to the graveyard by my "Nibelung's Ring" last turn?

So, it turned out that I'm unintentionally helping him?

"Continue to open the set card." Yusei waved his hand again, and the last set card in front of him was flipped over, "Trap Card – Synchro Ring!

This card can only be activated during the Battle Phase. Select 1 Synchro Monster I control that battled an opponent's monster this turn, but did not destroy it by battle. Double its ATK until the End Phase. It can attack once again during the same Battle Phase! " (animation card)

"What!?" Siegfried was shocked.

The Junk Warrior roared, his power instantly raised a lot.

[Junk Warrior, ATK 2800 → ATK 5600]

"Attack power…5600!?" Siegfried was shocked.

Yusei showed the last card in his hand: "This is the last one! At the Battle Step, I discard the 'Rush Warrior' from my hand to activate its effect!

When a 'Warrior' Synchro Monster I control battles an opponent's monster, I can send this card from my hand to the GY; my battling monster's ATK becomes double its current ATK during that battle only! "

[Junk Warrior, ATK 5600 → ATK 11200]

"Attack power…11,200!?"

Siegfried had an expression of "I'm so stupid", and when he looked at the figure hiding in the rabbit suit on the opposite side again, his eyes were full of fear.

Use the effect of the Ghost Gardna to block the attack, reduce the attack power of the Valkyrie, and at the same time meet the trigger conditions of the trap card "Counterattack Beacon", and then further predict the counterattack on Siegfried's side, and use the effect of "Shield Warrior" to prevent the destruction of the fighters, and then trigger the activation condition of the trap card "Synchro Ring"…

…When looking back, the cooperation of each card formed a link in a long chain. From Siegfried's current perspective, he only felt that this series of chain events was like a complete circuit, leading directly to this future…

…The future in which he lost.

Siegfried looked at the other party in horror.

This guy… has everything been calculated by him a long time ago!?

What kind of monster is he!?

Even Judai couldn't help sighing: "Yusei… so amazing…"

This was indeed his emotion from the bottom of his heart.

Although it can be said that Judai was stronger at this stage, after all, he was not the kind of duelist who used his mind to make precise calculations and to win through careful consideration.

In contrast, he was more used to relying on the invincible divine draw.

"Junk Warrior!" Yusei waved his hand, "Scrap Fist!"

Flames shot out from behind the Junk Warrior, and the golden light released from the punches was unprecedentedly dazzling. With just one blow from the golden fist, Valkyrie's sword energy was smashed into pieces, and the monster was also crushed into powder, drawing the final conclusion to the duel.

[Siegfried, LP 2400 → LP 0]

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