
I Play Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game

Yuei Vu, who was attempting to create a second account in the VR trading card game “Yu-Gi-Oh! World Link Online”, inexplicably travelled to the game world, and even had his own NPC identity. Time went back to one month before the game was launched, the nameless Pharaoh was still sleeping in the body of the high school student Yugi Muto, and the Duel City with cross-generational significance had not yet started. When the game was officially launched, players logged in and found that there was a new NPC in the game that was not in the original game. Yuei Vu: Do the players over there want to buy a booster box? Fifty-one packs, five hundred and ten cards, fair price, no cashback! The players stared directly at the Pot of Greed marked as UR in the product list, their eyes were burning, and the same thoughts came into their minds… ____________ Will post around 7 chap every week. Also, this novel is not mine, nor did I translate it. I am only putting it up at webnovel for my own convinence. Support the translaters at 'foxaholic'. If anyone has any problems with me putting this up, just send a review telling me to take it down.(make it a good reason)

SkyRokket · Anime & Comics
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490 Chs

Kaiba Land

The two-day qualifiers are over, and the KC Grand Prix is finally about to officially kick-off.

As one of the contestants, Yuei Vu also had to go to Kaiba Land to compete.

The opening of Kaiba Land has been a major event in the headlines and hot searches these days. Not only the dueling world, which was closely related to Kaiba Corp but also more bigwigs from different fields were paying attention to the trends here.

While the Duel Monster game was becoming more and more popular around the world, Kaiba Corp also received more and more attention. Many people were very concerned about whether Kaiba could take advantage of the holding of the KC Grand Prix and the opening of Kaiba Land to recover from the current low state and return to or even surpass its peak state.

Even if he didn't participate in such a grand event, Yuei Vu, who was the Duel King, still needed to show his face and cheer for President Kaiba.

But the day before the departure this time, Chika took the initiative to mention it when he was in the store.

"Are you going to Kaiba Land to attend the opening ceremony tomorrow?" Chika asked suddenly.

Yuei Vu, who was scrolling through the forums to catch up on online articles, froze for a moment, then nodded: "Yeah, what's the matter?"

Chika turned her head, hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "Yuei Vu, can I go with you?"

Yuei Vu was still hesitating, but before he could speak, Chika continued to say softly: "Just do what you want to do, and ignore me. I will be obedient…"

Yuei Vu: "…"

Now that she has said that, it really didn't seem appropriate to kick her away.

And he felt that Chika should indeed be more obedient, and she didn't seem to be causing him any trouble.

Kaiba Land itself was also an amusement facility, so it shouldn't be a big problem to bring her along, right?

With the generosity of President Kaiba, he probably wouldn't mind such small details.

"…All right." Yuei Vu nodded, "Then let's go together."

Chika's eyes lit up for a moment as if she had a bright look in an instant.

The store manager was holding a book in the back, looking over from afar, he couldn't help nodding slightly and showing an approving smile.

Kaiba Land was actually somewhat similar to Disneyland, which was popular all over the world in his previous life.

In the GX era, Kaiba Land has also become a world-renowned iconic entertainment facility, with branches in major regions around the world, which was a symbol of the Kaiba Corp's advancement to a higher level.

At this moment, Yuei Vu led Chika to the opening scene of this international amusement park.

Walking into the Kaiba Land and describing it intuitively, that felt like entering a fantasy world from the reality constructed of reinforced concrete.

Even before they approached the gate, the whole area was filled with a strong cheerful atmosphere. The businesses on both sides of the street, the billboards on the buildings, and the shapes of classic dueling monsters…

It could be seen that Kaiba has really invested a lot in the construction of this park that carries his dream for the first half of his life.

The two got off at the entrance of Kaiba Land. They checked their tickets at the ticket gate in the shape of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, passed through the gate shaped like the mouth of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and came to the square with the sculpture of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and in front of them was the spherical Blue-Eyes White Dragon-themed venue… …


The design of the whole park revolved around an absolute theme – the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Looking at the buildings as far as the eye could see, Yuei Vu could only feel that the buildings in this paradise, one by one, one by one, standing, lying…

…All of them are President Kaiba silently showing off his wife.

This was not the same as Disneyland.

Although there were many Mickey Mouse in Disneyland, it was not exclusive to Mickey Mouse. It was different from the Blue-Eyes White Dragon which was "there are only three in the world".

As the only owner of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Kaiba's design and planning really had some suspicions of showing off...

Yuei Vu even felt that the big "Kaiba Land" plaque hanging outside the amusement park may have been the last stubbornness left by the president's childhood dream. Otherwise, no matter how you look at it, this place should be renamed "White Dragon Land".

Blue-Eyes White Dragon: Aww~~ (The dragon roars to show its pride)

Yuei Vu thought that ordinary people may find it hard to imagine how obsessed Kaiba was with the fact that "the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is my own dragon"...

Anyway, it was still early before the opening, so Yuei Vu led Chika around the park casually and took a look at the infrastructure here.

The hardware facilities of Kaiba Land were quite in place, and there was almost nothing to be picky about in the overall construction. At least after walking around for a long time, Yuei Vu always felt quite comfortable.

As for Chika…

…She probably didn't pay attention to what she saw along the way.

She was staring at the back of Yuei Vu's head almost all the way and then exclaimed in her heart——

——How can someone even have such a good-looking back of the head?

It was just too weird.

Speaking of…is this a date?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling even more dizzy.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

It was the sound of a racing heart.

When Yuei Vu stopped, she almost bumped into his back.

At this moment, Yuei Vu stopped at the edge of a square and unexpectedly saw several sculptures of Masked Heroes.

They were the three heroes he used the most before, Masked HERO Koga, Masked HERO Anki, and Masked HERO Dian.

Unexpectedly, President Kaiba actually reserved a piece of land for his Masked HERO in this "pure" white dragon theme park.

Not only that, Yuei Vu continued to look forward and found that this area seemed to be all about heroes.

The front also included the Elemental HERO monsters he used before. Like Flame Wingman, Great Tornado, Gaia, The Shining, etc., they all had their own sculptures and surroundings.

Even "the cannon fodder hero" Sparkman had posters and dolls!

To be honest, Yuei Vu didn't expect this. What made the president feel that this monster was also one of his trump cards?

The big screen next to it was replaying the highlights of the heroes and Yuei Vu who was controlling them. Judging from the background of the screen, it seemed to come from different periods, all of which were handsome shots of Yuei Vu directing powerful heroes to complete the final blow.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times I watch it, I still think so, the hero is the most handsome~"

Yuei Vu turned around following the sound and suddenly found that there was a guy in a full-body unicorn suit standing beside him…

…Okay, this was Yuki Judai.

Then the silent rabbit following him was Yusei Fudo.

Although there were only so many players who have been able to advance to the KC Grand Prix, there were still quite a few players who have obtained the qualifications to play.

There must be no reason not to wear the suits that the players have worked so hard to produce before. So on the opening day of the Kaiba Land, there were a bunch of strangely dressed strange species in the park.

So the two bigshots wore funny suits and mixed among the screwball.

No one really noticed what was wrong.

Perfectly Mixed In. JPG.

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