
I Parry For My Life In This Reverse Roled World

The protagonist ridiculed an authors web novel for its poor writing to temporarily be rid of his frustrations of his upsetting week. little did he know the author was a goddess. as divine punishment for not taking responsibility she sent him to a new world that she created that is of course reversed roled just like her poorly written web novel. to his knowledge he has only a single skill…parry, he is to defeat the demon lord if he wants to go back home to read his web novels and live his normal daily life.

Tiger_Deez · Fantasy
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16 Chs

First Battle and First Friend

"Demonic art: hells fire"

3 purple flames flew past my left ear and locked onto the boar. The flames hit the boar and exploded leaving 3 black spots where the balls of flame had hit.


the black-haired boy yelled.

"You shithead you almost hit me!"

—Shut up, I tried to help-

The boy was cut off by the boar's roar and the boy tried to prepare another spell. The boar began to charge at the boy. My arms were too numb to parry another charge from the boar. I used wind magic to push myself at the boy and I tackled us both out of the boar's path.

"Listen, my arms are too numb so I can probably only Parry a few more attacks or at least one more charge from the boar, I can't do damage to the boar but it seems you can, I'll Parry, and you attack"

—Right! The boy responded.

I charged straight at the boar using wind magic to meet it before it could charge at us and as I charged I rubbed my hand using the earth itself to create pillars behind me.

I'll suffer from a little burn on my hand but I'll heal it later since this was the perfect setup. when I reached the boar I started whacking the boar with the branch to get his attention on me.

The boar stood on its two hind legs and prepared to do a devastating stomp, I focused hard and timed to dodge since if I failed, we'd both die from my plan but I was confident so I needed the boar's attention on me.

As the boar dropped its front hooves, I ran and slid between its legs and used the shockwave of the boar's stomp mixed with the wind magic to propel myself through. As I slid I tampered with the earth below the boar.

The black-haired boy ran up the earth pillars I had created, and leaped over the boar, he was completely upside down with his hand pointing down toward the boar

I prepared for what I was going to do as I felt sorry,

I summoned a pillar and it shot up to hit the boar's baby-maker. Please goddess forgive me for what I've done, I did a quick prayer in my mind that this boar would receive a quick death after what I had committed.

The boar had groaned with its mouth wide open towards the sky like he wanted to die. The black-haired boy charged up his hell's fire into one big ball of fire and shot it down the boar's throat.

I summoned another pillar beneath my feet to launch myself at the boy and tried to lessen the boy's fall.

We both looked at the boar and the boar looked like it had an upset stomach. The boy then yelled while we were in the air.


The boar had exploded and left a blood splatter where it had stood. I looked back at the boy hoping he had magic to spare but it looked like we were both zapped of all our mana. I stared at his purple eyes and reassured him.

"It's okay just close your eyes I got this"

I spun our bodies around and I took the brute impact of the fall. As we tumbled in circles rolling at a fast speed both of us hit a tree which stopped the rest of our momentum.

I looked at him as we both breathed heavily and said

"Are you okay?"


"I like you, I think we are compatible together! Do you-"

As I was gonna ask him to join my party a big branch fell and hit my head and my head jerked downward.

A soft sensation touched my lips, and the boy and I had landed an accidental kiss. I must have hit the ground so hard that I forgot to think about the situation, I was lying on top of the boy next to the tree and I was even on top of him. The boy had blushed and tried to enter his tongue into my mouth or was it my imagination? I wouldn't know, my vision went black.


Rein POV

The blond boy whose name I didn't even know had confessed to me. Was this what they called love at first sight, in all my life I had never been confessed to. I was always training in magic and the sword.

When the boy was on top of me and told me he liked me and that he thought we were a great match, I couldn't help it but my heart had skipped a beat. I didn't know how to respond, I could feel the heat in my face rise as I could feel his breath touch mine.

I wanted this to last a little longer but before I knew it his lips met mine, I had never kissed before but I couldn't help it, this soft sensation made something in me spark, I pushed my tongue through his lips, to accept his confession but he didn't respond to me, blood had dropped from his head. I pushed him off me a yelled.

"What the fuck am I doing to a kid! Am I a fucking pedophile!"

The boy had romanced me like I was a complete virgin. How could a child have so much charisma? The boy even took my first kiss.

I looked at the boy and used a healing spell to make sure he wouldn't die after saving me. I noticed a big branch had fallen and knocked out the blond boy. That's what he deserved for attacking the lips of someone he had just met.

"Demonic art: memory wipe"

I used a memory wipe to erase his memory of the kiss, there was a chance with his words that he didn't confess. If he meant to confess then I'll simply knock out the blonde boy again and repeat this process.

This would be an unfortunate memory for me but he was extremely capable. He planned the fight from the very beginning. Once he saw that my hell's fire could damage the beast from its explosion he thought up a scenario all by himself.

I figured he was inexperienced due to the way he swung the branch and that he had charged head-on to the boar. I was mistaken, he used magic to boost his speed and even set up pillars to block the boar's path to me if it decided to charge toward me instead of the blond boy.

He had set up stone pillars, at first I thought he was playing some hero act and being a child trying to take the beast one-on-one. Until I noticed the pillars were being built to act as stepping stones.

At that moment I knew this boy had extreme insight in thinking on the go. Many people can learn to think on the fly but as a mere child, his potential is unordinary.

The blonde boy is a complete mystery to me, he showed bravery and quick battle intellect, and he even parried a monster that was 10 times stronger than him.

He would be very useful in the future if we decided to party up. There was one thing that was bothering me upon wiping his memory. He was a very intelligent boy who studied hard and trained very diligently, why would a boy his age work so hard, especially as a boy in this world?

Why did he have such intelligence at a young age and why did I feel that he had an extreme mental and pain tolerance? The more I thought about him the more I was intrigued.

It didn't matter, for now, in time we will create an adventurer party together and I will find out his secrets along the way.


I slowly opened my eyes, there was a sensation beneath my head. This was a lap pillow, I looked up and saw a black-haired boy.

—Are you okay-.

I shot up out of panic and our heads collided.

—what the fuck!

"I'm sorry, you startled me"

—fuck! what if we kis-! forget it, what were you trying to tell me earlier?

"Telling you?"

'Ah that's right I was gonna ask him to join my party, it's a little too early though since we were still children.'

"Ah! I like you, I think we'd make good friends"

—Is that it?

The black-haired boy turned a little bit red

I wonder if he has never had friends before. I got up and sat across from him. I didn't even know his name and he didn't even know mine.

"I'm Shido, Shido Lutheran"

I held out my hand to the black-haired boy after I told him my name.

—I-I'm Rein, just Rein

As he reached out to greet the blond-haired boy's hand.

"Rein let's be friends"

—really can we be friends? I'm just a commoner and I'm all alone? I just run around in the woods and hunt animals to survive.

"It's ok I'm pretty lonely too but you'll be my first friend after all"

Rein blushed

—same here, you'll be my first-ever friend.

Both kids sat back and laughed together but little did they know what they were thinking about to each other. Rein planned to create a party with Shido to defeat the demon Lords and Shido planned to create a party with Rein to defeat the demon Lords.

They both planned to train each other without mentioning their goals to each other, they would both go to the Academy in the future to look for other strong people to invite on their rough journey.

They both had secretly planned to work their way up to eventually slay the demon Lords but did not dare to mention it to each other in order to not discourage the other from their true main goal.

Little did the children know, they both had the same goal. The game of role-playing children would soon begin for them, but little did they know they both had secrets that both parties had.

The True Demon Lord whom Shido would have to kill is now his friend, but the ex-demon lord Rein who is now Shido's friend wants to create world peace by regaining his position as the one and only true demon lord.