
I owe my Love to You [BL] {COMPLETED}

WPC Chinese New Year Entry WARNING! This novel is a super short novel and a bit fast-paced. If you dislike such a concept for a novel, please refrain from reading. But readers who want to read the novel are always welcome to view it. Thank you and have a great day! -Author-nim x-x-x-x Huang Yangxin is a normal university student that is being loved and cared for by many. He is the epitome of a model student; smart, topnotcher, humble, and kind. But he has a tiny secret that made him different from all of his friends. On New Year's Eve, he decided to tell that secret to his parents, hoping that they will accept him for who he truly is. But fate decides to screw up his life and made him hate by his peers. So, when he came out to his parents, they kicked him out of their house. Leaving him on the streets to survive, he thought of telling his best friend about this secret but when he did, his best friend also kicked him out of his house. Lonely and friendless, he stumbles upon a stranger that could change his whole life forever. What will this stranger do to change once fate? Read along and find out! Disclaimer! I do not own any of the art/s on the cover. It all belonged to its respective creator. a.n.: please support me there. Thank you!

docaqui · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"Ms. Huang, you need to calm down. President Lin's lawyer would be here to sort things out."

Yangxin's sister shakes her head and insists that she needs to talk to her brother in person. They could be brainwashing him now.

Her reaction made the police officer rolls his eyes. This is not the first time that the CEO of the Lin Group Company had been accused of kidnapping a person.

In fact, she had been Miss Complainant Number 69. The police officer only sighs and waits for the lawyers of the said company.

Hours of waiting later and Yangxin's sister is anxiously waiting for her brother to show up, hoping that he would be the one showing up and not the company's lawyer.

Her expectations crush when the one who arrives is the company lawyer. The police chief had expected this and had been explaining to her that they can't do anything when it is the lawyers are the ones fixing her complaints.

"Good morning. I am Attorney Li from the Lin Group Company and I am here to attend a complaint against our client, CEO Lin Qin Sheng."

The police officer accepts his greetings and asks him to follow him to the interrogation room where Yangxin's sister is waiting for him.

She frowns when Yangxin is not the one who showed up. She did not accept the greeting from the lawyer, which he only shrugs.

Attorney Li sits down in front of her and takes out all of Yangxin's paper that Qin Sheng had managed to compile before sleeping last night.

"Name: Huang Yangxin. Age: 23. Birthday: April 11, 1998. Born: Beijing, China."

Yangxin's sister looks at the lawyer as he places Yangxin's profile in front of her. She takes it and realizes it is her brother's resume.

Her eyes widen in response as she stares at the lawyer, who is only smiling at her.

"Mr. Huang had submitted the resume three days before Christmas and was accepted two days before New Year's Eve."

She didn't understand when or how her brother managed to pass this resume when he just graduated high school and barely studying in university.

She wants to laugh at him but is surprised to see that he even managed to pull out authorization from her parents that they let her brother work under their company as an intern.

"According to Mr. Huang, himself, he is supposed to tell his parents that he got accepted for an internship work this summer in our company on New Year's Eve but something had happened.

Mr. Huang didn't go into details as to what had happened but he is now living under the company's dormitory in Shanghai.

Lin Group Company provides dormitories for students or interns that are far from the company's location. This is the location of the dormitory; you can visit if you want."

Yangxin's sister gulps and can't talk about the things that are being presented in front of her. She thought she could ever talk to her brother and knock some sense out of him and make him come back to their home.

But she guesses that she can't do anything now since Yangxin is an employee of such a big company like Lin Group Company. There is just one thing that she's wanted to ask. By this time, she knows that there is nothing she can do anymore.

"What is my brother's position in this company?"

The lawyer looks at her with a smile on his face and places Yangxin's profile from the company. She stares at him and reads his position as her eyes widen in surprise.

"He is the CEO's personal assistant."


Yangxin wakes up from his slumber as the sun blindly wakes him up with his rays coming from the open curtains of the room.

He groans and flips to the side when his head bumps into something hard and wide. He blinks his eyes as memories from last night came on haunting him down.

He turned around and looked to his side. He saw the only man who loved him so much, even though they did not know each other very well.

Sleeping beside him felt like a dream. A dream that he never wished to happen. He leans down and propped his elbow to the soft pillows and stares at the sleeping face of the CEO.

He giggles quietly and caresses the man's cheeks before kissing him there. He is having his best time staring at the CEO's face when his phone suddenly vibrates, indicating a call.

Qin Sheng groans when he heard the vibrations from the nightstand and immediately opens his eyes. By this time, Yangxin had already covered his blushing face with the covers and prays to every God that he won't get caught.

Qin Sheng answers the call and sets the phone in a loudspeaker, unbeknownst to him that Yangxin is awake and listening.

"Mr. Lin, this is Attorney Li. The complainant already withdraws her allegations against you of kidnapping Mr. Huang.

She said that she is only worried that her brother is being tortured and forced of labor in your company, which is kind of unbelievable and far from her original complaint."

Qin Sheng listens and hums in response. But when he heard that the complainant changes her story, this made him sits down and asks the attorney for further explanation.

"The complainant's first complaint is that you kidnapped his brother and would like to put this complaint in court.

Then, she also said that she had seen Mr. Huang inside of your car, strapped in leather and crying.

She also said in her complaint is that Mr. Lin is torturing Mr. Huang and selling his body to other CEOs to get their approval of your projects."

Qin Sheng scoffs as Attorney Li finishes his report about the complainant. He said his thanks and sighs as he hangs up from the call.

He raises the covers to peek if Yangxin is still sleeping, only to see a wide awake and teary-eyed Yangxin hiding from the covers and muffling his cries.

Qin Sheng's heart softens and pats Yangxin's head as he kisses his forehead.

"Don't worry. I will protect you from these things. No one is going to hurt you anymore."