
I opened the door to see...

Hi readers... this is my first time writing aNy fan fic. this is with the first revealed member of BigHit's new boy group TXT We have Yeonjun here ≧ω≦ Yeonjun : Please read this fanfic and try to support! TXT loves you♡( ̄3 ̄) AND LISTEN!!! NO SMUTS ×××××

ewwShey · Others
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12 Chs

Ch 5


"What the fuck?! Did you call the police?!  what did I -? Do I look like a murderer? Do I look like a thief?! Huh? I swear I would have have shot you dead you dead right now if i had a licensed gun with me at this moment and I would run away! "

"Wait! Clam down! I did not call anyone! What are you talking about?! "

"So who's gonna visit you right now? In the midst of the night? Who? Girl don't lie! I'll seriously choke you to death! "

"Shut up fucker! I said I did NOT call the police. I did not call anyone! Get that clear. And I'm not lying! Why would I? "

There was series of louder knocks on the door this time.

"What will I do now? *crying*

"I don't know! I'm pretty sure you called your 'someone'. I was being so creppy afterall... "

"Shut up! I fucking did not call anyone! Why don't you believe me? "

"Why would I? Who are you? Do I know you? *murmuring* yes i do know you.... Did we EVER talk? Did we ever mee before? Huh? Why would I believe you?"

"I'm sure something is wrong with you..."

"Nothing with me. All with you. It's all your fault—"

The door bell rings...

"—go open the door now and apologize! "

"Creepy motherfu*ker. I wouldn't have been afraid if u actually called the police or any of my 'someone' you were talking about. Now should I write it in a piece if paper and then feed it to you? Is that how you're gonna believe me? "

"You're just too annoying "

Your phone starts vibrating in your pocket of the sweat shirt you were wearing then.

"Who's this? "

"I don't know. It's an unknown number"

"Oh! That means you really did not call tge police or your 'someone's... "

"Wait what's wrong with you? I've been telling you that from the very beginning."

"I know but there was no way I could believe you-"

/call missed/

"-whY did you not pick up?!?!"

*starts crying harder* "We will die today, together. Goodbye whoever you are! (╥﹏╥)"

Your phone rings again and gets disconnected at that moment itself.

Your screen gets dark again. It was again lit by a notification of a message you received from an unknown number. The message says:

unknown: open the door Y/N

"Who's this? "

"How am I supposed to know that? "

The door bell rings again. You go towards the door and look back at him with tears in your eyes. You could feel your strength fading away. His face showed how scared he was.

The door bell rang again and this time it was followed by some loud bangs. Your spine froze. You slowly turned the knob and unlocked it. The door creaked open...