
Chapter 12

The sound of birds chirping entered the room mixed with the noise of engines and tires coming from the avenue. Even with the curtains closed, a light breeze passed through the open window and made the atmosphere cozy, inviting Luciene to close her eyes again and go back to sleep.

Through her drowsiness, she tried to turn around in search of a more comfortable position, but the twinge of the needle reminded her that she should avoid moving too much.

Opening her eyes, Luciene stared stunned at the white ceiling in silence.

For a few hours, she had forgotten everything. Her mind was gone blank, with no memories, dreams, or nightmares. There was no one behind her, no black monster with red eyes, snapping at her neck as blood flowed from her body pooling around her.

The human mind is scary.

A single event can create countless invisible demons, murderous windows of memory that force themselves to open.

The next few days would be the most complicated, in addition to going through the physical recovery, there would also be the mental shock. She will likely become the center of attention at the company, with the curious and intruders wanting to know a new detail of the hot topic on the rise.

Before Duan's approval, there were already several eyes looking for any reason to bury the project, and now they will only increase. Luciene smiled with a tired sigh, already thinking about the difficulties they would have to face. It was never easy anyway, and I think I got lucky. If it had been last week I don't know what would have happened. I think I would despair...

She closed her eyes again, leaning her head back on the pillow, not so comfortable, although it wasn't uncomfortable either, she just couldn't find the ideal position. She took a deep breath letting the cold air clear her thoughts that were trying to find the worst possible scenarios.

It wasn't easy to fight that train of thought, but she needed to try to stay positive. She would have to face her over-preoccupied mother, friends with thousands of questions and sermons, and a best friend with hysterical tendencies. "I'm screwed"

One more sigh. She rubbed one hand over her face while the other rested beside, then moved up to her hair, tangling her fingers in the already tangled strands. I think the only good thing is that I'll be able to take a break from work, not that it will be a very long leave, but it's something at least. I don't even want to think about the scolding I'm going to get for not accepting Victor's ride yesterday... and if my mom finds out about that part...

"Haaa, I wanted a pastel with sugarcane juice" she sighed loudly remembering the best combination of her childhood. A hot well-filled pastel and a glass of ice-cracked sugarcane juice were all she needed to brighten up her already wrong day.

"I don't know if it's the best combination for breakfast"

With a little jump in surprise, Luciene laughed embarrassedly at being caught by dr. Francisco talking to herself. He walked in quietly, a friendly smile on his face, approaching with the black bag slung over his shoulder and holding a clipboard, which was probably her medical record.

“Theoretically it would be the morning snack since I ate after you left earlier.” Luciene smiled slightly. She quickly looks over the hand bandaged by the damage from the last night before looking back at the other.

Hearing Luciene's amused response, dr. Francisco sat down on the bench with a thoughtful expression before smiling again "I think I'll have to agree this time." Not much time had passed, just enough for the sun to heat up outside and to feel that longing for the TV Globlinho.

Dr. Francisco placed his bag on the floor as he spoke, and taking the stethoscope and pressure gauge, turned to Luciene “And how are you feeling now? Ache? Dizziness? Feeling sick? Hunger?"

Upon hearing the last question, Luciene, who was taking a deep breath so that the other could hear her heartbeat, coughed in surprise until she was almost out of breath.

"That was a great reaction." Francisco laughed excitedly, making Luciene's cheeks slightly red with embarrassment.

"You were so serious so I was surprised." Luciene spoke softly looking towards the window.

Nurse Diana's words suddenly echoed in the doctor's mind, sending a shiver down his spine: 'Don't play with patients in serious moments! Do you want them to sue you? Or have a cardiac arrest? Poor Mr. Hendricksen almost sets foot in the grave!'

Feeling that he had spoken at the wrong time again, dr. Francisco felt guilty “Oh, I'm sorry” Of course the situation wasn't the same, but better safe than sorry, and he didn't want to get scolded by Diana again.

“Oh no, no. All good! It is not necessary." Luciene spoke, a little confused with her hands and firmly shaking her head. “I only said it because it helps me calm down, it brings me nostalgia, you know? But I'm not hungry! I ate much earlier, Diana brought almost a feast for me!” She mixed the words up a bit as she quickened her speech, making the doctor laugh.

“If that tasteless slop is a feast, then I think you really need a pastel with, with what? Sugarcane juice? It must be an interesting combination! haha"

"Have you never eaten?" Her voice was a tone of surprise and there was pity in her eyes. Poor doctor, he had no childhood…

“I didn't have this where I used to live, and I never had the opportunity to try it when I came to live here!” He spoke awkwardly. Humph, from the way she speaks, it sounds like it's a serious offense!

"I understood. So I think I should bring some next time.”

“I'd rather not see you at the hospital for a while actually,” he said as he tucked the instruments into his bag.

"I fully agree!" A worried voice from the doorway drew their attention to the lady passing through the open door. The woman wore a long flowered skirt with a loose-fitting black sleeve blouse, with her full, straight black hair that fell in layers over her shoulders, giving the impression that she flowed as she walked in an elegant posture.

Even if some of her white threads began to appear, since it had been a while since she last painted her hair, no one could call her old. She was a very beautiful lady. It would be very nice to look at her if she had her usual sweet smile on her lips, but instead, her lips and brows were furrowed, her expression distressed, while she walked anxiously towards Luciene.

Luciene shivered slightly looking at the approaching woman. Her heart, which seemed to have calmed down from earlier, ached again, and with a lump growing in her throat, she managed to speak softly, in an anguished whisper "Mom"

With just that single word said shakily, the entire wall Luciene had built in her mind collapsed and she, already with tears in her eyes, stretched her arms towards her mother, who hugged her in return.

Sitting on the bed, Suely brought her daughter closer, snuggling her in a warm hug that only mothers knew how to give, one that gives security so that you can cry all your tears, gives warmth to heal your heart and strength to overcome difficulties.

Suely stroked her hair while Luciene sobbed in her arms. They stayed like that for some time.

Francisco took a step to the side to give them a little more privacy. Looking at the two of them, he missed his mother. They hadn't seen each other for so long. I'll call her later. He promised in her heart with a slight smile on his lips.