
Chapter 11

Everything was very quiet that night.

No one was admitted to the hospital since Samira had started her night shift just over two hours ago. For some people, it may be weird that no one gets to die in a hospital for that long, but she wasn't in the emergency, so the nights were calmer for the receptionist, especially when she took her shift from midnight onwards.

With the lack of movement, it was difficult to stay focused. Even though she was used to being awake well into the night, it was still very easy to get lost in thought or just look at nothing and empty the mind. It was a relaxing exercise even.

Peaceful silence reigned in the surrounding when someone approached the glass door in the darkness of the night. Samira wasn't really paying attention to the entrance at that moment, and she didn't see that a shaggy-haired young man nearly crashed into the automatic door as he ran into the hospital.

The sounds of footsteps suddenly echoing off the white ceramic startled the receptionist, who was staring at a random spot in the side corridor.

She jumped in her chair, straightening her posture and hoping her smile wasn't awkward as she was doing her best to suppress an unwanted yawn. Always at the worst time.

"Good night, how can I help?" As the young man run the distance to where she was, Samira noticed the boy's half-crumpled face, as if he'd just woken up and his eyes were swollen with a desperate look, he looked like he was about to cry, or maybe he'd already cried at the red in the corners of eyes that stood out against very pale skin. "Are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?”

The receptionist spoke in a worried tone when he couldn't stop before slamming his body into the counter, almost hitting his head in the face of the poor receptionist who nearly turned her chair around.

Her heart still pounding with fright, Samira heard the boy speak urgently. “Luciene Dimar! She is my sister, she was admitted this night, they asked me to come here. Is she fine? What happened? Where is she?" Speaking all at once in a single breath, the young man in his early twenties leaned forward with his hands on the black stone counter in a voice so anguished it made Samira's heart clench in her chest.

With his brown eyes haunted and his breathing ragged, he looked like he was going to have an anxiety attack at any moment. “Calm down sir, take a deep breath. I'll help in any way I can, but you need to stay calm.” She spoke, making an effort to control her voice calmly and reassure the young man “My name is Samira. What is yours? Luciene is your sister, right?” The best way to calm someone in a panic is to talk to them, to try to divert attention away from the central problem.

Samira immediately remembered the practical classes she had taken the week before. Who knew she would need to apply what she had learned so quickly? Glad this was one of the classes I paid attention to!

"Yeah. She is." Whispered the young man, his voice starting to choke, maybe he was going to cry again. He lowered his head into his cold, trembling hands, took a moment to take a deep breath. "Matheus… my name is Matheus Dimar" he raised his head still nervous.

"You said someone got in touch with you, was it a hospital employee?"

"That. I… I don't remember the person's name. But she said… um… that my sister had an accident and was brought to the hospital. She had gone into the emergency room, but she was in the ward… in ward B. The woman asked someone from the family to come, but my mother, we came today, no, yesterday here in the hospital with her. I didn't want her to worry, she has a blood pressure problem, so I came.” He replied in a shaky voice, sometimes stuttering, but trying to give all the information.

Samira gave him a sympathetic smile and waved, turning back to the computer and starting to type “Did you come alone? Are you by car?” She asked as she entered Luciene Dimar's information into the system.

The best to do was to keep Matheus' mind occupied by answering easy questions, this would give him more security, reducing the feeling of 'there's nothing you can do', which is usually what generates the feeling of panic

"Yes, but I came with a friend." His voice was steadying. He began to breathe more slowly, paying attention to Samira in anticipation that she would find his sister.

"I understood. You did well." She smiled gently, turning to him and touching his shoulder lightly, nodding her head so he could see that everything was going to be alright. “I found your sister's file. She is fine. She didn't have to do any surgical procedures, but she's getting a blood transfusion.” Matheus's face, which had relaxed when he heard Luciene was fine, froze again.

Seeing his reaction, the receptionist amended, looking into the dark eyes of the young man on the other side, “Don't worry. She is in her room and is being accompanied by Dr. Francisco. He is a great doctor here at the hospital."

"Ah yes. He was the one who attended us yesterday.” He sighed trying to calm down. Doc. Francisco appeared to be a trustworthy doctor. Even his mother, who is a difficult person to please, found the doctor friendly and competent.

"So you already know she's in good hands"

"Yeah" Matheus scratched his head with a dull smile. His sister will be fine, they will be fine.

The entrance door opened again, and the receptionist saw a younger man older than Matheus enter. He was tall, light brown-skinned, dark brown hair a little short, taller on top with slight waves at the ends, he had a handsome face although he looked tired and his honey-colored eyes stood out even with his brows furrowed. Does he have a girlfriend?

The friendly receptionist, who at this moment was staring at her already possible suitor, put on her most beautiful smile, kind and charming, but without being vulgar or snippy, so as not to show her intention.

“Matheus, you weren't supposed to run ahead like that! Don't worry me too, that hard head is enough for me to take my sleep!” He sighed, approaching them, shaking his head.

His voice was pretty too, a little low, husky maybe. He was annoyed but full of worry. But what do you mean ‘take sleep’? Maybe he's Luciene's boyfriend? But maybe not, and just for today? Let's see… "Hello, are you Matheus and Luciene's friend?" Perhaps Samira had been too incisive in asking if the other was friends with Matheus' sister so directly, but it was too good an opportunity to miss.

“Oh, sorry. Good night." He said rather embarrassed, “You could say that. I am a friend of the family. I've taken care of this one since he wore diapers.” He laughed at Matheus's expression that looked ready to stab him, as his cheeks turned red.

“Unnecessary information, Rodrigo. And not that long ago.” Matheus, who was angry, stepped hard on Rodrigo's foot, receiving a slap on the nape. "Hey!"

"Since you're so playful, I assume Lu is okay, right?" Rodrigo raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Lu? Do they call each other nicknames because they are childhood friends? “Yes, she is fine. She is being treated in wing B, yellow sector." Samira spoke looking directly into Rodrigo's eyes, full of intention, and leaning slightly on the counter, closer to the two standing, pointed to the right, the direction that would be ward B.

Unfortunately for her, Rodrigo didn't seem to be aware of her intention, and he asked right away if they could see Luciene in the room where she was.

Matheus realized what was happening and looked between the two curiously, wondering if he should say something or just ignore it. Poor young woman, she would have a better future trying to flirt with a rock than this one. He thought remembering how Rodrigo was the densest person he knew.

“Since it's out of visiting hours you can't go into the room, but you can talk to the doctor and he will explain the situation and give you better guidance.” Samira ruffled her hair significantly expecting some reaction or look from Rodrigo, but nothing happened.

"Right, thank you very much" Rodrigo smiled and with a nod of his head started heading in the direction she indicated.

Momentarily surprised, Samira spoke quickly, before he could pull away any further. "There is some information we need about the patient." If they left like that, maybe she'll never be able to talk to Rodrigo like that again. She needed more time to get at least one last name to look up in Instogran.

Rodrigo turned to her with an 'Oh' and thought for a moment before saying with an innocent expression. “It's the red-tape part for hospitalization, right? I'm going to talk to the ward head while Matheus talks to the doctor. No need to worry about that” he smiled with a confident expression. "Thanks for everything, have a good night!" With a nod, he called Matheus to follow him.

Seeing Rodrigo walking away, Matheus said quietly so that only Samira could hear "He's an idiot, you're pretty and nice, you can do better!" He joined his arms as if wishing for strength for her who gaped at him "Bye Samira, thank you for everything!" He waved quickly and ran after Rodrigo who was already rounding the corner of the next hallway.

Now alone in reception, Samira slapped her hands over her cheeks with a snap. "Ahhhh, why does this just happen to me, my God?" She lowered her head between her legs, gripping the edge of the counter. Her face was red with embarrassment at being encouraged so openly by a boy, but her smile was amused. I hope to find someone with your sincerity, young Matheus.

That night would be agitated to the kind receptionist's imagination.