
I Messed up again. (Todoroki x NB!Reader)

I listened to Look Who’s inside again by Bo Burnham on loop while writing this. I suggest you do the same. Warnings: It can get sad. If your not a fan of sob stories turn away. Like. NOW.

Glorious_Purpose · Others
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I messed up again.

People envied you. They thought that you were amazing. Perfect even. You acted so nice. People aways thought they knew you. That made you mad sometimes. No one actually knew you, and everyone tried to know you. Everyone thought they had you figured out. No one was allowed in your head. Well, no one but him. Shoto was your only real friend. He didn't have to try to understand you, he just did. Sometimes it was almost as if it was you two against the world. Sometimes you two would fight, but it was only because you loved each other in a way you both thought was plutonic. You only realized it wasn't until it was to late. One of your favorite memories with him was the day before graduation. You had both snuck out and went to get fast food. You both were eating and joking around in this old abandoned garage you had made your hide out. You two were playing around. It was an accident. A mistake. You had a history of making those, and he understood that. He understood you. He understood. The sirens were loud, people yelling at you to come out with your hands up. All you had done was make a mistake right? He'd understand right? Your favorite memory was your last with him. The final hours before you accidentally snapped his neck. You looked at him in your arms. His eyes were open. "Now come out with your hands up we've got you surrounded y/l/n y/n!" Shoto would understand, right? You could ask him yourself one day.