
I Love You So Desperately

"I would rather never get forgiven by you, if it means I won't get forgotten by you" He said holding Kashish tightly in his arms. He felt like if he loosens his arms now he will lose her forever. When Kashish faces rejection her whole life she loses her faith in love; her anger and pain do not let her live her life fully. Her past always haunts her and her hatred for her past never lets her forget it. So when life plays with her again and brings her back to face her past; what will she do? Its a story about love and healing. And about how time sets everything right.

fAITHinmeQueenB · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

Kashish's POV

Next day comes as fast as it went, I wash up and prepare to start my day again. Yesterday was a learning day and today will be properly putting that learning into effort. I don't know why but after yesterday's incident in lobby my brain couldn't forget the eyes of that man making me all uncomfortable. I even dreamed about that incident during my sleep, I guess I haven't experienced this kind of occurrence that is why its been stuck in my head.

"So you mean to say you fell on a guy and he held you in his arms" Babli stated giving me a playful smile, we are in auto rickshaw on the way to work. So I took the opportunity and told her about the embarrassing mishap that occurred yesterday and she is currently teasing me for that. She laughs lightly after my nod as a confirmation, "Of all the people this kind of lame event happened to you". I sigh "You're laughing. What kind of friend are you?", "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. I just didn't realize you were this clumsy. You are always so diligent and attentive, I believe it was your cheat day yesterday" Babli rationalizes at my misfortune "Its okay, you don't need to think too much. And not like anyone saw it plus the guy you fell on he probably won't even remember it" she tries to assure me.

We reach the company by the time our conversation ends. We walk slowly in lobby as Babli shows me her new picture that she had uploaded earlier. "Oh my god. He is here" office girl employees silently squeals and walks towards us pushing me away from our path, soon all other employees gazes in the same direction. "What is happening?" I ask to Babli in disarray then I notice Babli is also staring towards the same direction the girls are looking at "What is this fuss for?" I mumble to myself.

Then I see the man causing all this uproar, the man I will never forget in this life and his eyes that will never let me forget him. This man is walking like he owns the place, his walk is so smooth it looks like he is gliding through the floor. He is walking like a professional model and the lobby is his runaway. The girls look like they will probably faint at any moment and Babli is not looking any different. I watch the whole scene utterly confuse with all the reaction. Soon it ends and I feel like Babli has finally taken a breath she looked like she was not breathing just a moment ago.

"What just happened?" I finally ask to cheery looking Babli. "Today my day is gonna go wonderful. I saw the Greek god in full form" Babli dreamily voices. "Who was he?" my question snaps her back to reality. "Oh my you don't know. He is the CEO of this company" she informs me brightly, I get confuse and later confounded after the realization hits me. "You meant to say that young looking guy is the CEO" still not believing what I heard I inquire again. "Don't go with the age and looks. He may look young but his achievements are even beyond the ones with age. He has accomplished so much in such an young age that is he is called the future steel man" I listen intently as more the compliments more my tension is up leveling . "He joined the company when he was 21 and now after eight years he has made Singhania Group a top leading company in world. The most eligible bachelor and the heart-stealer of our city the great Ashvik Veer Singhania".

I blank after hearing that name, "What did you say?" I ask in deadpan voice after the revelation . "Ashvik Veer Singhania" this time I hear loud and clear, I am too shock to say anything my mind has totally turned empty. Just a while ago I was just curious about him because yesterday the guy I bumped into walked in and the girls started giving that look of awe. But I didn't expect it to turn out this way, the moment I have been avoiding to think about even before setting foot in this city have come true. The name related to my past the evil of my past is part of my life again, the name Singhania itself rang a warning bell to me but I wanted to avoid it and ignored it. I wanted to run away but instead I walked in, those eyes reminded me something that I couldn't comprehend but now I know because I remember those eyes from my past. The guy from my past the name of my past has already become part of my life again.

I am in the kitchen doing my expected work. After today's morning scene my mind is totally jumbled, no matter how much I try I can't turn a blind eye to it. Today I am not assign in serving which I am glad about as I really can't face anyone right now. "Are you Okay Kashish, you have been spacing out since this morning?" a voice interrupts my notions, I glance to see its Vennila my coworker she is few years older woman; is married and has a daughter . "Nothing I am just having a mild headache" it was partly true too much contemplation has started causing me an headache. "You can rest if you want, I can do your share of duties" she worriedly offers me her help, one thing I have learned about her in this short time spend with her is that she is very kind and is always ready to help anybody. "I am fine, you already have too much load. I cannot burden you" I decline politely it is only my second day and I cannot throw my portion of work on someone else.

At the lunch time my cooking duty finishes, I stand in the corner of the counter watching if there is anymore requirements. Babli joins me "My fingers are swollen, cutting of vegetables is definitely not my forte" she grumbles a complain.

Prakash uncle comes to us worriedly "Kashish come with me for a moment" I follow him complying. He directly heads to a table there I see an old lady wearing a elegant but simple looking saree with package placed at the center of the table. "Mrs. Singhania, we are back?" I gaze at the lady due to Prakash uncle's words. I look at the old lady with surprise, the old lady smiles kindly. "So she is the one who'll help me?" she softly peers towards me. Prakash uncle nods "She is currently best among our staff. I can guarantee she will do well". I confusingly pay attention to their exchange. "If you say so, I will believe in it" Mrs. Singhania views her thoughts.

Prakash uncle looks with determination to me "Kashish I have an important task for you".

It has been more than an hour since Prakash uncle gave me an task to prepare lunch due to Mrs. Singhania's demand which is for Ashvik Veer Singhania. I have been informed that the lady from earlier is Mrs. Indulekha Singhania grandmother of Ashvik and today is his birthday. Indulekha grandma had prepared an special lunch for his grandson but unfortunately she bumped into an employee ruining all the packed lunch. She can't return and she doesn't want to feed the birthday boy with ordered food and at that moment she meets Prakash uncle whom she happens to know. She asked for help and uncle offers the help in my form. Today has been mentally hectic for me, first I came to know about Ashvik's identity and in same day I have come across his grandmother. I sigh looking at the kheer I had prepared, they didn't give me any specific food to prepare so I had prepared everything that came to my mind.

I place all the prepared food neatly in the boxes and head out. Indulekha grandma is busy conversing with Prakash uncle I calmly place the packed box in the table. She beams looking at it "Wow you have done it so fast. I am impressed", I meekly smile in return. She tries to hold it but the weight seems too much for an aged person, "Let me carry it for you" uncle offers help. "No, instead of you I will prefer this girl. She is the cook I didn't taste the food cause I trust you. But the real challenge is Ashvik so if the food is good I would want her to hear the compliment by herself and if not well lets think about it later" her words sound like a threat, it literally means if the food doesn't taste good I have to bear the consequences of disappointing his grandson .

I clench my uniform in panic I really don't want to come face to face with Ashvik it is too sudden. I open my mouth to decline, "Please Kashish can you go along?" uncle pleadingly looks at my direction. Unable to decline I agree.

I am standing in front of Ashvik's cabin's door, the door itself is shouting "Don't go in" to me but I can't back out at this moment. I gulp in stress they are unaware of my identity but it is me who is fully aware and yesterday's accident doesn't help any better. I fret over if I had offended him yesterday if so it is gonna create issue for Prakash uncle, no I can't let that happen. Determined I enter after Indulekha grandma enters.

"Good afternoon, my grandson" Indulekha grandma greets loudly to an busy looking Ashvik whose serious gaze is on his computer. I gape at the view of the cabin it calls luxury in all different languages, can office cabin be this grandeur. It has the beautiful view of the city from the full glass wall.

I then control my facial expression not wanting to embarrass myself again. The birthday boy finally notices us, he smiles brightly "Grandma! What are you doing here?" he approaches us after getting up from his seat and hugs his grandmother. "I am here to surprise my grandson on his birthday. Cause I know even today you won't stop your work, so I am here to give you some break" his grandmother mutters smoothly staring at him. He smiles more broadly giving away his contentment in his grandmother's words "Thank you, Grandma. You are the best".

"Stop all the small talk, I have brought some lunch for you. Because I know you probably haven't eaten. Today I won't let you work empty stomach. Kashish keep the boxes" she directs me to my work. Finally Ashvik notices me "You" he states looking unimpressed, "Is there any problem?" his grandmother stops him in mid sentence. "Nothing" its the only word he utters in respond.

I start arranging the dishes in the plate, Prakash uncle advised me to serve everything in a proper plate as he is the CEO so we can't disappoint him. I arrange accordingly on the table and after that I walk aside to let them start.

Ashvik appears to be reluctant, "Is there any problem?" his grandma queries about his disinclination, his grandma has already started eating her portion, she nods towards my me approvingly. But Ashvik hasn't even touch the cutlery, he then picks up a spoon and hesitantly takes a bite of matar paneer, I look at him expectantly. He stops after first bite and my breath literally stops. He straightly stares at me, "Is it good?" his grandma examines his expression. "Did you prepare these?" he investigates with blank face creating fear in my mind. "Yes" I confirm in response, he pauses but then he takes in another bite and again another. I wait for any response but nothing comes, I gaze at his grandma for any hint, she gives a satisfied expression. He finishes everything but only kheer remains at last, he just stares at it not touching.

I wait patiently whether he will try it or not, "Eat it son. Today is your birthday. I insist, Please. It is very good" his grandma tries convincing him to eat the kheer which I find odd, does he have diabetes. He slowly but at last takes a bite of the kheer, he stops again but this time his eyes expands in size, he seems astounded, now his gaze is at me again which feels like he is staring through my soul, I gulp in fear.

"Is everything okay?" his grandma's words snaps him back, He finishes the kheer without any response, his grandma smiles widely "I guess you loved it". I exhale the breath I have been holding with grandma's comment. He had finished his lunch so I start cleaning the dirty table and pack the dirty dishes ready to leave the cabin. Indulekha grandma stops me "Thank you Kashish, your food was very good", I smile in return "It was my pleasure Mrs. Singhania" I am all set to leave the cabin.

I leave the grandson and grandma duo in the cabin and slowly descend with the lift for the canteen's floor. I sigh loudly I thought I would fall any moment due to anxiety and Ashvik's stare wasn't helping a bit. They could have ordered from any five star hotel or restaurant but instead they entrusted this task to an newbie that is very surprising. I guess Prakash uncle is well known in this field that is why Indulekha grandma took the risk.

"How was the experience of meeting and feeding your food to the great Ashvik Veer Singhania?" as soon as I enter the kitchen hall I hear Babli's loud voice ringing in the four walled room. "It went fine. If it didn't we would have been in trouble by now" it's true if I had done any mistake our catering would have been affected and I can't let that happen, Prakash uncle has put his trust on me I can't let that break. "You are such a lucky fellow. We people who are always desperate to even get a glimpse never gets a chance and you who is always uninterested got a chance of lifetime to be in presence of such an awesome man of our generation in his close cabin room" Babli's words are sounding weirder every syllable. "There was Mrs. Indulekha Singhania too in the room" I point out halting all thoughts of Babli.