
I learned to love again because of you

Song Sun-Hee and Son Mina are two girls who grew up together and When Mina realized she liked girls she told Sun-hee first because Sun-hee and Mina are like sisters

Daoistw1XKub · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter One

~ SUN-HEE 's POV ~

Hi, my name is Song Sun-Hee, I am 19 years old. Today will be my first year of attending Seoul College of the Arts. I have been living in Seoul since I was 15 years old. I moved with my Appa and older Sister Eunji, my best friend Son Mina also had to move, we moved because of all the bullying Mina  was getting at our old school in Daegu. We didn't care as long as we had each other we were fine, but my father and her parents thought it was better, and our sister was moving because of college they studied in the same one we are going to study in. They give good tips for school, a lot of people that want to be an artist study there, a lot of idols went to the school. But most of the kids that go to the school come from rich families or students whose parents are famous. I come from a rich family, my Appa owns one of the richest companies in Daegu, Mina's family also owns a big company there too, our family have been friends for a long time, and company partners. My thoughts were interrupted by my older sister calling my name.

"Sun-Hee " Yelled Eunji  from downstairs. "You are going to be late, if you don't get ready." She said. "Okay, I will be really late in no time." I yelled

I dressed and went downstairs, seeing that Eunji was waiting for me to eat breakfast. 

"Do you have a change of clothes and shoes?" She asked. 

"Yes, why?" "And where is Appa?" I asked her. 

"He had something to do with the company, so he couldn't eat with us today." she answered. "Did you call Mina  to see if she is ready, Because I know for a fact that she will take hours looking for clothes." She asked. 

"Don't worry we picked our clothes last week, so she must be eating, but i will call her." I told her.


"….Hello" Mina said 

"Mina, are you ready to go?" I asked her.

"Yes, but I am too nervous, what happens if people don't like how I dress?"Mina said 

she asked, I could tell that she was really nervous, our last years of high school when we moved was not that bad, there were still people that had problems with Mina , but some were okay. But one bullied her for it, which was good. I love her like a sister, She is a month older than me but sometimes I like that I was older.

"Mina , don't worry about that okay, you are beautiful with anything you wear, you will be fine, Okay. Now eat so we can pick you up. You have 10 minutes okay." I answered. 

"Bye, and say Good Morning to Eunji for me." Mina said. 

"Bye. I love you." I said. 

"Love you too,"Mina replied.

~End of Call~

"She is ready to go, and she said good morning." I said to My sister "Okay, and don't be nervous, okay." Eunji said.


~ MINA's POV ~

I was really nervous for the first day of school. But I feel so excited, I can't believe I got accepted, I want to become a famous dancer, singer, and model. But I want to become a dancer more, I enjoy dancing. Mostly with my best friend Sun-Hee. 

"Mina ,you don't need to be nervous."Cho-hee said . 

"Anyway, you have Me and Sun-hee by your side." Cho-hee said, giving me a bear hug. 

"Yeah, okay, but I need to finish breakfast because Eunji And Sun-hee will be here to pick us up."I finished eating, sat in the living room waiting for Sun-Hee. I then heard knocking at the door. I went and opened the door.

"Wow Mina  , look at you. You look beautiful."Eunji said smiling. 

 "Thanks, Unnie."I said.

"You don't need to thank me, I am justin saying that truth."

Eunji said.

"Why are you blushing, Mina ?"Y/n said laughing .

  "Don't laugh, it's not funny." Mina  said.

 "Do you pack everything you need for your first day, Mina ?" Eunji said.

"Yea, I have." I said.

"I like what you are wearing, Mina ." Sun-Hee said.

 "You were the one that chose it." I said.

"I know, and I did a good job."  Sun-Hee said.


~ SUN-HEE 's POV ~

We finally got to college. 

"Will you need help with anything?" Eunji said.

"No, it's okay, Lia will help us get our schedule."  I said.

"Okay, I will pick you guys up when you get out." Eunji said. 

"Okay." Mina  And I said.

"Let's go guys, classes are about to begin in 15 minutes." Lia said 

We got out of the car and we  started walking towards the main office, while walking there were a lot of stares. I don't know if they were good or bad stares, but I was comfoure with the staring. Mina  holds my hand and we continue walking. 

"Okay, I will wait for you to get your schedule and I can help you to get to class."Lia said.  

We got our schedule and went to our first class, which is our favorite class in our schedule. We were lucky this year that we got at least five classes together, because last year we only had three classes together. Lia Unnie helped us get to our class, then gave us directions to our Acting class, because one of her friends had the same teacher last year. When we got there class had already started, 10 minutes ago. 

"You guys are late." Our teacher said 

 "We're sorry, we were getting our schedules."Sun-Hee said 

"It's okay, we get new students all the time, and this being a big school, you could have gotten lost. But try to be on time for tomorrow's class." Our Teacher said.


"Well, welcome to Dance class, I will be your teacher for the year. I Am Mrs. Choi. Please introduce yourself to the class." Mrs.Choi said 

"Hi, my name is Song Sun-Hee. I am 19 years old, I love singing and dancing." I said. 

"Hello, I am Son Son Mina. I am 19 years old, I like dancing, acting, art, and singing."Mina said .

You could tell no one was expecting her, having a deep voice. Mina has a very manly-like body, and some feminine like face. But they didn't look weirded out or disgusted by her, which was a good sign. 

"Why don't the two change into some clothes how everyone else changed? I would like everyone to perform something does matter what type of dance you do, whether you do it with another person or on your own. You have one hour to figure out what song you will be dancing to, pick a song to dance to, also a dance you know. Good luck." Mrs.Choi said.

I went up to Mina. 

"Come Mina, let's go get ready." I said.

"Ok." Mina  said.

We went to go change. 


   After we got changed, We went back.

"Now I'll be announcing your partners." Said Mrs.Choi. 

"Uuugh." Said the class.

Sun-Hee and Dong-Hyun, you guys are partners" Mrs. Choi said.

"Areum and Mina, you guys are partners." Mrs.Choi said.

Then she announced everyone's partner. 

"Miss, Can I change my partner." I said. 

"No , you may not." Mrs.Choi said.



I was dancing with my  dance partner until the bell rang. Then a girl and Jimin came up to us.

"Mina , let's go, Lia is waiting for us." the girl said.

Then someone else came up to us.

"Sun-Hee, your sister called and said she can't pick you up. " the other girl said.

"What." The girl said 

"She's going to be late today." The other girl said 

"Oh, Anyways, Mina,  let's go."

"Areum, Let's go." Dong-Hyun said.

Then We left.

~Sun-Hee's  POV~

Mina and I went to our next class, which was science.

Well we were walking to our class and we bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I said.

"Watch where you're going, you sluts." She said 

Then someone yelled at her.

"Mia Who are you to call them a slut, the only slut here is you." Said Dong-Hyun 

"Dong-Hyun oppa, she was the one that bumped into me." Said Mia