
I Just Became Lord of a new dimension, AndThe Ancient came toGetLoan?

Traveling through the Marvel world, Leo takes charge of the light dimension and becomes Dimension Mephista( dimensional lord) But not before he dicided to make a plan to invade Earth , for the urgent need to grow in strength. Ancient One actually came to the door first. And, borrowed strength from him. At the same time, the lending system was also Awakened. As a result, the legend of Mephista began to spread in the universe. ........... Borrow the Ancient One and get bonus dimension travel... Borrow Norman Osborn, get bonus energy properties reversed... Loan Gwen, Rewards... ........ Ancient One: He doesn’t even know how to borrow money, so what kind of evil lender is he? ! Doctor Strange: Without a little credit, how do you know where your limits are? ! Villain: Dormammu gives me power! ! =}This is a bad translation of a chinese novel. Read it at expense of losing some brain cells .Real name is in the comments

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Chapter 3: Dimension Travel, Welcome To New York!

"Dimension travel?"

Leo's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he couldn't wait to open the system panel.


[Dimension shuttle];

Unlike other Mephistas, you can travel between different dimensions at any time just like instinct, without being hindered or affected by any barrier.


"In other words, after having this ability, I can enter and exit the real universe at any time?"

Leo's heart moved, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although Ancient One did not relent, giving him the opportunity to insert the real dimension.


The system is quite powerful and gave him this opportunity directly!

"In this way, multi-universe is so big, you can go wherever you want to go?!"

Take back the deed.

With a thought in Leo's mind, the hazy energy body dissipated and returned to the interior of the dimension.


This is a pure white bright space.

The light is bright and dazzling, filling the entire dimension.

Look at the entire space.

There is nothing but light!

Empty, silent...

Everything in the vast space seemed to have stopped.

Only the violent energy entities that occasionally streak across like meteors can prove that everything is moving.

This is the light dimension, a dimension that was just born.

Bathed in divine light.

Leo's figure seems to have become the center of the entire dimension, the source of everything.

As a dimension lord, he knows everything about the entire dimension.

The entire dimension is spherical, only a quarter of the Earth's File size.

Although it cannot be said to be the disgrace of Mephista, it is far superior to the one who mastered the dimensions of the coffin board.

But among the Mephistas, he definitely can't be considered powerful.

Because of this, he was somewhat dissatisfied with the current situation of Dimension.

"Just relying on absorbing multi-universe energy to grow spontaneously is still too slow after all!"

The dimensional boundaries are still expanding outwards, absorbing energy and growing slowly.

But Leo knew it very well.

If you want to rely on the spontaneous growth of dimensions to become a powerful Mephista, I don't know that you have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!

"Fortunately, now I finally have a way to enter the real world."

Leo breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but feel a little happy.

In the final analysis, the growth of dimensions cannot be separated from the word energy.

In the real universe, there are a large number of resources that can be converted into energy for dimensional growth at will.

It's no wonder that he is coveted by many Mephistas, who are trying to find a way to enter reality.

Simply because this is naturally a Mephista pasture.

Just like cutting leeks, harvest souls and energy at will!

Soon, Leo stopped delaying.

Raising one hand high, he transformed into a god of light.

Countless lights emanate from the palm.

Countless lights splashed in all directions, even throughout the entire dimension.

It clings to the dimension like a mark and turns into a mysterious rune.

This is a temporary defensive barrier he set up.

The purpose is to prevent the invasion of other dimensions after he, the dimensional lord, leaves!

In a sense, multi-universe can also be called a dark forest.

In the eyes of those powerful Mephistas, the emergence of a new dimension is undoubtedly a good thing.

Let's not talk about whether we can chew it or not.

After all, you have to take a bite first!

Not long after, the barrier was set up.

In an instant, Leo transformed into light and came outside the dimension.

I saw that the light that originally spread to the depths of the multi-universe had disappeared.

The dazzling light like the sun also went out and was hidden in the darkness.

Seeing this, Leo nodded with satisfaction.

"Although it is a bit crude, it can still have some effect."

Concentrate the light within the dimension.

This way, it won't be so easily discovered by other Mephistas.

It's not like Leo hasn't thought about setting up a more perfect barrier and a stronger defense.

But that requires a deeper understanding of energy structure.

He had just become a Dimension Mephista not long ago and had not had the chance to study further.

But Leo felt that he didn't need to worry about this.

Much of this advanced knowledge is general.

Even magic can achieve a paranormal effect!

In the dimension of reality, such knowledge happens to exist.

Think about the dimensional barrier built by three holy places and covering the earth, blocking the invasion of countless Mephistas...

If only the light dimension also had such a barrier defense.

Leo felt that even if he, the lord, hung up outside, nothing would happen!

He stared deeply.

Leo turned into a ray of light in an instant.

Shooting out at an unbelievable speed.

Accelerate, accelerate, gradually surpass common sense...

Follow the direction the Ancient One left.

Manifest across different dimensions and travel through various bizarre scenes.

Soon, they arrived outside a huge building.

A huge black body with no end in sight.

Like a black hole that never stops spinning.

It's like a wall of sighs, blocking the footsteps of countless Mephistas.

"This is the real universe!" Leo couldn't help but sigh.

As a world, it's just so big!

In other words, the size of his Mephista is simply too small.

And on the surface of that black body.

Leo saw an opening at a glance.

Among them, there are blue light spots shining brightly.

Taking a closer look, his face couldn't help but become weird.

"It's actually the Earth?"

It's no wonder that the first target of invasion by those Mephista colleagues is the earth.

It's obvious that this thing has been exposed!

For a while.

Leo also doesn't understand that this is the Ancient One sacrificing for the entire real universe.

Attracting firepower, fishing?


Is this what the world is like?

Putting this question behind him, Leo rushed towards the earth with light like a meteor.


A crisp sound was vaguely heard, as if a thin film had been broken through.

Leo successfully passed through the dimensional barrier that enveloped reality.

What followed was a huge attraction.

Falling from the star realm, crossing the dimensional rift, breaking through the dimensional mezzanine...

In the blink of an eye, the world has changed.

In the bustling city, the sound of whistles is mixed with angry curses.

Leo stood on the tall building.

Looking at the scenery below, I felt vaguely familiar.

"This damn place isn't New York, is it?"

In his ears, a crisp voice sounded, responding to his guess.

"Yes, sir."

"Welcome to New York!"
