
I Just Became Lord of a new dimension, AndThe Ancient came toGetLoan?

Traveling through the Marvel world, Leo takes charge of the light dimension and becomes Dimension Mephista( dimensional lord) But not before he dicided to make a plan to invade Earth , for the urgent need to grow in strength. Ancient One actually came to the door first. And, borrowed strength from him. At the same time, the lending system was also Awakened. As a result, the legend of Mephista began to spread in the universe. ........... Borrow the Ancient One and get bonus dimension travel... Borrow Norman Osborn, get bonus energy properties reversed... Loan Gwen, Rewards... ........ Ancient One: He doesn’t even know how to borrow money, so what kind of evil lender is he? ! Doctor Strange: Without a little credit, how do you know where your limits are? ! Villain: Dormammu gives me power! ! =}This is a bad translation of a chinese novel. Read it at expense of losing some brain cells .Real name is in the comments

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Chapter 1 Just Become Mephista, Ancient One Loan Comes?

Dimension outside.

A majestic figure stands tall.

Bathed in a divine light, the dazzling light makes it difficult to see the face clearly.

Maintaining his energy state, Leo stared at the figure in front of him and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"You mean, you want to borrow the power of the light dimension to protect reality?"

He is a time traveler.

Because of a certain accident, I traveled to this cheating Marvel world.

Fortunately, he was not lucky.

Just after crossing over, I came to a dimension outside the universe that was not long ago born.


Everything went as planned, and he became a lord of a new dimension.

It's the evil dimension Mephista that magicians call!

In order to grow in dimension, it is also to increase one's own strength.

He originally wanted to follow the path of his fellow Mephistas.

Find a way to enter the real world and swallow matter in the universe.


What Leo really didn't expect was.

Before he could figure out how to enter reality, he started taking action.

The Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One in front of me has already arrived at the door!


Also prepared to borrow the power of the light dimension!


Looking at the figure exuding divine light in front of him.

Feeling the warm yet surging power in the radiance, Ancient One couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"So pure white Magic Power..."

This was truly an unexpected surprise.

Originally she was as usual.

soul astral, patrols as usual to maintain the safety of the reality barrier.

But outside the universe, a new dimension was unexpectedly discovered!

Just looking at File size.

Compared to other dimensions, it's not outstanding.

But it exudes infinite light, as dazzling as the sun, with endless brilliance.

The light illuminates the entire area, spreading into the depths of diversity.

What makes Ancient One even more unbelievable is this.

This power is not originally hot.

On the contrary, it makes people feel an indescribable warmth from the inside out.

It feels like a baby in the arms of its mother, extremely comfortable.

Even the side effects of absorbing the magic power of the dark dimension for many years have dissipated a lot under the irradiation of this light.

She knew the secret immediately.

This is an absolutely pure white Magic Power!

It is the absolute nemesis of black magic power.

Even the power of the Trinity God Weishan Emperor is not as pure as it!

Such a discovery really moved the Ancient One.

Immediately go outside the dimension and visit the lord of the new dimension.

In her opinion, the one who holds such a pure white Magic Power is definitely not an evil being!

"We need this power!"

Facing the light, Ancient One's soul body exuded a faint glow, and said sincerely.

"The real world is coveted by countless Mephistas."

"Similarly, there are also many great dimension lords who are willing to dedicate themselves to the integrity of reality!"

"For example, we at Kamar-Taj believe in the trinity god Vishandi."

As she spoke, a smile appeared on her face, and her tone was sincere and respectful.

"And I believe that you will also be such a friendly being!"

"You hold endless light in your hands, which is absolutely pure white Magic Power and is the nemesis of black magic!"

"I believe that with your help, Kamar-Taj's white magic will definitely reach a higher level, and the real world will be stronger!"

"In an instant, the entire universe will sing your name and sing your greatness!"

Glancing at her, Leo looked thoughtful.


"Absolutely pure white Magic Power?"

"In this case, isn't it a special attack on black magic?!"

Qualitatively, this seems to be the case.

The dimension of light he masters.

The power is gentle and pure, bright and pure.

It can be said to be the perfect source of white magic.

No wonder the Ancient One came to visit him and even spoke with such compliments.

But, after recalling what Ancient One said...does this mean that she wants me to prostitute for free?

What praise, faith?

What use do these things have to me, a Mephista? ?

You want to kidnap me morally and fool me, right?

Thinking of this, Leo's eyes became wary unconsciously.

"I don't need your praise."

"You have to know that if you want to gain power, you have to pay a price!"

Especially in this Marvel world where all magic comes from its source!

Noticing the strange gaze, Ancient One couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Originally, she thought that this dimension had just been born, and the new Mephista would be easier to fool.

Now it seems.

This Mephista is actually much smarter than expected!

"We can sign a contract!" Ancient One said solemnly.

"As a price, the magician's soul will belong to you after death!"


Is there a problem with me or with you?

You want to commit fraud, right?

"If I remember correctly, haven't you already signed a contract with Emperor Weishan?"

Leo sneered and looked over with interest.

If it were really a new-dimensional Mephista who was ignorant.

Maybe I will be fooled by this Sorcerer Supreme.


He already knew the details of this guy.

All of Kamar-Taj, all magician souls have long since betrayed the Trinity God Vishanti!


The Ancient One actually promised that his soul would belong to him after death?

One fish, two meals?

Doesn't this force him to fight with the Elder God Trinity Vishanti?

How could his little arms and legs be able to twist those three?

In the end, what's the difference between being prostituted for free? !

"Besides, your Sorcerer Supreme's reputation in the multi-universe is not very good!"

Leo added another sentence, which meant something.

Perhaps for humans and even the entire real world.

Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, is a respected being who is admired by thousands of people.


Look at it from Mephista's perspective.

The Ancient One doesn't have a good reputation in the multi-universe.

Let's just stop Mephista from entering the real world.

He is also a well-known magician! !

I can only borrow it, but I am talking about the Sorcerer Supreme in front of me!

And among the numerous creditors.

The most famous is Mephista Dormammu from the Dark Dimension.

Not only was the Dark Dimension magic drawn out by Ancient One to extend his life.

It also has to be beaten up as a backdrop from time to time.

The old sufferer belongs to yes!

Leo didn't want to be one of the victims.

His little thought was exposed, and Ancient One suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

In order to protect the earth, she has really sacrificed too much!

Even his own good reputation will be slandered by the Mephistas.

However, she didn't give up.

This pure white Magic Power is so important to the entire Kamar-Taj!

Not just for black magic.

It can also eliminate the side effects of magic and solve the cast life problem that has plagued magicians for a long time.

"In fact, you don't need to worry about this problem at all!"

Ancient One solemnly promised.

"Under the witness of the living tribunal ,we absolutely cannot break the contract!"

Leo nodded.


With the life court guarantee, he does not need to worry about borrowing money but not repaying it.

In comparison.

What he is more concerned about is how to take advantage of this great opportunity to enter the real universe...

While Leo was thinking hard.


A crisp reminder sounded in my ears.

"Unlocking surroundings..."

"The presence of the host has been detected, and the loan system has been opened!"


I've become a Mephista, and the system just came?
