
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

The Skills Of A Dreamwalker

The Nigerian Dreamwalker, Darasimi Daniels. Is using her dream powers of Precognition to play the Tournament Of Towers game, and she is determined to win it.

Darasimi Daniels: Come on, Dara. You've got this! You just have to remain focused, block out all the distractions, and make sure you pick the right door! (Darasimi whispered as she places her hands together, doing this to fully concentrate on using her abilities)

Toby Robinson: Is she praying? (Toby wondered)

[You Are In The Sights Of A Dreamwalker ]

[Be Wary]

Toby Robinson: She's not praying, she's using her abilities. (Toby realised in anger)

A feeling of total relaxation suddenly washes over Dara, and that was when she knew that she has done it again. She has activated her power to see the future.

Darasimi opened her eyes, and finds herself in a black space. There were three closed doors in front of her, all having different colours.

The first door was red, and walking up to it, the teenage girl could hear voices coming from within, so she places an ear against it.

"Aw, so close Dara! You did really well for your first time." (The voice of Todd sounded)

Darasimi Daniels: Sounds good, but what if I could do better?... What about this one. (Dara said before she places her ear against the second door, which was yellow in colour)

"Wow, you are really bad at this game. Maybe you should have started at an easier level." (The voice of Toby sounded)

Darasimi Daniels: Definitely not this one... Only one left, hope it's a good one. (Darasimi said before she goes to the last door, which was blue in colour)

"Get him, Dara! Don't let up, you can do this!." (The voice of Todd sounded excitedly)

"This is the most incredible thing I have ever seen! (The voice of Toby adds)

Darasimi Daniels: Definitely this one! (Dara said before she swings open the door, rushing into it with a smile on her face)

Only a short amount of time has passed in the real world, and in less than a minute, Darasimi has seen a future where she is good at this game.

Darasimi Daniels: I've made a decision! (Darasimi said with a smile, her eyes briefly glowing with a blue light)

Darasimi quickly scrolls through the character list, and selects a female character from the roster

Todd Forager: You've selected, Maria. She's a good choice. (Todd tells her)

Toby Robinson: Yeah but she's up against, Dabio. This will not be an easy fight. (Toby comments)

Darasimi Daniels: Don't worry... I've got this! (Dara said determinately)

The game starts and a woman falls from the sky, landing in a skillful manner. She wore a tough kevlar battle suit, and looked ready to kick some ass.

Maria: My family gives me strength, and with that strength I will defeat you! (Maria said as she took a fighting stance, her eyes looking fierce and determined)

Another figure lands from the sky, having a muscular appearance and an intimidating air around him. This was the fighter known as Dabio, and he looked ready for a fight as well.

Dabio: You are going to die, and it won't be pretty! (Dabio said as he took a fighting stance as well)

The fight begins and both fighters rush towards each other, meeting at the middle and then decimating each other with ferocious punches. Dabio's punches hit harder and quickly lowers Maria's health bar to the middle. But Maria was not a slouch in battle, her attacks lasting longer and were more frequent than Dabio's, quickly lowering the big man's health back to it's critical levels.

Maria: I fight for a cause much greater than myself! So I will not lose to you! (Maria yelled as she leapt into the air, spinning around to kick Dabio across the face, knocking him back)

Maria then rushes towards Dabio, finishing him off with an energy fueled dropkick to the chest. The match ends with Darasimi as the victor, and the teenager is just getting started.

The next fight begins and Maria is up against another female character, and she uses guns. Immediately the fight starts Maria's opponents peppers her with lead, bringing down a quarter of her health.

Susan Sniper: I hope you can keep up, baby! Bang! (The mercenary said as she continued to shoot at Maria, but this time her attacks were less damaging)

Todd Forager: That attack was her special ability, she always attacks first. (Todd explains)

Darasimi Daniels: Doesn't matter, I will still win! (Dara said with a hint of doubt in her words)

Maria rushes towards Susan Sniper, beginning to overwhelm the assassin with a barrage of energy fueled punches. Susan's health bar was dropping fast, and with a final spin kick to the head, Maria drops the assassin, winning the fight that instant.

Darasimi Daniels: Woo!!! Who's next?! (Dara said excitedly)

Toby Robinson: She's using her powers to be a boss at this game. Someone who can have fun like this, can't possibly be evil. (Toby thought with a smile)

Darasimi continued to play the game, and won every single time. But her last opponent is proving to be more of a challenge, and now she is struggling.

Todd Forager: Get him, Dara! Don't let up, you can do this! (Todd encourages her)

Toby Robinson: This is the most incredible thing I have ever seen! (Toby said in awe)

Maria is kicking and punching Gigaton back, and the big man doesn't seem to have much of an answer for her attacks. Both of them were down to critical levels of health, but it seems like Maria would be the victor in this battle. But that's when Gigaton strikes back.

Gigaton: You are nothing to me, but fodder! (Gigaton bellowed as he stomped on the ground, erupting a large blast of energy which launches Maria into the air, bringing her health down to zero, and then it was all over)

Darasimi Daniels: I'm so sorry, guys. I really tried my best. (Dara tells them sadly)

Todd Forager: That was amazing! I've never seen anyone play like that before, you were incredible! (Todd tells her with stars in his eyes)

Darasimi Daniels: Really? Thank you. (Dara replied happily)

Toby Robinson: There is no way that you're a novice at this. Beginner's luck can't make you that good. (Toby tells her)

Darasimi Daniels: Fine, you got me. I do dabble in games. (Dara admits)

Toby Robinson: Well you have to teach me how to dabble like that, because then I would be unstoppable! (Toby tells her excitedly)

Darasimi Daniels: Maybe I can teach you some other time, but right now I really have to get home... Thank you for inviting me here, I had tons of fun! (Dara said with a lovely smile)

Todd Forager: You're welcome. (Todd responds nervously, a blushing red colour appearing on his cheeks)

Darasimi Daniels: See you tomorrow at school!. (Dara said before she rushes towards the exit)... Bye! (Dara tells them with a wave, before finally leaving the arcade)

Todd Forager: Bye. (Todd quietly said with a lovestruck expression on his face)

Toby Robinson: Wow, you really, really like this girl, don't you? I was a little unsure about her at first, but now that I know how cool she is, I'm definitely going to help you win her heart! (Toby tells his friend confidently)

Todd Forager: Sure. (Todd said simply, still staring at the exit Dara left from)

Toby Robinson: Come on, lover boy. Let's get you home before you drool everywhere. (Toby said as he drags Todd towards the exit)

Todd Forager: Hey I wasn't drooling!... Much. (Todd admits as he wipes a little bit of drool from his mouth)

Todd and Toby head for the exit, but just as their about to leave, someone enters Boss Grade Games, effectively blocking the boys from exiting.

"You are in my way... Remove yourselves! (The intimidating older man tells the boys menacingly)

Toby and Todd don't want any trouble, so they get out of the man's way. The man then turns around and opens the door for someone else, and the sliver haired young man enters the arcade.

Silas Gravestone: That was unnecessary, Harry. I don't need you to open doors for me. (Silas tells the older man with a smug smile)

Harry: It was my pleasure, Young Master. You do not have to worry. (Harry tells his young charge)

Silas Gravestone: Suit yourself, this is a free country afterall. (Silas said as he walked further into the arcade, behaving like he owned the place)

Toby Robinson: Spoiled rich kid. (Toby said before he and Todd walked out of the arcade)

Todd Forager: I know right. (Todd agrees with his friend)

Next: What Comes Next.