
I haven’t forgotten you

Disclaimer: The story is somewhat boring maybe because it’s my first story Jiang Nan’s soon to be fiancée , Liu Shu, dies of a brain tumor. Jiang Nan is devastated by this event. Liu Shu has written him a letter before her death stating if she dies she wants Jiang Nan to complete their “After our wedding...” bucket list. Follow Jiang Nan’s adventures and his memories of Liu Shu.

Summer_Youth · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Jiang Nan packed up his thing. His flight was about to leave in 4 hours. He looked around the apartment to see if he need anything else. He walk up to Xiao Tian's bed and petted his head.

Then the door rang. Jiang Nan looked though the peep hole and saw Gu Shang.

Jiang Nan let him him

"Don't forget to feed Xiao Tian twice a day and take him out 3 times and don't forget to water the house plants. If you need anything call me. I'll probably be back at the end of this month."

"Alright then." Gu Shang said boringly.

"See you later Xiao Tian don't mis me to much!"

Jiang Nan left the apartment and drove to the airport.

When he got to the airport he looked down at his watch '2:16'

'Huh I still have about 3 hours till the plane leaves'

He decide that he was going to spare some time by shopping or eating.

When Jiang Nan sat on the plane he sat beside two girls. He could clearly see that they were friends. So he asked the one siting on the outside if she wanted to sit in the middle instead.

"Yes" she said quickly.

It seemed like the girl was about to say something but Jiang Nan was reading through the bucket list.

Then he heard one of the girls asking him something

"Uh what are read?" The girl beside the window seat.

"Oh" Jiang said "this is a book me and my girlfriend wrote it has our bucket list in it"

The girls looked at Jiang Nan suspiciously. One of them whispered into the other girl's ear but that girl just pushed her away.

"So where's you're girlfriend?"

"Hmm why do you ask?"

"Well obviously this plane is taking us to Paris, France. Known for its language as the love language. But it seems like your 'girlfriend' isn't here."

Jiang Nan looked at her

"Miss you have very keen eyes."

The girl seem happy and was about to introduce herself until Jiang Nan spoke in

"But unfortunately I'm not interested in you girls. And I'm not lying when I said I'm taken."

One of the girls was about to say something but stopped. Jiang Nan simply but on his ear plugs and his sleep mask on.


6 years ago

"Liu Shu hurry up we're going to be late for class" called out a woman.

"Wait I'm trying to find my book" Liu Shu called out

"You know professor Lang hates students that are late to his class" the woman said

"I know Lan Mei hold on"

Lan Mei called out "are you almost ready"

"Yeah" Liu Shu tiredly

Both of the girls ran into their class. Fortunately they came before the teacher came in. They found a spot. Lan Mei's friend Zhang Ming saved them a seat.

"Hey Lan Mei you wanna come to a party?"

"Do I! Duh I love parties"

"Cool the party's at XXX"

Liu Shu and Lan Mei's friend group were really good friends with Zhang Ming's friend group.

When Liu Shu and Lan Mei arrived they were greeted with Zhang Ming and a guy Liu Shu has never seen before.

"Oh yeah Liu Shu you probably have never seen this guy. His name is Jiang Nan he's an old man now." Zhang Ming snickers at Jiang Nan.

" If I'm an old man what does that make you. Bones and dust?"

"Fine fine I'll stop. You know Jiang Nan you're so mean. Can't you save my face from this girls?"

After they stopped bickering they went inside. Liu Shu found out that Jiang Nan was also a senior like Zhang Ming.

"I wish I could skip one more year so I can graduate with them." Sighed Lan Mei.

Lan Mei was a junior but Liu Shu was a sophomore. She was on of the youngest people who was in this friend group.


Jiang Nan slowly started to wake up. Then he heard the girls beside him whisper.

"Let's do it.... no.....it's not right...you.....don't..." he only heard those few words.

Then he felt his arms being moved and felt the book in his hand slowly be moved toward them.

Jiang Nan quickly took off his sleep mask and saw that the girl in the middle was trying to take his book.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Nan said quietly and angrily.

"Um.. nothing your book was about to fall... so I um.. tried to reposition it...?" The girl stammered.

Jiang Nan aggressively took back the book.

"Don't touch my things."

Jiang Nan looked disgusted that someone had tried to touch him and Liu Shu's things. The girls looked away and didn't talk through out the plane ride.

When Jiang Nan got of the plane he felt relaxed after that long plane ride. Jiang Nan called a cab and went to a hotel he noticed that the hotel was a very fancy like hotel. Not a very modern type he saw back at home.

When he got to his hotel room he laid on the bed first.

'I really miss you right now.'

Then Jiang Nan felt something wet on his face he touched his face.

'I'm crying? Ha... god'

Jiang Nan decided that he would take a shower and sleep.

When Jiang Nan drifted off to sleep he came back to the same dream place. Standing in a meadow but this time with a clear sunny day. There seemed like there was nothing in the distance this time. Then Jiang Nan heard a voice

"Hello Jiang Nan"

It sound familiar he tried looking around where the voice was coming from.

"Where am I. Who are you" Jiang Nan called out.

"Jiang Nan how could you know remember my voice?" The voice seemed hurt.

Jiang Nan thought for awhile.

'Could it be Liu Shu?' He thought 'Maybe I should give it a try'

"Are you Liu Shu?" Jiang Nan hesitatingly asked

"Haha ... Jiang Nan I really don't want you to be surprised but.." the voice cracked " I'm Liu Shu..."

Jiang Nan's face lit up then frowned.

"How come you're in my dream then?"

"I'm so sorry Jiang Nan. I made a world in your dream where you and I can interacted with each other."

Jiang Nan realized that the voice was telling the truth. Whenever Liu Shu was sorry for anything she did her voice would always waver.

"Jiang Nan I have something to tell you. I m-"