
I haven’t forgotten you

Disclaimer: The story is somewhat boring maybe because it’s my first story Jiang Nan’s soon to be fiancée , Liu Shu, dies of a brain tumor. Jiang Nan is devastated by this event. Liu Shu has written him a letter before her death stating if she dies she wants Jiang Nan to complete their “After our wedding...” bucket list. Follow Jiang Nan’s adventures and his memories of Liu Shu.

Summer_Youth · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

I slowly drift to sleep on the couch. I enter I place I don't recognized. I look around. I'm standing in a field there's a sun settle sky is clear. There seems to be something in the distance. I call out,

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

No reply. I decide to walk to the thing I see in the distance. But no matter how far I go it don't seem to be getting closer. I start sprinting but it seems like I'm not moving at all and I feel like I'm continuously running in one place. Then the sky suddenly turns blood red. The field I stand in quickly turn into a bloody mess. The thing in the distance suddenly starts getting closer to me it shifts into something else. A face a very bloody face. My eyes start ringing my heart starts pounding I start running away from the opposite direction the face is coming. It moans out in pain.

"Why? Why are you running come back-" the face spits blood every where on me.

I wake up in cold sweat. I look over Xiao Tian is laying right beside me. What the hell kind of dream is this. I take out my phone. "2:38am" God how long did I fall asleep for?

I get up and walks to the kitchen. I get a glass of water and gulped it down in one second. That was a strange dream. What could've those dreams mean. A bloody face that I couldn't recognize and the bloody scene. I decided not to think about it any more and go back to sleep

The next morning I look in the book. The next thing we wrote in there was to but house plants, then clean the attic up then decorate the house then clean up the house and more. As I continue to read I noticed that there were a lot of things on our list related to the house. I decide maybe I should start in "After our wedding we'll..." list. I read of the things that was listed

Visit Paris

Visit Italy

Tour around NYC

Go to Beijing

Go see the cherry blossoms in D.C

Visit Tokyo

Go sky diving

Go on a hot air balloon

Go to the ice hotel in Canada

Go on a cruise ship

And more.

Liu Shu wanted to do so many things but now I had to go to these places. I thought for a while where I should start. I couldn't think of anything. Then an idea struck me maybe I should go to the places she was more excited than the others.


Paris was one of the places Liu Shu wanted to go so bad. That's why it was one of the first options. And because she said that French is the love language and she wanted Paris to be a place for our love to bloom. Though she knew we both loved each other a lot she just wanted Paris to be an excuse of where we met and fell in love. But of course we met in college and fell in love in a work place. That'll be a story for another time.

I decided to call a couple dog sitter and asked if they could watch Xiao tian for about a month. After a while of calling there was one person who would do it his name was Gu Shang. I though for a while his last name sounded familiar. I shrug it off. I asked him if he could come over tomorrow so he could understand how things flowed.

I heard the door bell ring. I looked through the peep hole and noticed a tall and skinny man but more one the scrawny side. I opened the door

"Uh... Are you" he looked down at his phone "Jiang Nan?" The man asked

"Yes I am. Are you Gu Shang?"

"Yeah. Hey have I met you before."

" I don't think so"

"Oh" Gu Shang said.

Jiang Nan lead Gu Shang to the living room

Jiang Nan discussed with Gu Shang what his responsibilities were.

Gu Shang nodded

"Hey do you know who Gu SanMi is?" Gu Shang asked slowly.

Jiang Nan looked at him and calmly said

"Oh now I remember Gu SanMi is your sister right?"

Gu Shang didn't reply.

"I remember you. You tried to beat me up because I made your sister cry because I wouldn't go out with her 2 years ago right?"

Gu Shang looked angrily at Jiang Nan. Before he could spit venom at his face. Jiang Nan spoke

"I hope you put this misunderstanding behind us. I refused her because I had a girlfriend. She tried really hard to break us apart but only death can break a couple apart." The last couple of words Jiang Nan said them broken and sadly.

Gu Shang looked at look Jiang Nan. It seemed like he was trying to see if he was lying.

"Okay then will you still date my sister then?"

"No" Jiang Nan said flatly.

"What are you still with that girl then?"

"No" Jiang Nan said so softly that only a mouse could hear it but loud enough for Gu Shang to hear.

"Then are you dating some one else?"

Jiang Nan looked at Gu Shang and asked

"Why are you so interesting in my love life?"

Gu Shang was surprised but responded with

"You know Gu SanMi still likes you."

"But I don't I will never like a girl like her. I only like the girl I like!" Jiang Nan almost seething the words out like poison "let's stop this conversation now. We're supposed to be talking about how your going to take care of Xiao tian when I'm gone."

"Humph... fine" Gu Shang said sourly.

After Gu Shang left Jiang Nan let out a sigh. God now he knew why they were siblings. Both were so annoying. Jiang Nan decided that he would try to go to 5 countries this month. It was the end of March so Jiang Nan decided that he would go to Paris, Italy, Tokyo, London, and then Canada. He would stay there for 5 days each