
I have become the Child Emperor

A man finds himself inside the body of the Child Emperor from the world of Akame Ga Kill. With this unexpected twist of fate, he now possesses the ability to influence the Empire's future. Will he use his newfound power to bring about positive changes, or will his actions inadvertently lead to the Empire's downfall? [FAIR WARNING: I'd like to point out that this story will mostly prioritize the ripple effects caused by the MC's decisions. Chapters in which the main character is involved might be few and far between.] Get advanced chapters below↓↓↓ https://www.patreon.com/Support_Five

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29 Chs

Chapter 21

A tense pause lingered in the air, pregnant with anticipation. Seryu's voice pierced the silence, its eerie intensity echoing through the surroundings. "KORO!" she cried out, commanding her Teigu's true form to emerge. In a grotesque transformation, Koro morphed from an unassuming pet into a towering behemoth, standing at an imposing height of four meters. Its brawny arms almost brushed the ground, emanating an aura of raw, untamed power.

Without hesitation, Koro launched its assault, its colossal fists hurtling towards General Budo with thunderous force. Each punch aimed to overwhelm him with unbridled strength, propelled by blinding speed.

But Budo was ready. As Koro's massive fists closed in, a surge of electricity crackled through the air. Budo's Teigu immediately activated, radiating an intense light, enveloping his hands in a protective electric aura. Lightning coursed through his veins, empowering him to face the monstrous onslaught with unwavering resolve.

In a display of immense strength and finesse, General Budo intercepted each of Koro's mighty punches with his electrified gauntlets. The clash of titanic forces reverberated through the training grounds, echoing like a thunderstorm.

Meanwhile, Wave's surroundings erupted in a blinding blue light as he activated his Teigu, "Grand Chariot!", he shouted. The transformation bestowed upon him by his Imperial Arms was evident, with a faint glimpse of a monstrous danger beast emerging behind him. One of Wave's eyes bore an animalistic feature, a visible manifestation of the power coursing through him as a powerful armor began to cover his body.

At the same time Run gracefully took to the air, his Teigu fully engaged. The wings sprouting from his back propelled him effortlessly, granting him an advantageous aerial position. He surveyed the battlefield, biding his time for the opportune moment to unleash his Teigu's capabilities.

"Impressive," Budo calmly stated as he deflected another powerful punch from Koro. "But it's Teigus like this that makes the user extremely weak." With his heightened knowledge as a General of the Empire, Budo had extensively studied the capabilities of various Teigu. He knew that Koro possessed a core within its body, a weak spot that, if destroyed, would render the creature powerless.

However, Budo understood that he didn't need to destroy Koro's core to secure victory. Instead, he focused on temporarily disabling the colossal monster. Summoning a large ball of crackling electricity, he hurled it towards Koro's fist with pinpoint accuracy. The ball of lightning struck the massive creature, instantly expanding and engulfing its entire figure.

"AH! RAWR!!!!!", Koro roared while being paralyzed in place, unable to continue its onslaught.

Seizing the opportunity, Budo swiftly shifted his attention to Seryu.

"This is the weakness of a control type Teigu", Budo stated as he charged at her with calculated precision, aiming to incapacitate Seryu once again in this battle.


"Not this time!" Wave's resolute shout cut through the air as he swiftly intercepted Budo's charge. Clad in the seemingly impenetrable armor of his Teigu, Grand Chariot, he stood firm.

Budo's calm demeanor remained unwavering as he sized up Wave's formidable armor. A hint of intrigue danced in his eyes, his curiosity piqued by the challenge presented before him. "Let's see what you can do with that armor, boy," he calmly remarked, his voice laced with a touch of anticipation.

The training grounds erupted in a dazzling display of power as Budo's lightning-encased fist collided with Wave's formidable blade. Sparks of electricity danced along the surface of Wave's armor, a testament to its incredible defensive capabilities. The Grand Chariot Teigu held strong against the electrified onslaught, withstanding the tremendous force unleashed by Budo's strike.

Seizing the opportunity while General Budo was preoccupied, Run launched another fierce assault. His wings expanded, unfurling in all their glory, and from within, a barrage of razor-sharp feathers shot forth with deadly precision. Countless feathers rained down from above, a relentless storm of lethal projectiles aimed at the two combatants.

Run had an incredibly sharp and gifted mind. He had meticulously orchestrated his path to acquiring his Teigu, even resorting to seducing a certain countess to secure ownership of it. Every step, from joining the army to obtaining his Teigu, had been part of a master plan Run had formulated, all in order to climb the ranks of the Empire. Today he would show Budo that he is worthy to work with the Emperor.

In the midst of the intense skirmish between Budo and Wave, Run astutely analyzed the durability of Wave's formidable armor.


He realized that even Budo's electrifying attacks would have little effect on Wave, leading him to conclude that his own Teigu's assault would likely yield similar results. With this in mind, he gambled that Wave would be safe while Budo would take the brunt of his attack.


Witnessing Run's calculated move, Seryu swiftly retrieved two concealed guns from her back, unleashing a torrent of gunfire. Her primary target was Budo, she was intending to exploit any potential vulnerabilities in his defenses.

However, the chaotic nature of the battlefield led to some of her shots inadvertently ricocheting off Wave's armor. The combined onslaught of feathers and gunfire generated a tremendous display of power, shrouding the training ground in a thick layer of dust, ultimately forcing the combatants to cease their attacks.

As the dust expanded, engulfing the battlefield, a temporary lull settled upon the combatants. Run and Seryu cautiously surveyed their surroundings, their senses on high alert.

Suddenly, from within the thick layer of dust, Budo's commanding voice broke through the silence. "That was a commendable display, but now it's time to bring this to an end," he declared with a resolute tone. A deafening scream pierced the air, accompanied by a powerful discharge of electricity that coursed through the battlefield.

Both Seryu and Run immediately found themselves temporarily paralyzed due to the electricity coursing through their bodies.

Amidst the chaotic haze of dust, two colossal surges of electricity erupted with explosive force. The crackling bolts of lightning streaked through the air, adding to the already thick atmosphere.

Budo's speed was unparalleled, catching both Run and Seryu off guard with his lightning-fast electric strikes.



The agonized cries of Run and Seryu echoed through the battlefield as the powerful surges of electricity slammed into their bodies. Overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the attack. Seryu immediately fell on the ground while Run was no longer able to maintain flight and crash landed on the training ground.

Not long after the dust dispersed, revealing Wave on one knee still wearing his Grand Chariot armor. On occasion one can see electricity crawling his body, signifying that he was paralyzed by Budo's electricity.

But the most awe-inspiring sight was General Budo, towering over the fighters, his figure relatively unscathed by injuries.

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