
I have become the Child Emperor

A man finds himself inside the body of the Child Emperor from the world of Akame Ga Kill. With this unexpected twist of fate, he now possesses the ability to influence the Empire's future. Will he use his newfound power to bring about positive changes, or will his actions inadvertently lead to the Empire's downfall? [FAIR WARNING: I'd like to point out that this story will mostly prioritize the ripple effects caused by the MC's decisions. Chapters in which the main character is involved might be few and far between.] Get advanced chapters below↓↓↓ https://www.patreon.com/Support_Five

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Chapter 19

Wave felt a mix of anxiety and excitement as he caught sight of the Capital in the distance. One moment he was out at sea, battling pirates and hunting danger beasts as part of the Imperial Navy, and now he was unexpectedly summoned to the Capital. Rumors circulated that only the Admiral of the Navy knew who issued the order.

To transport him swiftly, the Admiral arranged for a flying danger beast to pick him up from his stationed ship and bring him close to the Capital. Just before the beast departed, its rider gave him instructions and a letter that would allow him entry in the Capital's Military Barracks.

As Wave made his way closer to the imposing gates of the Capital, the intensity of the curious gazes directed at him only grew stronger. It was evident that whispers and hushed conversations revolved around his presence.

"Damn it! I can't escape the fact that I still reek of fish and sea," Wave thought with a tinge of embarrassment. The urgent summons had left him with no opportunity to freshen up, and the lingering scent acted as a social barrier, swiftly parting the crowd to make way for him.

Realizing that there was nothing he could do, he took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task at hand, and ventured into the bustling heart of the Capital. The unfamiliar sights and sounds bombarded his senses, but he couldn't resist the allure of the various stores that lined the streets, tempting him with their array of wares and mouthwatering aromas. Succumbing to his cravings, he occasionally treated himself to delectable food, savoring each bite as a fleeting reprieve from the pressures of his journey.

But as Wave continued to wander, his leisurely exploration suddenly took a troubling twist. Panic filled his voice as he muttered under his breath, "Oh no, I'm lost. This is really bad."

He tried to ask for directions, but due to his smell people immediately dismissed him.

"This is not good," Wave thought anxiously to himself. The realization that missing his summoned time could have severe consequences for his military career weighed heavily on him. Whoever had the power to compel the Admiral's personal involvement was someone he couldn't afford to offend even in the slightest. Waves' anxiety surged as he grappled with the gravity of the situation.

Suddenly, a woman clad in a Capital Guard attire approached him, interrupting his worrisome thoughts. "Hello there," she greeted him with a warm smile on her face, instantly capturing his attention.

Wave's eyes instinctively drifted to the creature nestled in the woman's embrace, piquing his curiosity.

The woman introduced herself with gusto, proclaiming, "I am Seryu! Member of the Capital Guard and Hero of Justice!" She saluted him proudly, her right hand raised.

Wave couldn't help but find her greeting peculiar and a little bit weird, but he was grateful for the interruption, nonetheless. Gathering himself, he shared his predicament, "Actually, I'm kind of lost. I need to go to the military barracks."

"Why do you want to go there", Seryu asked, her head tilting to the side.

"You see, I was summoned here in the Capital and I'm about to miss my summoned time", Wave stated as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Oh, I see. You're in luck! I'm also going there myself! Let's go together then!", Seryu stated.

Realizing that he was saved from his predicament, Wave immediately thanked Seryu and followed her lead.

Breaking the silence during their walk, Wave couldn't help but be curious about the creature Seryu held in her hand. He mustered up the courage to inquire, "What's that in your hand? Is it some kind of domesticated danger beast, or something?"

Seryu's eyes lit up as she proudly lifted the creature, responding, "This is my partner of Justice, the Imperial Arms, Hekatonkeiru. I call him Koro for short. Apparently, none of the top-ranking officers had a good affinity with Koro. But during my examination, Koro responded to my Heart of Justice, and we formed a unique bond".

Impressed by her companion's unique weapon, Wave couldn't resist sharing his own. With a hint of excitement, he drew a distinctive, short black blade hidden at his back. "This is the Imperial Arms, Grand Chariot," he revealed.

Seryu's interest piqued, she inquired, "That's cool. How did you acquire it?"

Wave explained, "The Grand Chariot is usually passed down in the Navy. After several officers were deemed unworthy, numerous Navy soldiers were given a chance to wield it until it finally responded to me."

Realizing their shared journey of unexpected weapon affinity, Seryu smiled brightly and asked, "So, we essentially have a similar story, huh?"

Wave chuckled and nodded in agreement, replying, "Indeed we do."

Arriving at the Military Barracks, Wave and Seryu were startled to discover that they held identical letters. It dawned on them that their purpose for being there was precisely the same. The guard, upon seeing the letter, wasted no time and promptly assigned an escort for the two of them.

"Please wait here," the guard instructed, leading them to a room. Stepping inside, they were surprised to find a young man with blond hair engrossed in a book, sitting comfortably with a cup of warm tea in front of him.

Sensing their presence, the blond man closed his book and greeted them with a warm smile. "I thought I was the only one. For a moment, I was starting to feel a bit lonely," he chuckled. "I'm Run, nice to meet you all."

Wave and Seryu exchanged glances and swiftly introduced themselves in response.

As the three individuals settled into their seats, an unusual silence enveloped the room.

Seryu seemed content, occupied with playing with Koro, her loyal companion. However, the silence weighed heavily on Wave, who found himself unaccustomed to such quietness. He cast a glance at Run, hoping for some conversation, but received only a polite smile in return. It seemed Run was content to maintain the silence, something Wave did not like.

Wave fidgeted slightly, his restless nature yearning for interaction and the comfort of shared words. He contemplated breaking the silence himself, but hesitated, unsure of how to begin.

Suddenly, the door of the room was opened and in came a man that was known throughout the Capital, it was none other than the Great General Budo.

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