
I Have An Alien Mining Ship

Zhang Heng got a mining ship from an alien civilization! From then on, the rich minerals buried in the deep sea became his possession! Iron ore, copper ore, coal mine, rare earth ore, etc.! Oil, natural gas, and combustible ice that cannot be mined by human technology at present! Mining, mining, nothing to say! There are rich mineral resources in the waters of the island country? In front of the mining ship, it belongs to Zhang Heng! In addition, a large amount of metals can be processed and refined into rare metals and alloys! … This is a translation of a Chinese novel , don't scold me for any racism or nationalism or ccp brainwashing in the novel , just shut off your brain and ignore all that bullshit, I just translate this shit so more ppl can read and maybe someone gets inspired and writes some better stuff , Original name 都市:海洋采矿舰 Author : Braised Eggplant 03 From faloo

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Chapter 162: Five-Party Talks Begin

Human relations and worldly wisdom!Sometimes, it is the thing that makes him most helpless.Zhang Heng has used the three Zhangs as a lesson, killing the happy ones to warn the monkeys, but some things are still unavoidable.Not to mention, they just watched and watched the excitement, and did nothing.You can only drive them away, there is no other way, and the means used must be very gentle."In this way...I will greet the people from China Construction Group and ask them to warn those temporary workers that if they dare to enter the factory area, they will no longer be used."Zhang Heng has no better way, so he can only use this method. He believes that this method can reduce 99%. After all, everyone also hopes to work hard and make some money: "China Construction Group uses monthly settlement, and the money is not small, more than 200 yuan a day."After a month, the lowest gets more than 6,000 yuan.If there are some skilled workers, such as plasterers and bricklayers, they can get 300 to 400 yuan a day, which is more than 10,000 yuan a month. "In our place, poverty is not only reflected in the overall economy, but in all aspects.With such a salary, if you work hard, even if you go to a big city, it will be almost the same."Zhang Heng's face was a little bitter. "If that's the case, 99% of people will not come here, and they are afraid of losing their jobs because they will miss ten good opportunities to make money."Mu Gang nodded.This method is undoubtedly the best at the moment.He also has his prediction: "The rest, there are still people coming here, then it is worth doubting.Most of them definitely have ulterior motives, otherwise they would not risk losing a job to come here." "Well, the rest of the people are left to you.There will be a lot of people, and it will be easy for you to keep an eye on them.Zhang Heng agreed with this judgment.Normal thinking can directly draw a conclusion: "If you want to prevent it, you can communicate directly with the people of China Construction Group and ask them not to hire those people." "$789!"Zhang Heng stopped talking.Doing so is equivalent to killing a whole boat of people with one stick.There will definitely be accidental injuries, but he can't control it.He is heartless, but he is not.But if you say he is not heartless, he is also very heartless.Do your best and stick to your own character. For the rest, let the outside world criticize and discuss. People have their mouths on them. No matter how well you do, there will always be some people who spread rumors and say bad things about you. You can't stop them.Back to Gonglai Factory!Still No. 1 Factory.Busyness continues. The fuel production line has been installed. There are still two smelting production lines in the factory that need to be installed. There are too many places for him to be busy.As he entered the installation of the production line again, time passed day by day.This day!After hard work, the six production lines were finally installed. After debugging and trial production, there were no problems. It was so smooth that it was unbelievable.But this is also a good thing, and we should be happy."Okay, let's go to Plant 3 next.Plant 2 can be left for last.The first production line installed in Plant 3 is for smelting carbon steel.It is urgently needed and is one of the core businesses of our group.We need to realize production as soon as possible and save a lot of things."Zhang Heng said that he had already made plans for which plant and which floor to install which production line.Especially when the two large plants were determined to be smelting production lines, they were arranged in order.A type of metal material, whether alloy, is a production line, occupying a floor.Each of the six-story plants can accommodate six metal smelting production lines, and the smelting part will always require a large furnace.Look, there is a large hole outside the plant, which is used to place the furnace.The high-temperature furnace is no longer made of bricks like before, but a full-metal high-temperature furnace.Undoubtedly! The high-temperature furnace is not from the mining ship.In Warehouse No. 3, twelve huge furnaces were rotating, without any protection, just placed there, and anyone could see them.One order!Everyone started to work, and entered a new stage of busyness.The days continued.But it was hard for Qian Tiemu and more than a dozen people, but seeing that the boss worked personally and worked with them, there was nothing to say, and besides, they would not complain.Such qualities still exist.It has the most direct relationship with his background.So!Time passed for several days.During this period, of course, it was not without gains. There was progress in the installation, and there was always a time when it was installed. After the installation was completed, debugging and trial production were also indispensable links.The progress was gratifying, and a big step forward was made every day."Boss, report outside the factory area, several cars came, saying that they were people from the two oil companies!" Qian Tiemu reported hurriedly."Oh!"Zhang Heng was stunned, and then he understood: "Give me the intercom."Okay!" Qian Tiemu handed the intercom over.Gate, gate... let them in!"Zhang Heng called immediately, and after getting a reply, he returned the intercom to Qian Tiemu, indicating that he didn't need to explain this time, they knew what they needed to do, and if they could install it, they would install it, and if they couldn't, they would go to the warehouse to pull the parts of the production line and put them there.The people from the two oil companies are coming!He has been looking forward to it for a long time. To be honest, they should have come earlier. Until now, he didn't know if something happened in the middle that he didn't know.At the same time, he was also guessing that this time it was the people from the two oil companies who came, but there must be others in the middle.For example, the Aviation Department!He finally waited for it.He had registered the aircraft manufacturing company before, but only registered one company.It was very difficult to do the preliminary preparations for a company and follow the normal procedures.Meeting with the people from the Aviation Department, mentioning it in person, and then handing in the information can save many links.However!The thing in front of us is to talk about aviation fuel, which is the most important thing (for money).The lineup is not small!There are more than 20 people from the two oil companies, and five people from the Aviation Department, plus the military representative of Lieutenant Colonel Qin. They are three camps meeting. If we divide it into details, it is a five-party meeting.The two oil companies are two parties, the Aviation Department is one, he is one, and the military represented by Lieutenant Colonel Qin is one. Isn't it five parties?"This is the deputy director of the Aviation Department, his surname is Chen!"This is the vice president of China Petroleum, his surname is Wang!""The vice president of China Petrochemical, Vice President Weng!"Lieutenant Colonel Qin still plays the role of a middleman and introduces them, but he only introduces three people, and then stands aside. His attitude is very obvious. He introduces you to get to know each other first, and the rest is none of his business. He will not interfere in the next matter.It is also based on a premise, which is that the red line is not violated, otherwise those who should interfere will still interfere.