
I Have An A.I Chip In A Post-Apocalyptic World

_________________________________________________ It's the year 2098 AD and Dan is living his best life, playing virtual reality games and earning millions but one day it all vanishes when he wakes up on a parallel earth in the body of a kid. It's the year 2068 AD and Dan realizes that he has travelled back in time but to a different earth where animals have become humongous monsters and people have superpowers. And now he has a chance to fulfil a wish that he never got to fulfil back in his old world, having superpowers. And to help him he has the AI chip from his old world which seemed to have mysteriously travelled with him to this world. ( It will be a kingdom building or kind of like a kingdom building with some conquering elements to it. But before kingdom building, there will be some survival and adventure which will be exciting.  Kingdom building will start from around 50 -60 chapters while survival and adventures will start from chapter 25. Support me by buying me a beer on buy me coffee. Here is the link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Parzivall

Parzivaall · Urban
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46 Chs

A True Student

"Sacrona fruit is a mana-rich fruit that grows on extremely tall trees named Sacrona. Their main properties are calm and soothing effects on a person's mind if consumed. Some even say it increases one's intelligence but it hasn't been proven yet. " Dan said and stood there with his chest puffed up a bit. He might be in his thirties but that didn't he couldn't feel smug about himself. It felt good.

Especially after seeing the open mouths of his classmates and even Ben and Mr John who were staring at him like he was some kind of alien.

"Technically, I am an alien to them. " Dan thought and let out a small smile.

"Oh. That's good. You are right... Maybe I went too easy on you. Now the second question. What is the tallest tree found since the apocalypse? " Mr John again asked and Dan wasted no time in answering.

"The tallest tree is called the Permon tree which was found four years ago around thirty kilometres away from Parma city in the northern part of Acacia. A Permon tree is said to be almost a kilometre tall and around fifteen metres in width. "

Mr John stared at Dan with a slightly open mouth which he closed quickly and forced a smile on his face. If he were to ask one more question, it would be just embarrassing himself.

"Good. You have improved a lot. Keep it up. "Mr John said and quickly went back to the front of the class as he tried to gloss over the matter.

"At least you have the sense to not push it more, you fucking geezer. "Dan again cursed but sat down slowly. He had to do it to make himself look sophisticated in front of these kids.

"Did my arrival in the body of Ian change my mental age too? " Dan questioned himself as he thought about the emotions he was feeling.

It was like he was slowly turning into a true teenager and there was nothing he could do other than to embrace this new reality.

Dan shook his head, not dwelling on the matter that he couldn't control.

The rest of the classes before break went on as usual with Dan getting bored. But there was one slight difference. It was the other students who kept taking a peek at Dan. Almost as if they had just discovered him as a person. Their reaction was understandable considering that Dan just answered two difficult questions.

They might not have been this surprised if it were any other students but this was Ian, a below-average quiet student with his head always in games.

A bell rang as another teacher was teaching the class signalling that it was now break time.

"See you tomorrow class. "The teacher said as he exited the class and everyone started gossiping or pulling lunch boxes out of their bags. Dan too pulled out his lunch box and started eating.

Ben sat beside him on the last bench of the class who took out his lunch box too. But then he turned to Dan and asked, "When did you start studying Ian? I thought you said you would never study. "

Dan turned to Ben while chewing his food. After a bit of chewing, he swallowed and said, "Yeah. My mom beat me up. That's why I started studying and the finals are coming up so you should too. "

Ben's eyes widened and then he laughed. "What? My mom would never do that. "

Dan rolled his eyes and said, "Well, your family's rich so you don't even need to study. "

"Nah. We're not that rich. "

Dan and Ben bickered as the lunch neared its end.

Dan had now started to not ignore Ben. It was hard to, as Ben just kept on talking.

The lunch ended and another bell rang signalling the start of another class. The classes were boring as usual and after a couple of hours, Dan was out of the school and on the way to his home, excited to visit the herbal shop to earn money.

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